Bright Era

Chapter 1858: Lin Qi's worth (3)

Because of the death of Amulele, the God of Dawn directly selected a soul who had lost his body in the battle of God, let him descend on Grisgow Dawn, and replace his soul. And Grisgow Dawn’s soul is now bathed in the glory of the **** of Dawn’s ‘warm’ all day long, and is burned every day to scream and scream, ‘chichi’, and oily!

For the sake of Wanen Longshan, the **** of dawn lost the main battle **** who was among the upper ranks of his subordinates. Is this loss not big enough?

If it weren't for the simple brains and the gods of the Black Spirit Continent that are not easy to provoke, the God of Dawn has already taken many gods to the Black Spirit Continent to purify the entire continent! But those gods over there are really not easy to provoke, the **** of dawn almost vomited blood because of this!

Of course, Karls Chenxi must not tell Lin Qi about these things. After all, he is a god, and Lin Qi is just a mortal. How can a mortal know what the gods suffer and deflate?

With his face strained, Kars Chenxi slowly stood up, then turned away without saying a word.

Chilling, really chilling! Karls Chenxi felt that his heart was so cold, how can mortals now be so greedy? How can you be so bold? Don’t you control one-third of the western continent? Isn't it because you now need to rely on your strength to fight against other races controlled by other Protoss? How dare you make such unreasonable demands so unscrupulously?

Do you still think that the next **** is not enough for you? But don't you look at it. You are a mere mortal, do you have the qualifications to pick and choose?

Karls Dawn walked out of Longshan Palace with a gloomy face. He must report the events here to the God of Dawn as soon as possible. Perhaps, let the church dispatch a powerful army to teach the Longshan Empire a lesson. Perhaps it would be a better choice to support the original Turing • Andelm • Longshan who was lustful, greedy, and incompetent.

Or simply, kill Lin Qi by himself? Then change someone to become the emperor of the Longshan Empire?

Lin Qi sat in the flower hall and looked at the maids who were teasing the black swan by the lake not far away. He slowly stood up, carrying his hands on his back and watching the dark clouds in the sky getting thicker and more and more. The whole sky was blocked again. Not long after, a cold wind swept a few pieces of snowflakes out of the dark clouds, which is the time of a cup of tea, and the sky was full of goose feathers and rustling snowflakes.

After I don’t know how long, when the new snow accumulated a slap-thick layer on the ground, a strange and tangled cloud walked in quickly, then leaned to Lin Qi’s ear and mumbled to him in a low voice. A few sentences. Lin Qi, who was blank in his mind, was in a daze, then turned his head to look at the cloud stiffly, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "You, are you sure?"

Yun desperately lit his little head, and a strand of hair was scattered in front of his forehead: "I definitely read it right, she really, what's wrong with that."

After blinking his eyes a few times, Lin Qi subconsciously said to himself: "This guy is so kind! I really admire him!"

With a grin, Lin Qi put his arms around Yun's waist, kissed her forehead fiercely, and then sprinted towards a living room not far away. Yun hurriedly followed Lin Qi, with a delicate little face with a kind of woman-specific, curiosity and eagerness revealed from his bones after seeing the big gossip and the big scandal.

Striding to the door of the meeting room, Lin Qi took a deep breath and calmed his breath. The maids standing in front of the meeting room carefully bowed their knees to Lin Qi, and then pushed open the carved door of the meeting room.

Burning the fireplace, it was as warm as the drawing room in the late spring season. Hu Xinzhu sat on a sofa arrogantly. He has recovered his original appearance, and his handsome face is red, revealing a spring breeze. Good look. What shocked Lin Qi was that although this guy's strength hadn't been substantially improved, his body seemed to have been refined by some magical power. As long as he knew the right trick, he could definitely break through the first transformation easily.

Even the second transformation is not impossible! This guy's body is too pure and too powerful now.

Beside Hu Xinzhu, Mu Wei, who was full of spring, dressed in a black tight-fitting knight suit, was cautiously holding a tea cup, testing the temperature of the tea with her lips. When she felt that the temperature of the tea was just right, she brought the teacup to Hu Xinzhu's lips and waited for him to drink two sips of tea!

What type of situation is this? Lin Qi stood at the door of the meeting room, dizzy in his mind.

Looking at Mu Wei's gestures, yes, she has indeed bid farewell to the innocent girlhood and has officially become a woman. Looking at the pink spring light from the corners of her eyes and brows, Lin Qi knew that Hu Xinzhu had absolutely no effort on her!

But, dear Miss Mu Wei, you must understand your identity, you are a god! And you are one of the two main gods of the War God of the Azhul Protoss, a mighty goddess of war! Among the many gods enshrined by the church, the personal strength of the goddess of war can at least rank in the top five. Apart from the **** of dawn, the **** of punishment, and the **** of war, who can be her opponent?

A lofty goddess, or a goddess of the main **** level, actually put on the appearance of a little girl at home here waiting for Hu Xinzhu this villain to drink tea, it is like a female dragon's gentle money serving a rabbit gnawing carrots , This scene is so disharmonious, so full of terrifying impact!

"Two!" Lin Qi finally recovered and coughed heavily.

Hu Xinzhu patted Mu Wei's little cheek, and Mu Wei smiled obediently and stood beside him obediently. Hu Xinzhu sat there with a golden sword, looked back at Lin Qi, then quickly jumped up, smiled and bowed deeply to Lin Qi: "His Majesty, I am the special envoy of the Church of War God. Hu Xinzhu, I represent the goddess of war, the will of the temple of war."

Lin Qi's face twitched. He followed the formal court etiquette to meet Hu Xinzhu, and then raised his brows in surprise: "Your Excellency Hu Xinzhu, it's a great honor to meet you! But I really didn't expect that an oriental man, actually Can you become the special envoy of the Temple of War?"

Hu Xinzhu smiled unpredictably, he hugged Mu Wei's waist with a big grin, and lightly patted her hips: "Actually, everyone is not a stranger! Of course, before and you When we met, I was not the face! Perhaps you still remember Duke Lusen, who was next to His Royal Highness Mengshan, Prince Protector of the Great Yan Dynasty..."

Hu Xinzhu deliberately left a comment, but Lin Qi screamed like a ‘sudden realization’: "Ah, ah, you, are you using a fake face?"

With a helpless sigh, Hu Xinzhu saluted Lin Qi again: "Let’s get to know Hu Xinzhu, the family is in trouble, and the poor man who followed His Royal Highness Mengshan in exile in the West. Now I am the Minister of Military Affairs of the Great Yan Dynasty, and also serve as the Temple of War. Special envoy. Of course, the purpose of my coming this time is to bring the will of the Temple of War."

Lin Qi nodded, well, after staying in the Black Spirit Continent for a while, Hu Xinzhu actually mixed up with the post of Minister of Military Affairs of the Great Yan Dynasty. This did not surprise Lin Qi. Because this guy's own strength is placed there, a military minister of the Great Yan Dynasty is really not a difficult task for him.

What made Lin Qi feel horrified was that this guy not only made Mu Weimeng dark, but he actually did something on her!

How daring, how lawless and unscrupulous villain is it to do such a thing? At least for Lin Qi, even if a goddess was stripped naked and placed in front of him, he would never cause such trouble! But Hu Xinzhu did just that, and he did it rightly, and brought Mu Wei directly to him.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei.

Mu Wei leaned slightly to Lin Qi and gave a salute-the goddess of war Mu Wei proactively saluted Lin Qi! Lin Qi only felt his heart twitched. What kind of Ecstasy did Hu Xinzhu give this hapless girl? Is she so polite?

I heard Mu Wei introduced herself in a particularly sweet voice: "I am Mu Wei, Cardinal of the Temple of War, Archbishop of the Red Crown, and I belong to Xinzhu..." Turning to look at Hu Xinzhu, who was looking embarrassed. , Mu Wei's face showed a slight blush: "I am his unmarried wife!"

Lin Qi's body shook, and Yun, who followed Lin Qi into the living room, had already seen the fact that Mu Wei was no longer a girl, but when he heard Mu Wei confess his relationship with Hu Xinzhu, Yun also felt There was darkness in front of him, and he almost fell to the ground.

She knows the identity of Mu Wei, one of the two main gods of the dignified God of War series. She is on the same level as the God of War, and even plays a more important role in the God of War than the God of War who only fought and fought. what! She was really hooked up by Hu Xinzhu!

"It's a great honor to meet you, Archbishop Mu Wei!" Lin Qi's psychological quality is still very strong. He followed the courtesy of the secular emperor when he met the cardinal and the archbishop in the red crown. Sitting on a sofa. Mu Wei obediently stood beside Hu Xinzhu, while Yun put his hands in front of her abdomen, standing solemnly beside Lin Qi.

After staring at Hu Xinzhu with big eyes and small eyes for a while, Lin Qi finally couldn't help but speak: "Dear Archbishop Mu Wei, please sit down!"

Mu Wei shook her head gently, her face was full of happy smiles: "Your Majesty, please don’t care about my identity as the archbishop. I am Xinzhu’s unmarried wife. According to Xinzhu, the Eastern etiquette is When the husband sits down, the wife must not sit together with the husband!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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