Bright Era

Chapter 1955: Four hundred and twenty-ninth

When Lin Qi killed the wizard mage, many elves around him had already looked over here, and more than a dozen war treants looked at Lin Qi and put on a posture that they might launch an attack at any time. But Bilibili appeared abruptly like a ghost, and suddenly killed the angry elven girl with a single shot, which completely stunned these elves!

This is an elf god! And it is not a new generation of gods inherited from the gods, but a fairy goddess who has participated in the ancient **** war and struggled out of that terrible hell! She has a wealth of experience in warfare and has countless lives and deaths. She is a true god, but she was killed by a single shot!

The spirits of the elves and war treants who witnessed everything collapsed. Tens of thousands of elves and nearly a hundred war treants knelt to the ground at the same time, making clear and melodious or deep and heavy crying. They lost all their fighting power in an instant, their fighting will instantly disintegrated, and they had changed from a powerful elf warrior to a little paperman who fell in the wind.

"No, it's impossible! How could this be? The darling of the forest and the holy spring, the protector of the pure virgin, the master of the sacred unicorn, and the great fairy goddess Long Erthes. How did she fall like this?" The Elf Elder cried out with a nervous breakdown: "How could this be? This is impossible! The great Elf Goddess, she is absolutely impossible to fall!"

Lin Qi gave a dry cough. He quickly glanced at the nightmare knights who were chasing and killing the black spirit warriors, and sternly said: "You incompetent trash, what are you waiting for? Kill those evil gods. Believers! They assassinated your goddess, they killed your goddess, and they tarnished your faith! Don't you hurry up and kill them?"

In the profound meaning of the law inherited from the death lord Sithese, a fine gray-gold law thread trembled slightly. Lin Qi's voice turned into an endless bewitching evil force, directly invading the souls of these elves and war trees. The bodies of all the elves and war treants shook slightly, and then the two front hooves of the unicorn suddenly lifted up, and he roared furiously, and then rushed to the nightmare knights frantically.

The black spirit warrior flees backward, the elven warrior rushes forward, and even the elven wizards have carried their staffs, and regardless of their fragile body, rushed to the nightmare knights and launched a melee challenge to them. The slender staff tore the air and flutteredly hit the heavy armored nightmare knight mounts. As a result, the staff broke in two with a ‘pop’.

Facing the prey that came to the door, the nightmare knights uttered a deep laugh. They unceremoniously chopped the elf wizards into two with a knife, and then the **** long knife continued to kill the elf warriors who flew over. Past.

The elf girl has fallen, and the blessings she has given have completely dissipated. The nightmare knights are surrounded by nightmare power, and they will bring the greatest terror to all the enemies around them. But the elves lacked the protection of divine power. Facing the intrusion of the powerful nightmare halo around the nightmare knights, the elves without divine protection rushed up with a wave of blood and courage, and then collapsed.

Compared with the black spirit warriors, the body, which was particularly weak and fragile, faced the nightmare knights' butcher knives, just like vegetable leaves on the chopping board, and was easily cut by the long knife. The blood of the blockbuster films spilled out, wearing gorgeous armor and robes, with a delicate and beautiful face, and the elves who always thought about various war arts, showed a cruel war picture under the crazy butcher knife.

The iron rider stepped on the broken bodies of the elves and trampled their fragile bodies into the mud. The beautiful bodies turned into mud, and all the brilliance and glory became dirty rubbish. The haughty and elegant elves, just like the black spirits they despised, fled back embarrassedly under the envelope of the nightmare halo, and were quickly overwhelmed by the nightmare knights charged by the brigade.

Lin Qi looked helplessly at the collapsed army, then raised his right hand, raised his right thumb and moved forward a little bit fiercely.

The more than 20,000 flying dragons hovering high in the sky made a deep dragon roar at the same time. They hovered high in the sky, opening their mouths, and venting the breath of dragons that were either high temperature, or foul-smelling, or highly poisonous. Compared with the breath of real dragons, the breath of these hybrid flying dragons does not even have one percent of the power of the dragon, but they are numerous, with more than 20,000 breaths falling, still smashing the nightmare knights.

Especially the flying dragons also have a touch of dragon power, their dragon power gathered together, and it is no different from the pressure of a pure dragon. The terrifying Longwei immediately fell, and the tens of thousands of nightmare knights' mounts were suddenly frightened and fell to the ground embarrassedly. The nightmare knights fell heavily to the ground, and were caught off guard by the breath of the flying dragon.

Tens of thousands of mixed-blood dragons roared loudly at the same time, they slammed the ground fiercely, and at the same time issued their own talent magic. As the hybrid descendants of giant dragons, even the weakest earthwalking dragons, because of the trace of the dragon bloodline in their bodies, they still possess a certain magical talent.

As they joined forces to start, the ground suddenly roared, the ground cracked numerous gaps, and a large group of nightmare knights were swallowed by the cracked ground. Then countless soil thorns ejected from the ground, blasting the nightmare knights and their mounts into riddles. Another dense fireball spurted out, bursting out huge fires in the dense team.

The gray-robed middle-aged man standing on the top of the city looked coldly at the gradual defeat of the 100,000 nightmare knights, but there was a smile on his face. Only a few people who killed these nightmare knights were blessed by divine power. So after these nightmare knights died in battle, about 50,000 souls still belong to him. Not to mention that these nightmare knights also killed thousands of black spirits and killed more than ten thousand elves in the rush just now. In this way, his gains are not too great, but not too small.

The souls of tens of thousands of believers with pious beliefs are enough to make his strength rise steadily. In the favor of his mentor, this middle-aged man was given a priesthood under the God of Nightmare, but his talent was limited, and he did not get too strong divine power. But as long as there is a steady stream of believers' souls for him to absorb, for example, he can absorb the souls of one billion believers, then his divine power can definitely be greatly increased.

"So, go to fight, go to kill, and then go to die!" The middle-aged man smiled lowly: "But, who on earth killed the fairy goddess? It's a waste. Killed with a single knife! Could it be that it's the void? A certain powerful existence of the gods? Only they can have such supernatural power. Only the gods of the void gods can kill the enemy so easily!"

With a trace of hesitation and incomprehension, the middle-aged man waved his hand gently.

The city gate opened, and more nightmare knights rushed out of the city. This group of nightmare knights is more elite than the 100,000 people just now. The weakest group of nightmare knights of the two legions that rushed out also possessed high-ranking strength. Among them, there are not a few celestial warriors. A large group of saints and powerful men of the saint class oppressed.

At the same time, 20,000 nightmare mages flew out, they were chanting spells, and a large number of terrifying spells floated away, like the babble of a demon, slowly swaying in the air. The gray mist enveloped the battlefield, and circles of gray nightmare halo quickly spread to Lin Qi and the others.

Lin Qi looked at the middle-aged man above the city, he smiled indifferently, and pointed forward. The more than 20,000 flying dragons and tens of thousands of earth walking dragons rushed forward like crazy. A very thin light flashed in the sky, and a faint golden red halo was wrapped in the eyes of all the flying dragons and earth travel dragons.

He didn't use the large-scale magic arts that could easily be discovered by people. Lin Qi just surreptitiously gave these flying dragons and earthwalking dragons a trace of supernatural power that belonged to the roaring thunder according to the unspoken rules of the game of the gods.

In this way, all the nightmare knights killed by these flying dragons and earth travel dragons, their souls will belong to Lin Qi. As for the souls of these flying dragons and earth-traveling dragons, Lin Qi really didn’t care--the souls of these nightmare knights can create more than ten times the dragon souls of low-level dragon creatures, even these flying dragons and earth. All Xinglong died in battle, and Lin Qi also made a steady profit.

The flying dragon spit out the dragon's breath frantically. Large groups of nightmare knights burned in the dragon's breath, or fainted and were poisoned to death on the spot. Some people were frozen into ice, or their bodies became paralyzed stones. And with their scarce brains and simple brains, the earth travel dragons have rushed into the queue of the nightmare knights without even knowing what terror is.

The huge Earthwalker set off a **** storm in the queue of the nightmare knights. Countless nightmare knights were torn apart and died wherever they passed, and their mounts were even huge by the Earthwalker dragons. The body stepped on a meatloaf. Lin Qi protected the souls of these earth travel dragons with a trace of the roaring thunder, even if they had a slight fear, they would not run back.

The gray-clothed middle-aged man on the city wall triumphantly watched the nightmare knight under his command being quickly killed. He opened his hands and waited refreshedly to receive the souls of a large number of believers. But what surprised him was that there was no believer's soul, and all the believer's souls were swallowed by an invisible vortex following the space law laid down by the main gods of the gods.

"This is? Who! Which **** has intervened?" The middle-aged man in gray looked at the invisible vortex in the sky in disbelief, and the believers' souls that were clearly visible in his divine power flew toward the vortex with smiles. Go, the souls of these believers are entwined with the power of firm faith, and their souls are firm and solid, exuding a delicious taste. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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