Bright Era

Chapter 1948: This is the nightmare (1)

Nightmare! It's really a nightmare!

Lin Qi, wearing a simple hunter outfit, carrying an ordinary hunting bow, and pretending to carry two pots of feather arrows on his shoulders, stood on the mountain road and sighed, shaking his head repeatedly. Since the departure of the combined fleet of the Black Spirit Empire and the Elves, everything on the way has really been like a nightmare.

How should those elves be described? Sometimes Lin Qi really wants to kill all the elves below the Green Moon Empress, so as to save these hypocritical and artificial long ears dangling in front of him.

Sailing on the vast ocean, according to Lin Qi's plan, the combined fleet must rush to the Western Continent as quickly as possible. But those elves didn't think so. Although they used the fastest speed to go on their way, they stopped sailing at sea five times a day!

Every morning, the elves would stop the boat. Two hundred elves on each battleship will gather on the deck to admire the beauty of the eastern sunrise, and then sing up to the sky. The literary elves will write a long poem on the spot praising the beautiful nature and the majestic sea , Sing the beauty and eternity of life. Then they will drink a little wine made by the elves and eat two fruits for breakfast.

Every day at noon, the elves will stop the boat again, and they will gather on the deck to enjoy the fresh sea air. They have arranged a small teleportation magic circle in the cabin, so they will have fresh milk and freshly beaten cream delivered at any time. They will fish out huge deep-sea lobsters from the sea with water magic, plus a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables delivered, lobster salad will be a wonderful lunch.

Of course, sometimes they don’t want to eat lobster, but there are so many delicious seafood in the sea.

In the afternoon, they would stop the boat again. They were bathed in the warm sun, tasting freshly baked muffins, and drinking fragrant black tea and elegant green tea. A sumptuous afternoon tea will keep the elves in a good mood all day long.

In the evening, a luxurious dinner is indispensable. The little fragrant pig from the Black Spirit Continent using the teleportation magic circle will turn into a delicious and luxurious roast suckling pig. Of course, the elves consume less meat, and they are more interested in the fruits and vegetables stuffed in the belly of the suckling pig. In other words, they ate the stuffing in the belly of the little fragrant pigs, and then all the suckling pigs were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

The warriors of the Black Spirit Continent shook their heads and sighed as they watched these elves' such extravagant and wasteful actions.

A warship of this size contained only two hundred people. Could these elves be even more outrageous? Look at the battleships of the Black Spirit Empire. Each ship is densely packed with people, even denser than canned sardines. The soldiers of the Black Spirit Empire can only drink fresh water at sea and gnaw on dough. Compared with the food wasted by the elves, Lin Qi feels that the soldiers of the Black Spirit Empire have not rebelled. That is a miracle.

In the middle of the night, the elves would stop the boat again. They watched the sky full of stars, sang the tranquility of the night, the beauty of the starry sky, and fantasized about the grace of the moon. Then they will eat a little fresh berries, eat a little cheese to replenish their energy, then drink a pot of rosemary tea, take a hot bath comfortably, put on neat pajamas, they will be in the waves Tap gently to sleep peacefully.

In the first seven days after sailing, the elves, regardless of age, sex, sleep for several hours every night, plus the time they waste during the day, the entire day can be spent on sailing absolutely no more than twelve hours. How can Lin Qi, who has made plans to go to the western continent day and night, tolerate it?

On the eighth day after the voyage, under Lin Qi's angry protest, the Queen of Green Moon finally made a group of elves stay on duty at night without petition, so that the fleet could continue to advance at night. But five stops a day, that is absolutely indispensable. According to the Queen of Green Moon, according to the unanimous opinion of those elves-even in times of war, the precious traditions of elves cannot be discarded!

Face the war with the most elegant and graceful attitude, and face death with the most noble and perfect demeanor. This is the tradition of the elves, this is the customs of the elves, this is the art of war of the elves! It's one thing to beat an enemy, but even if the enemy's head is chopped off, their hair style must not be messy at all, this is an elf!

The one-month voyage originally planned was forcibly stretched by these wonderful and lovely elves to one month and twenty-five days. Lin Qi was already trembling with anger on the boat. If it weren’t for the shadow of the southern peninsula of the Haran Empire from afar, Lin Qi would definitely be unable to hold back the anger, kill all the elves, and then Their souls were all transformed into dragon souls or **** souls.

The vast and mighty fleet slowly stopped thirty miles away from the shore, and the elves came out again.

Thousands of water magicians raised an ice altar on the sea, and the Queen of Green Moon led a large number of elven priests to hold a huge-scale elven family outing ceremony extremely religiously. The Empress of the Green Moon chanted a piece of extremely beautiful text, and the words were elegant and elegant.

The main meaning of the sacrificial text is that the great elves will once again conquer the enemy under the glory of the gods, hoping that the gods will protect the warriors of the elves and let them be invincible and invincible! It was something that could be said in a simple sentence or two, but this memorial essay by the Empress Green Moon took a full hour to finish!

Lin Qi, Mr. Mo, Enzo and others stood on the deck of a battleship near the altar like zombies. They stared blankly at the glorious face and a blush, so excited that there were tears in the eyes of the green moon. The queen shook her head at the same time after a while.

The cumbersome and complicated elves festival lasted for three full hours, and the Nightmare Knights, which occupied the southern territory of the Haran Empire, have discovered this huge fleet docked at sea. According to Enzo's tactics, if the fleet had started charging and landing three hours ago, the coalition forces have now penetrated the land, and at least several strong bridgeheads have been established, which can effectively reduce the consumption of their own fighters.

But because of this inexplicable festival of the elves, the combined fleet floated on the sea for more than three hours. At least a nightmare knight of a thousand people has driven away a militia composed of tens of thousands of locals and built a simple Line of defense. The original surprise attack has turned into a head-to-head attack on the beach.

"I finally understand. When I was still in the Army Academy, the professors said that no army of any race was willing to form an alliance with the elves! Including in the Primordial War, the barbarians and the orcs could unite and fight together. , The elves alone are always a lone army!" Enzo touched his teeth and muttered in a low voice: "I want to stab these elves from behind!"

Lin Qi grunted weakly, and the cigar that was stuck in the corner of his mouth slipped weakly and fell into the sea.

On the beach, reinforcements from the Nightmare Knights continued to arrive. There were more than 20 Nightmare Knights squadrons of one hundred people. This increased the number of Nightmare Knights on the beach to nearly 4,000, and Nightmare Masters also came. Nearly a thousand people. And the militia group they brought quickly increased to more than 200,000 people. They have built dozens of large and small log war castles in the jungle behind the beach.

"Prepare, attack!" Enzo raised his right hand: "According to the pre-delineated landing points, ten landing points began to land at the same time. The part of the coastline that was guarded in front was directed by me personally."

Enzo's order had just been delivered, and something went wrong on the elf's side. The Queen of Green Moon sent envoys to ask the Black Spirit Empire to suspend the attack because they were not ready to land on the beach. Lin Qi and his party watched the elves return to the cabin with straight eyes. It took a full hour before all the elves returned to the deck with a bright face.

They took a shower, put on makeup, carefully treated their beautiful long hair like a waterfall, and then put on a set of gorgeous robes or armor. Regardless of men and women, these elves hung all their jewelry on their bodies, especially some of the wealthy elves. Their ears are densely packed with at least a dozen or twenty pierced ears, and they are covered with large and small studs. And earrings.

These earrings and earrings are powerful magical devices, with various wonderful effects. But Lin Qi never dreamed that these elves would punch so many holes in their ears to match these shiny things. At this time, the elves are like a swimming jewelry cabinet, with jewels all over them, making people have an urge to rob them.

After all the elves were dressed and dressed, the Queen of Green Moon walked out of the cabin slowly surrounded by dozens of elven maids. The Empress Green Moon had obviously undergone some meticulous care. Her eyebrows were dyed dark green with green sap, and the two dark green marks extended to the inside of her hair, which made her a little more mysterious and beautiful out of thin air. Breath.

She apparently put on a pair of high-heeled boots-because Lin Qi discovered that she was at least five inches taller than before she went back to dress up! Lin Qi couldn't imagine what use such high-heeled boots could be on the battlefield. She was not afraid of breaking the heel and spraining her ankle?

The silver-blue armor on the Green Moon Goddess made Lin Qi almost slobber. The complex, silver-blue battleship composed of hundreds of thousands of small parts and accessories, each inch is condensed with the supreme artistic atmosphere of the elves, every centimeter is exquisitely exquisite, engraved with countless complex and beautiful patterns. This set of silver-blue armor that covers the whole body, only revealing the beautiful face of the Empress Green Moon exudes terrifying divine power fluctuations, this is definitely a set of armor of the main artifact level! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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