Bright Era

Chapter 1950: This is the nightmare (3)

According to Enzo, even if he led a dwarf heavy-armored infantry with two short legs and a full set of heavy armor to march in three days, it would be enough for him to advance more than one thousand miles to two thousand miles! This is war, and all the soldiers under his command have cultivated vindictive spirits. The forwards of the Chinese army brigade are still the all-in-one Warcraft cavalry. It took less than two hundred miles to travel in three days. Is this coming for an outing?

"Fortunately, I don't care about the life and death of these elves!" Lin Qi sighed heavily, standing on the side of the mountain road with his hands on his hips, looking coldly at the smiling faces, chatting a few poems and expressing gratitude with a soft laugh. The elf warriors and elf wizards of Ju Gefu, he has nothing to say anymore.

It is a nightmare to be an ally with the elves and form an ally to attack an enemy together! Gritting his teeth to death, Lin Qi was secretly ruthless in his heart. After he pitted the Elf tribe’s army to death this time, and then killed a few Elf tribe’s gods, Lin Qi would never deal with any elves. He would never deal with these arrogant, hypocritical elves again.

At this moment, dull hooves sounded from the rear of the team. From the intensity of the hooves, at least a tens of thousands of light cavalry were running forward at full speed. A messenger next to Lin Qi quickly ran to the rear to check the situation. After a short time, accurate information was fed back.

A ranger cavalry from Yew Island arrived in response to the call of the elves. The total number of this ranger cavalry exceeds 50,000, and the weakest one has the strength of a high rank. This is just the first army to reinforce the elves on Yew Island, and the entire Yew Island is being mobilized urgently to gather a large group of powerful rangers to join the elves.

According to estimates by the top of Yew Island, these rangers can mobilize at least fifty legions to join the Elven Alliance. These rangers are elite archers, the most powerful scouts, and the most brave scouts. Their survivability in the jungle, mountains, and grasslands is extremely strong. In close-range fighting and strangulation, their combat effectiveness is far better than ordinary human soldiers.

Soon the Queen of Green Moon issued an order, and the warriors of Yew Island will cooperate with the army of the Black Spirit Empire to advance with the fastest speed, and strive to conquer an important city in front-Varhulan City. This was once the first important town of the Harran Empire in southern Xinjiang. The city of Varhulan with a total population of several million is a jewel in southern Xinjiang. His industry and commerce are extremely developed, and he has a huge amount of wealth. A heavy storage city, his granary has enough food for tens of millions of people for several years.

Even for the extravagant elves, it would be too expensive for them to use the magic teleportation array to transmit food at all times. Therefore, the food reserves of Varhulan City are of great significance to the coalition forces. Once the city is captured, the coalition forces' food problems can almost be solved. This is much more convenient than using transport ships to transport food from the Black Spirit Continent.

Of course Lin Qi wouldn't let the Empress Green Moon achieve her goal so easily, the army of the Black Spirit Empire and the people of Yew Island would attack the city? What about the wizard? Slowly swimming in the back? This is inconsistent with the terms of the alliance contract signed by both parties!

So Mr. Mo immediately jumped out, and he ran to the Empress Green Moon, and strongly protested against the shameless behavior of the Elves letting the Black Spirit Empire's army act as a vanguard and cannon fodder. The Empress Green Moon reluctantly told Mr. Mo with the usual grace of the elves that this was really inevitable-because the elves were too slow to march, so they had to make such an arrangement.

Following Mr. Mo, Lin Qi also jumped out. He violently beat the guards around the Empress Green Moon to vomit blood to the ground, forcing the Empress Green Moon to helplessly mobilize a tens of thousands of Elf Dragoons. , Joined the vanguard army attacking the city of Varhulan.

Abandoning the slow-moving elven team, a legion of the Black Spirit Empire cooperated with the warriors of Yew Island and the tens of thousands of elven dragoons, rushing to Varhulan City at the fastest speed. Riding on the back of a flying dragon, Lin Qi looked at the elven dragoons sitting on the back of the green dragon arrogantly, and could not help but shook his head: "Elves, they are really not a reassuring ally. They deliberately slowed down the march. , In the final analysis, I still want to make the Black Spirit Empire and Yew Island charge for them!"

Enzo glanced at the elves a little annoyed, and then sighed helplessly: "I really want to stab them to death from behind!"

After being silent for a while, Lin Qi smiled. He made a gesture of peace and tranquility, and then pinched a seal with his fingers, drawing three magnificent blue wind patterns in the air. Suddenly, there was a violent wind in the sky. Thousands of green dragons carrying a large number of elven warriors shook their bodies. The violent wind pushed the bodies of these green dragons, causing them to dash forward at high speed.

Twenty miles away, Varhulan City is located on a plain. From this distance, you can clearly see the green farmland near the city like a sea. On the wall are huge banners of the Soul Temple and the Nightmare Temple. Large groups of nightmare knights are stationed on the wall. A group of nightmare mages are hovering high in the sky, looking south.

Blowed by the violent wind that Lin Qi suddenly summoned, thousands of green dragons carrying tens of thousands of elven warriors flew outside the city of Varhulan in the blink of an eye. Before the stunned elves came back to their senses, Lin Qi casually pointed, and the wings of the green dragons began to twitch. They smashed down from the sky like a rock, and fell straight outside the city of Varhulan. At fifty meters.

The green dragon and the elves were overwhelmed by this series of changes, but the nightmare knights on the wall reacted much faster. Tens of thousands of enemies descend from the sky, this kind of thing is very common, but they landed less than 50 meters from the city wall, this kind of stupid thing, it is really very, very rare, how stupid it is. Commander, will make such a decision?

Numerous city defense equipment on the city wall were activated at the same time, thousands of strong bows and crossbows made a dull sound of breaking through the air, a large number of nightmare mages were chanting mantras in a low voice, gray fog entangled their fingers, and they had small nightmares The curse appeared, and the power that caused people to be in a trance, and the power that made people fall into a terrifying nightmare in broad daylight spread rapidly on the battlefield.

Lin Qi squinted and smiled, and then with a light touch of his finger, he saw ray of thunder appearing above the city of Varhulan. Accompanied by a low roar, a large golden-red divine light spilled from the sky, accurately attached to the nightmare knights on the wall.

The nightmare knights and nightmare mages on the city wall were all dumbfounded. They did not summon the blessings of the gods. Why did the divine power suddenly fall from the sky? And they are people from the Nightmare Temple, but the divine power falling from the sky is magnificent and faintly filled with the killing air of countless soldiers roaring and fighting. This is the divine power of a certain **** of the war gods!

The gods of the war gods actively bless the warriors of the soul gods? Is this **** drunk too much? Or was my head broken?

But the warriors and wizards of the Nightmare Temple are not allowed to think about this problem. A lot of arrows and magic have been poured down. On the spot, thousands of elves near the city wall were shot and hedgehogs, and the remaining elves were caught off guard. , They had already uttered horrified screams, their white eyes fell into a terrifying dream, they dropped their weapons and circled around the battlefield embarrassedly.

Waves of arrows continued to fall, and large swathes of unresistible elves died tragically under the arrows. These elves have no defense, and they are not even prepared for the most basic defensive knot magic that offsets the enemy's magical damage. Although they wore a large number of magic devices, these actively triggered magic devices were destroyed in a few breaths under the attack of the city wall like a storm.

In just a quarter of an hour, tens of thousands of elves were killed cleanly-it must be admitted that the strength of the group of elves sent by the Queen of the Green Moon to fight the vanguard is too poor! The strongest strength, but the lower level of the heavens, facing the nightmare curse thrown by the nightmare masters of the sage level on the city wall, where do they have the power to resist?

A series of elven souls rushed into the sky, because they were killed by the warriors of the nightmare temple, so the gods of the elven **** system could not save their souls. And because the warriors of the Nightmare Temple were attached to Lin Qi's magical skills, the souls of these elves were branded with Lin Qi's divine power, and Az, the nightmare god, could never collect these souls.

The souls of tens of thousands of elves, the souls of thousands of mixed-blood green dragons, the mighty souls of a big river were sucked into a small whirlpool created by Lin Qi's divine power in the sky, and then directly absorbed into Lin Qi's. in vivo. The elves and green dragons who died in battle, with smiles on their faces, are looking forward to the welcoming ceremony of the elves and gods, allowing them to enjoy boundless blessings in the kingdom of elves.

But they were horrified to find that there was no legendary boundless elven lake, no legendary beautiful elven forest, and no beautiful elves that exuded majestic light all over their bodies. There was a big silver-white pond in front of them. , And near this big pond, a mountain towering into the clouds, with countless thunder entangled at the top, was staring at them.

Yes, although it is a big mountain and not a living person, these elves and green dragons feel that the mountain is staring at them, especially the caves on the cliff where the sound of deep dragons are constantly being heard, just like Death's eyes were staring at them.

"Well, the souls of these elves, **** it, they are all descendants of the created elf puppets!" Longya snorted coldly, "Such elves have no place in the elves, they are complete slaves. Troops, objects that are consumed at will. The only purpose of their souls is to provide some healing energy to the gods, or to recycle them as our raw materials!"

Lin Qi silently, after a long time, he roared angrily: "They are all..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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