Bright Era

Chapter 1932: The collapsed nomadic temple (2)

In the dozen provinces of the original Harran Empire, hundreds of huge magical teleportation arrays are constantly flashing dazzling brilliance. Teams of nightmare knights and nightmare mages wearing gray armor and riding black nightmare beasts Gushing out from the magic circle, following the army of the Longshan Empire, he took over all the rights of this land.

The battle fort left by the Longshan Legion was occupied by them, and the barracks built by the Longshan Legion were full of soldiers from the Nightmare Legion. Lin Qi just mobilized the imperial army of thirty legions to be stationed on the territory of the original Haran Empire, and the nightmare legion mobilized the troops on the ground, only those nightmare knights riding nightmare beasts had a hundred legions, and The Nightmare Mage has also reached the level of ten legions.

Ten nightmare knights can be allotted a wizard to assist in combat, such a powerful army of wizards, the soul **** system is really extravagant.

The Nightmare Legion transferred by the nightmare **** Aziz is not only that, except for the regular nightmare knights of 100 legions and the nightmare mage of 10 legions, he has also transferred several times the number of auxiliary slaves and logistics units. The gray dwarves of the brigade pushed a wheelbarrow and brought a lot of materials from the abyss world, many of which were magic furnaces that had been cast.

The nightmare mages of ten legions shot at the same time. With their efforts, along the border between the Longshan Empire and the former Haran Empire, they built more than a thousand magic towers hundreds of meters high. The gray magic tower is covered with thick gray clouds. The clouds above more than one thousand magic towers are connected together. The huge magic halo slowly rotates on the base of the magic tower. The soldiers of the Longshan Empire want to go west. Even one step would be violently attacked by all magic towers.

Mr. Lin Qi and Mr. Mo watched quietly the magic towers built on the border and within the territory of the Haran Empire. At the same time, there were also large-scale nightmare temples and the gods of souls and nightmare. Church of God. The large groups of nightmare knights had not entered the barracks and were stationed, they rode their mounts into large and small cities.

Under the persecution of sharp swords, the people of the southern territory of the Harran Empire were forced to enter the nightmare temple, kneeling before the idol of the nightmare **** Aziz, and chanted the curse and praises of Aziz. Scripture.

The granaries and vaults of the wealthy businessmen and wealthy owners were swept away, and all the food and wealth were swept away. There is no excuse, no reason, no explanation. The wealthy billionaires of the Harran Empire quickly became exactly the same as those of the common people. The contracts on the manor, field, and property under their names were also changed. The master.

Lin Qi watched and watched under the pressure of the nightmare knights, the wealthy people of the Haran Empire were crying and dedicated all their properties to the Nightmare Temple, and then the Nightmare Temple of'Great Mercy and Mercy' leased these properties to Take care of these wealthy businessmen.

From today onwards, all the wealth gained by these wealthy businessmen will be the assets of the Nightmare Temple. The Temple of Nightmare is the ‘generous’ gold coin and food that are given to these rich men barely enough to survive as a ‘gift of God’ every year.

As for the civilians, the wizards of the Nightmare Mage Group who have lived for at least hundreds of years have calculated the prices of the ground world and the most extreme living needs of the family every year. From today on, these civilian families They can only get supplies that barely guarantee that they will not starve to death. In addition, all the wealth gained by their hard work will become devout offerings to the Temple of Nightmare.

"Too ruthless!" Lin Qi clicked his mouth. Mr. Mo also nodded slowly. The Temple of Nightmare did so, and one can imagine what the three abyssal worlds controlled by the church are like!

Use the most extreme means to squeeze the power of the people, and then expand the force frantically. If this is the case, the army that can be formed in the Three Abyssal Worlds is probably bigger than the Blood Qin Empire, right? No wonder the church is facing the dual pressure of the nomadic empire and the Xueqin empire, and there is no chaos inside. They are really emboldened!

The Nightmare Legion was busy scraping the land, and a cloud of gray mist suddenly appeared in front of Lin Qi, and Aziz, the nightmare god, slowly walked out of the gray mist. With a trace of reserve and pride, Aziz nodded to Lin Qi: "Your Majesty Lin Qi, you really kept your promise. I didn't expect that your legion was withdrawn so fast, and your legion did not take it away. The wealth of this land!"

Stroking his hair vigorously, Lin Qi looked at Aziz in confusion: "You are down here, do you do the same?"

Aziz smiled and nodded. He proudly said: "Those humble humans, their bodies and souls belong to the supreme gods. Therefore, letting them live is the greatest grace. They live, they devote the power of faith, they Cultivate step by step to become stronger, grow into a warrior of the temple, fighting for the will of the gods! This is their destiny."

After squinting his eyes, Lin Qi sighed solemnly: "The Knights of Nightmare, it is really elite."

Aziz laughed more and more proudly: "Of course, they must become very strong, otherwise, their fate will be miserable."

Aziz brags triumphantly about how the huge church rules the civilians in the three abyssal worlds below. A hundred times more cruel than the church on the ground, and ten thousand times more high-pressure. All the people must have faith, otherwise their entire family will be slaughtered.

All civilians do not have any power, they only have the responsibility to eat, sleep, have children and work hard. The Church of the Abyss is like a huge and sophisticated machine, and even stipulates the daily time for the common people to eat and drink Lazard. Including when they got married, when they had children, and when the children were given a qualification test, everything has formed a fixed system.

All this, for the people of the three abyssal worlds, all these are the tests of the gods on them! All the torture and suffering are the tests of the gods on them. Therefore, believe in the gods fanatically. Only by devoting to the gods can salvation be possible.

The way of salvation is that if a child of a certain family detects an excellent talent as a wizard, then his entire family can become dedicated to the gods, and as long as they worship the gods every day, they can eat and drink parasites. They don't have to work, they can enslave other people, and they become first-class people.

If a child of a family has shown a strong talent for fighting spirit since childhood, and can continue to break through the ranks, his family will also receive excellent treatment. Just like the families where wizard genius appeared among the children, everyone in this family will become rice worms who eat and drink, worship gods, and give birth to children every day.

All the temple knights and temple mages in the abyss world have been instilled with such a will since they were young-they are people selected by the gods, so they have superior talents than ordinary people, so their status is higher than ordinary humans. Because of the rewards of the gods, their families are also given preferential treatment, so they must believe in the gods sincerely and fight for the gods without fear of death!

So these temple knights and mages may not have enough combat experience, but once they are put on the battlefield, they are a group of hungry wolves with red eyes. Because their bishops keep telling them that if they die on the battlefield, their souls will return to the gods, become heroes, and enjoy the endless joys of the kingdom of God.

Aziz proudly boasted to Lin Qi about the way the three abyssal worlds control the believers. He was not without a hint of provocation to Lin Qi: "Perhaps you wouldn't believe that the fighters we trained are so powerful? Perhaps, in a few days, when my nightmare knights get used to the ground environment, the Legion of the Longshan Empire, can you communicate with them?"

Lin Qi looked at Aziz with a weird look: "Communication? For example?"

There was silence for a while, and Aziz coughed slightly: "Each side will have ten legions of troops. How about actual combat exercises? Ha ha, your Majesty Lin Qi, you should remember that I was seriously injured just now in God's Domain. I need one. A little bit of the soul of the believer to repair the damage I have suffered. Although the great soul **** helped me heal most of the injuries, my body is still a little uncomfortable."

With a mocking smile, Lin Qi said coldly: "You mean, you take out a million bottles of potions, hand them to me to help you open the corks, and then you take those 1 million bottles of potions to repair you Hurt?"

Aziz’s face changed slightly, he sneered a few times, and looked at Lin Qi unceremoniously: "You are so confident that you can wipe out the nightmare knights of my ten legions? Perhaps it was my nightmare knight who defeated him. Your legion, accidentally destroyed your Longshan Empire?"

Squinting, a cold light flashed in his eyes, Lin Qi laughed in a low voice: "Do you dare to let your nightmare knight step into the Longshan Empire, and I will let you fall completely! Az, do you dare to bet? Your people? One step into Longshan Empire, I will let you die!"

Aziz's face suddenly tightened, he stared at Lin Qi fiercely, then flicked his sleeves viciously, turned and escaped into a gray mist. Lin Qi smirked up to the sky. He also waved his big sleeves, dozens of faintly colored aurora shot out, and nearly a hundred nightmare magic towers under construction suddenly shattered and collapsed, and countless boulders fell, casting magic on them. The nightmare wizards who built the magic tower were battered, and at least two or three thousand nightmare wizards were beaten to the ground.

"Scarlet Lei Lin Qi!" Aziz's frustrated voice resounded through the sky.

"There is a duel with me!" Lin Qi Yangtian laughed three times, bending his right arm and clenching his fist, his left hand patted his right elbow heavily: "Azi, remember my words, or you have Dare to stand in front of me and fight with me, or your people dare to step into my turf and I will destroy you! Soul God Sold, do you really treat me as afraid of him?" (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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