Bright Era

Chapter 1254: Binghuo

The cold wind whistled the blizzard, and the streets and lanes of New Dunelker Harbor were covered with a few feet of snow. The old snow has not melted, and the new snow has fallen. Layers of snow piled up together, and the snow on the street became thicker and denser, and gradually became a thick layer of ice.

In the huge new Dunerkerne, only on the main avenue in the city, there is a small group of old people holding shovels, hardly removing the snow from the streets. As for the snow accumulation in other streets in the city, the only way to solve it is to rely on the residents themselves.

On weekdays, snow shoveling is organized in large numbers and done with the fastest efficiency under the leadership of the city hall. But this year, because of Arthur's call-up order, all the elites of New Dunelke were transferred to the army. Today, there are definitely no more than 1,000 young people in the city between the ages of fifteen and 40.

And these people are basically the rich and nobles of New Dunerker, don't expect them to work hard in the blizzard.

In the town hall of New Dunelker, the current mayor and a group of noble councillors are sitting in the meeting hall with a sad face, looking at the heavy snow roaring outside through the large French windows.

"Firewood, this is a terrible question!" The saucy mayor finally said: "Without enough firewood, it is impossible for New Dunerke to survive this winter. But as everyone knows, five trips to the north All the lumberjacks in the province have been recruited into the army, so...there is no more firewood on the market!"

An equally chubby congressman knocked on the conference table in front of him in distress: "What's even more shameless is that firewood from several neighboring provinces in the south was sold out on the road before it was delivered. Occasionally, a car of firewood passed through the waterway. The price is equivalent to that of the top-quality wheat flour. The cost is too high, and the citizens of New Dunelker cannot afford it!"

Everyone's faces are very ugly.

Without firewood, the fireplace cannot be set, and without a warm fire, the city of New Dunerke is now full of old, weak, sick and disabled people. A lot of frostbite and freeze to death are bound to occur in this harsh winter. It is hard to imagine what a hellish scene of New Dunerke will be after the beginning of the spring. Even the most lawless nobles with the most courage would not dare to imagine the consequences of such a miserable situation.

The criticism of the imperial public opinion, the severe punishment of the imperial emperor, and the anger of the soldiers who returned from the expedition?

Well, if the soldiers who entered the Fourth Abyss are alive and come back alive, they will see that their families have all been frozen to death, they will simply use their weapons to chop the families of the noble lords in the city into meat sauce. Right?

"Firewood, firewood!" The Lord Mayor shook his head bitterly: "We are lucky, and the Seine River flows through New Dunerker. Therefore, we can obtain firewood supplies from the Imperial Capital. Of course, to satisfy the entire winter of New Dunerker. The supply of firewood is a huge number, and the freight is expensive, which requires a lot of money. But we must provide enough firewood."

The congressmen were sullen, and all bowed their heads in silence.

Provide enough firewood, which means that they must pay for those expensive fuels out of their own pockets. This is a huge expenditure, and this expenditure in previous years did not require them to dig out a copper. When the young and middle-aged in New Dunerke were not transferred away, they would go to the mountain and cut two trees, which was enough for the whole family to consume for a month.

Not to mention that there are a large number of lumberjacks who make a living from logging. They are enough to ensure that there is an adequate supply of cheap fuel on the market.

"His Royal Highness, he made the most daunting decision this time!" A courageous member finally spoke.

"Perhaps we should contact the nobles in other cities. We should jointly petition to your majesty. We don't need a lord who is so cruel and unreasonable." Another member of the Council sneered with a sullen face: "This winter, the North Five The life in all provinces is not easy. After the beginning of spring, I don't know how many living people can be left in these five provinces, but it is not a pleasing picture to come."

"Improve Arthur, a nouveau riche!" A little nobleman with a very long family history stood up. He waved his fist vigorously: "I impeach him, either drive him away, or we will take the clansmen. Move away. Let him continue his mischief, and these five provinces will be all over."

The mayor sneered a few times, and shook his head vigorously: "Now these five provinces are on the verge of death, dear councillors, the five provinces in the north of the empire are on the verge of death."

With a deep sigh, the mayor stretched out his hands helplessly: "The question of impeaching him, we will talk about it later, now the main topic is, what should we do with firewood? We can only take out our own gold coins and go to the Imperial Capital to collect a lot of money. The firewood will be sent to New Dunerker through the Seine, and then distributed equally to the people in the city."

"Gentlemen, this is our only way!" The mayor bitterly looked at the green-eyed councillors and sighed helplessly: "If we want to leave a good reputation, if we don't want to see new Dungee has become a hell. If we still want to save our lives after the soldiers go home, we can only take out enough gold coins!"

The councillors sighed at the same time, and then reluctantly nodded and agreed to the mayor's proposal.

The foundation of their family is in New Dunerker. They have interests in New Dunerker and live and die together. If New Dunerker is destroyed, then their family will become a rootless tree, and their family will be very Dying soon. Therefore, at this most difficult time, they must keep New Dunerker, even if they are stingy, they must take out enough gold coins to keep the supply of firewood.

Just as the councillors were talking about how much cash they could put out to buy firewood, a huge explosion suddenly shook the entire city hall building. The three-story hollow floor-to-ceiling glass windows made a terrible shattering sound. Dozens of huge pieces of glass were blown to shreds with a snap, and countless broken glass pieces splashed, smashing several unlucky members in the conference hall Blood flow.

"What's the matter?" The mayor hurriedly hid under the conference table, then howled hoarsely.

Two guards broke into the conference hall, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and they screamed in horror: "We were attacked! A huge fireball fell on the town hall square, and the carriages of the councillors and the coachmen were bombed. died!"

A huge hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters is emitting a stream of heat on the municipal square in New Dunerke. The snow on the entire Municipal Square was smoked by the heat and evaporated into water vapor, and the billowing heat spread everywhere. A circle of large trees covered with thick ice armor around the Municipal Square actually burned like a torch. There is a flame several meters high.

This is an extremely powerful magic fireball. The mage that inspires this fireball is at least a saint-level power. The most common fireball technique can explode with such a powerful power, and ordinary masters at the pinnacle of heaven can't do this level.

Another fireball with a diameter of more than three meters dragged a bright flame tail from a high altitude. This time the fireball accurately hit a hotel opposite the city hall. The fireball tore open the roof of the hotel, penetrated into the heart of the hotel, and then exploded.

This luxurious hotel has more than one hundred rooms, and now the windows of these rooms are spouting dazzling pillars of fire. Scarlet flames quickly wrapped around the exterior wall of the hotel like a poisonous snake. In just a few breaths, the hotel building collapsed, and the guests and waiters in the hotel were all buried in the flames.

The mayor and councillors witnessed this terrible scene with their own eyes through the shattered glass windows.

A tall and lanky congressman howled hoarsely: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Someone has attacked New Dunelker! Where is our city defense army? Where is our militia? Where is our sheriff? Ours Where is the city defense general? Contact the sailors of the defense fleet, this is an enemy attack!"

Everyone stared blankly at the congressman who was almost schizophrenic in fright.

City Defense Army? The five thousand city defense forces in New Dunerke have been transferred.

The militia? The 30,000 militiamen of New Dunelke had long been drafted by Arthur.

Sheriff? He is now a colonel in Arthur's Army.

And the general of the city defense army, whether he wants it or not, anyway, this guy now has the rank of lieutenant general in the Army of Arthur, and is trekking with a full army of recruits in the wilderness of the Fourth Abyss, looking for The frosty gate that doesn't know where it is.

"Guardian fleet, go to General Neville for help! At least thousands of people are left behind under him!" After all, the mayor is the mayor, and he reacted immediately. Today, there are less than a thousand young and strong people left in New Dun Erken, and they are basically the children of nobles and rich people. It is impossible to resist this sudden attack with them.

Except for these unreliable young adults, there are now only a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled people in New Dun Erken. Their best use is to act as human shields. It is impossible to expect them to fight.

As for the military port in New Dun Erke, the Beihai Defence Fleet, which has just been reorganized for three days, has just set up a complete command frame, has been mobilized at the fastest speed. Neville stood fully armed on the flagship of the Empire of Light, and gave loud orders.

One after another powerful fireballs roared down from far away, and landed randomly in the sea water of the naval port and on the nearby hills. The power of each fireball was extremely amazing. Several medium-sized warships were unfortunately lost. The fireball hit, and the battleship a hundred meters away was lifted up by the terrifying explosive force, and exploded into countless fragments in the dazzling fire.

Raid, and such a powerful raid!

But where is the enemy? A small half of the city in New Dunerke has been caught in flames, but they haven't seen where the enemy is yet! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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