Bright Era

Chapter 1253: Reinforcements and goodwill

Xin Dun Erke is covered with snow.

The wind and snow from the Odin Icefield gently stifled all the vitality of this port city. Thick ice blocks stretched over from the Odin Icefield, and the nearest ice surface was less than twenty miles from the port. The tall iceberg drifted with the wind and waves on the channel outside the port, posing a fatal threat to the channel.

There are no civilian ships entering or leaving the port. Even the daily patrolling warships, only those super-heavy warships with iron armor or magic circle protection, have the guts to cruise along the coastline at this time.

In the naval port of New Dunelker Harbor, a body length of nearly 400 meters, three towers were built on the front and back of the deck. The super-heavy battleship with a one-foot-thick alloy armor floats lightly on the water. It has just been promoted. Lieutenant Admiral Neville, standing on the top of the tallest platform in the center, gloomyly looked at the ice that was getting closer and closer on the northern sea.

The unprecedented cold winter, this winter, the ice seems to have a direct tendency to force the port of New Dunelker.

This is not good news for New Dunerker. The crude and cruel orcs on the Odin Icefield, as well as the savage and brutal alien races, can smoothly step on the ice to reach Dunerker. port.

On weekdays crossing the sea, the northern guard fleet stationed in New Dunerker can easily destroy alien troop carriers on the sea. There will not be too many people who can land on the sea. The vast sea is the boundary between life and death.

But if the foreign race came on the ice, the Northern Guard Fleet would be blinded.

"Assemble all the remaining soldiers to prepare for battle!" Neville was a little annoyed and lit a premium cigar sent by the upstart from Berriley, took a heavy puff of fragrant smoke, and then impatiently took it. A bit of smoke worth dozens of gold coins was vomited out.

Turning to look at the lieutenant admiral's epaulettes on his shoulders, Neville was a little baffling himself.

The upstart who was appreciated by King Light I in Berriley and suddenly rose to the top in just a few months, the lucky guy named Ente Mart, he was a lieutenant general twenty days ago , Part-time the chief inspector of the Imperial Army. He actually directly intervened in the internal affairs of the Imperial Admiralty. After consulting the files of all mid- and high-level officers in the Admiralty, luck suddenly fell on Neville.

"Young, promising, loyal and courageous, and indeed the talent of the empire’s sea frontiers", Neville was promoted to lieutenant admiral by the holy light I and became the highest commander of the Imperial North Sea Defence Fleet. The original command Your Excellency, on the other hand, was transferred to the logistics department of the Imperial Army and served as an idle official with rich oil and water but no actual military power.

With the advancement order of Naville, the Gaul Empire purchased a batch of heavy warships from the Vyas Commercial Federation and the shipyard of the Longshan family. There are as many as twenty heavy battleships in this batch, and the iron-clad battleship at the feet of Neville, known as the "Light of the Empire", is the one with the largest tonnage and the most powerful.

When he was suddenly elevated, Neville should naturally be happy. But under the harsh situation this winter, Neville was under great psychological pressure. He didn't know whether those alien races would take advantage of the opportunity of the frozen sea to launch an offensive, and he had dealt with those alien races in New Dunkirk for nearly ten years. He knew that these alien races would not give up any attack once they had a chance. Opportunity.

It doesn't matter if the sea is only frozen by ice. If the personnel of the North Sea Defence Fleet are still in order, Neville is confident to protect the safety of New Dunerke. But what was terrible was that the inexplicable North Sea Prince Arthur, he actually forcibly removed more than 90% of the elite sailors from the North Sea Defence Fleet!

Now the top of the imperial military knows that Arthur has taken his astonishing army into the high ground and entered the dangerous passage that leads directly to the fourth abyss! When Neville got the news, he almost vomited blood-Arthur, an idiot, this inferior bastard, this nouveau riche, this stupid prince, he took the elite of the North Sea Defender into the abyss to fight!

Does the abyss world need sailors?

The sailors leaving the battleship, their combat effectiveness is no different from a pig. Moreover, they were domesticated domestic pigs, and their combat effectiveness was not as good as a wild boar that was slightly larger, and they were completely targeted by humans on the battlefield.

However, it was a military order from Arthur, and the Imperial Military Department did not show support for the North Sea Defence Fleet at that time. The leaders of those military headquarters only acquiesced in Arthur’s weakening of the fleet and let him. Take away nearly 90,000 elite sailors.

"It's perfect!" Neville let out a few puffs of smoke: "It couldn't be better! Now we have less than 10,000 people left, and they can't even move all the warships! Damn, that. Stupid guy!"

Neville has been operating in the Port of New Dunelker these years, and he also has a group of confidants, and these subordinates are extremely elite officers. Before Neville had smoked half of a cigar, his adjutant had walked up quickly and reported the total number of soldiers left behind in the New Dunelke Military Harbor.

Only 5,400 qualified sailors were left, and only 3,857 were elite sailors. Are the logistics soldiers responsible for port management and maintenance? All logistics soldiers have been transferred by Arthur. Now the port is maintained. , All the sailors and sailors of the fleet are in charge.

"Less than ten thousand people!" Neville frowned in distress.

"With the officer corps, less than 10,000 people!" The adjutant spread his hands helplessly. Not to mention other things, only the two of them are the current ship, the super-heavy warship that the Gaul Empire has just purchased and has just arrived in the North Sea. Such a warship needs 500 sailors to operate, and it needs to fully display its capabilities. With full power, an additional 2,500 sailors were stationed on the ship.

Three thousand soldiers can meet the needs of such a warship.

Now Neville is holding the twenty new heavy warships that the Empire has just sent, but to start these warships and let them play their due combat power, Neville needs at least 50,000 well-trained sailors and sailors. Unlike army soldiers, they can kill as long as they grab a shield and a sword, but the navy, this is a high-tech work!

Without training for about ten years, it is impossible to become a truly qualified sailor.

Neville sighed bitterly: "The **** Prince of the North Sea, if he can bring all the elites of the North Sea Defence Fleet into the Fourth Abyss, I will go to Berrily. I will go directly to see your Majesty. I must tell. He is like."

Just as Neville cursed Arthur in distress, at the lighthouse near the exit of New Dunelker, a sailor suddenly signaled that a fleet was approaching. According to the signal, the fleet is very large, and it is a fleet of the Gaul Empire.

An hour later, fifty troop carriers, packed full of sardines, berthed slowly in the military port. A blank-faced Rear Admiral of the Admiralty saluted Neville, and then presented a transfer order to Neville, asking Neville to sign his name on the order and use his own military seal. The rear admiral immediately boarded a clipper and left New Dunelker Harbor.

The rear admiral even refused Neville's hospitality, his attitude was extremely bad.

But Neville didn't bother to pay attention to this angry rear admiral. If this kind of thing happened to him, his anger would only be several times greater than that of the opponent—the fifty troop carriers came from Gao. Eighty thousand elite sailors from the West Coast Guard Fleet of the Lu Empire, the Norman Expeditionary Fleet and several other major naval fleets.

Eighty thousand elite sailors, as well as 15,000 well-trained sailors who came here by boat, were all assigned to the Beihai Defence Fleet under the order of the military. In other words, because of Arthur's stupid actions, the Beihai Defence Fleet, which had become emptied, was now fully staffed, and its combat effectiveness was even stronger than before.

Because the people transferred here are all the elite soldiers with the most experience and the strongest personal strength in the other fleets of the empire. Especially the 30,000 sailors from the Norman Expeditionary Fleet. They are stationed at the Norman Fort defense line all year round. They have to fight against the alien fleet almost every week. They also invade Wudalian Island from time to time to burn, kill, and looting. , So each of them is even stronger than the three sailors of the other fleets.

"Your Excellency Ente Marte!"

Neville couldn't help laughing up to the sky as he watched the energetic sailors walking down from the troop carrier in a neat line.

"I have to admit that I owe you another favor! Well, well, the upstart of the empire, the lucky young man who is appreciated by the emperor, it seems that I must form an ally with you! I think no one will Believe that I haven't even seen you before! But you have done so many things for me, **** it, those old **** in the military must have thought we had colluded long ago!"

"So, so be it!" Neville unceremoniously turned to look at his adjutant: "I sent a report to the Military Logistics Department, saying that the Beihai Defence Fleet needs more warships with bed crossbows. I need A large number of specially made magic crossbows, don’t fool me with those ordinary goods! Well, replenish us with ordnance according to the Norman Expeditionary Fleet standards, ha, everything must be the best!"

Neville's adjutant nodded his head knowingly, then grinned and ran out with an evil smile.

Apparently, with the support of the upstart general of the military department, the Beihai Defence Fleet immediately asked for a shotgun replacement. At least these 20 new-style warships, but the Norman Expeditionary Fleet, known as the strongest fleet in the Empire, was sent to New Dunkerk without allotment. Then, in terms of other materials, the North Sea Defender should also be sent to the Norman Expeditionary Fleet. Just match.

With new-style warships, elite sailors, and powerful ordnance, Lieutenant General Neville only needs to win one or two battles, and his future is naturally very bright. You must know that Lieutenant General Neville is less than forty years old!

And the status of this general has improved, and the people around him naturally have risen! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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