Breaking the Day

Chapter 996: Chase into the trap

Ever since the real puppet came down from the ring, Zhao Xiaobao had always faintly heard a voice calling him.

The voice was very familiar and kind. Zhao Xiaobao turned his head to look at the voice, but saw a woman in a water-red dress standing in the crowd beckoning to him. A long distance away, her face was a little unclear, but that The figure is very familiar, like a small bell.

Zhao Xiaobao looked back at Li Chengfeng, and wanted to open his mouth to ask, but saw Li Chengfeng and Han Tianxing whispering to each other. Zhao Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak, but he heard a shout: "Xiaobao, come on! "

Zhao Xiaobao turned his head to look, but saw that the figure had already turned around and entered the crowd. Zhao Xiaobao no longer hesitated, and chased him up as soon as he moved.

Zhao Xiaobao’s cultivation is a lot worse than Bell Bell, but if he compares speed, Zhao Xiaobao is even better than Bell Bell. In fact, if he develops his Son-Mother Lightning Sword to the extreme, his speed can be no less than Any monk.

But there are too many people in this square. If Zhao Xiaobao is at full speed, he will not only be able to knock people on his back, but also hurt himself.

Being so delayed by the crowd, Zhao Xiaobao had disappeared when he appeared near Little Bell. When he looked forward to searching, he saw the red figure shuttled through the crowd, turning his head to look at her from time to time, with a looming appearance. One hand was still raised high, and gently waved at him.

Zhao Xiaobao muttered to himself: What did she do with me? This sister doesn't seem to have a good face to me on weekdays!

Looking for me at this time, do you want to teach me again?

Probably not? Teach me... don't you need to find me privately?

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaobao's heartbeat speeded up for a while, his mouth became dry and his little heart throbbed.

Can't it?

Can't it?

As a servant who has been with Li Chengfeng since he was a child, and is often taken in and out of the brothel by him, although Zhao Xiaobao is naturally shy and introverted, he is definitely not a kid who knows nothing. Sometimes he will be ignorant of his future. Who will be the daughter of Destiny?

There were so many beautiful women coming and going around Li Chengfeng. Zhao Xiaobao didn't even think about it. Even before Xiaoling had bullied him repeatedly, Zhao Xiaobao didn't think too much.

But at this moment he suddenly remembered that he had complained to Li Chengfeng: "Why does Xiaoling always bully himself?"

The young master winked his eyebrows and laughed meaningfully: "When a boy has been bullying a girl, most of the boy likes the girl. Similarly, if a girl has been bullying a boy, then most of the boy is in her mind. The status of Zhong is also different from that of ordinary people."

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaobao's heart was pounding, and he pushed away the crowd all the way to chase. At this time, he had only one thought left: ask her to understand! Is it what he thought!

This square is really too big. The little bell got into the crowd like a small fish swimming into the sea. If it weren’t for her dressing too conspicuously, she would look back and beckon him from time to time. At this moment, Zhao Xiaobao had already followed lost.

Such a person drilled in front, and one chased behind. Zhao Xiaobao squeezed out his sweat. When he suddenly disappeared, he found that he had already squeezed out of the crowd. The soft red figure walked outside the stadium. At the corner, when she was about to disappear, she turned her head and smiled at Zhao Xiaobao. The side of her face smiled beautifully, and the silver-like laughter was like a willow branch that sprouted in spring, and the delicate leaf tip was gently on his heart. A show, teasing his heart itch.

Zhao Xiaobao looked back at the stadium and found that he was far away from the place where Li Chengfeng was. Even if he shouted loudly and there were hundreds of thousands of people gathered here, the voice would quickly be buried in the crowd.

Zhao Xiaobao hesitated. Seeing that soft skirt disappeared in the corner, he felt empty in his heart for a moment, so he quickly followed suit.

"Little Bell... Sister! Sister Little Bell!" Zhao Xiaobao yelled from behind, but every time he chased a street, he saw the figure of Little Bell playfully turning toward the corner of the street.

Zhao Xiaobao didn't doubt that he was there, and hurried to catch up again. After chasing a few streets like this, Zhao Xiaobao suddenly found that there was already a high-walled courtyard around him, with no people on the left and right, and no people in front and back.

Compared with the lively and noisy stadium, it is a bit terribly quiet here.

Zhao Xiaobao became suspicious. He wanted to leave, but he still yelled: "Sister Xiaoling! Sister Xiaoling, I will leave if you don't come out!"

At this time, Xiao Ling Ding poked out her head again from the corner of the wall. Half of her face was exposed, and she looked at Zhao Xiaobao with a smile: "Xiaobao, come!"

Zhao Xiaobao has been with Li Chengfeng for a long time, especially the two people have been scammed around the rivers and lakes for a long time. Once the vigilance developed since childhood is activated, at this time he stared at the little bell vigilantly and said: "Little bell Sister, can't you come out and say something? There is no one here!"

Xiao Ling Dang hooked Zhao Xiaobao with her finger, and said, "Xiaobao, are you here? There are some things you can say here, but there are some things you can't do here."

These words were extremely sultry, but Zhao Xiaobao's expression changed, and his eyes instantly became extremely fierce. The Zhou family in Tong'an City swept Zhou's servants with one sword, and the one who used his own strength against the disciples of Zangqing Pavilion, dragged them for life. Zhao Xiaobao, who couldn't make progress at the entrance of the cave, appeared!

"You're not a little bell! Who are you!!" Behind Zhao Xiaobao, the Son-Mother Lightning Sword slowly floated. The mother sword was silently held in his hand, and the Son-Sword was beside him like a fish. Roam.

After Zhao Xiaobao grasped the Son-Mother Lightning Sword, he felt confident and fell into a trap. Even if he was lost, he could flee away, enough to protect himself.

At this time, the little bell in the corner gave out a giggle, which sounded a bit oozing.

"Little Bell" walked sideways from the corner, and Zhao Xiaobao only noticed that her walking posture was a little awkward and unnatural.

At this time, Zhao Xiaobao became more and more certain that he was caught in the trap of the enemy and deceived!

Zhao Xiaobao held his breath, opened his sword, and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Xiaobao, a disciple of the hidden sword pavilion of the Xia Lingshan faction! I don't know where the expert is here!"

At this time, Xiao Ling Dang turned around, Zhao Xiaobao surprisingly discovered that the "little bell" in front of him had only half of her face, and the other half of her face was hidden in her long hair. Although it was not easy to detect, but at this time, she could clearly see inside It is half of the face carved out of wood, and the other half of the face is almost exactly the same as the little bell. This face is weird and terrifying, but the eyeballs are rolling in the eye sockets, very crippled.

Zhao Xiaobao's expression changed: "Real puppet?"

When he moved and was about to leave, he heard an elegant and magnetic voice coming from behind him: "If you have come, you will be at ease. Is it because you are in a hurry to leave?"

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