Bright Era

Chapter 1539: Suddenly (2)

"All the warships are given to you, free of charge, because I have fished from other places for the supplement of 3,000 large warships. The total number of these warships of the Vias Navy is more than 1,000, which is also given to you. It doesn't matter."

"But in the future, your pirate group will have to cooperate with us. Normally I don't have any requirements for you, but at some special moments, such as when the Dragon Mountain Empire conflicts with a certain empire. , You go looting their sea transport team?"

Lin Qi showed a weird smile: "All the trophies belong to you, and I will replenish you with a batch of ordnance and military expenses every year. What do you think of this condition?"

Munch frowned in thought. Those pirates are already dancing with excitement, a whole fleet of Vias Navy, how tempting it is. More than 1,000 military warships manufactured by regular shipyards, and they are well-equipped, with heavy, large, medium and small ships complete, and the logistics and transportation support fleet is also equipped with a complete fleet!

This is the second most powerful fleet in the Western Continent after the Harran Imperial Navy.

If Munch's pirate group got these warships, plus the ferocity and treacherousness of the pirate group, no caravan in the entire Western Continent could avoid their looting! Munch will become the most powerful pirate king in the entire western continent!

Seeing Munch in contemplation, Lin Qi took out another map from his sleeve. This is the entire map of the Longshan Empire.

Pointing at the three provinces divided between evil spirits and demons, there is a province's territory that has been painted light red. Lin Qi said solemnly: "I will move all the nobles out of this province. In the future, the brothers of your pirate group are disabled, old, or tired. If they are willing to retire, come here! Their points in the pirate group, I give them the status of honorable nobility!"

Munch's eyes gushing out.

Lin Qi offered a more tempting condition: "Of course, if it is the middle and high-level leader of the pirate group, they can get hereditary knighthood! But this must be approved by you to get hereditary knighthood! How about! ?"

"You **** devil!" Munch punched Lin Qi fiercely in the chest: "I just don't understand why the Black Tiger family will hook up with the Longshan Empire? This is completely beyond my understanding, I really It's... hard to understand."

Lin Qi was silent for a while, then gave Munch a reassurance: "The Longshan family is a vassal of the Black Tiger family, understand?"

Munch looked at Lin Qi in horror. He looked at Lin Qi deeply for a long time, and then slowly nodded: "In this case, Uncle Blackbeard will not betray his brothers. So, I am going to take my brothers. Follow the Black Tiger family! Discuss the specific regulations, take over an entire fleet, **** it, this is a big project!"

Lin Qi smiled and nodded, then he took out a thick pile of official documents and discussed with Munch in detail.

It had just entered the tavern at night, but when Lin Qi walked out of the tavern with the smell of alcohol and tobacco all over, it was already early in the morning. A slight whiteness of fish belly appeared in the east, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Lin Qi walked in the rain with a smile. As he walked, his image changed slightly. From the skinny middle-aged man of the Black Tiger family, he gradually became the appearance of Wanen Longshan.

Blackbeard Munch, this guy who intends to become the pirate king is very smart. He fully discovered how much benefit and glorious future the cooperation with Longshan Empire will bring him, so he did not hesitate to choose Yu Longshan Empire's Full cooperation. He also secretly accepted the rank of Admiral Anbu of the Longshan Empire's Admiralty. When necessary, he even has the right to directly use secret military orders to mobilize the regular fleet of the Longshan Empire to cooperate!

"Walking across the sea, plundering the wealth of the empire, this is the real pirate!"

The black coarse cloth cloak on Lin Qi turned into a little black light, and a set of low-key and conservative aristocratic clothes appeared on his body, just like Wanen Longshan's past.

Walking out of a remote alley and onto a avenue in the port area, there are already early dockers who are walking along the avenue and looking at the port. Some bakeries and small restaurants on the roadside have also opened their doors. The air is filled with the wheat aroma of bread and the salty taste of garlic sea fish soup, and the pungent smell of roasted onions and fried garlic is blowing with the wind.

Lin Qi took a deep breath. This is the smell of the dock, a smell he has been familiar with since the beginning.

Quietly standing on the avenue near the port, looking out the direction of the harbour, the impatient fishermen untied the rope and sailed the fishing boat. Although it is raining in the sky, judging by the breath of the sea breeze coming from the air, today will be a sunny day.

Sniffing his nose, Lin Qi was satisfied that the skill he had cultivated in Dunerker hadn't fallen yet. It must be a sunny day today, Lin Qi told himself confidently. The sound of seagulls has been heard from high in the sky. These greedy skuas, they can't wait to embellish the fishing boats out of the port, and prepare a delicious meal.

"The greedy guy is always like this. I can't wait to jump out to find the prey!" Lin Qi squinted his eyes, then turned and looked at the corner of a small building on the side of the road: "Is that right? I am here. Stand for a quarter of an hour, and you appeared ten minutes ago!"

Waving the heavy gold-coated cane in his hand, Lin Qi smiled and shook his head: "I am not a stunning beauty. I am just an ordinary old man with silver hair and beard. You have been watching me for so long. What?"

A soft cough came, and from the shadow of the corner walked out a person beyond Lin Qi's imagination.

Wearing a black robe and a pale face, Lin Li walked out slowly, and then gave Lin Qi a deep look: "Mr. Wanen Longshan, I'm so lucky to be able to see you here. This is God's destiny. , We only came here yesterday, and today I ran into you, the immortal."

Lin Qi looked at Lin Li in surprise: "I'm not dead? You mean me? Seeing the undead, is your brain broken by a donkey hoof?"

Lin Li licked his lips, and the arrogance and arrogance that had disappeared from his face for a long time because of Lin Qi's powerful force shock returned to his face again. Although his face was a little pale and he looked as though he had just recovered from a serious illness, Lin Li's arrogance and disdain for Lin Qi made Lin Qi deeply dissatisfied and surprised.

What's wrong with this guy? In the Fourth Abyss, faced with the scourge of killing, this guy fled with Yun Tian in embarrassment and escaped without whereabouts. Later, Lin Qi did not deliberately search for them. But Lin Qi never dreamed that this guy would actually appear in Vias Port, and unexpectedly ran into him by such a coincidence.

"In other words, your brain was not kicked by the donkey, but you have confidence that you feel that you have the strength to fight against our Longshan family?" Lin Qi narrowed his eyes. This is the greatest possibility. Lin Li may really get it. He got a certain powerful force, or received the support of certain powerful forces, so that he felt that he could break the wrist with Lin Qi?

Lin Li grinned and walked over slowly. A horse-drawn carriage had just passed by, but he broke the horse's head with a punch.

The horse twitched heavily on the ground, and the carriage was dragged to the ground. The middle-aged coachman who drove angrily fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. Lin Li triumphantly licked the blood on his fist, then walked slowly to Lin Qi.

"Since I met you here, that would be the best! Come with me, someone wants to see you!" Lin Li raised his brow triumphantly: "Don't think about running away, it's not good for you, it's good for you The Longshan family behind him is not good either!"

With a grinning grin, Lin Li put his big face in front of Lin Qi, and grinned and said, "Be good, otherwise the Longshan family has just formed an empire. Maybe all the clansmen will be lost because of your wrong choice. Ashes are gone! So, you must be obedient!"

Lin Qi sighed deeply. He shook his head and pushed Lin Li away. He walked to the coachman who had fallen to the ground and put a small bag of gold coins beside him: "Go and change a horse. For things here, if someone from the Security Department comes over, tell them-I'm going to do something with a member of the Lin family from the East."

The coachman looked at Lin Qi in horror. He glanced at Lin Li and muttered in a low voice: "Dear sir, you look like a real noble gentleman. But this guy, the great goddess of wealth, choked with copper. Kill him, this guy looks like a thug!"

Lin Qi smiled, then shook his head indifferently. Thug, Lin Qi doesn't know how much he likes thugs!

Lin Li looked at Lin Qi coldly, then shook his head mockingly: "Show your cheap mercy to these weak people. This is the so-called aristocratic demeanor of these barbarians in the western continent? What a stupid and meaningless action!"

Lin Qi smiled and walked to Lin Li's side, and then the gold-coated cane in his hand stabbed his liver severely. This small walking stick is covered with a thin layer of gold leaf, but inside is a metal rod smelted with star-shaped heavy gold and meteorite magic iron. The small walking stick looks no more than three feet long and the thickness of the goose egg, but its weight is more than two thousand catties.

The metal cane, which was so heavy and dense, was pushed by Lin Qi's brute force, and slammed into Lin Li's liver. The intense pain caused Lin Li to open his mouth but couldn't speak, his eyes stared. He had to bulge like a frog, he panted'chichi', then knelt on the ground embarrassedly.

Compared with when he entered the Fourth Abyss, Lin Qi's strength at this time has undergone an earth-shaking change. At this time, Lin Qi can at least kill the twenty of himself before entering the fourth abyss!

Lin Li was eaten to death by Lin Qi then, let alone now? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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