Bright Era

Chapter 1838: The Will to Dominate the Society (2)

The three-legged toad flicked between Lin Qi's fingers in embarrassment. While he uttered a weird cry of "quack", he yelled with joy, "There are friends like this, quack, it's really yours, quack, Unfortunately!"

King Scorpion was a little bit about to cry: "I don’t have many friends! They all say I’m too stupid, so... I only have a few stupid friends than me! But these idiots, this idiot, why did he Am I like this?"

Gently patted the tearful King Scorpion King, Lin Qi sighed kindly: "It's not easy for everyone! Although you are a god, look, you are just a weak lower-level god! You! It shouldn’t be easy to survive the Primordial God War, right?"

The King Scorpion cried loudly: "It's difficult! It's really hard! I'm only half of my head left. If Speyer hadn't saved me, I would have been beaten to pieces! Ooh, I almost Not dead, my mission has also failed!"

Raising his brows, Lin Qi smiled curiously and asked King Scorpion: "Your mission? Aha, what mission do you have?"

King Jin Xie shook his head, he returned to his original shape and turned into a big scorpion of gold and blue that was no more than two meters long. There were bursts of blurred golden blue gloom in his compound eyes. He raised his head and looked at the sky, muttering in a low voice.

"It's been too long, and my head was shattered in half. There are too many memories to forget!"

"Uh, my master, should it be? The master who raised me from a small newborn scorpion, her last request to me is... She begged me, here, where to go? Anyway A place to protect the blood of her family!"

"But, I failed!" King Golden Scorpion's tail waved wildly: "War, meteors, the sinking of the continent, ah, they brought in meteors that lasted for many years, destruction! The person I want to protect is over! My strength, I was originally stronger than Xie Lisi, but I was besieged by many people, the **** of war!"

A blue poisonous gas sprayed out of King Golden Scorpion’s mouth, and he cursed bitterly: "God of war, I will kill him, I will kill him! There is also the Axul protoss! They besieged me! Many gods as powerful as me and stronger than me besieged me! The people I wanted to protect were killed, and the people Speyer wanted to protect were also killed..."

"I was beaten to only half of my head, and most of my body was broken, Speyer... Yes, Speyer's arms and legs were broken, and my stomach was interrupted! We ran away, Speyer. Er took us away! There are many, many... No, we are still fighting, um, some of our companions fell to Azer and others, and some were persuaded by those beasts..."

"Those **** beasts, what did they do? What are they..."

A mouthful of blood came out, and King Jin Xie looked at Lin Qi a little distressed: "I have forgotten too many things. My brain is shattered. I can remember so much, it's not easy! Uh, how am I? hungry!"

Lin Qi looked at the tearful King Scorpion, took out a dragon body that had just been manufactured but had not been injected into the dragon soul and threw it in front of him. King Scorpion let out a cheerful howl, his body quickly swelled to hundreds of meters in length, and he swallowed up the rich flesh and blood of this giant dragon with huge energy.

"Ah, it's so delicious, the taste of the dragon. I haven't eaten the dragon for many years! I used to eat dragon meat every day! But next time you kill this guy, remember not to let it His dragon soul is annihilated! The dragon meat without any soul breath has no smell at all!"

King Scorpion happily shook his extremely long and deadly poisonous tail hook.

Lin Qi looked at the King Scorpion, who was acting like a puppy, and asked him with a smile, "Do you remember the appearance of your master?"

While devouring dragon meat with big mouths, King Scorpion raised his tongs and released a hazy light curtain: "Of course, I can forget my own name. Indeed, I have also forgotten my name. , But I will never forget the appearance of the master!"

Lin Qi looked at the figure in the light curtain, his whole body stiffened there.

That is a very beautiful oriental girl. Darker than ebony, but with long hair shining like crystals, and the exquisite goose-shaped face, there is a breath that makes people feel warm and soft at first glance. She is wearing a black robe with a complicated shape but with a sacred and solemn taste. She is suspended in a vast starry sky. A few small gold-blue scorpions and a few silver little snakes are happily surrounding her. Circling and dancing.

"You still had a companion back then!" Lin Qi asked in shock when looking at the golden blue scorpions and the small snakes.

"I am the weakest one! But I am also much stronger than the current Xie Lisi!" King Scorpion raised his head, flicked his long tail fiercely, and smashed a huge stone in the distance. Smash: "But, I am the youngest one. During the battle, my brothers and the silver guys died in order to cover me! They are stronger than the current Speyer, but they are all died!"

Lin Qi only felt that the hair was horrified.

Speyer definitely surpassed the rank position of the upper gods, comparable to the tyrannical existence of the gods. But those little scorpions and silver snakes around King Scorpion are actually much stronger than Speyer? So what level has she reached for the girl who can support these guys?

"It's amazing!" Heavenly Mountain suddenly sighed faintly: "The robe on this adult is a noble five-star royal king. These scorpions and snakes should be her pets! Hei Ling The hidden gods in the mainland should all have the same identity as them."

"Pet?" Lin Qi asked back.

"Pets!" Heaven Mountain muttered slowly: "In many cases, pets are more reliable than tribesmen. Of course, pets betray their owners, but this is extremely rare. But betrayals between tribesmen, think about it. Look at the people who died in battle when you first saw me!"

The King Scorpion put away the light curtain on the tongs, and then swallowed the dragon meat with great effort. He muttered vaguely while gnawing on the dragon meat, "You are not bad, you can give me dragon meat, and don't attack me when I am injured, you are much more cute than Xie Lisi! Hmm, Yan Leopard Lord, when I regain a little strength, I will beat him up!"

Sighed, gold scorpion king helplessly shook his tail:! "But, although he stupid than I am, but I can not beat him Well, I know he has been stupid, but nothing bad eye, in addition to the dead like Xie Lisi, he is not bad-hearted."

"I rarely meet a few friends whose IQ is lower than mine, so these idiots have always been taken care of by me. If I beat them, or leave them behind, they won't live long. Anyway. King Flame Leopard is the master’s sister’s favorite pillow!"

Lin Qi looked at the golden scorpion king who was talking to himself, he held the three-legged toad in his hand, and then pressed his stomach severely. The three-legged toad let out a miserable howl, and then a mouthful of white blood with a strong fragrance of blood came out, which happened to fall into the mouth of King Scorpion.

King Jin Xie's body suddenly stiffened, the broken carapace on his head quickly healed, and a golden blue light flashed continuously across his body. In just a few breaths, the sound of dense internal tissue growth came from the King Scorpion King’s body, and the golden and blue markings on his body became more eye-catching, like a dusty pearl, suddenly wiped away The dust on the body.

"It's really weird!" King Scorpion put down the delicious dragon meat in front of him, turned his head and looked at Lin Qi: "His blood can heal my injury? This is something Snyder can't do! Oh, By the way, you don't know who Snyder is? He is one of the three bosses who like to be nosy, a big snake as strong as Speyer!"

"Snakes, they are best at finding herbs that are good for the body in the grass, so Snyder is the best medical guy among us. But he can't match something that can quickly recover from our injuries, but This little guy is really good!" King Jin Xie tilted his head and looked at the three-legged toad, his compound eyes filled with consternation.

But soon, King Scorpion became even more astonished.

Dozens of dull thunders rang out from his body, and then rounds of foul-smelling blood flowed out from the cracks of his nails. His body trembled violently, and the luster of his body changed rapidly. After a few short breaths, his breath had returned to the level of a lower intermediate god.

Lin Qi's eyes widened, this big scorpion didn't talk nonsense, he had indeed had a stronger power than Xie Lisi, and a stronger power than a higher-ranking god. He only became so weak because of his injuries, and even the terrible trauma to the soul.

But as long as he repairs his terrible damage and replenishes enough spirit power, he is likely to quickly return to his peak state!

Looking at King Golden Scorpion with fiery eyes, Lin Qi coughed lowly: "Perhaps King Golden Scorpion, you need to find something more meaningful to do! Do you want revenge? Do you want to trouble the God of War? Do you want to step him under your feet one day, and **** on him fiercely? Do you want to let out a sigh of relief for your master’s clansmen?"

King Scorpion’s eyes suddenly turned red, and then quickly returned to normal.

With a deep sigh, King Scorpion murmured: "I don't believe you can do this!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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