Bright Era

Chapter 1951: This is the nightmare (4)

The Temple of Underworld snorted: "I hate these hypocritical and shameless long ears. Their ancestors knelt down and begged us for mercy. They offered their wives and daughters to please us conquerors. They did countless things to survive. Knowing that shame has no bottom line. But now, they disguise themselves as the noblest, most elegant and most civilized race in the world!"

After a heavy sigh, the Underworld Temple said indifferently: "Longya is right. This batch of elves are all descendants of those elven puppets manufactured by the standard, so their souls still have the elements left by the metaworld. Control the imprint. Obviously, their ancestors were captured in the Primordial God War, and then the elven gods forcibly changed their control. Now, they are a group of slaves working for the elves."

Lin Qi's face was gloomy: "Isn't there a worthy soul?"

Heavenly Mountain grumbled slowly: "There is no soul that naturally arises. Although the elves are hypocritical, they are also very careful, very cautious, and very sinister and treacherous, so they will not put their royal blood into danger. Battlefield! This has always been their usual method. Or soldiers of vassal races, such as Yew Island; or descendants of inferior bloodlines, such as these elves!"

"Use these worthless soldiers to be born and die in the front, and they sit in the back to enjoy their success. And they can use this method to resolve all your doubts about them. They killed tens of thousands of soldiers this time, Master Lin Qi, you Nor can it be said that the elves commanded by the Queen of Green Moon passively avoided the battle. They have already killed tens of thousands of soldiers!"

It's really shameless. Lin Qi shook his head helplessly, he was silent for a while, and then sneered again and again. Looking around, Lin Qi turned around calmly and quickly sank into the small woods aside. Enzo and Mr. Mo looked at Lin Qi's back in confusion, but soon they knew what Lin Qi was doing.

Accompanied by waves of huge magical power fluctuations, more than 20,000 mixed-blood dragons flew up from the woods with flapping wings and quickly rushed into the sky. Then there were tens of thousands of mixed-blood dragons banging their noses, walking out of the woods with powerful limbs or two feet. In Lin Qi's cries, these mixed-blood dragons quickly formed a huge phalanx, and then slowly approached Valhulan City.

The elves use this almost shameless method to sneak and rape, so Lin Qi will not be willing to let go. These mixed-blood flying dragons are all cannon fodder soldiers made by Longya, and those mixed-blood flying dragons are even more of the cannon fodder units that Longya disdains, but Lin Qi has always forced them to manufacture in large quantities. Since the elves have used those slave-level soldiers to cheat, Lin Qi will simply tell these elves what is truly shameless!

As mixed-blood flying dragons and earth travel dragons, their brain capacity is extremely small, and their soul power is extremely weak. For example, an ordinary human soul can at least be made into a dragon soul of 20 mixed-blood dragons. So the mighty army of more than 20,000 mixed-blood flying dragons and tens of thousands of mixed-blooded ground dragons looks very spectacular, but in fact, to Longya, it is just a small amount of output.

If Dragon Cliff's power can recover more, these hybrid dragon creatures can be mass-produced in just a few breaths.

From the rear came the call of the blue wind giant eagle, and several elves riding on the back of the huge eagle rushed over aggressively. Before these few elder elders could speak, Mr. Mo had jumped out and snarled at them angrily: "What's the matter with your people? Why don't you obey our command? They stupidly attacked the city of Varhulan. The whole army is wiped out! What do you want to do?"

Lin Qi also stood up, and he sneered slowly: "We are also willing to make a certain contribution to the coalition forces, so although it is very difficult, we have buried a lot of troops here as support. But we have not even formed a siege. Array, those elves rushed up, what exactly do you elves want to do?"

The elves were dumbfounded. They looked at the **** battlefield in the distance, dumbfounded for a while.

It can be seen that the vanguard elves rushed straight to the city of Varhulan and directly attacked the city, so that the Black Spirit Legion and the rangers of Sequoia Island in the rear were too late to respond. But this kind of thing shouldn't happen? Before setting off, the elves of the elves had warned these low-level elves of low bloodliness, they only had to pretend to be a siege, and put some effort, but don't die!

Why did they rush to the wall so bravely and fearlessly? Are they crazy, or something?

Lin Qi glared fiercely at several elves, and he roared angrily: "I'm fed up! If the elves can't give me a detailed explanation, if the elves are still so passive, I will represent Wei The Yas Commercial Federation Rehabilitation Organization withdrew from this coalition team. We will refuse to provide you with all help, and we will unite with the Temple of Nightmare and slay your troops!"

Pointing fiercely at the more than 20,000 flying dragons hovering above his head and the tens of thousands of ground dragons that have been lined up on the ground, Lin Qi shouted angrily: "Look at our strength! Even if we can't defeat yours The army, but we have absolute confidence in causing you a lot of casualties!"

"No, no, no, please don't be so excited!" An elven elder hurriedly stood up to comfort Lin Qi and his party: "Our elves are the most promised race, and we will never do anything harmful to the allies. We will immediately dispatch powerful generals and lead an elite legion to join the siege war! Please believe that this accident is only the spontaneous behavior of the stupid leader general and has nothing to do with our elves!"

Lin Qi turned his head angrily and looked far away, too lazy to take care of these elves.

After just over an hour, a real elite elven army quickly rushed outside the city of Varhulan. This elven army was lightly loaded and simple, they didn't even carry any logistics and luggage, so they quickly rushed to the front line with the help of magical power. Thirty thousand beautifully dressed elves exuded a faint murderous aura. Obviously, this is a true elite force composed of high-level elves.

And ruling this army of elves is an extremely beautiful, petite and loving female elves. This looks like Lin Qi's waist is high, and it looks like it doesn't even have the size of Lin Qi's leg. The petite and exquisite female elf, with delicate and sweet appearance, exudes a bit of coercive pressure that makes people afraid to approach.

An elven deity, a true **** came here as the leader of the elite army of the elves.

Lin Qi squinted at this frost-faced female elf, whose body was cold and energetic. This is a middle-ranked goddess, and the divine aura of her body is more focused on the forest and spring water. Breathing seemed to resonate with the surrounding plants. Obviously, where she walked, the green grass and shrubs were quickly growing taller and becoming stronger.

Along with this elite group of elves arrived, there were also three hundred huge sacred war treants. These war trees are about 100 meters tall and have strong bodies. When walking, their long rhizomes plunge deep into the ground, leaving a huge hole in the ground at every step. Their canopies are extremely dense, and thousands of head-sized fruits grow on the vigorous branches. These fruits are the weapons they use to throw.

The elf goddess rode on a snowy unicorn and glanced at Enzo expressionlessly: "Man, give orders! The elf warriors are not good at attacking fortifications, but they have their cover, the enemy on the wall. It’s impossible to get a foothold. So, let your black-skinned warriors launch the first wave of charges, and let the elves and the rangers of Yew Island use bows and magic to cover them behind, and the war tree can destroy the walls."

Putting a finger up, the unknown fairy goddess said calmly: "A quarter of an hour to break this city, is there a problem?"

Enzo squinted at the fairy goddess, and then he nodded slowly: "The Dark Legion is attacking fortifications, of course it’s okay! Well, dear Miss Elf, you seem to have a lot of research on siege tactics? I can know you. What's your name?"

The arrogant fairy goddess raised her head slightly, and said coldly: "People, don't expect things you can never get! Prepare to attack. I saw the logo of the Nightmare Temple, and I will let them know what is real Nightmare!"

At the same time, on the wall of Varhulan City, a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe and holding a gray crystal rod also smiled slightly. He said in a low voice: "I felt a powerful sacred breath on the opposite side. It seems that this war will be very interesting! Just like the teacher said, it will be a rich feast, and it will be a wonderful war to determine the ownership of this world!"

Gently stroking the crooked face statue on the crystal rod head, the middle-aged man said calmly: "Turn on all the defensive magic circles and prepare to charge. I want these stupid long ears and black skins to know what is called The real horror, what is the real despair, and what is the real nightmare!"

The crystal rod in his hand gently hit the ground, and a hideous face with a twisted face suddenly appeared in the sky. Accompanied by the terrible cry, a trace of gray divine light spurted from the big mouth of that face, and quickly injected into the bodies of all nightmare knights and nightmare mages in the city.

"Prepare to enjoy the feast of killing! Younger brother Yaziqi did a good job over there. As a brother, I can't be ashamed!"

When that distorted face appeared high in the sky, the fairy goddess riding on the unicorn also slowly raised the crystal longbow in her hand. Countless blue leaves were scattered from high above. Under the clear divine light like spring water, these leaves merged into the bodies of all fighters present, including those black spirit fighters, all of which were blessed with a thick green light.

"Get ready to attack, everything should begin! Everything, there should be a result!"

The fairy goddess raised her head arrogantly. Lin Qi clenched his fists **** the side. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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