Bright Era

Chapter 1462: Confusion empire? (1)

While Lin Qi was enjoying special food under the stars of the Harran Empire, the Eastern Great Plain was another scene.

Under the same starry sky, large tracts of camps spread densely in all directions. At least millions of people gathered in a majestic city cast from hard rock and covered with a thick metal deck.

There are two walls inside and outside this city. The outer wall is 100 meters high, the inner wall is 150 meters high, and the distance between the walls is 200 meters, which is the distance at which the crossbow can exert the most powerful damage. In the open space between the two city walls, countless magic traps were densely arranged, various vicious blood-sucking and carnivorous plants were planted, and countless poisonous insects and snakes were kept.

This short interval of two hundred meters is undoubtedly hell.

The two walls are half a mile wide, and a large group of sturdy figures comparable to barbarian warriors, their body exudes a particularly ferocious aura, the whole body reveals a murderous bald warrior wearing heavy armor, and they are in groups. Walking back and forth on the city wall.

If there were high-ranking officials from the military of the Caesar Empire, they would definitely recognize that these fighters were the soldiers of the Dragon Horn Legion that was responsible for the defense of the Eastern Frontiers of the Caesar Empire. The Dragon Horn Legion, with a total strength of up to one million, was sent by the Caesar Empire to the Eastern Great Plains to help them resist the invasion of nomads at the request of the Peak Kingdom and other countries.

But it is well known that the fighters of the Dragon Horn Legion can only rank third in the military sequence of the Caesar Empire. They are large in number, but their individual combat effectiveness is not strong. They are just a tool used by the Caesar Empire to deter hundreds of large and small countries in the Eastern Great Plain.

But now the soldiers of the Dragon Horn Legion who are patrolling the city, their faces are stiff and cold, and their eyes are cold and merciless, and the breath that they emit faintly touched the edge of the heaven. Ordinary soldiers have a combat power that is close to the heavenly position, while those soldiers above the captain level have reached the heavenly position with real strength.

And the few middle-level officers who stood on the arrow tower and the guard tower and looked around at the original school level, all of them reached the level of saints. Compared to their swiftly improved strength, their expressions have also become more cruel and ruthless, and even a trace of humanity in their eyes is gone.

Even some generals with guards patrolling the city walls, their brows have black dragon scale-like magic patterns looming, their strength has reached the level of a demigod, and their bodies are simply taller than those barbarian warriors. In a circle, the muscles on his body looked like cast of steel, and the oversized armor would be burst by their muscles.

In less than two months, the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Horn Legion had undergone an earth-shaking change. Such an army, not to mention being placed in the secular countries of the Western Continent, even in the church’s temple knights, it can be regarded as a first-class elite.

In this city obviously built with magic, very few civil structures, brick structures, or rock buildings made of magic belong to the Dragon Horn Legion. The core part of the city is a group of black palaces constructed by magic. The palace, carefully shaped by earth magicians and decorated with various colors of jewels and crystals, is beautiful, no worse than the palace of any country on the mainland.

Except for these buildings, which are obviously the high-rise residential buildings of the Dragon Horn Legion, in this city that is more than a hundred miles long and wide, countless tents are densely piled up. These old and new tents of various colors are randomly pieced together, either according to the family unit, or divided by the hometown of the owner, or grouped together according to the country of their respective ownership, and they are randomly grouped into large and small messy blocks. .

The unkempt men and women sat outside the tent with expressionless faces, their faces numb, giving the illusion that they were slowly dying.

The ignorant children, carrying the tattered swords and shields picked up from the battlefield, happily chased and played around the tent. There are some children playing with dangerous objects like broken crossbows, but no elders come to stop them.

The soldiers of the Dragon Horn Legion who rode their war horses with a gloomy face, slowly squeezed through these tents that were not in the slightest order. When they passed by the younger women, they would carefully stare at them up and down Some.

Suddenly, a dozen soldiers from the Dragon Horn Legion jumped off their mounts and strode to the door of a tent. The leader of the small officer knocked down a middle-aged man who stood up and stopped them with a punch, and grabbed a young girl wearing a torn white dress with spots of mud on her face. A soldier picked up a white handkerchief and roughly wiped the girl's face a few times, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

"You **** beasts!" A middle-aged woman screamed hysterically and rushed over here.

A soldier drew a long sword cleanly, and pierced the middle-aged woman's heart with incomparable precision. He tilted his head, glanced at the middle-aged man lying on the ground vomiting blood, and chopped off his head with a sword.

"Pretty blonde girl! Lord Didi will like it!" The girl was struggling and crying, shouting to her father and mother, but the leader of the team just nodded in satisfaction and put her on her own. On his shoulders, he hugged her and jumped on the horse.

There was a commotion around the people, but the group of soldiers rushed from all directions quickly, and the tent area was firmly surrounded by strong bows and crossbows. Those young men with swords of various colors looked at these heavily armed soldiers helplessly and bowed their heads in despair.

An old man roared hoarsely: "The Caesar Empire sent you here, didn't it come to protect us? Why did you do this?"

The little officer looked at the old man coldly, and shook his head indifferently: "The Caesar Empire? Stupid humans, there is no Caesar Empire in this world! In other words, we are a group of people who have lost the motherland, of course... In the words of the great Majesty Diogo, we want...Yes, how do we do it?"

A soldier punched his head fiercely. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly laughed: "Just have fun!"

"Hahaha, yes, just have fun, you bastard, you grab my word?" The little officer kicked his subordinates to the ground fiercely. Then a group of soldiers laughed frantically at the same time, their pupils suddenly turned into a weird amber yellow, exactly the same as those of the half-dragon warriors.

This kind of thing keeps happening everywhere in the city. Large groups of soldiers from the Dragon Horn Legion rushed into the tent area to search for people’s wealth and search for beautiful girls. Of course, young women would not let it go. If they were born with a mature and beautiful appearance. Lady, then they will take it away.

As for those young and middle-aged with a vindictive foundation, they were also ordered to accompany them.

Millions of people who escaped from the iron hooves of the nomadic army and fortunately escaped to this ‘Chaotic City’ located on the eastern border of the Peak Kingdom have now become the target of the Dragon Horn Legion’s wanton fish and meat. In the face of more than a million powerful fighters who are heavily armed and have a strangely improved strength, what else can these ordinary people do besides enduring?

A high-pitched and joyous cry came from a distance: "A thousand men with fighting spirit are all fat and strong men. Very good, take them all! Congratulations, you will become a member of the Dragon Horn Legion. Members, you will soon be like us, eat well every day, drink well, and lots of girls to play with you!"

Some of the bound young men roared angrily, but the soldiers in armor beat them with guns to their heads and covers their faces. They immediately realized what it means to be a master who knows the current affairs, and they were taken all the blood. The black palace group in the middle of the city.

At the core of the black palace complex, in a square hall with a length of more than two hundred meters, strong magic waves propped up the wide dome. A deep pit was dug in the middle of the main hall. A weird, twenty-four-pointed star magic circle shaped like a dragon's pupil was placed at the bottom of the pit, and thousands of fist-sized red magic spars were inlaid on it.

Diogo was shirtless, wearing a pair of tight leather pants on his lower body, sitting on a throne at the end of the hall, and tearing a whole roasted cow with big mouths. When he was in a good mood, he had a good appetite. A whole roasted beef weighing more than two thousand catties was eaten cleanly by him in twos or twos, and then he belched very comfortably.

"I said, there is no need to grab, no violence, as long as we are powerful, we can enjoy everything!"

"You idiots, do you believe in the words of the great Diogo now? Dio, you guy, how many human beauties have you enjoyed these days? Hahaha, if it weren't for us to stand here now and have the power of the human world , Even if you enter the ground world, let you attack the human city, let you plunder as much as you want, how much can you grab?"

The bare-headed Didi'KaKa' laughed and nodded. He excitedly looked at the more than 3,000 half-dragon warriors standing in the deep pit with red eyes. He waved his hand vigorously and shouted: " Bring the newcomer up! It is lucky for you to be one with our children!"

The heavy door of the palace opened, and more than 3,000 young and middle-aged people with strong figures and a certain vindictive foundation were pushed into the hall. The soldiers from the Dragon Horn Legion drove them away, throwing them into the pit like dumplings.

Those powerful half-dragon soldiers swarmed up, grabbed a young man indiscriminately, knocked them to the ground with a fierce punch, then placed them on a node of the magic circle, and simply sat cross-legged. On this hapless person. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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