Bright Era

Chapter 1949: This is the nightmare (2)

Look at the nine-layered metal battle skirts inside and outside. Each heavy battle skirt is hollowed out and carved with various patterns of different colors. Look at the twelve elegant metal wings on the back. Each metal wing is 100 meters long. The sea breeze slowly undulated behind the Empress Green Moon. This is a set of beautiful armor, not to mention the defense power of his main artifact class, this shape alone is enough to make people crazy.

Countless elves looked at the Empress Green Moon with enthusiasm. They didn't care about the quality and defensive power of this armor at all, but were full of praise for the graceful patterns and magnificent shapes of this armor. For the elves, the power of any equipment is secondary. The most important thing is whether he is beautiful enough, whether it is gorgeous enough, whether it has enough artistic flavor.

If a suit of armor, even if it is a god-level armor, if he is completely black and has no decoration, the clansmen of the elves will only hide him secretly in the treasure house, and will never wear him out grandiosely!

In the words of some elves-even if it is executed late by thousands of swords, please cut my meat slices with artistic flavor!

When the elves were finally ready, the attack began. The fleet of the Black Spirit Empire is like a group of crazy tigers, rushing towards the beach at the fastest speed. In the former southern territory of the Haran Empire, Enzo and others selected ten landing points, each of which was separated from one hundred to two hundred miles. The huge coalition forces will advance from these ten landing points. Sweeping from south to north.

There are still several miles away from the beach. The trebuchets, ballistas, magic bed crossbows and other equipment on the Black Spirit warship roared at the same time. The huge boulders as large as the hills exploded a large swath of ballistas, dense as rain and wrist The thick and heavy armor-piercing crossbow smashed into the beach with howling. The weak fortifications of the local militia controlled by the Knights of Nightmare were immediately shattered, and the flesh of countless people was turned into dust in the terrifying attack.

A large number of black spirit wizards joined the attack. They chanted mantras in a low voice. They summoned the energy spirits of nature to fight for them. The violent wind stirred up the rainstorm, the earth trembled faintly, the wind and rain swept across the earth with a looming fire, and some magical existence appeared. They gathered a huge force to fly and crush all the enemies in front of them.

Unlike the violent and fierce attacks of the Black Spirit Empire's fleet, the attacks of the elves are elegant and orderly, really as pleasing as a musical. First, the flame wizards formed a team, and they released a wave of high-level flame attacks on the enemies on the beach in a uniform manner; then the wizard wizards of the wind system launched an attack. The wind increased the fire, and the The enemy was scorched.

When the fire was about to ignite the forest on the shore, the elven mage of the ice and snow system happened to be everywhere. The terrible hail and blizzard extinguished the fire, and the defenders who were scorched by the fire were frozen stiff and fell to the ground weakly.

After waiting for a few waves of magical attacks to complete, the elves' warships were already near the beach. Some elven wizards of the earth element took action, and the trestle bridges were pulled up flat and exposed to the sea. The elves stepped neatly, holding their chins slightly, and using the graceful demeanor of the noble gentlemen to hunt foxes with hounds, slowly The enemy on the beach approached.

The super-large war barrier covered the entire elven clan's army, and the sparse arrow attacks of those militia regiments caused insignificant ripples on the barrier, and even the vellus hair of an elven could not be injured. The elves took neat steps, sang songs praising nature and praising the gods, opened their long bows, and then began to freely ******* Spirits are free and they don’t like constraints. . Therefore, in large-scale wars, coordinated attacks such as large groups of bows and arrows hand in hand volleys will never appear in the elves' army. Each elves is a completely free shooting turret, they can choose the enemy on the battlefield to shoot freely at their own will.

The elves who claim to have the best bow and arrow skills of all intelligent races, their archery skills are really terrifying to the extreme. The soldiers of the militia group hiding behind the bunker and in the battle fort, as long as they dare to come forward, at least three arrows will hit their bodies at the same time. There were a few arrogant and brave militia fighters rushing out of the bunker. They almost rushed out at the same time, they were densely packed with arrows.

Several sturdy men were spotted by several high-level elven archers. Their bodies were hit by advanced magic arrows, and they saw a flash of fire and a dull explosion. These sturdy men were immediately caught It was blown to pieces.

Under the control of the elves' precise and terrifying archery skills, the militias controlled by the Nightmare Knights couldn't lift their heads at all, and they were slowly pressed to the defensive line by the elves. The dull tiger roar sounded, and the Black Spirit warriors draped heavy armors and rushed to the militia soldiers with all kinds of big axes. After hacking and slashing, the coalition forces had already settled on the shore.

In the following two days, the coalition brigade continued to land on the land, and the elves began to deploy a large number of teleportation magic arrays. The brigades that remained in the elven continent and the black spirit continent continued to rush through the teleportation magic array. With ten landing points as the core, the coalition forces continued to attack the surrounding villages and cities. After sweeping away the weak defense forces here, the brigade continued to advance northward.

The Ten-Route Army was also heading north, and Lin Qi, as a guide, followed the Chinese brigade of the Allied Forces. After marching on the land for three days, Lin Qi put on a set of ordinary hunting outfits and stood beside the mountain road, sighing helplessly.

This group of **** elves, are they fighting or outing? Lin Qi has never seen such a delicate, delicate and pretentious race! These guys. . . To be precise, Lin Qi does not discriminate against foreigners. He is a very enlightened person. He does not have such stupid ideas as human supremacy.

But after spending more than a month with this group of elves, Lin Qi has tried to destroy this **** race several times, or simply turn them all into slaves-the problem is that beautiful and flowery female elves can also serve as maids. In Lin Qi's eyes, those male elves really don't have any use! Are you mad at yourself for staying as an uncle?

Every day, the elves need ten hours of sleep! Even if the front is in full swing, when it's time to go to bed, they must tear it down, wash it, and get into a clean and tidy tent to sleep comfortably.

They must have fresh fruits and clean water every day. Naturally, various fine wines and other expensive foods are also indispensable. The elven army has just advanced less than two hundred miles on the land. They have captured millions of civilians and let them serve as slaves to serve themselves. Especially the cooks in the towns where they went were raided.

The sun is too hot, they will not march, because the elves take care of their skin very carefully and very carefully. Even if a defeated enemy is in the front three or five miles away, as long as you work harder, you can catch up and wipe out the enemy. Our dear elves will never risk tanning their delicate skin to chase the enemy. of.

If it rains heavily, they will not march and fight, because the heavy rain will make the ground piled with silt. How can the elves with cleanliness let these dirty smelly mud stain their boots and pants?

So the elves can only march on days when the weather is not hot or cold and the sky is cloudy. And when they march, there will be a large number of elven wizards wasting their magic power, creating large tracts of grass and bushes on both sides of the marching road. With grass, the elves can stop and rest at any time, and the bushes are full of delicious berries, and the elves can pick berries to quench their thirst at any time.

Faced with these wizards' waste of magic power, Mr. Mo and Enzo could only shook their heads and sighed constantly.

No wonder that in history, there have been several religious wars launched by the Elf Continent. They came across the sea to attack the Western Continent. As a result, the Elves have never launched any sudden attacks. They have always fought a frontal battle with the church army on the plains. , Again and again filled countless elven flesh and blood under the walls of the fortified camp that the church army had already prepared.

It turns out that they were so unscrupulously wasting magic power when they marched, separated by hundreds of miles, the army of the church would know the direction and speed of their march. They are almost yelling and telling the enemy in front-we are here, we are coming, prepare a strong city for us to attack, ambush a few traps and let us put on a set!

For this stupid behavior, Enzo can only use one sentence to comment: "Give me a hundred thousand elite and enough magicians, I can easily defeat more than ten times the elves! No wonder they cross the sea every time, every time Religious wars launched are always defeated completely!"

I have to sleep for ten hours a day and spend three or four hours eating every day, then packing up or choosing a place with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery to set up the camp. This will cost another two or three hours. Twenty-four hours a day, the time the elves spent on marching was no more than four hours at most. Therefore, three days after landing, Lin Qi's Chinese army squadron only broke into the north for less than two hundred miles!

Two hundred miles, before the Nightmare Knights hadn't reacted yet, and had not mobilized the brigade to intercept them, they only advanced two hundred miles in three days and three nights! This is also an unacceptable number for ordinary people, not to mention the speed of an army during the war! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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