Bright Era

Chapter 1857: Lin Qi's worth (2)

Karls Dawn looked at Lin Qi confidently, and he smiled relaxedly: "I'm just explaining a fact. Unless we can be sure that you have the correct faith, we would rather let Prince Turing Andelm Longshan sit again. Ascend to the throne. Because for us, changing dynasties is not too difficult."

Grabbing the tea bowl and taking a sip of the already cold tea, Lin Qi, whose face turned a little ugly, sighed softly: "I knew something like this would happen, then, in fact, I have a firm belief. But my beliefs are rather complicated!"

"Buza?" Karls? Chenxi's eyes widened in astonishment: "Buza? You actually said that your faith is very mixed?"

Opening his hands helplessly, Lin Qi showed a weird smile that made Karls Chenxi want to punch him in the face: "Yes, my beliefs are very mixed, for example, I believe in the goddess of wealth! Because there is only wealth. With the protection of the goddess, only my Longshan Empire can obtain a steady stream of gold coins, and enable me to build such a magnificent palace."

"Then, I believe in the goddess of life! I hope the goddess of life can protect my life, and I hope that the goddess of youth next to the goddess of life can bless me forever young. I hope I have endless life to enjoy my wealth."

"Secondly, I believe in the goddess of joy!" Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi smiled relaxedly at the stunned Kars Chenxi: "As an emperor, there must be no lack of women by your side! Of course, the emperors of the Western Continent, their I admire their personal integrity. They have only one queen. Although they have some lovers, they only have one wife in name."

"But I am different. My family originated in the East. On that ancient continent, any king, even if the people on the land only have millions of small kings, he will have dozens or even hundreds of wives. So I believe in the goddess of pleasure. I hope she can give me endless energy and let me and the beautiful women around me enjoy life to the fullest."

"Finally, I still believe in the God of Soul!" Lin Qi looked at Kars Chenxi with an evil smile.

There was a shiver all over his body, and Kars Chenxi said coldly: "Your Majesty, the God of Soul..."

Lin Qi smiled and shook his head. He smiled relaxedly: "Don't deceive me with words that deceive ordinary people. The God of Soul does exist, and it is said that he has the power to make the soul never dissipate! I I hope that my body and my soul can live forever, so I believe in the **** of soul."

With a light wave of his sleeves, Lin Qi smiled and looked at Karls Chenxi, whose mouth was wide open and speechless for a while, and smiled casually: "So, I have a firm belief, nothing more than My beliefs are a little mixed up. In addition to these four most important gods, I also believe in other gods, such as... the deputy **** next to the goddess of wealth, the **** of commercial fraud?"

Karls Chenxi coughed a few times. He twisted his body a little uncomfortably, and smiled bitterly with a dry tone: "But, there is no such thing, I was ordered to confirm your beliefs, but you say this, you do this, this It makes it difficult for us to judge your beliefs. No one can have so many beliefs, everyone can only believe in one god!"

Lin Qi exclaimed in a fuss. He raised his hands high and slapped his hands vigorously: "Oh, that's really unfair. If everyone only believes in the words of the most important gods, others What about the gods of God? And this kind of polytheism is a common thing in the East. The black spirit people in the Black Spirit Continent, they even worship the stone."

After a pause, Lin Qi lowered his voice: "Even the elves with long ears, don't they also believe in several elven gods at the same time? Even the most stubborn dwarves also believe in the **** of dwarves, the **** of forging, and the flame. God, God of Battle, God of Bacchus!"

Carls Chenxi was left speechless by Lin Qi, yes, the people of other continents basically have multiple beliefs. But in the Western Continent, all the people will only serve one deity. This is because the power structure and division of power of the gods worshipped by the church are completely different from the gods on other continents.

There are many very complicated things involved. Although Karls? Chenxi possesses the power of a lower god, to be honest, his power can only be found among the gods worshipped by the church. He can be regarded as a small character at the lowest level. Many things are complicated issues that even he can't understand, and even more dare not understand.

Staring at Lin Qi for a long time, Karls Chenxi gave a wry smile: "Your Majesty Lin Qi, my lord means to make you a devout believer of the **** of dawn! If you want, my lord, I am even willing to give you a crystallization of the soul of the dawn **** system, so that you can become a god. Immortal, you can always enjoy the **** of the emperor's throne!"

Lin Qi blinked his eyes, and bestowed a soul crystal of the dawn of the gods, could he directly become a god?

This is a huge sum of money, but with such a terrible investment, it is obvious that the gods of the church are brewing something. If this were not the case, how could they let Lin Qi take advantage of this for no reason? You know, those Yuanzongs of the church, they established the church and made great contributions to the revival of the gods, but they are still mortals now.

Even these Yuanzongs are under the deliberate and wrong guidance of the gods. Although they have mastered countless times more powerful than ordinary demigods, none of them have completed their first transformation! This is the gods deliberately suppressing these devout and loyal believers.

Now that the God of Dawn suddenly threw such a big bait, Lin Qi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Promise to him is not bad!" The osmanthus tree let out a weird laugh: "Before you complete the transformation, Chen Xi's divine power stays in your body, which is not a good thing for you, so at that time you can only play with them. One or two. But now you have condensed the source power and contained the source power of all the sources of power we have come into contact with since countless tribulations. The power of dawn can be perfectly contained and evolved by the source power!"

Lin Qi's eyes widened, and he quickly asked the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree gave a conclusive answer: "That is to say, unlike before, you can only borrow the power of the **** of dawn to cover people. Now your physical condition and the source power you master are enough to make you look like a **** of dawn. Walking freely will not have any effect on you!"

If he nodded thoughtfully, Lin Qi smiled and looked at Karls? Chen Xi: "Then, what kind of **** can I be?"

Carls Chenxi's eyes widened in astonishment, and looked at Lin Qi in disbelief: "You are bargaining with me? This is a matter of becoming a **** in one step, so you are still bargaining with us on this kind of thing? The great dawn is on, you fellow, you are like me, me..."

Karls Chenxi was also a character who had experienced the Primordial War. Although he was a member of the Cannon Fodder Legion of the Azer Protoss at that time, he was completely destroyed by the Divine Body shortly after entering the war. Even the Divine Soul only escaped a small part and rested. It took countless years to reluctantly restore the spirit to seven or eight.

But after all, he has such a big age. He has experienced countless things and seen countless weird transactions, but he never dreamed that in this era, in this era when the light of the gods shines on the whole world , In the era when all intelligent creatures worship the gods, there will be a strange flower like Lin Qi!

This **** guy, he actually bargained with the gods!

Moreover, other things are forgotten, this is related to his honor to become a god! This is an important thing to make him a god! A mere mortal in him, actually bargained with the great Lord of Dawn on this unprecedented gift of the gods!

"Could it be that being a **** is not enough to satisfy you?" Kars? Chen Xi's lips were trembling with anger.

Lin Qi coughed slightly. He raised his head and sneered slowly: "I know that not long ago, Miss Mu Wei, a special envoy sent by the Temple of War to the Great Yan Dynasty, once promised people to let them Become a deputy to the goddess of war!"

With a sneer, Lin Qi shook his head at Kars Chenxi: "Look at the spirit of the Temple of War. The Goddess of War is undoubtedly a great master god, and her deputy **** is at least a higher god, right? The artifact, at least a mid-level artifact, right? Look at the sincerity of the Temple of War! And you? The price you put forward made me a little disappointed!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi said calmly: "You can leave, dear Archbishop Karls. If it were just to make me an ordinary lower god, I would not be interested in changing my beliefs!"

With a light sigh, Lin Qi narrowed his eyes: "Say an offense, of course, it is also a fair word. Although Wan En Longshan suppressed me for many years, I must say a fair word for him-as a A pious saint of dawn, as a devout believer who enshrines billions of gold coins to the three major temples every year, Wan En? Longshan fell on the Black Spirit Continent, which makes me very chilling!"

Carls? Chen Xi almost jumped with anger, chilling? He is the real chill!

For a Wann? Longshan, Dawn's Fury Amulelai blew himself up in the Black Spirit Continent, exploded to pieces, and even the soul escaped only a trace of worthless remnant soul! And the sacred crystal ball of morning dawn that summoned Amulele was personally handed to Wanen Longshan by the Holy Crown Pope Grisgau Morning! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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