Bright Era

Chapter 1859: Lin Qi's worth (4)

Lin Qi and Yun almost squirted out blood. Where did this mess of etiquette come from? Lin Qi glared fiercely at Hu Xinzhu with a sullen face, and shook his head helplessly. Well, you are willing to stand, then stand. Anyway, Lin Qi didn't let you stand, so Lin Qi doesn't have any psychological pressure on it.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Qi looked at Hu Xinzhu: "So, you brought me the will of the Temple of War?"

Hu Xinzhu nodded earnestly. He stretched out a hand to hold Mu Wei's small hand, and said sternly: "If the Longshan Empire can become the place of faith in the Temple of War under your leadership, then you will get The blessing of the goddess of war, inherited the priesthood of the roaring Levarel, one of the deputy gods who died in the war."

Roaring Levarel, the deputy **** who is best at training soldiers and commanding troops among the deputy gods of the goddess of war. Although his supernatural power is only a mere upper middle rank, the God of War Corps led by him has made great achievements in the Primordial God War. According to the information supplemented on the Paradise Mountain site, the God of War Legion led by Revalel the Roaring is the only Legion of Gods that has been under siege by a thousand times the strength of the Angel Legion, and can eventually retain half of the Legion of the Gods that successfully retreated.

With the cheating method of the Angel Legion, with a thousand times the force of the siege, Varel was able to flee back to the base camp of the gods with half of the soldiers while being beaten. This shows that his leadership skills have How powerful.

And the reason why Varel fell was also because in that battle, in order to cover the retreat of his soldiers, Varel personally cut off, and was besieged by more than 200 archangels. After fighting hard for three days and nights, he finally fell completely. . According to Heaven Mountain’s assessment, although Varel’s own divine power is only at the upper-middle level, with his powerful war skills and firm fighting will, his actual combat power is comparable to upper-middle-level gods.

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi coughed slightly: "According to the legend, Levarel the Roaring completely fell in the battle of Gods. His idols did not even appear in the statues of the gods enshrined in the Temple of War. I It’s hard to imagine how I inherited his priesthood."

Mu Wei gently took Hu Xinzhu's palm and spoke softly on the side.

"That stupid Varrell has indeed fallen completely. For a group of humble mortal soldiers and a group of less useful **** servants, he was so stupid that he himself was severed. He has indeed fallen completely, but his priesthood is still intact."

"In the realm where the gods live, for so many years, a divine soul crystal belonging to the roaring thunder has been condensed. A blank divine soul crystal, as long as it is integrated with people, can let people have all the power of the roaring thunder. The roaring Leivarel has indeed fallen, but I hope that the next roaring thunder will be you, Your Majesty Lin Qi!"

"Roaring Lei Lin Qi, I think this title is very good!" Mu Wei smiled sweetly: "Especially, I know that the Longshan Empire is armed with a huge army, and the greatest effect of Roaring Thunder's priesthood is On the battlefield, all soldiers are eternally blessed with various beneficial states. If they are fully launched, they can even increase their combat effectiveness by ten times."

Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei in amazement. On the battlefield, how to increase the combat effectiveness of soldiers ten times?

Doesn't it mean that a heavenly warrior can be promoted to a saint level? And other holy realm and demi-god fighters, can they instantly kill all opponents with their own strength? No wonder Roaring Thunder's War God Legion is so powerful. No wonder Roaring Thunder is a **** who makes Heaven Mountain boast a few words.

Taking out a copper coin and playing with this delicate copper coin between his fingers for a while, Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei solemnly.

"The Temple of War has spent such a high price. What do you want from me or the Longshan Empire? Just before Archbishop Mu Wei arrived, the new Archbishop of the Temple of Dawn, Karls Chenxi, also went to the door and promised me that the Temple of Dawn could give I am a priest, but it seems that the order of the priesthood they give is not ideal."

Mu Wei twitched her mouth and sneered sneerly: "The God of Dawn is a shameless miser! His psychological reserve can bestow you an insignificant lower-middle-level priesthood, and it must be that kind of weak combat power. Poor, worthless, meaningless priesthood. He only believes in his direct descendants, he will never believe you."

Holding up her head proudly, Mu Wei smiled with a trace of triumph: "But I am different... The goddess of war I represent, she is very generous, she is very magnanimous, and she is very wise. She wants to break out in the future. To gain an advantage in the battle of God, it’s far from enough to rely on the gods who are gradually recovering now."

"The ancient gods battle, too many gods have fallen! Fortunately, we have the existence of the gods. Those fallen gods have recondensed new gods and souls in their priesthood for so many years. The selected humans have strong strength and sufficient abilities. People who are worth training, let them grow into new gods, and this can help us seize the opportunity."

Lin Qi squinted at Mu Wei: "But, don't you think such a price is too great?"

Mu Wei smiled triumphantly. She looked at Lin Qi and shook her head slightly: "You don't understand the meaning of God War, nor the specific method of God War. If there is a conflict between the Azhul Protoss and other Protoss, Then the war between believers is also extremely important."

After blinking his eyes, Mu Wei lowered her voice: "Let’s put it this way, if you can command the Longshan Empire’s army and wipe out the opponent’s believers cleanly when the war of God just broke out, then the Axul Protoss The confidence of winning can be increased by more than half!"

Is the number of believers equal to the fighting power of the gods? In other words, the power of the believer's faith is equal to the logistics and consumables of the gods? Lin Qi looked at Mu Wei thoughtfully. If that was the case, it would be quite cost-effective for Mu Wei to use the priesthood of Roaring Thunder as a bargaining chip.

To put it bluntly, the Longshan Empire is now the No. 1 military power in the Western Continent. If Lin Qi can fully utilize the power of the Roaring Thunder, only the army of the Longshan Empire can defeat the alien races in the Odin Icefield. !

"Speaking of this, it seems that I am more valuable?" Lin Qi stared at Mu Wei with wide eyes.

Mu Wei nodded again and again, her shoulder-length short hair beating happily: "Very valuable! But only me... Our Temple of War is willing to buy you at such a high price! As for the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment, An arrogant person, who really thinks he is the king of the gods; a mean and mean person, who is not pleasing to anyone, and everyone wants to send him to the torture frame! Therefore, cooperation with the Temple of War is the best choice!"

Before Mu Wei had finished speaking, he heard a rush of footsteps coming over, and with a muffled sound, the door of Lin Qi's living room was smashed by several palace guards. These **** palaces The guard flew into the meeting room embarrassedly, revealing a few outside the gate, wearing red disciplinary robes, with a gloomy and murderous face, just like the archbishop of the disciplinary temple of a butcher in a slaughterhouse.

A young man wearing a half-length armor, carrying a cross sword on his back, holding a red staff in his left hand, and being surrounded by divine light walked into the drawing room with a sullen face. Looking at the young man's long red hair and purple eyes, Lin Qi couldn't help but laughed--Gerdas, the king of the broken army, this is an old acquaintance!

No wonder the court guards of the Longshan Empire could not stop him. This man who was known as the closest to God in the Dark Ages was actually the son of God who was powerful enough to contend with ordinary gods, but Lin Qi did not put him on the bright side. Those palace guards of heaven and status can resist.

Slowly walked into the meeting room, Gerdas stared at Lin Qi firmly.

"Lin Qi? Well, this is a name that disgusts me. It reminds me of some bad past. You can change your name in the future, Lin Yi, Lin Er, Lin San and whatever you want, but don’t It's called Lin Qi, a disgusting name." When we met, Gerdas unceremoniously commented on Lin Qipin: "Then, I'll tell you one thing. You are now a person from the Temple of Punishment, follow me. Well, you will become a god! The priesthood of the fire rod is waiting for you to inherit!"

With a lightly curled mouth, Gerdas glanced in the direction of Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei disdainfully: "A trivial human being can become a lower-level high-level god, you have good luck? You must know how to be grateful... "

At this point, Gerdas closed his mouth suddenly. A glorious light flashed in his purple eyes, and he stared at Mu Wei, the expression on his face became extremely strange-like a color stick on the brain of a worm, ran into the alley in the middle of the night He wanted to **** a passing girl, but unfortunately found that his prey was a group of fat orcs who liked the same **** as weird.

Staring fiercely at Mu Wei's delicate face, the purple divine light in Gerdas's eyes almost burst out.

"Look at me again, and I'll goug your eyes!" Mu Wei's face drooped, and she glanced gloomily at Gerdas: "Make a bet, after I dug out your eyeballs , Does anyone dare to give you two eyeballs again!"

Gerdas's face turned pale, he turned his head hastily, never daring to look at Mu Wei again.

Lin Qi glanced at Mu Wei: "Archbishop Mu Wei, your status is higher than this gentleman?"

Mu Wei raised her head arrogantly and smiled triumphantly: "He is just a humble mixed-blood descendant."

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Gerdas: "Then, he broke the door of my living room, this repair fee?"

Mu Wei raised her eyebrows: "If you can become the heir of the Roaring Thunder, then I will help you get the repair money! Well, not only this door, but the foundation of this palace has been destroyed, they punished The temple, should compensate for the maintenance costs of the entire palace!"

Hu Xinzhu triumphantly patted Mu Wei's little hand. This kind of blackmailing means, the once pure Mu Wei knew nothing about it, and only under the hard work of Hu Xinzhu could Mu Wei understand these messy activities!

Lin Qi pondered for a while, then clapped his hands vigorously.

"Then, honorable Archbishop Mu Wei, when will I get my money for selling?"

Mu Wei glared at Lin Qi. The word ‘selling money’ is really ugly.

Frowning, Mu Wei nodded: "Let's go now! It will take you some time to fully integrate that drop of original power in the priesthood." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Come to the starting point ( to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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