Breaking the Day

Chapter 995: Weird opponent puppet

"Puppet real man..." Li Chengfeng was very alert when he heard this name, because this name really resembled the "Morning Moon" and "Mr. Sword" who attacked him and participated in the fight against him with hostility.

"Yes, ten consecutive victories!" Zhao Xiaobao said without hesitation.

Han Tianxing stared at Li Chengfeng's slightly thoughtful expression, and said, "Do you want to see it?"

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "Go and see."

Going at this time, it is not natural to watch the opponent's battle, but you can still see the freshest battle report first-hand.

The real puppet and Li Chengfeng are in the same division, but they are different from the arena. When Li Chengfeng came to the real puppet arena, he heard a violent noise before he even approached, in which scolds and screams were mixed. together.

When I listened carefully, it was mostly men's curses and women's screams.

When I walked to the court and took a look, I saw a blond man sitting in a wheelchair in the middle of the ring, beckoning his hands slightly, with an elegant posture and a relaxed expression, as if he was in his back garden.

And in the field, there were thrown down torn pieces of gambling slips and thrown down flowers, and what's more, some people kept throwing rotten vegetable leaves and rotten vegetable gangs.

The most wonderful thing is that there are actually some small gangsters on the sidelines dragging the vegetable carts to sell them temporarily, but these rotten vegetable leaves and rotten vegetable gangs have mostly rushed to the air, and only these are shabbyly dressed, but they have a pair of them. The sly-eyed guys squatted on the car or counted the copper coins one by one by the car.

Some of them saw Li Chengfeng and the others, their eyes were wary, and they turned sideways subconsciously, as if they were protecting money, but they immediately turned their eyes and tied a string of copper coins to their waist, such as He lashed towards Li Chengfeng like a belt.

"Master, master monk? Is there anything I can do for you?" A short-headed punk in a coarse cotton-padded coat rushed over, nodding and shouting before coming closer.

Li Chengfeng sees many people of this kind, even in his hometown of Cheng'an. They are usually in brothels or gambling shops. They are all gangsters who have been on the streets since they were young, and some of them are even gangsters. The second generation, the third generation, and even the more exaggerated mixed N generation. For generations in the family, they are street gangsters, who have lived by scams, kidnappings and gangs since childhood.

Li Chengfeng took out a small piece of silver from his arms and threw it at him casually. He pointed his chin to the real puppet on the ring, and said, "Go and find his report."

The little helper immediately ran away, while Li Chengfeng continued to walk into the arena, just to see the real puppet coming down from the ring, he was still sitting in the wheelchair, no one behind it, but it rolled by itself and came By the ring.

This ring is two or three meters high, but when the wheelchair came to the edge of the ring, six organ puppets immediately came to the edge of the ring. The nearest raised hands were holding the wheels of the wheelchair, and the two organ puppets in the middle were squatting and lifting. The arms formed a bridge, and the outer two puppets knelt on the ground, forming a bridge with their backs, and let the wheelchair roll all the way down.

Han Tianxing glanced at this scene from a distance, his expression unconsciously showing strong disdain and contempt. Li Chengfeng looked in his eyes and thought it was interesting in his heart, and asked, "Do you recognize him?"

Han Tianxing recovered, he curled his lips and said, "I didn't recognize it before, but this time I came to Shenjing to inquire about some news, but I know a little bit."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Why, not pleasing to the eye?"

Han Tianxing sneered and said, "Wonderful skills and ingenious skill, barbarians! It happened to be named as a monk!"

As he said, he suddenly said gossiping: "Brother, do you know? This puppet is really a guy with mixed reputation in Shenjing."

Li Chengfeng asked with a smile. Han Tianxing said that many people look down on the puppet’s "barbarian" pedigree, and even look down on his pretending style, and more people are secretly jealous of his stunning looks and manners. Similarly, If there is hate, there is love. Many women in Shenjing crazily pursue this exotic monk, even if he sits in a wheelchair all day like a disabled person, but they are still fascinated by his style completely different from all beings. .

Speaking of this, the contemptuous color in Han Tianxing’s eyes is even more intense. There is a sense of anger that his cabbage has been arched by wild boars. He mysteriously lowered his voice and said: "Brother, I heard that this puppet really owns the The puppets are all refined by real people. They look like a noble noble, but they are actually a murderer!"

Li Chengfeng's eyes condensed and said, "Oh? You take this kind of hearsay seriously?"

Han Tianxing said earnestly: "Brother, do you know how many people are missing in Shenjing every year? There are fifty thousand people missing in Shenjing every year! How many of these fifty thousand people disappear forever? And, this puppet The real person looks too weird! I heard that after every battle he fought, his opponent fell into a state of mental breakdown, and was completely killed by the puppet he controlled..."

Li Chengfeng's face changed and said, "Is there such a thing?"

The two of them were talking, the short-headed gangster on the side had already galloped back, with a bit of freshly baked report under his arm, which hadn't even dried the ink. He dashed all the way, the copper money tied around his waist was splashing. There was a noise, and suddenly the hemp rope was broken when he ran to the front, and the copper coins flew around his waist instantly, rolling around.

For a while, the little helper was in a hurry, and subconsciously wanted to chase it out to pick up the copper coins that were flying around, but he subconsciously looked back at Li Chengfeng, worried that he would immediately lose Li Chengfeng, a major customer.

After hesitating at this moment, many people have already bent over and started yelling and picking up money, only stomping and cursing the short bastard.

Naturally, Han Tianxing looked down on such street gangsters. He took out an ingot and threw it at the short gangster, and said, "Hey, get the battle report!"

The gang caught the money and weighed it a little. After hesitating, they did not bargain. They passed the stack of battle reports under the creak nest, and then they began to rush towards those who snatched the money quickly. Go, beat and curse: "Fuck your mother, you dare to grab Lao Tzu's money! Go away, go go! Get Lao Tzu's money back!"

Among them, there were a lot of helper children, some of them were chased like this, and they immediately dispersed. They were not convinced when they were caught, and they scattered copper money everywhere.

Some copper coins were still on the ground and rolled out all the way, making the little **** stomped and cursed.

Han Tianxing retracted his contemptuous gaze and handed the report to Li Chengfeng. Li Chengfeng took a look at it, then frowned, and said, "Similarly, there is no clue."

Han Tianxing took a look and saw that the battle reports were indeed almost the same, basically telling how the opponent fiercely attacked the real puppet, but he was entangled by his organ puppet. At first, the two sides fought back and forth, but soon the opponent's offensive They began to weaken, and their expressions were full of shock and horror. Their fighting will quickly disintegrated. Either they gave up fighting soon, or they suffered a nervous breakdown, howled and cried, and then they were beaten by the organ puppets or even killed.

Han Tianxing looked at these weird battle reports, only feeling a bit chilly on his back. He raised his head and glanced at Li Chengfeng, and said in a low voice, "Brother, I think...this rumor is true!"

Li Chengfeng's face was solemn, and he said, "Xiaobao, what do you think?"

There was no movement beside him, Li Chengfeng raised his head, but was shocked to find that Zhao Xiaobao did not know when he started, and he was no longer visible beside him...

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