Bright Era

Chapter 1463: Confusion empire? (2)

After all the half-dragons were ready, Diogo waved his hand: "Let’s start! Well, how amazing the ancestors of our dragon clan are! This incredible magic can be invented! Make it powerful! The half-dragon warriors and humans are integrated, and they hide the breath of the half-dragons with the aura of humans. Even the gods can hardly tell whether they are humans or half-dragons!"

He shook his fist vigorously: "I want to let those stupid stupid stupid people riding horses grazing everywhere know that when millions of half-dragon warriors charge, they are prey! They are just prey!"

Didi and the dragon general raised his fists at the same time, cheering loudly.

Amidst the cheers, a few gray-haired old people with magic dragon ‘Jie Jie’ with a strange smile activated the magic circle, and the **** bright light quickly enveloped the entire pit. The young and middle-aged people who were placed in the deep pit let out a miserable cry, and their bodies melted quickly like a burning candle, and then slowly merged into the bodies of the half-dragon warriors around them.

The scales on the half-dragon warrior gradually disappeared, and the hideous and ugly face gradually became the face of the young man absorbed by them. Their dragon horns slowly retracted into their bodies, and their skin became like ordinary people. Their pupils, their smell, their breath, everything is changing rapidly.

Just a quarter of an hour later, more than 3,000 tall and mighty "human warriors" stood in the pit.

They looked at their brand-new bodies excitedly, and then at the same time they let out a beastly roar, their eyes became red, and suddenly their bodies flashed brightly, and a large purple-golden vigorous halo spurted out! After being transformed by this weird magic circle, the unique dragon fighting energy in the half-dragon warrior has become similar to the human fighting energy, from the original black and red to the magnificent purple gold.

More than 3,000 celestial-level "human powers" have been freshly released.

Diogo jumped up with excitement. He touched his bald head, twisted his hips hard, and jumped up a sailor dance that the fishermen in New Dunerker like: "Aha, dear children, go out and get the armor. And weapons, and then have fun! To celebrate your first coming to the ground world, to celebrate your having a human face, let you act at will for three days!"

"Well, murder is not allowed, but apart from murder and arson, you might as well do everything else! For example, women?"

"Of course, violence is strictly forbidden. You can use equivalent exchange to get fresh bodies of those lovely girls! For example, to provide shelter for their families, you have such strength! Or, to provide their families with fresh food. And drinking water, this is your rightful welfare!"

"Go, go, let those brothers who have tasted the sweetness in front of you teach you how to get what you want without violence! I tried my best to create good conditions for you, you use Two pieces of black bread can be exchanged for the virginity of a pure girl, so worship me, thank me, and praise my name, and then go away!"

The half-dragon warriors knelt to the ground and saluted Diogo's five-body worship, praising Diogo's wise martial arts. Then they jumped up and rushed out of the hall with joy.

A faint blood gushing out of the magic circle, and thousands of half-dragon warriors gasped in excitement and teleported to the ground world.

The main hall door was kicked open with a brutal foot, and the little officer who had just started to **** someone strode in carrying the screaming girl: "Great Majesty, Dear Lord Didi, I found it for you. A lovely blonde girl!"

After a pause, the little officer cried out a little embarrassed: "But a brother can't control his temper. He killed the girl's parents!"

Diogo slapped his forehead hard, and he moaned helplessly: "You **** things, you really should... Okay, okay, who made you all my children? Didi, this girl’s parents were killed. So that she won’t hold a grudge against us in the future, after enjoying her, kill her!"

Didi sullenly gave the little officer a kick: "Idiot, what a wonderful girl, I could have kept her so that she could give me a bunch of blond-haired children, but now, because of yours Wrong, I must kill her!"

With a helpless sigh, Didi grabbed the girl and put it on his shoulder. He saluted Diogo helplessly: "Your Majesty, I'm going to enjoy this girl first. By the way, I'm going to teach those idiots. , At least in this chaotic city, they have to control their temper!"

Diogo frowned, he thought for a while, then coughed vigorously.

"Tell the people below to reduce the food and water provided to these **** **** again every day."

"Since they still have the strength to resist and are not willing to dedicate their daughters to our children, then it proves that their energy is too abundant, and we are too kind! Therefore, everyone half a glass of water a day , A small piece of black bread, enough to keep them alive!"

With a helpless sigh, Diogo put on a compassionate posture and prayed: "Great ancestor of the dragon, your children are doing their best to learn benevolence. We like pretty girls, but in order not to use violence Let these girls climb onto our bed obediently, we can only cut their water and food supply once again!"

"In this way we can avoid a lot of violent conflicts. This is an expression of kindness!"

All the dragon generals and half-dragon warriors in the hall were amazed: "Great and merciful Majesty Diogo, you are bound to become the king of the world!"

Didi laughed wildly and hugged the girl out of the hall, and the girl had already fainted from the fear of the ugly half-dragon warrior who was grinning and grinning in the deep pit.

This city, named Chaos City, is a huge city built on the spot after Diogo wiped out the forward army of the nomads. He sent a large number of rangers to search around, constantly collecting refugees who had fallen into the country and their families fled.

In just a few months, he has collected at least four to five million refugees in this city.

The huge population base made Diogo smile with joy. Those young and beautiful girls naturally became the playthings of him and his subordinates, and those young and middle-aged, including the one million regular army of the Dragon Horn Army and the 500,000 logistics army , Then all become the objects of half-dragon warrior fusion.

The Dragon Horn Legion has long since disappeared, and now what remains in the world is the half-dragon legion from the abyss of the dragon!

Even the commander of the Dragonhorn Legion, once the famous general of the Caesar Empire, Wolf, has been occupied by a powerful dragon general. The weird inheritance that Diogo got from the Ten Thousand Poison Sacred Dragon Fruit is really amazing. These magic dragon generals and half-dragon warriors have concealed all their breath and become no different from human beings.

Although in this state, their combat effectiveness has been weakened by 30%! But half-dragons are humanoid weapons born for battle and destruction. A half-dragon in the heavens can easily fight three or five orc warriors in the heavens, and can easily kill ten human warriors in the heavens. The combat effectiveness has been weakened by 30%, and this is still a terrifying army in the ground world.

Teams of young men were sent to the black palace, and teams of half-dragon warriors rushed out of the palace with immense excitement and curiosity. They quickly merged into this city like a black torrent, and the already chaotic situation in this huge city became more and more unbearable.

At midnight, a dozen or so half-dragon knights riding on the earth-walking dragon came here. They stood at the gate of Chaos City and yelled and let their companions open the door: "Asshole thing, big fat Sheep, big fat sheep, open the door quickly!"

Dozens of black and red magic fireballs rose quickly, illuminating a large area of ​​Xu Fangyuan near the city gate.

A half-dragon general with strength at the peak of the sage teacher excitedly leaned on the wall and looked down, and found that behind a dozen half-dragon warriors, he was actually following a two-to-three-mile-long carriage team, and 80% of them were carriages. There were noble shield emblems on the carriages, and he was trembling with excitement!

Nobles, lovely nobles, the nobles of the ground world represent countless gold and silver jewelry, and countless delicate ladies and ladies! Moreover, these stupid and timid nobles are even better to deal with than the common people. As long as they are allowed to survive a day of hunger and thirst, they will obediently dedicate their daughters and even their wives and mothers to the great half. Dragon!

His Majesty Diogo is right, you can't use violence! If you can enjoy these things by other means, why use violence?

"Open the door, **** thing, it's not a big fat sheep, it's a VIP. Remember what Master Didi said, these big fat sheep are our VIPs, well, how do you say this? They are all our people, We want to use our blood and sword to protect their interests!" The half-dragon general raised his head triumphantly, showing off the fallacies he learned from Diogo and Didi.

"I would rather use my baby guy to make those noble ladies bleed!" Another half-dragon general approached, and he greedily pumped his nostrils, and muttered in a low voice: "Noble, I like noble ladies, they were born white. , And with little strength and courage, I like to hear them crying for mercy!"

A group of half-dragons on the head of the city swallowed their saliva.

With the low sound of commands, the thick twelve heavy metal gates on the two city walls rose slowly, and the huge suspension bridge over the moat was slowly lowered. Hundreds of impatient half-dragon warriors lined up in a neat line and ran out of the city at a fast pace. In front of the suspension bridge, they lined up with the Yan Ling team, posing a'welcome meat delivery'. Stance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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