Bright Era

Chapter 1956: Four hundred and twenty-ninth

"No, no, no! It shouldn't be like this! It's just a stage of mutual probing. The battle between two ordinary gods will not involve a third god! And, moreover, the other **** has fallen? Maybe?" The middle-aged man murmured to himself with his eyes widened in horror. He felt that something bad had happened.

A cold light flashed behind him, and Bilibili and Vic appeared behind the middle-aged man at the same time. Bilibili's two upper and lower-level divine weapon daggers quickly wiped his body and cut all the well-known parts of his body. And a very thin grey silk thread in Vic's hand wrapped his neck, and then pulled it slightly.

A lucky person who had just inherited the priesthood and was promoted from a mortal to a god, suddenly his head fell off at this moment, the soul disappeared without a trace, and a large amount of hot golden blood spurted from his body to death on the spot. The heavy and abnormal sacred blood gushes out like lava flowing around. Every drop of sacred blood is as heavy as a mountain. Where the blood flows, the city wall collapses, and all the city defense magic arrays in Varhulan City are ejected by the blood. The amount of mad violence was completely shattered.

The fascinating Bilibili and Vic quietly disappeared, leaving no breath at all.

They were originally masters among the assassins. Lin Qi allowed them to inherit the higher god-level priesthood of the death **** system. The power attributes of the gods of the death **** system are even more obscure and extremely obscure. For the assassins living in the dark, The death **** system is one of the best choices for them. Bilibili and Vic were more powerful. When they assassinated people, even if they were ten times stronger than them, they could not escape their secret calculations.

There was a **** in the two camps, especially when the gods in the city of Varhulan fell, the blood of the gods splashed and directly destroyed all the defenses of the city, and the city of Varhulan suddenly became an undefended open space, and it was open. In front of Lin Qi and others.

There are also a large number of new gods such as Lin Qi sitting on the coalition side, and the strongest backer on the nightmare temple has fallen. The arrogance of the nightmare knights was vented. Under Enzo's command, the morale of the coalition army was greatly boosted. The mighty army defeated the nightmare knights blocking the road, rushed into the city of Varhulan, and quickly controlled everything important in the city. building.

In the sugarcane grove outside the city, the girl wearing a tight armor and carrying a long sword widened her eyes in astonishment: "How is it possible? It is a one-sided battle, completely impossible, impossible! Two gods have fallen? Who on earth? His hand? Is there a third party involved?"

She patted her chest lightly, and the girl shook her head puzzledly: "But the third party present is us. But I didn't take the shot, and I couldn't have such a mysterious assassination method. Then, who is it?"

There was a faint noise in the sugarcane grove, and a girl in a white robe walked out of the sugarcane grove slowly. The white-robed girl and the black-robed girl were born exactly the same, a pair of twin sisters poured out of an embryo. But the same facial features on the white-robed girl's body were countless times softer than the black-robed girl.

If the black-clothed girl is a hard and sharp sword that may provoke murder at any time, then the white-robed girl is a clear, clear, pure and sweet stream that flows slowly across the mountains in spring. Can deeply attract the eyes of everyone around. Standing with the black-clothed girl, everyone will feel great pressure, while the white-robed girl will make everyone smile involuntarily.

"Sister, what happened?" The white-robed girl squinted and laughed. Her naughty hands pressed the black-clothed girl's shoulders, and then supported the black-clothed girl as she raised her body with a smile, holding her head up. He looked at the direction of Varhulan City.

More than 20,000 flying dragons hovered above the city, and tens of thousands of ground dragons ran wildly around the city wall. There was a hoarse cry from the city, and the elves were frantically retaliating against the nightmare temple in the city. Huge piles of firewood were piled up in several places, and many captured nightmare knights and nightmare mages were directly thrown into the blazing bonfire.

A dozen thick black smoke pillars rushed up over the city, and countless twisted faces could be seen in the smoke pillars. Those were the subordinates of the Nightmare Temple. Their souls were trapped in the smoke pillars, and they were receiving the vicious magic of the elves. Torture.

The noble and elegant elves on weekdays, at this moment, are like mad dogs stabbed in the **** by a knife, raging and using the most cruel means to avenge these nightmare temple subordinates. Some of them even pounced on the nightmare knights, tearing large pieces of flesh from them with their teeth. A noble fairy goddess has fallen, this must be the conspiracy of the Nightmare Temple, and the most brutal side of the elves has been completely exposed.

Lin Qi stood on the wall, watching the elves wreaking havoc in the city with cold eyes. They frantically hunted down the remnants of the nightmare temple, cruelly tortured the captured nightmare knights, and forced them to hand over the ordinary people who had a tacit understanding with them and cooperated with them to manage the city.

Those nightmare knights who had been tortured to death confessed indiscriminately, so some wealthy merchants, former officials, and nobles in Varhulan were taken away from their homes by the elves. Regardless of men and women, old and young, masters, servants or slaves, everyone was arrested, and then the elves, like demons from the abyss world, slaughtered them.

The old, frail and all the men were slaughtered on the spot, and their souls were stored in strange crystal **** by the elves, ready to be used as sacrificial offerings. And those young and beautiful girls, they ushered in the darkest, most terrifying, and most miserable day of their lives.

Under the personal order of the Queen Green Moon who came after hearing the news, tens of thousands of half-elf slave soldiers marching with the elven army rushed frantically, and collectively assaulted those beautiful girls on the street. Violence hovered over the city of Varhulan, and crime spread over the city. The screams and groans along with the dozens of black smoke pillars rushed into the sky.

Lin Qi looked at the Empress Green Moon who had given this evil order, moved her fingers several times, and almost wanted to kill her.

But high in the sky, because of the fall of an elf deity and a nightmare temple deity, several powerful and abnormal wills have locked onto Varhulan City. Lin Qi and the others, with the help of Osmanthus Tree and others, can only hide their identities under the sweep of these powerful wills, but once they take action, they will inevitably reveal the fact that they are gods.

Under the gaze of these powerful beings, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to kill the Empress Green Moon.

Lin Qi didn't have the confidence to break the armor on the Empress Green Moon. As long as there is a supreme existence like the moon goddess Mirthe in the will circling above, Lin Qi cannot kill the Green Moon Empress with a single blow, and he and everyone around him will be in great risk.

Therefore, Lin Qi could only stand at the top of the city, watching the tens of thousands of carefully selected girls, screaming screams under the encroachment of those half-elf slave soldiers with distorted faces and red eyes like wild beasts. Lin Qi's nails were deeply submerged in his own flesh and blood, and the sharp pain from his palm made Lin Qi breathe deeply again and again, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

After a long time, Lin Qi floated to the Empress Luyue, and he whispered: "Your Majesty, you do this, it will make it difficult for us to explain in the future! After all, we are now allies. If it is spread out, we will help you do this. Things, our reputation in the future..."

The Empress Green Moon disapprovingly looked at the desperate gaze of a girl who was violated by a few half-elves right in front of her, and then smiled lightly: "History belongs to the victors to write, when we completely wiped out Azhul Protoss, no one knows about these things. What are you worried about? Could it be that you are soft-hearted? For these humble species, these dirty, stupid, and humble human women?"

Lin Qi looked at Empress Luyue coldly, and said calmly, "You are also a woman!"

The Empress Green Moon looked at Lin Qi as if she heard the most incredible words in the world, her eyes widened in astonishment, and she asked in horror: "Do you think so? But these humans lying on the ground and convulsing, and who violated them Those half-elves! Don’t they all... exist like livestock? You compare me with livestock, it’s not too polite!"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, he slowly backed away a few steps, then bowed and saluted, and then sank into the crowd.

The Empress Green Moon raised her head arrogantly, and said coldly: "Damn it, move fast, let these women become pregnant, and then, in a few months, a large group of new slaves will appear! You humble half-elves of blood , Your only use is to act as slaves!"

The voice of the Hades Temple faintly sounded: "I really want to smash this lady's head with a punch! I hate elves, I hate elves, I have always firmly believed that only a dead elven is a good elven! Of course, in Among the dark elves, blood elves, and gray elves, there will be some heroes! Among the half-elves, there are some real heroes, but these heroes will never appear in the hypocritical races of sun elves and moon elves."

"I will kill these elves!" Lin Qi closed his eyes and told them word by word: "As long as I have a chance, I will let all the elves die without a place to be buried! By the way. What did the elves do when they came?"

Heavenly Mountain’s voice was heavy: "As you think, these elves, these originally belonged to humans, but they activated the elves’ bloodline and turned them into the elves’ royal family. They betrayed the human race for the first time and invested in them. The embrace of the elven gods!"

Cursing Ling Gu Ling laughed mockingly: "But this is also a miracle, isn't it? So many tribulations have passed, and the new universe has the probability of producing a primitive creature that is completely similar to a previously destroyed universe. There have been many tribulations, and there are only nineteen examples!"

At this moment, a dazzling sword light whizzed up and pierced the Empress Luyue's heart straightly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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