Bright Era

Chapter 1840: The Will to Dominate the Society (4)

Therefore, the Linhu clan is responsible for the suppression of the Wing Man Jueyu, and nowadays, a group of low-level Wingmen will rush up to meet each other every few days.

But other extremities do not have such a powerful ability. If Lin Qi conquered the out-of-control components in these extremities, if the true features of these extremities were discovered by the people who ruled the society, Lin Qi would not be sure, he would be true. Can withstand the attack of the Dominator.

"Can I conquer these gods in the Black Spirit Continent for my use?" Lin Qi asked Heaven Mountain: "Like me and King Scorpion King?"

After a long silence, Tiantian Mountain didn't say a word. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree slowly gave Lin Qi an answer that almost made him vomit blood: "Trafficking underage children whose brains are the same as idiots is relatively easy. But if you want to abduct those who are a bit brainy. , A guy who has grown into a teenager, it's difficult!"

Lin Qi shook his head without saying a word. King Scorpion lay on his head and snorted very comfortably, his long tail rubbed against Lin Qi's neck lightly, and then his body gradually relaxed, obviously full of food and drink. Moreover, the King Scorpion, whose internal injuries have been greatly improved, has fallen into a deep sleep.

Sleeping after eating, and just eating and sleeping on the premise of just signing a soul contract that is almost selling one’s body, Lin Qi immediately agrees with the sweet-scented osmanthus tree’s evaluation of King Scorpion. This is the same as an idiot. Underage children.

Speaking of which, the big guys like Speyer are really hard to be fooled. Of course, if Lin Qi can provide them with enough energy core of the archangel, or like a donkey, provide them with enough soul crystals, it should be safe to buy Speyer to be a thug twice occasionally.

The problem is that whether it is the energy core of the archangel level or the crystallization of the soul, this is a resource that Lin Qi himself is extremely scarce. The energy core of the archangel level is related to the high-end combat effectiveness of the new angel legion. And the crystallization of the soul, this is the treasure brought out by the donkey, no one knows whether there is such a thing in the donkey!

If so, instead of giving it to Speyer, it would be better to let Lin Qi strengthen his soul.

Just when Lin Qi was hesitant, there was a piercing sound of sword scabbing outside the hall. Then there was a low physical impact, and the heavy armor hit the ground with a loud noise. The armored man slid back along the smooth slate, and the metal armor rubbed the slate to make a sour sound.

Strong vindictiveness and magical fluctuations came from all directions, and Enzo’s voice resounded halfway through the Black Pearl Harbor: "Hey, I’m very sorry, gentlemen, this is the military restricted area of ​​the Longshan Empire. You have injured the active duty of the Longshan Empire. Soldiers, I declare that you are all arrested."

Lin Qi jumped up and strode out. Enzo's words sound very relaxed, but only Lin Qi, who has been dealing with Enzo for so many years, can hear that, Enzo's words are full of extreme tension. It must not be a good thing to be able to make Enzo, who is carelessly crawling out of the dead, so nervous.

Outside the main entrance of the Black Pearl Harbor Council Hall, a few middle-aged men in black robes stood shoulder to shoulder on the square covering more than ten acres. There are no markers on the simple robes. The looks of these middle-aged men are of the kind that can’t be found after being thrown into the crowd. Of course, they can’t be found after being thrown into the eastern crowd. Kind.

These are a few Orientals, and a faint mist rises behind them, and some strange creatures are looming in the mist. In the mist behind the leader, there was a strange creature with black dragon scales, oxtails, dragon horns, eagle claws, and deer bodies.

That is, Lin Qi's strength has reached the level of a three-star imperial officer, and he is faintly breaking through to a four-star imperial officer, so he can see many things that ordinary people can't see. For example, the looming phantom behind these middle-aged people is clearly that they have broken through themselves, completed the first transformation, and obtained some signs of inheritance in their blood.

According to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree they explained to Lin Qi, they also completed the first metamorphosis, but depending on the relationship between the activated bloodlines, the power acquired is also strong or weak. For example, when Lin Qi completed his transformation for the first time, he reached the level of a three-star imperial master. But these few people in front of him, the middle-aged man who led the team could probably have a peak of one star and approach the level of two stars, while the others were nothing more than The peak of an ordinary demigod can be a level to break through.

It can be seen that the monster entrenched behind the middle-aged man is indeed a very powerful creature.

"Well, the magic unicorn!" Longya snorted slowly and coldly: "The unicorn, this is a creature with a very bad personality, and the magic unicorn is the worst kind of them. I roughly remember that the unicorn family could not be treated. Annihilated because they are good candidates for pets. However, it seems that a demon unicorn has offended a noble adult?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree shook its roots slowly: "I also have this impression, but the information is too severe. All in all, this is a very powerful, but bloodline full of crazy factors. Except for certain branches, they are A group of fighting madmen."

Looking at the middle-aged people with cold eyes, Lin Qi looked around. A dozen guards standing in front of the parliament hall were lying on the ground and vomiting blood continuously. There was a fist mark deeply sunken in their breastplate. , It was obvious that this punch not only destroyed their breastplate, but their thoracic vertebrae were also shattered.

And around the square, Enzo was leading Long Gen and a group of old brothers to stare at these middle-aged men. Behind them, there were a large group of warcraft cavalry who were riding on the ground dragon and had put out a charging formation.

Several giant dragons were suspended high in the sky, and Arta led a large number of magicians, madly gathering magic power, preparing to launch a curse attack.

Behind these middle-aged people, Este was tumbling with a silver-blue ice dance like a flame. The deep blue heart was floating above her head. The cold air continued to spread around her body, and the void near her body had become A field of ice. Standing beside Este was the expressionless Etreis, her body was burning with black flames, and her long hair was constantly flying in the black flames, bringing a horrible aura that made her soul tremble.

"What a big battle!" The middle-aged man who successfully activated the blood of the magic unicorn sneered after his first transformation: "Simply introduce myself, I am Huo Lingsuan. Of course, my name is not important. , I just want to see your principal."

Huo Lingsheng! Fire surname!

Among the twelve ancient tribes, there is a family with the surname Huo, and they are called the Huo rat family. All the people in this family are naturally close to flames, but they like tracking mineral veins and mining ores most. They are proficient in forging, and the fine armors and weapons of the twelve ancient tribes are basically forged by them.

For example, Lin Qi's set of **** tiger soul armor was prepared by the tiger clan himself, but was forged by the master craftsman of the fire rat clan.

From Hudao's information, Lin Qi knows that these ordinary people of the Fire Rat tribe have all their kung fu on two arms. Their arms are so powerful that they can almost compete with the tigers and giant apes. And because of the year-round forging and unique exercises, their arms constantly absorb the metal breath of various precious materials. The bone marrow to the skin are transformed into a peculiar strange structure with metallic characteristics.

Their arms are their best weapons, as well as their best tools for mining veins and forging equipment. Being hit with a heavy fist by a member of the Fire Rat clan was undoubtedly hit by a heavy and indestructible hot red soldering iron.

The middle-aged man in front of him called himself Huo Lingsao, and he came to the door at this time, it is conceivable that they must be from the Fire Rat family.

"It turns out that the predecessor of the rat race is here!" Lin Qi stood on the steps in front of the parliament hall and looked at Huo Lingshang and his party condescendingly: "Don't be so arrogant, everyone is in their place, Enzo, take the brothers. Cure. Seniors, please, if there is anything in there, let us say. By the way, you should know my name?"

Huo Lingsuan glanced at Lin Qi deeply, then slowly nodded: "Lin Qi, you kid, many people have died this time!"

Lin Qi glanced at Huo Lingsuan deeply, and he smiled disapprovingly: "I just do what I should do. As for who hits my knife, it is his own bad luck. At least I am doing those things. Before the incident, no one reported their identities to me. Can you blame me for this?"

Huo Lingsuan looked at the Dragon Mountain Empire army that was quickly retreating around, and couldn't help but nodded: "An elite division, but it's not enough to defeat the army that Wang Zong brought. I'm very curious how you did it. Do you know that what you did this time caused my biological brother to be disposed of? Three days ago, he went out to hunt fish and was eaten by a marine fish?"

Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment. He destroyed the Master’s plan to pass Wang Zong’s plan in the Black Spirit Continent. He also estimated that someone would be unlucky, but he really didn’t expect the Master’s hands and feet to be so fast. The punishment of the person directly responsible!

But this excuse is too bad. Looking at Huo Lingsao's strength, you can see that his brother is definitely stronger than him. Such a strong man would be eaten by a sea fish. Are you kidding me?

"A terrible excuse!" Lin Qi looked at Huo Lingsao: "But I have to say, now we are dead enemies?"

Huo Lingsuan looked at Lin Qi up and down for a while, and then suddenly grinned: "Venom? No, I also want to thank you for what you have done here! You know, my eldest brother is that trash, because he is me. Brother, so the next Patriarch must be him, not me! But now that he has been dealt with, I have a chance to sit on the throne of Patriarch, so I want to thank you!"

Lin Qi's face suddenly became gloomy. With just a few words, Lin Qi already knew that Huo Lingsao was a complete bastard!

After a few sneers, Lin Qi didn't have any interest in inviting them into the parliament hall to talk to him. He asked straightforwardly: "Then, what are you doing this time?"

Huo Lingsuan looked around, including Alsa and others had already evacuated here, and there was no one nearby, so he suddenly laughed. Lowering his voice, Huo Lingling said casually: "If we are sure that you are now our leader of the society, then the ruler will do everything to help you build a powerful empire in the Black Spirit Continent."

"That's it!" A gleam of light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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