Bright Era

Chapter 1957: Confusion and mutation (1)

The leopard hides in the wild and does not show its ferociousness; a blow with all its strength is shocking.

Lin Qi controlled the battle between the two armies, and when the two gods fell, in a small forest less than two kilometers away from Lin Qi, in a mess of grass, Simon Ya was lazily curled up in the grass. Chewing on a bitter grass root with the tip of his teeth.

The roots of the ‘gentian grass’, which is 10,000 times more bitter than Coptidis, would have been broken and killed on the spot by the terrible taste of ordinary people. But for Simon Ya, such a terrible taste just barely made him feel a faint bitter taste, and made him feel that he still has a little bit of vitality and vitality.

Wearing a colorful tight-fitting camouflage suit, Simon's teeth curled up in the grass, looking like an ordinary 18-year-old boy. He has a round and soft face, a long and vigorous body, and his arms and legs are thinner and longer than ordinary people. A five-foot-three-inch long gray sword, thinner than a cicada's wings, is firmly tied behind him. Under the sun, this sword is like a stone polished without any shiny reflection. come out.

Squinting his eyes to look at Lin Qi, Empress Green Moon and others in the distance, Simon Ya turned his head and looked at the allied forces of the Elves and the Black Spirit that the brigade rushed past. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, revealing a sneer. Cruel sneer.

He lay quietly in the grass. The elves and the black spirits who were launching the charge almost instinctively avoided this piece of grass with a radius of hundreds of meters, and no elves and the black spirits stepped into this bush. Even the tyrannical and sexually slaughter ground dragons under Lin Qi's control, they cautiously avoided this piece of weeds, and then roared forward.

Teeth chewed the roots of gentian grass, the sticky and extremely bitter juice slowly seeped into the dry throat, and the esophagus and the intestines, which hadn't moved for a long time, moved slowly because of the extremely irritating juice. stand up. Even the heart that hasn't beaten for a long time, because of the terrible smell, can't help but twitch a few times.

Taking a deep breath, Simon Yat smiled gently-his physical condition seemed to be pretty good.

The fighting spirit, murderous aura, and the strong smell of blood, and the power of the natural elements disturbed by the wizards of the elves were silently injected into Simon Ya's body. The countless air pockets in his body are spinning like a whirlpool, and each air pocket stores a huge amount of power that is shocking. The power contained in each air pocket is equivalent to that of a demigod peak powerhouse. All energy.

The messy energy from the outside is constantly injected into this slender and weak body, and the power in the air pocket is constantly increasing. In the meridians that are tens of thousands of times wider than ordinary people, huge energy tides roll like big rivers. The energy flow density in the meridian is so terrifying, the energy flow flowing through the body of the Simon Ya, every energy group the size of a soybean grain can blow a small mountain to pieces.

With the three huge seas of qi in the lower abdomen, chest, and eyebrows of Simon teeth as the core, the energy clusters in countless air pockets continuously communicate and merge through these three energy cores. An odd-shaped rune of the law faintly formed in Simon Ya's body, and gradually all the messy energy in his body, whether it was war intent, murderous intent, **** aura and magical elements, was compressed into sharp and unparalleled sharp sword light.

"It's a pity, I thought I could kill a **** this time!" Simon Ya spit out the roots of the gentian grass, and then gently grinded his teeth. He glanced at Lin Qi deeply, then focused his attention on Empress Green Moon. Compared with Lin Qi, who had changed her appearance and looked unsurprising, there is no doubt that the beautiful and noble Empress Green Moon is a more attractive goal.

Of course, the main god-level armor of the Empress Green Moon would be a more troublesome factor. But for Simon Ya, it was just a little trouble. The assassins of the grass leopard clan always like to defeat the strong with the weak. The heavenly masters dare to assassinate the demigods, and the demigods dare to attack the lower deities. Then Simon Ya, naturally dares to attack the green moon wearing the main god-level armor The queen has a sword!

"I haven't taken a shot for a while!" Simon Ya squinted his eyes, his body curled up slightly, all the power in his body was madly compressed and condensed, and gradually compressed into a piece that made Simon Ya's body feel extremely dramatic. The painful horror sword light. Pain, boundless pain, the pain that made Simon Ya's soul tremble, the pain that made his body almost disintegrate!

Since fifteen thousand years ago, due to the delay in breaking through the bottleneck, when the natural life span was about to end, Simon Ya found several old madmen from the Flying Snake clan and asked them to transform themselves into inhumans through evil sacrificial rituals. , The weird existence of non-necromancy. He has an endless life span, and at the same time, he has been backlashed by a terrible curse.

Walking in the dark like a walking dead, some big figures in the dominator secretly eradicate all the targets that need to be eradicated. The cursed body made Simon Ya no longer feel any normal feelings. He lost all normal feelings. Only when he stimulated his body with great pain and almost collapsed just before the shot, He can have the comfort that he is still'alive'.

With a smile of "chichi", Simon Ya's body gradually merged with the surrounding natural environment, and his body melted into the air strangely. He drew out the long sword behind him silently, and two grey gloomy lights in his eyes stared at the Empress Lu Yue.

The sword light in his body has reached the level of unpleasantness. If he continues to compress more power into the sword light, then with his inhuman body strength, he will also be blown into the smallest particles and die on the spot. And his cursed soul will become nothing, leaving no trace. With a weird and perverted smile, Simon Ya slowly raised his sword.

Suddenly, the sword light that was compressed to the limit was imprinted in the long sword in his hand, and his body suddenly became empty. His body became extremely light, extremely hollow, and an extremely strong sword light drew his body like a ghost, suddenly crossing a distance of two kilometers, a sword pierced the Empress Luyue's chest.

A gray sword light that was no more than three inches long was spit out from the gray long sword, and a divine text that exuded a deep chill, representing the meaning of endless ‘death’, was looming on the sword light. Void was torn open a gray crack, and Simon's tooth smiled grimly, the sword light had already pierced the empress Green Moon's breastplate.

Lin Qi, Mr. Mo, Enzo and others did not feel any strangeness at all. When that terrible sword light suddenly burst out, Lin Qi was still frowning, wondering **** the Queen of Green Moon. Bad abacus on the spot. When the gray sword light suddenly appeared, Lin Qi only felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and his heart suddenly went blank.

It is a kind of soul and heart being taken away in an instant, completely losing all will, completely losing all perception of the outside world, just like being in a coffin, shielded from the empty blankness of all senses. Lin Qi's soul trembled violently, and the ominous gray sword light made his soul shudder subconsciously. It was the tremor of a mammoth giant that suddenly saw a poisonous snake.

A mammoth can trample a demon snake into meat sauce with one foot, but when the demon snake gently bites on the body of the mammoth, even if it weighs like a hill and possesses infinite power, it will be poisoned. The venom instantly kills.

This sword light made Lin Qi feel the threat of death, a threat that makes the soul and body fall into nirvana in an instant.

Opening his mouth blankly, Lin Qi let out a low roar, and he subconsciously stepped back. His body took a hurricane, a black hurricane wrapped around him, countless small wind blades surrounded his body, and he rushed out nearly a hundred miles in just a flash backwards. During the nearly hundred li journey, thousands of elves were smashed by him. The hurricane sent the flesh and blood of countless elves high in the sky, turning into a blood mist and throwing them in all directions.

At the same time, Enzo let out a horrified scolding sound. The thorn sword on his waist suddenly jumped out. Accompanied by a piercing sword sound, Enzo incarnates a sharp sword rainbow rushing out for nearly a hundred miles, and then plunged into a mountain. .

And Mr. Mo's figure suddenly shook, and a large piece of poisonous medicine exploded into a spray of medicine mist, and he had disappeared without a trace in the colorful medicine mist. It was painful for the elves and elders who gathered near the Queen of Green Moon's carriage. They touched the mist a little and suddenly turned into a pool of pus and blood and fell on the ground.

Even the demigods at the pinnacles and the elder elders with powerful Primordial Magic accessories protectors, they didn't even hum, they just turned into a pool of pus. And the ordinary high-level elves implicated by Mr. Mo's poisonous mist are at least five thousand.

The Empress Luyue also widened her eyes blankly, her small mouth grew horrified and looked at the desperate sword glow in front of her. The gorgeous Lord God-level battle armor on her body suddenly burst out countless extremely fine golden and green lights, and countless extremely fine lights like vines were rapidly interlaced, forming dozens of supernatural powers on the Empress Green Moon. Shield.

I heard a weird sound of'crunch', dozens of divine power shields disintegrated at the same time, countless tiny golden and green light spots scattered all over, the sword light on the Ximen tooth long sword was only weakened by a tiny bit, three The inch-long sword light continued to pierce the heart of Empress Luyue. Simon Yam smiled like a ghost, "Jie Jie", "My sword, but the legendary "Necrotic Fang"!"

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