Bright Era

Chapter 1839: The Will to Dominate the Society (3)

Looking at King Golden Scorpion, Lin Qi said solemnly: "Got a gamble? Follow me. I will satisfy your appetite and give you the good things you want to eat, such as dragon meat. Then, I will help. You heal! The most important thing is that my IQ is much higher than those of your partners, so you don't have to worry that I will cause you trouble!"

After hesitating for a long time, King Jin Xie stared at Lin Qi firmly: "I want to kill the **** of war!"

Lin Qi smiled and pointed to Abili who was lying on the ground like a dead person: "Look, I have the life and death of a **** in my hands!"

Glancing at Abili in amazement, King Scorpion, a guy with a dry brain, hadn't been reminded by Lin Qi, he couldn't see Abili at all! After taking a heavy breath of heat, King Jin Xie said solemnly: "Then, I will go with you! But you have to swear that you will help me kill the **** of war!"

Lin Qi looked at King Golden Scorpion earnestly: "Of course, I swear! But I hope you can understand one thing, if you fight with the God of War, how can I believe that you were not sent by the God of War on purpose. What about death?"

The King Scorpion screamed angrily, and his screams turned the dense forest within a thousand miles into ashes.

Angrily waved two huge pliers, King Scorpion angrily said: "Am I his dog leg? You are insulting me!"

Lin Qi looked at King Jinxie blankly: "Sign the soul contract! King Jinxie! Become someone I can trust, otherwise I won't be able to bring you by my side!"

King Scorpion was silent for a long time, and then he simply smashed his forehead with a pliers, and took out a mass of blood mixed with a part of the power of the soul: "However, there is one additional item in the soul contract. I can recognize you as Lord, but if you are a man of the gods, or if you don’t have a plan to deal with the **** of war, then our souls will all die! By the way, there is my wound, you want this guy to vomit blood to me every day!"

Lin Qi stared at King Golden Scorpion, then showed a bright smile, nodded slowly. The three-legged toad's face became like a zombie, and he almost cried.

With the help of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Lin Qi cautiously signed a soul contract with King Scorpion. Lin Qi was the master and King Scorpion served as his servant, but King Scorpion added a constraint to the soul contract, just as he said. , If Lin Qi does not help him deal with the God of War, then Lin Qi will die with him.

I patted King Golden Scorpion’s head and waited until this big guy with a nearly bottomless appetite gnawed the dragon clean. After even the bone marrow was swallowed, King Golden Scorpion quickly shrank to the size of his fist. He was lying in the middle of Lin Qi's head. His tail with a ruler drooped behind Lin Qi's head, looking like a thin braid.

Snoring satisfied, King Golden Scorpion sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "You have a very good smell, which is similar to that of the previous owner. It is completely different from other humans. If it is not the case, I I won't sign this kind of contract with you!"

Lin Qi raised his hand and touched King Jin Scorpion's body, then quickly turned into a violent wind and flew towards Black Pearl Harbor.

Yes, Lin Qi and the former master of King Jin Xie have a similar taste. What they cultivate is the method that originated from the same vein, and all the source power flows in their bodies. They are all real human beings, not the human beings who have cultivated fighting energy and magic power, or other strange and strange powers.

By the time he returned to Black Pearl Harbor, Enzo had already commanded those logistical assistants in the city to clean up the messy battlefield outside the city. A layer of fertile black soil covered the battlefield outside the city. With the efforts of the wizards, the green turf stretched out from outside the city wall, and the clean grass blades were still stained with dewdrops, which looked extremely pleasing to the eye.

Thinking about the dead mountain and blood a few days ago, Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head.

Back in the parliament hall of Black Pearl Harbor, Mr. Mo found Lin Qi for the first time and handed Lin Qi a copy of the scroll. In the name of the Black Spirit Empire, Black Pearl Harbor has sent letters to thousands of Black Spirit tribes near and far—inviting them to send envoys to Black Pearl Harbor to discuss a meeting on the future of the Black Spirit Continent.

What is recorded on the scroll is a sample of the letter. Mr. Mo is very cautious in formulating sentences in the letter, and try not to use radical words that may cause misunderstanding and anger in the black spirits. Lin Qi glanced at the scroll and nodded slowly: "I have successfully hooked up with the goddess Cheris last time. I think, in the matter of these tribes sending people to the meeting, her oracle will Very helpful."

After groaning for a while, Lin Qi pointed to the upper body of Abili who was lying aside more than ten meters long: "Have her body away. Although her spirit has collapsed, it is half of a powerful god. My body. Keep her and go back to the Western Continent. There are still some uses."

A frenzy flashed in Mr. Mo's eyes. He stared at Abili, and muttered in a low voice: "The body of the god? The real god?"

Lin Qi quickly glanced at Mr. Mo: "You can take no more than a hundred catties of flesh and blood from her for research, or as long as I guarantee that her body is still alive when I hand her over, you Feel free to toss."

Mr. Mo laughed with satisfaction. He bowed to Lin Qi and bowed: "Your generosity amazes me, and your understanding touches me very much. The body of a real god, I think, I am in pharmacy and magic creation. Academic research will go further."

With a satisfied smile, Mr. Mo recruited several magic puppets made by himself, and carried Abeli's body to the underground chamber.

Lin Qi lowered his head and thought for a while, and then contacted the fleet from several port cities in the south of the Longshan Empire. It will take a long time for those fleets to come here. According to the report of the fleet commander, the church soldiers are already there. Unable to endure the pain of ocean-going voyages, some were dying of illness, and some organized a series connection and launched a riot on the ship.

"For those who are sick, we must make every effort to treat them. We must ensure that they are alive and come to the Black Spirit Continent!" Lin Qi gave the command ruthlessly: "As for the ruffians who dared to riot, throw them all into the sea to feed the sharks. Before throwing them into the sea, throw them away. Take off all the armor and weapons on their bodies, don't waste even a single piece of copper for them!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi sighed helplessly. He knew that these church soldiers were not reliable. Launch a rebellion in the navy fleet in the vast ocean? Well, let's not talk about their weak combat power. Even if they succeed in rebellion, they will not posture ships or maintain the magic furnace. Where can they go?

Jump into the sea and swim back to the Longshan Empire? Then Lin Qi can satisfy their urgent desire in advance.

After giving several consecutive orders to the commander of the huge fleet, Lin Qi closed the magic circle for transmission. Sitting upright on the throne belonging to the Black Spirit Empire in the parliament hall, Lin Qi propped his chin with one hand and fell into thought.

With Xie Lisi's help to issue the oracle, the tribal chiefs of the Black Spirit Continent, they should not have any resistance to Lin Qi's invitation, after all, this is an oracle issued by a trusted **** they believe in. And Lin Qi returned all the Black Spirit slaves in the Longshan Empire, including part of the Black Spirit slaves in the Gaul Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty, which undoubtedly can be exchanged for the trust of the Black Spirits.

As long as a few cooperating partners can be found among the Black Spirits, a Black Spirit Empire that can be influenced by Lin Qi and used by Lin Qi is expected to be formed in a short time.

The war of the gods belongs to the gods, and Lin Qi is not interested in mixing that kind of things; the war on earth belongs to human beings, and Lin Qi has great ideas about this. If it is possible to establish a unified force across several continents in the secular world, then perhaps Lin Qi has the confidence to attack those gods.

Squinting his eyes, looking back at what Lin Qi had seen and heard in the Western Continent for so many years, whether it was the church or other religious forces, they all used the name of destroying heretics and wantonly destroying the light of civilization that appeared among mankind. Under their guidance, humans in the secular world have embarked on a completely biased path of power.

But if Lin Qi can teach them the correct cultivation method and spread the correct cultivation method among the crowd, then it may not take much time-of course, it is impossible for Lin Qi to be so fast, but with a huge human In terms of the base number, it will not take much time, and there will be countless powerful people among human beings.

Just like those humans who died in battle in front of the Heavenly Mountain, they can contend with the gods, imprison and kill the gods at will, so that the gods can only use the human sea tactics to barely grind them to death.

If more Metaverse parts can be recovered, Lin Qi will have greater confidence to implement these plans.

With more Metaverse parts, Lin Qi's thinking quickly jumped here. It is now known that apart from Penglai, there is also a Hall of Valor that is controlled by the orcs. Penglai is almost in his hands, as long as he finds a way to deal with the Yin Master, Penglai can easily start. But the Hall of Valor would be a trouble instead. According to the memory left in the souls of Rahan and Sna, the gods believed by the alien races seemed to monitor the Hall of Valor at any time.

Of course, there are parts that are easier to pick up, and the territories suppressed by the ancient tribes, if Lin Qi guessed correctly, they should all belong to the out-of-control Metaverse. But Lin Qi didn't have suitable excuses and reasons, he couldn't enter those territories. There is a heaven gate in the heaven mountain, which can drop the angel army to any place he can feel at will. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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