Breaking the Day

Chapter 974: The enemy can create fantasy, so can I

With Li Chengfeng's stunned effort, seven figures appeared next to him, each holding a long sword. The seven figures appeared in an instant, and then separated in an instant. Before Li Chengfeng could react, his whole person Was cut into seven pieces!

Li Chengfeng's corpse fell on the ground and soon turned into a pool of blood and dissolved in the ground, but it didn't take long for him to condense and change into his appearance.

Only this time, Li Chengfeng's face turned pale, he touched his body in shock, but before he had time to react, seven figures appeared around him.

Li Chengfeng was furious: Damn, you still use the same move forever!

Li Chengfeng's spear shook, and the sunset spear swept out, and Baisan Yucheng cards stood up on the wall around him at the same time, blocking the three figures coming from behind him.

Li Chengfeng swept over with this shot, and the four figures in front of him were instantly swept to pieces. When he turned around and shot back, and the gun body swept backwards with fierce wind, the Baisan Yucheng wall split instantly, following The violent storm burst from the tip of the gun generally blasted behind him.

The three figures behind Li Chengfeng were instantly shattered by this devastating offensive.

Li Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless at this time, and immediately mobilized Baisan Yucheng brand to wrap himself tightly. Although there were gaps in the middle, dense flowers and trees grew crazily, covering Li Chengfeng layer by layer. The surrounding area is like a hard bunker.

The outer periphery of this bunker is a shell woven by countless rattans, but there is a small observation hole in the middle, soft flowers and plants in the middle serve as a buffer, and inside is a Baisan Yucheng brand that bears the role of a "reinforced iron bar". In order to prevent the opponent from smashing the tree ball instantly.

As soon as Li Chengfeng looked outside, a figure appeared not far away, but she looked like an unfamiliar female monk. She quickly squeezed the finger, and then pointed towards Li Chengfeng, a blazing flame like a dragon. He whizzed and rushed over.

This fire dragon is so huge, it is like a billowing wall of fire rumbling out, filling almost all of Li Chengfeng's sight!

Li Chengfeng cursed secretly. He knew that this was an opponent that Chongmijing had fought against. As long as the opponent used any trick in Chongmijing's illusion, Chongmijing would be able to get him out of her way. Also treat his body!

Spells, from a common sense, as long as they master the principles and know-how, after a person uses them, the other party can completely "**" it out, unless the magical realm is so deep that the ** cannot understand it. .

For example, each school of spearmanship has classic carbuncle tricks, but the subtleties are different, but the methods of force and attack are mostly the same. As long as the principle of force and the method of attack are understood, Li Chengfeng can be accurate* * The "returning carbine" moves of other schools.

Of course, all of this comes from his solid basic skills.

But few people do mirror counterattacks in spells, because after all, it is a spell that the opponent is familiar with. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent? Of course, the opponent has been immersed in it for a long time, and of course he knows better than the imitator. If it is a mirror attack of imitation, it is simply It's just short-strikes. After all, the masters compete only in the millisecond. In that little time, everyone will use their strongest attack to hit the opponent's weakest point. Which one will imitate the opponent's attack on the spot?

But... Li Chengfeng met today!

This is an extremely special battlefield. In this virtual world of Xiaoqian, Chong Mijing can unscrupulously imitate the opponent's attack and use the opponent's tricks to attack the opponent, so as to constantly consume the opponent and fight. The opponent’s psychological defense, even if she died again and again, it doesn’t matter. She possesses a rock-like mental power. There is nothing in this world that can shake her, shock her, frighten her...

Li Chengfeng's figure was instantly swallowed by this fire dragon, but his figure quickly condensed behind Chong Mi Jing, and suddenly shot Chong Mi Jing to pieces.

It was not that Li Chengfeng had escaped, but that he was instantly killed by the fire dragon, but he had mastered the knack of fighting in this illusion!

Death is not terrible. As long as Li Chengfeng’s mental will is strong enough, he can always be resurrected, but in the same way, every death will weaken and blow Li Chengfeng’s mental will. The most terrifying thing is Li Chengfeng. As long as the magic weapon and moves of Chong Mi Jing are used once, Chong Mi Jing can instantly get it out, and then "rule her body with her own way" according to local conditions!

After Li Chengfeng smashed Chongmijing with this shot, he didn't dare to stay at all, and his figure flew out in an instant. There was a giant foot that fell down immediately on his place, but it was a gold made by Chongmijing. A giant statue stepped on his original position, and a huge pit was stepped on the ground.

But as soon as Li Chengfeng’s feet landed, the ground became soft again, and the hard granite at Li Chengfeng’s feet instantly turned into twisting quicksand, these quicksands spinning like crazy, as if sharp. The blade was cutting and strangling Li Chengfeng, and that terrible force wrecked Li Chengfeng into countless pieces of meat in an instant!

With the flying flesh and blood, Li Chengfeng once again transformed into a form, and he broke into a cold sweat, because he discovered that this turned out to be a warrior's spell!

The Zhan Family has such terrible spells and he actually discovered it in a disciple of Star City Gate like Chong Mi Jing!

But all this was just the beginning. The moment Li Chengfeng got away he found Chong Mi Jing standing high in the sky, holding her hands to the sky, and then waved it down!

In an instant, the sky seemed to collapse, and a huge mouth opened in the middle. Meteors mixed with lightning and stormed towards Li Chengfeng!

Although this little thousand world is big, the meteor lightning covered it all, not only was Li Chengfeng's figure swallowed, even Chong Mijing's figure was instantly shattered!

This is a terrifying destructive spell that does not distinguish between enemy and me: the collapse of heaven!

Li Chengfeng discovered that Chong Mijing began to fall into a state of crazy offensive at this time. She used all kinds of horror tactics like crazy without money. In just about ten minutes, Li Chengfeng died more than a hundred. The number of times, including Li Chengfeng's desperate search for Chong Mi Jing to die, and the number of times Chong Mi Jing's spell power was too great, and she was destroyed together.

Li Chengfeng obviously felt that his recovery speed was slowing down, his action speed was also slowing down, and his thinking speed and reaction speed were slowing down!

Although it was an illusion, such a fierce and fierce attack still caused Li Chengfeng's brain and spiritual consciousness to be severely impacted, and he began to lose it.

Because Li Chengfeng knows that there are two types of human consciousness: subjective consciousness and subconsciousness.

Subjectively, Li Chengfeng can tell himself very strongly: This is an illusion, even if he dies, he will not be harmed.

However, Li Chengfeng's subconscious does not think so. People cannot control their own subconscious. It is a complex body formed by a combination of man's primitive instincts, impulses, childhood psychological imprints, environmental influences, concepts, habits, and personality.

In the face of such a frenzied and persistent strong attack, although Li Chengfeng’s subjective consciousness did not admit that he would lose, more than one hundred deaths and failures had left a deep mark on Li Chengfeng’s subconsciousness. That is: he will lose!

Once this idea is planted, it will quickly take root and sprout, and then continue to grow, eventually becoming the demon that defeated Li Chengfeng's spiritual will.

And this is the core principle of Chong Mijing's series of magical attacks on illusions!

Li Chengfeng realized this, but he didn't have any good solutions.

Because the other party can use moves and spells because she has an extremely deep and profound understanding of practice spells, but Li Chengfeng is not, he is just a newcomer in the world of practice, he can rely on unique immortality and fighting skills His talent hit the sky, but his understanding and comprehension of spells did not even touch the edge of entry.

Even if he is practicing immortality, which is the root of all Taoism, it is useless to understand the principles without understanding the secrets of the techniques.

It's like a person who understands the principle of an atomic bomb, but can he build an atomic bomb?

But as long as enough physical conditions are given to a nuclear physics expert, he can make it himself!

Li Chengfeng thought quickly, cursing in his heart: Damn, haven't you seen so many spells to bully Laozi? Huh, I...

Thinking of this, Li Chengfeng's figure suddenly stopped, and he suddenly thought of something!

Hey, wait, wait, wait!

Yes, this is an objective and neutral magic weapon fantasy world. Why do you want to follow the other's rhythm?

Of course, he hadn't seen many spells before, and Chong Mijing used these endless tricks to kill her ass, but...he also has a lot of "killer features", Chong Mijing has never seen it either! !

After Li Chengfeng's figure was eaten, he was instantly pierced by the sword from the sky, twisted into a cloud of blood.

But soon when Li Chengfeng condensed and formed again, he couldn't help laughing. The laughter was triumphant and full of confidence, so much so that Chong Mijing couldn't help but stop when she heard it, and looked puzzled. With this defeated opponent.

In Chong Mijing's eyes, Li Chengfeng's figure slowly floated, and a blood-red cloak appeared behind him. Then he lifted his hands, and countless tall buildings all around rose to the sky. These tall buildings look very different. She has never Some buildings are so high that they are towering into the sky, and some are strangely shaped but across the sky. Under this city, there are roads running through them, and all kinds of Chong Mi Jing are driving fast on the spacious roads. Some of the iron-clad organs I've heard of are as fast as a galloping horse, and some roar as loud as a thunderstorm.

Chong Mijing looked in a daze, but saw Li Chengfeng's figure floating above this strange steel city, his voice boomed like thunder: "Chong Mi Jing, welcome world! "

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