Bright Era

Chapter 1931: The collapsed nomadic temple (1)

In Vias Commercial Port City, in one of the most high-end private clubs near Vias Square, alcohol and powdered gas are mixed, turning into a depraved atmosphere. On the soft and white cashmere carpet, a large number of thin and transparent underwears were randomly thrown everywhere. Even the crystal chandeliers in the hall were hung with two pink silk trousers.

More than a dozen girls with beautiful faces lay weakly on the carpet, and their white bodies were covered with a faint blush. The sweat and rapid breathing continued to fall. It was obvious that they had just passed a period of frenzy. Time.

His Royal Highness, the prince of the Holy Royal Family of the Axul family, the brother of the moon **** Lu Sijia, and the **** of the nebula, Asi, wearing a loose silk trousers, is sitting triumphantly on a sofa, pouring wine. A huge cigar was burning between his fingers, and the smoke hovered up, turning into a faint cloud above his head.

Wearing a neat hunting outfit, holding a whip twisted with silver wire in his hand, and with a small beard, Yu Lian sat triumphantly on the opposite side of Asi. He tilted his legs and used his horse. The whip tapped his high boots gently. Gently touched her moustache, Yu Lian shook her thigh gently: "His Royal Highness Asi, I will accompany you throughout your stay in the Longshan Empire."

Slightly owed, Yu Lian laughed aloud: "I hope my arrangement can satisfy you!"

Assi spit out a few smoke rings in satisfaction, and then leaned comfortably on the soft cushion: "Satisfied, of course satisfied, I am very, very satisfied! If you have not accepted the inheritance of the Temple of War, I would even I have to choose you to be my person! But, I am curious, are you not the minister of the Gaul Empire? Why do you stay in the Longshan Empire?"

Yu Lian shrugged her shoulders and laughed disapprovingly: "I resigned! Now I am the Minister of Taxation of the Longshan Empire and the commander of the Tax Police Corps. Compared with the Gaul Empire, I prefer the cultured southern country. At least, the girls here are more enthusiastic than the beauties of the Gaul Empire, what do you think?"

Asi glanced at the girls lying on the ground, and then he smiled with satisfaction: "Of course, I totally agree with this point, enthusiasm, so enthusiastic! I can't imagine what a wonderful enjoyment this is! Ah, **** Lu Sijia, she restrains me like a nun, for so many years, I don't know how charming women are!"

Lifting the wine glass in front of him, gently shook the golden liquid in the glass, Yu Lian smiled gently: "Then, I will let you know that greater happiness is not only physical, but also Soul! For example, do you know how to make your body and soul reach the supreme peak of happiness? Have you ever liked a woman?"

Asi looked at Yu Lian blankly, his body and soul reached the peak of happiness at the same time? Will there be such a thing?

Seeing Asi who was ignorant and pure like a piece of white paper, Yu Lian unceremoniously picked up the large ink tank and began to scribble something crazy on this piece of white paper. He lowered his voice and leaned in front of Asi and laughed mysteriously: "This kind of private club is just a place to solve physical needs occasionally. The supreme physical and soul pleasure requires you to find the right one by yourself. Prey!"

With a click of her mouth, Yu Lian softly bewitched: "Think about it. If you think of yourself as an ordinary person, you will treat yourself as an ordinary human little nobleman, not the high-ranking Assi, you are an ordinary person. Little nobleman, for example, a baron? Use your knowledge, use your ability, use your enthusiasm to make friends with those delicate rich ladies, then get close to them, conquer them, strip them away, let them be because of your passion And trembling, making them groan and cry, what a wonderful thing!"

Asi's eyes widened fascinatingly. It seems that all this is really interesting?

Of course, if Asi stood on the street and proclaimed his identity loudly, as his dignified master god, there would be countless aristocratic daughters and wealthy businessmen rushing to cry for his love. But what's the point of that?

But according to Yu Lian, disguising as an ordinary human little nobleman, using his charm and enthusiasm to conquer aristocratic wealthy ladies and daughters, what an interesting thing! Think about it, I’m just an ordinary little baron from the countryside, and those rich and powerful ladies are often the marquis, the wife and lover of the duke, and they can have a wonderful exchange with them through their own charm, just think of it. People are very excited.

"Something that came too easy, it's meaningless!" Yu Lian accurately grasped the thoughts of Assi, a fledgling but noble-born boy: "Think about it, you will have countless beauties with just one sentence. Sent to your bed, but what's the point? What they love is not you, what they love is your identity, the sacred glory of you!"

"Only through her unremitting efforts, through countless emotional ups and downs, and through hard work, defeating competitors one after another, can the prey obtained be the sweetest." At this moment, Yu Lian is like a master of feelings. , Poured drops of sweet venom into Asi's heart.

Assi nodded with deep feeling: "So, am I a baron now?"

Yu Lian took out several identity certificates and passports, everything was arranged, Asi’s transformation has become a baron family that has an extremely thin blood relationship with the Longshan family and has been ruined for many years. The only heir. This family is not rich, probably with an annual income of thousands of gold coins. Compared to ordinary people, this is considered rich. But for a nobleman, with an income of thousands of gold coins a year, he can’t even afford two good stores. Guardian knight.

So, this is a fallen little nobleman, but this is a motivated little nobleman. With the help of the meager blood relationship with the Longshan family, he left the dilapidated family territory and came to the imperial capital of the Longshan Empire, preparing to enter the Royal University of the Longshan Empire which is under preparation.

The well-prepared Yu Lian even prepared a collection of gunman poems for Asi, which contained some sad and beautiful love sonnets. This thing is extremely popular in aristocratic circles. It is used to deceive those aristocratic ladies who are young and pure on the outside and mature and coquettish on the inside. It is an all-inclusive weapon. A poem may enable Assi to climb onto the bed of a certain marquise .

Everything is properly prepared. With Yu Lian, Fengyue veteran, our baron Assi will surely become a true romantic and elegant person in the social circle of the Longshan Empire, and become the bed guest of countless noble daughters and wealthy ladies. . When Baron Assi was unable to get out of all this, he naturally became another strong backer of the Longshan Empire!

At the same time, Lin Qi was suspended in a cloud of clouds on the eastern boundary line of the original Haran Empire, quietly watching the movement below.

Mr. Mo stood beside Lin Qi and shook his head helplessly: "I can't imagine that a god, a **** who is at least a hundred thousand years old, is so childish and young. You can't even imagine that Master Yu Lian would take him. When the girls took off his belt when he went to that club, he was so scared that he screamed!"

Lin Qi smiled slowly with his hands behind his back and his cigar in his mouth. Asi fell into the trap by himself. Before Lin Qi said anything to him, he took the initiative to follow Lin Qi to leave God's Domain and came to Longshan Empire. When the distinguished guest came to the door, he was still such a young and tender boy. Lin Qi naturally wanted to treat him with the most solemn etiquette, so Yu Lian took advantage of the trend to become the tax minister of the Longshan Empire!

With Yu Lian leading the way, our Royal Highness Asi will naturally have fun, forgetting his own surname. In addition, Lin Qi sent Mr. Mo to control everything behind his back. When Asi needs a lover in his dream, there will naturally be a lover in his dream; when he needs a lover, a powerful lover will come out just right. .

And the final script of course is that Asi defeated the evil dragon. . . Oh, no, he used his charm and talent to make his rivals feel ashamed and voluntarily abandon the pursuit of the lover of Assi’s dream, and then His Royal Highness successfully obtained the love of his dream lover. From then on, two or three People, or three to five hundred people live happily together!

Who knows? Anyway, as long as A Si can stay in the Longshan Empire and make him a loyal and strong backer of the Longshan Empire, Lin Qi can prepare countless girls to drown A Si.

"Let him, enjoy life. At least in the last few months, he should not be needed." Lin Qi shrugged and smiled softly: "Mr. Mo, you and Enzo can go back to Hei Ling The continent is here. Use the fastest speed to unite with the indigenous tribes of the Black Spirit Continent and let them join the Black Spirit Empire. Then take the initiative to contact the Elf Continent and let the elves prepare to mobilize the army!"

Reaching out and making gestures towards the rolling mountains and rivers below, Lin Qi sighed with satisfaction: "Nightmare Legion, this is the Nightmare Legion? I will let them know what a real nightmare is-as beautiful as a flower. The elves, when the black spirits with black lacquer heads landed from the southern coastline like a tide, it was really a nightmare."

The dull hooves shook the earth faintly, and the guard army sent by the Longshan Empire to the southern territory of the former Haran Empire was evacuating this fertile and fertile land as quickly as possible. The huge armies of dozens of legions formed an endless torrent, and they continued to retreat to the east along the pass on the five borders. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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