Bright Era

Chapter 1538: Suddenly (1)

Night, there is rain.

It has been more than a month since the founding ceremony of the Longshan Empire, and the behemoth that was made by Lin Qi as a joke, the Longshan Empire finally began to stumble forward. No one knows where this new empire will go, but he already exists, right?

Blackbeard has completed the strengthening, and takes office with a vote of the best confidant of the Black Tiger family. The Black Tiger Legion, which is composed of three Manchu Legions, has also begun to strengthen, and all soldiers have signed a soul contract, becoming absolutely loyal henchmen.

Other state affairs have dedicated personnel to deal with. Princess Qingli and Yun have also been led from Longshan to Viasport City. Yun has shown amazing talent in controlling the government and politics. She has handled the size of the Longshan empire. Government affairs, coordinate all aspects of affairs in an orderly manner.

Lin Qi was also able to get away from the heavy state affairs, and he single-mindedly handled the affairs he was used to.

The barbarian **** of war captured by him has been secretly transported, and Lin Qi spends a little time every day to squeeze the barbaric's martial arts from him. The treasure of the barbarian's inheritance is about to be completely digested by Lin Qi. Through the contest and comparison with the barbarian **** of war, Lin Qi's martial skills have been cultivated at a rapid pace.

Using the silver iris family network, an intelligence network spreading across several continents is gradually being rolled out. Lin Qi used a large number of abyssal creatures to infiltrate other continents, secretly building a large number of intelligence bases. With the help of members of the Black Tiger family who stayed in the east, Lin Qi's tentacles have even extended to the interior of the sea clan in the East Ocean.

The erosion of several abyssal worlds continues. With the help of Dragon Cliff and Sky-Swallowing Snake, great progress has been made in the Dragon Abyss and the Sixth Abyss. Lin Qi has already mastered these two abyssal worlds. Absolute advantage.

As for the Giant Abyss, Xuan Lan and his little lover are not developing badly. They have reached an alliance with the surrounding giant lords, and Xuan Lan is using a lot of treasures and those giant lords to exchange for Titans and dwarves. A pound of Mithril can be exchanged for ten Elemental Titans or five thousand ordinary dwarves. This transaction made Lin Qi happy from ear to ear.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. What makes Lin Qi most happy is that Empress Baolian and other gods who patronize the temple finally left the Western Continent. They promised Lin Qi that when they returned to the Eastern Subcontinent, they would immediately use their power to open the Vientiane God Pool in advance, allowing Lin Qi to take people to enjoy the three opportunities to temper their bodies and change their cultivation qualifications.

The Mila Sect has a huge organization and a complicated power structure. Although there are promises from the White Dragon God and others, it will take several months to complete the Vientiane God Pool in order to truly open it. The Myra Sect had already set up an ultra-long-distance teleportation magic array, Lin Qi just waited for them to be ready and used the teleportation array to pass.

In this chilly cold rainy night, Lin Qi wrapped a coarse cloth and walked slowly in a remote alley in the Vias Wharf area.

Two black cats quietly shuttled across the eaves on the side of the road, lightly following Lin Qi forward. On Lin Qi’s shoulders was a small black snake that was more than two feet long. After the Sky Swallowing Snake had enjoyed enough dragon blood and dragon soul sacrifices, he wrapped Lin Qi's face in a fierce manner. Ken took back his projection clone.

Lin Qi allowed this guy to stay by his side. Although this was a projection clone, his power was definitely not weaker than any strong person who had condensed the so-called seed of power. For such a free thug, Lin Qi was happy to let him be by his side, as long as this guy doesn't cause trouble to himself, don't show up in front of the clergy.

Walking quietly to the end of the alley, Lin Qi knocked a few times on a heavy wooden door.

A rough-faced black spirit man opened the wooden door and gave Lin Qi a deep look. Lin Qi gave a deep cough, and slowly said an incision that sounded illogical to ordinary citizens: "My old turkey has just done a wild cat that can only lay eggs!"

The **** spirit smiled, and he looked vigilantly towards the alley through Lin Qi's shoulder.

Lin Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, and pushed away the vigilant black spirit man: "Enough, don't be so careful, don't forget that this is the Longshan Empire. The lovely copper hats of the Security Department are all Our people! All our people!"

Lin Qi came here with the image of himself before Blackbeard Munch, and when he contacted Blackbeard Munch, he announced that he had become the Minister of the Navy of the Longshan Empire!

The Black Spirit was stunned, then he was honest and scratched his head: "What do you mean, brothers can also stay in luxury hotels in the future?"

Lin Qi glared at him: "Of course, as long as you don't commit crimes here, you will knock on your door in the middle of the night without a copper hat. But there is one prerequisite. Your boss has to pay the money himself, and I will give you a discount for a copper. I won't give it to you!"

The black spirit man's face changed suddenly, he shrugged his shoulders, and then heavily closed the wooden door behind Lin Qi. He grumbled and complained: "We don't have much money. The boss recently emptied everyone's money bag to replace the battleship!"

Behind the wooden door is a dark corridor, and walking through this corridor with a length of more than ten meters is an ordinary looking tavern. A bartender with a sharply shaved scalp and two centipede-like scars on his face was standing behind the counter, grinning and wiping a glass wine glass with all his strength, Lin Qi was afraid that this guy would take the wine glass. Wipe out a hole.

Blackbeard Munch was sitting at the counter. A big dark parrot stood weakly on his head. Seeing Lin Qi walking in, the big parrot suddenly yelled: "Here is the big rich man, the big rich man is here. Up!"

Lin Qi's face turned black suddenly, he coughed heavily, and pointed at the parrot fiercely: "Close your beak, otherwise the red wine stewed parrot, it should be a very good snack!"

The black parrot shivered, hurriedly spread its wings more than two feet wide and flew up and fell on the bartender's bald head embarrassedly. The bartender with a hideous face rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, then grabbed the parrot and threw it into a waste bucket beside him, and then stepped it into the muddy sewage with one foot.

"I also hate this broken bird! What can I drink?" The bartender showed a bright but even ugly smile.

Lin Qi casually lost ten coppers and said, "A glass of light ale, don't mix it with water, thank you!"

Blackbeard Munch raised his head, and shook his fist at Lin Qi angrily: "A stingy guy, you should at least call a bottle of 100-year-old rum, to you, a rich man who owns an empire. So, is this still money? But you, ten coppers!"

Wiping a big beard on his face, Munch jumped off the stool and screamed in a fuss: "Brothers, look, our Imperial Navy minister, he still has copper on him! My **** Ah, I've seen the dead, you actually carry copper on your body!"

Sitting on the high stool next to Munch, Lin Qi hooked his finger to the bartender: "A glass of pale ale, hurry up."

Then he turned his head to look at Munch: "Enough, enough, Jinshan Yinshan has also accumulated a copper coin. How have you been?"

Before Munch said a word, the bartender had already pushed ten coppers to Lin Qi, and shook his head vigorously: "Twenty coppers, sorry, prices have risen so much recently, ten coppers a glass of pale ale, That was two years ago! It's because there are too many nobles like you, you throw gold coins at will, and the prices of the entire continent have soared!"

Lin Qi stayed for a while, then took out a silver coin and threw it on the counter. He looked at the bartender, shook his head and sighed: "This is the fault of the foreign race. They started the war, and the food has become a strategic reserve, so prices will soar. Although the Longshan family is extravagant, it will not affect the whole Prices on the mainland! Well, a big glass of ale, thank you!"

The bartender satisfactorily scraped the silver coin and copper into his pocket, then took out a bronze wine glass with a capacity of two liters, and hummed a small note to Lin Qi and filled Lin Qi with a large glass of barley wine that exuded a strong aroma of wheat. .

Munch ordered himself a glass of rum, and then touched the glass heavily with Lin Qi.

"What do you want me to do!" Munch looked at Lin Qi unceremoniously: "Recently, I took my brothers to the north and played several games with the orcs. We didn't dare to attack the orcs' large fleet, so we faced their little team. The patrol starts! But the losses are also great. I am preparing to exchange some large warships, and I am busy, asking me to come to Vias Port. What is it doing?"

Lin Qi drank a big sip of barley wine, then wiped the foam from the corner of his mouth, and reached out and tapped on the counter.

"Are you interested in helping the Longshan Empire?" Lin Qi asked Munch straightforwardly: "Of course, it's not the regular navy, but the dark agent of the Longshan Empire ocean power. If you want, all the current Vias Navy ships, You take it all, and I will help you replenish all the magic spar and all the ordnance you need."

After a slight pause, Lin Qi glanced at the two dozen pirates in the bar: "I can improve your guys a lot, at least be able to fight against the heavenly warriors! Like you pirate leaders, half Are you interested in the power of God?"

Munch and the pirates looked at Lin Qi with horror.

After a long time, Munch muttered to himself: "All the warships of the entire Vias Navy? Are you kidding me?"

Lin Qi shrugged, smiled and shook his head: "You also know the current situation of the Vias navy. The belly of those masters can crush an orc, but they have forgotten how to swing a knife. So I prepared to rebuild. A formal imperial navy. Those guys now, together with the warships, are all eliminated.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support. Is my biggest motivation.)

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