Two days later, Zhou Mu sat on the steps and looked up at the sky blankly.

Chu Wei walked out of the wooden house, saw Zhou Mu below, came to his side and asked softly: "What's wrong with you?"


that, Zhou Mu's gaze fell on the virtual panel that only he could see.

It's been

two days! It's still 499

! Kill me

! I don't watch it if I know it! It's been two days since I saw it.

I kept thinking about the reward of this task in my mind, and I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

Zhou Mu wanted to cry without tears, and secretly complained in his heart: "Everyone, you hurry up and work hard, hurry up and break through to the Spirit Abyss Realm again

!" "I can't bear this 499!" Chu

Weimei looked at Zhou Mu with beautiful eyes, and found that his face was rosy, his mental state was very good, and his face was full of puzzlement: "I'm not sick, how can it be uncomfortable?"

Chu Wei nodded and said, "Then can I help anything?" Zhou

Mu looked at Chu Wei and laughed: "Yes!" "

I won't feel bad if you break through to the Spirit Abyss Realm! Hearing

this, Chu Wei gave him a blank look: "My cultivation has dispersed, and I can't say anything interesting."

"You broke through the Spirit Abyss Realm by yourself!"

"This is not only in a good mood, but also stronger." It

seemed that he was dissatisfied with being ridiculed by Zhou Mu.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Wei showed a playful smile, looked at Zhou Mu's yin and yang strange and said: "Oh, our Zhou Mu is the lord of the forest, the little woman can't break through, but our farm owner is different

!" "There are hundreds of spiritual abysses under his command

!" "That lord must be stronger!"

Hearing Chu Wei's yin and yang strangeness, Zhou Mu was not angry, on the contrary, after her ridicule, Zhou Mu was in a better mood.

In the past year, such a situation has not happened rarely, and Zhou Mu and Chu Wei have become accustomed to this way of getting along.

Although there is usually no positive type, it is still very reliable at critical times.

Well, now Chu Wei doesn't have any critical time to use her.

Feelings are warmed up in interaction, and Zhou Mu will not let her ridicule without taking any action.

I saw Zhou Mu suddenly stand up and stare at Chu Wei with burning eyes.

Zhou Mu's right hand quietly moved to his waist and stretched out to the Heaven-robbing Ten Thousand Frontier Rope.

Chu Wei seemed to have expected it, and hurriedly took half a step back, and said angrily with a pretty face: "Why do you want to tie me up again?" "If you dare to tie me up again,

I will pull out all the vegetables grown in your backyard."

Zhou Mu's right hand paused.

As Chu Wei said, this is not the first time to tie her up.

And the dishes in the backyard, Chu Wei did pluck.

However, after pulling it, Zhou Mu tied her up for another two days.

The biggest use of the Heaven-robbing Ten Thousand Frontiers Rope in Zhou Mu's hands is not to ward off enemies, but to clean up some disobedient little guys.

"You can try. Zhou Mu looked at her with a smile, and his hand was already holding the rope around his waist.

Seeing this, Chu Wei already knew that she couldn't dodge this time, gritted her teeth, and began her last stubbornness.

"Zhou Mu, aren't you okay!" Before

she could finish speaking, the Heaven-robbing Ten Thousand Frontiers Rope had already flown out of Zhou Mu's hands.

"Do you still want to say that I only tie you up and don't do anything else?" said Zhou Mu faintly, looking helpless.

"Woo hoo. In

the blink of an eye, Chu Wei was already bound by a rope, and the rope that could extend infinitely blocked Chu Wei's mouth.

Chu Wei fell to the ground, and the rope had tied her up in a shameful position.

"Woo!" muttered Chu Wei, trying her best to resist.

But Zhou Mu was unmoved, holding the knot in one hand, picked up the bound Chu Wei, and led her into the house.

At the same time, outside the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

An agile figure quickly flew towards the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Behind him, more than a dozen monks dressed in different clothes were chasing this figure.

Countless spiritual techniques struck from the rear and attacked the figure directly.

I saw that the figure turned, avoiding these spiritual techniques unharmed at a strange angle.


!" "Hand over the immortal grass and spare you from death

!" "A mongrel from the outer region dares to snatch something from my hand, and he is impatient!" "

Don't think that if you cover the younger generation of the Xuan Spirit Realm, you will be able to run amok in the Southern Spirit Domain."

The figure in front of him sneered, and a lovely face peeked out of the hood.

On the side of its mouth, there are also several traces horizontally, like the beard of a feline.

"The abominable human slave, it turned out to be so unreasonable, obviously I got it first, and I actually wanted to rob it!" Cat

Yun'er snorted coldly: "But a group of old immortals, and really treat themselves as root vegetables

!" "If you have the ability, you will catch up!" Mao

Yun'er turned his head and shouted back, and then the flight speed suddenly increased, and he quickly distanced himself from them.

With a chance to breathe, Mao Yun'er took out a talisman shaped like a cat's claw from the storage ring, and it exuded aura fluctuations.

Mao Yun'er looked at the rune seal, looked around again, and muttered, "Sister, where are

you!" "I'm coming to take you home

!" "This time, I will definitely not let you be bullied again!"

It was at this moment that the dozen or so Xuanling Realm cultivators chased after them.

"Bastard, you run quite fast!" "

But after so many years of living for so many years, the means are still a little."

Hearing this, Mao Yun'er glanced back and saw that there was blue light flashing under their feet, the speed was fast, and the afterimages came out.

Cat Yun'er clenched her silver teeth and flew with all her strength.

But the distance between the two sides is still slowly getting closer.

"Bastard, are you ready to die?" the old man in the front had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

More than a dozen cultivators gradually caught up, and now each of them can attack Mao Yun'er.

The old man's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hand over the Immortal Grass and spare you from death!" the

monks shouted while maintaining their distance.

It is clear that it has reached the point where it is within reach, but now no one has made a move.

"Do it! If you don't do it, it will run!" I don't

know who roared, reminding everyone.

Only then did everyone with ghosts see the forest of ten thousand beasts in the distance.


No wonder the family hates these two-legged beasts so much." After

waiting for a long time, a few scattered spiritual techniques flew over, which had no effect on Mao Yun'er.

Without looking back, it burrowed into the forest of ten thousand beasts.

The forest is its specialty.

At that time, it will no longer be so embarrassing to be chased by the old immortals.

The dozen or so cultivators hung outside the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and gave each other a cold look.

Despite his dissatisfaction, he did not speak out directly.

After all, what they think in their hearts, they can guess each other.

Speaking out and rebuking becomes fifty steps and a hundred steps of laughter.

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