The little wolf's spiritual thoughts extended out, and the voice melted into it, echoing in the minds of those cultivators.

The cultivators were surprised and raised their eyes to look at the little wolf.

Why haven't you heard of it before

, because in a hurry to rush here, the little wolf controls the wind, and sparks and lightning all the way to arrive first.

The little wolf's gaze swept over these cultivators, and his eyes looked at them as if he were looking at a dead thing.

His gaze quickly moved away from them and fell on the cat-eared lady who was covered by the cat.

When the little wolf saw this creature for the first time, he couldn't help but be a little curious.

It shrugged its nose, sniffing the smell of Mao Yun'er, and its face showed a clear expression.

The smell is indeed different from that of the owner.

But this pattern doesn't seem to be perfect.

After all, its ears are still there, and there is a bit of a gap with Sister Lingmei's transformation.

Mao Yun'er's pupils were erected, his face was fierce, and red qi and blood lingered between his five fingers.

It looked at the little wolf and faced the little wolf's calm eyes like a pool.

Seeing that the fighting stopped temporarily, the attention of both sides fell on the little wolf.

At this time, Mao Yun'er suddenly felt the fluctuation of the talisman in his arms.

It quickly took it out, and saw that the light on the talisman was getting stronger and stronger.

Cat Yun'er looked in the direction of the little wolf in disbelief, and trembled involuntarily.

"Who are

you?" "Why do you have the breath of my sister on your body?"

the thought of Cat Yun'er was transmitted to the little wolf's mind.

Hearing this, the little wolf was stunned for a moment.

"Your sister

?" "Cat Ling'er?"

the little wolf also responded with spiritual thoughts.

Seeing that he was fighting, he was suddenly interrupted by the beast.

After interrupting, the two beasts were still in love.

The faces of these cultivators who were caught between the two were livid, and they had the feeling of being despised by demon beasts.

"You beasts

!" "How dare you

!" "When do beasts dare to despise us!" a certain monk clenched his teeth and his forehead bruised.


did these two demon beasts come from!

When the words fell, the eyebrows of the six Xuan Spirit Realm cultivators flickered, and crystal clear spirit palaces appeared above them.

"Barbaric demon beast, prepare to die!"

the six cultivators shouted in unison, and energy fluctuations shook out from the Spirit Palace, echoing around.

A mountain-like coercion emanated from the six people, attacking Little Wolf and Cat Yun'er.

Mao Yun'er's eyes were cold, just stagnating for a moment, and these coercive pressures did not have much impact on it.

The little wolf looked at them in amazement.

The little wolf's gaze fell into their spirit palace.

It didn't know what size of the human Xuan Spirit Realm cultivator's spirit palace was strong, but when he saw the spirit river in their spirit palace, the little wolf suddenly felt that these cultivators were like that.

It has seen tens of thousands of Lingchuan by the owner, and the feeling given to it is not only shocking, but also reverence from the heart.

However, the sparse hundreds of spirit rivers in the spiritual palace of these cultivators now made the little wolf can't help but laugh.

"No wonder this coercion didn't affect me at all.

"The gap with the owner is too big!" the

little wolf raised his head proudly, looking at them with disdain in his eyes.

Slowly raised his start, and walked leisurely past these monks.

With each step, several small wind vortices form around the footsteps, condensing sharp wind blades.

Mao Yun'er looked at the little wolf and was stunned for a moment.

What happened to this wolf

? Why did this coercion have no effect on it at all?

Just as it was thinking, the six monks split into two groups and burst into two groups to kill the two beasts.

"It's a beast with some strength, but you're still going to die today!" the

words fell, and some drew their swords and some clenched their fists.

Suddenly, a dangerous aura pervaded the area.


sound of the sword sounded in the forest, and the hilt of the sword formed by several auras condensed from the sword body split out from the sword body and surrounded this person.

"Go!" The man pinched the sword in his hand, and with a little finger, the hilt of the sword flew out instantly, hitting the little wolf like an arrow of a broken army.

The corner of the little wolf's mouth grinned, and he roared lowly: "Soft." In

an instant, an endless storm roared out from the wind vortex that the little wolf stepped on before, soaring straight into the sky, forming a hurricane barrier.

The hilt of the sword collided with the hurricane, piercing the barrier for three points, and could not advance another half an inch.

The man's hand holding the sword technique continued to tremble, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the aura was constantly provided to the hilt, but to no avail.

The little wolf's eyes flashed with a demon blue light: "This one is not enough, what are you still stunned for?" "

Come and hit me!" The

little wolf passed these words to the three cultivators with spiritual thoughts.

During this period, it glanced at Mao Yun'er, and shot out several wind blades with lightning speed, helping Mao Yun'er.

Then, under the combined attack of the three, the hurricane barrier of the little wolf was finally broken.

However, the little wolf did not panic, but shook his head and sighed.

"You can't solve one of me, let alone a few of them.

"I thought you could let us practice."

And so it turned out. The

little wolf relayed these defiant words to them with spiritual thoughts.

After a year, the cultivators in the outside world have actually fallen to this point?

Why didn't they think that the Xuanling Realm cultivators were so weak before

! Am I too strong or are they too weak

! But I am also at the bottom of the same rank in this forest!

The words of the little wolf exploded in their ears like thunder, and in addition to being embarrassed and angry, these cultivators also noticed the gap.

They were shocked and frightened, and they hesitated to make a move for a while.

Mao Yun'er also looked at the little wolf in horror.

You're not the strongest?

Also, where did you come out of nowhere.

Why didn't I see you when I was a young generation

! I am the bloodline of immortal beasts

! There are demon beasts of the same rank who are more powerful than me!

Mao Yun'er smashed a cultivator's arm with a punch, blood splashed on its snow-white hair, and in addition to coldness in his eyes, there was also curiosity about the little wolf.

The little wolf said to Cat Yun'er: "If you can't hold on, just say it, no matter what relationship you have with Cat Linger, at least before I figure it out, I have to ensure your safety." Hearing

this, Mao Yun'er snorted softly: "Don't worry about it."

The little wolf didn't say much, condensed a set of wind armor on his body, and looked around.

There was a sudden burst of laughter from all around.

"You guys are too weak, and neither beast can solve it.

"Then we will take this immortal grass!" I

saw a man fly out of the jungle, carrying his hands on his back, and stepping into the air to look down.

Immediately afterwards, eight more people came behind him.

Without exception, these people were all Xuanling Realm cultivators.

However, the cultivation of the person at the head is higher.

"How, two beasts, are you afraid now?" the man looked at the little wolf with a smile, his eyes full of teasing.

"It is not easy to see that your practice is not easy, recognize me as Lord, and I will treat you well. When

the words fell, eight cultivators surrounded the little wolf, all holding spiritual skills in their hands, ready to attack at any time.

Hearing this, the little wolf was happy.


you stand

it? "Confess the Lord? You human beings are quite arrogant.

"Wait until you survive." A

spiritual thought came into everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen Xuanling Realm auras appeared around.

"Whoosh!" Hundreds

of red-headed phantoms suddenly appeared in the sky, wandering around these people.

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