This group of monks involuntarily divided into several small groups.

Without saying a word, they flew into the forest of ten thousand beasts and chased after the breath of Cat Yun'er.

The top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Zhou Mu walked out of the wooden house, his clothes neat, stretched out, and a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Qingniu sighed.

Again like this, and did nothing.

"Farm master, you want to kill the old cow in a hurry!"

Qingniu couldn't help but say to Zhou Mu.


If it is, you say it, I have a secret recipe! I will definitely be able to cure you!" Hearing

this, Zhou Mu looked at Qingniu speechlessly.


You old cow, because you have lived so long, don't you know that she is very weak now?"

Zhou Mu spoke calmly.

A lot of things are waiting for him, how can he waste time on women!

"Is there still a lower body thinking in humans?" Zhou

Mu glanced at it angrily, and stopped talking to Qingniu.

At this time, Zhou Mu discovered the abnormality of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

He tuned the system monitoring screen to an abnormal place.

After seeing the picture, Zhou Mu exclaimed.

"What a beast-eared lady!" I

saw the cat Yun'er in the picture slowly take off her hood, revealing her white hair.

Every time the surrounding trees move, a pair of white ears on the top of its head will move with these movements.

Coupled with its white skin and lovely appearance, people can't help but feel good.

Of course, these are just appearances.

Because Zhou Mu heard what this beast-eared lady said.

"This group of human slaves, enter the forest, just wait for me to fight back!" Mao

Yun'er's pretty face was covered with frost, shuttling through the forest of ten thousand beasts.

Some of the monsters he encountered on the way surprised him a little.

This is obviously the boundary of the Southern Spirit Domain.

Why are the cultivations of these demon beasts so balanced.

And it was much stronger than the demon beast aura it had seen elsewhere.

What's even more amazing is that these demon beasts are obviously inferior to themselves, but they dare to look directly at themselves and don't put it in their eyes at all.

Outside, he was chased by more than a dozen old men of the Xuan Spirit Realm, and in this forest, these monster beasts that were not as good as themselves dared to do this!

"Poor mountains and evil waters raise the people!" In

an instant, the Xuanling Realm aura on Mao Linger's body was fully revealed, and the mighty coercion surged like a wave, covering all around.

Coercive like a mountain, wanting to suppress the monster beasts around him to vent the anger in his heart.

The surrounding demon beasts only felt that their bodies sank, and their pace of walking was much slower.

Some aura quietly came out from the underground of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest and lingered around the demon beasts.

These breaths are cold to outsiders, but they are extremely warm in the face of the marked demon beasts, quietly protecting them.

Plus the beast marks in their bodies.

The coercion of Mao Yun'er has such a little effect on these monster beasts.

Seeing that the imaginary monster beasts did not appear, these monster beasts were as if they were fine, and their hearts were shocked.

This place seems to be a little out of the ordinary.

Is there any magical treasure

?" guessed in her heart.

At this moment, Mao Yun'er's face changed and lurked in the forest.

Mao Yun'er quietly leaned out of the spiritual mind and observed the cultivators who were chasing.

Seeing that their number was much less, Mao Yun'er was a lot more relaxed.

These monks had a blank expression on their faces, searching around, but their eyes exchanged glances with others from time to time.

Their trajectory was irregular, but they were quietly approaching where Mao Yun'er was.

By the time Mao Yun'er discovered the abnormality, these cultivators had already surrounded it.

"Bastard, come out

!" "Still that sentence, give me the fairy grass and spare you not to die!" They

looked up at a tree.

Looking at a leaf on a tree, to be exact.

Do you really think we can't find you?" said a monk impatiently, already igniting the aura in his hand, compressing a fireball containing terrifying energy.

Without waiting for the fireball to fly out, a leaf on the tree suddenly became illusory.

Immediately afterwards, a white civet appeared on the branch.

It jumped nimbly on the tree, and its whole body became illusory.

In mid-air, Cat Yun'er changed from a cat to a beast-eared lady again.

The fireball flew out and bombarded the trees, and then the terrifying energy burned dozens of trees around in an instant.

Thanks to Mao Yun'er's speed enough, he was able to escape.

However, it was also affected by the energy of the fireball and fell from mid-air.

Mao Yun'er steadied his figure and glared angrily at these old men, and the aura fluctuations on his body became stronger and stronger, as if something was brewing.

The demon beasts wandering around immediately widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

There is a good show to watch.

These are not afraid of death.

Not only destroyed the tree, but also injured several demon beasts.

The few demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest who were looking for the Duxuan Spirit Tribulation felt this aura fluctuation, and their eyes lit up.

"Brothers, it's time to work

!" "It's been two days, and finally there are people who are not afraid of death to come to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest!"

"And the strength seems to be good! Their

spiritual thoughts extended and soon found the place of the incident.

As soon as he finished saying these words, Zhou Mu gave an order to let them pass.

"Remember to bring Cat Linger. Zhou Mu reminded.

[Name] Dream Spirit Cat (Cat Yun'er)

[Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Middle Xuan Spirit

Realm [Race Name] Dream Spirit Cat

[Race Potential] Immortal Beast [

Talent] Dream Secret Realm, Dreammaking, Illusion, Charging One Blow.

【Introduction】The youngest princess in the Cat Forest of the Northern Spirit Domain, with a gentle and lovely appearance, but extremely proud personality, and even secretly learned mysterious fighting techniques, and a powerful blow is the influence of fighting techniques.

After reading the information of the cat-eared lady, Zhou Mu had already determined that this cat that could only transform was somewhat related to Cat Linger.

I just don't know if the relationship is good or bad.

I don't know what it's here for.

Thinking about it, Zhou Mu thought of something again.

The same race, why did this cat become a cat-eared girl, but Cat Linger transformed into a mini loli, and the illusion was incomplete! Cat

Yun'er was full of spiritual energy, her white and tender skin was slightly red, and the muscles hidden under the skin burst.

It clenched its pink fist, its joints clicked, and a violent aura condensed on its fist, vowing to smash all obstacles in front of it.

The cultivators laughed: "Carving insect trick." Saying

that, they got entangled with Mao Yun'er.

Mao Yun'er deserved to suppress the young generation of the Southern Spirit Domain.

In the face of so many enemies, he did not fall into the downwind for the time being.

You know, few of its talents are directly used in battle.

The battle energy continued to spread, causing the surrounding monster beasts to quickly flee and stay away from this area.

On their way to escape, several demon beasts came retrograde.

Under the longing gaze of other demon beasts, they came to the battle field.

"Several, in my Ten Thousand Beast Forest, you must abide by the rules of my Ten Thousand Beast Forest!" The

little wolf surrounded by a wind vortex, his eyes shining blue, and warned the few people fighting in front of him in a deep voice.

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