Bright Era

Chapter 1959: Confusion and mutation (3)

The armies of the elves rushed into Varhulan City violently. They perfectly executed the orders of the Queen of Green Moon and slaughtered all the prisoners in Varhulan City except those girls. Including those chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, including the rats in the sewers, and even those cockroaches and other insects, all were swept away by these elves with magic.

Except for the poor women who were violated by half-elves, all the other elves were slaughtered in the massacre. The Queen of Green Moon tore off the elegant and noble masks of the elves, and exposed the nature of the elves naked in broad daylight.

The elves in flames broke into a house, and they looted all their wealth frantically. They have the style of the two rabbits around Lin Qi. They ransacked all the food, and they wiped out all the wealth. They even pried open the mouths of the slaughtered deceased, and removed what was in their mouths. The golden teeth were torn off.

Large groups of elves roamed the city of Varhulan like locusts, looting everything they saw frantically. Even the gilt decorations in the courtyards of the mansions were scraped clean by these elegant, noble, handsome, or beautiful elves with daggers.

And the bigger spectacle is that those beautiful, arrogant, and usually cold and inaccessible elven beauties, they perfectly executed the realm of the elves and gods before the expedition. Elf beauties came out of those mansions with pure gold or silver toilets and potty one after another coldly and gathered these precious utensils together.

The corner of Lin Qi's mouth twitched as he watched the looting of those elves. They were more professional than the robbers, and they were more brutal than the most brutal robbers. Lin Qi saw a few beautiful and noble Japanese elf princesses. They skillfully used heavy axes to chop off the fingers of the big businessmen and rich men who were killed. The magic rings of all colors are clean.

"This, really... I'm a little bit skeptical, is this really the legendary elegant, noble and non-smoky spirit?" Lin Qi shrugged helplessly, and smiled bitterly: "I seem to see it. The scene of Dad taking people to looting the cargo ship. But even if he robbed the cargo ship at sea, Dad would only steal money, not life, only money, not sex!"

"The blood of sin!" Heavenly Mountain sighed faintly: "When will the blood lost in the sins of power and desire truly go back to the ultimate source and possess the most original nature? The sin of the elves, is it human Don’t you own it?"

"Countless killings with the face of a saint, bullying with the face of a savior, a holy veil to cover up fornication, and a pure smile to cover a conspiracy. High-sounding deeds and deeds, righteous and awe-inspiring nonsense, reciting benevolence and morality but killing people, and mouthful of moral articles. Destroy the country and slaughter the city." The Temple of Underworld sneered coldly: "Great Master Lin Qi, isn't this the other side that all creatures have?"

Lin Qi pressed his lips tightly, and he hummed softly, "Both, shut up!"

After being silent for a while, Lin Qi sighed helplessly: "I can't become the kind of person you say. So, if one day, I will become a hypocritical existence like the elf in front of me. I can't resist the temptation of sin, so you leave me or destroy me!"

After a pause, Lin Qi raised his head proudly: "Uncle Lin Qi, not a good person! I am greedy for money, I am stingy, I even started to learn to be a little lustful? Of course, this is not my fault! I am sinister, I am treacherous. , I count people behind me, but everyone else forced me!"

"I'm really not a good person! But I never thought that I was a heinous villain!" Lin Qi shook his head: "I don't want to be a villain either! I don't want to slaughter the weak, I don't want to insult the innocent. I am My enemies, I must kill them, but I will never make a high-sounding excuse. My relatives and friends, I will protect them, but I will not unconditionally protect their sins."

"So, when I become like these **** elves one day, when I begin to profit only, when I see profit and abandon righteousness, when I am hypocritical and cruel, when I unscrupulously rely on my strength, Relying on your strength to run wild and crippling creatures, when I start to violate the beliefs I now follow, please leave me and destroy me!"

Lin Qi's words resulted in a long silence from Heaven Mountain and others.

After a long time, a strange light flashed across the bodies of Heavenly Mountain and Underworld Temple at the same time. The dark golden light that belongs to the eternal particles suddenly rises from them, heaven mountain, underworld temple, doomsday apocalypse temple, dragon cliff, osmanthus tree, rising fairy pond, curse spirit ancient tomb, buried bones, and gods The paradise, the orchard of the gods, etc., including the quiet jade toad dozing off on the wheel of the immortality, at the same time sprayed out a dark golden torrent of eternal particles that were dense and suffocating.

"What you just said, did you open the supplementary rule and engrave the maximum prohibition? Replace the original maximum prohibition?"

Heavenly Mountain and the others, at the same time in an unprecedented serious tone, incomparably solemn and majestic inquiring of Lin Qi.

"The original maximum ban?" Lin Qi raised his eyebrows: "What is the original maximum ban?"

"Absolutely obey!" After hesitating for a while, Tiantian Mountain said in a very weird tone: "Abandon the "Original Code" and absolutely obey any instructions from the commanders at all levels of the Metaverse. The level of authority determines everything, and the high level of authority absolutely rules the low level. Authority, power determines everything"

"What is the "Original Code"?" Lin Qi asked immediately.

"The highest code of mankind’s ‘primary origin’, fraternity, cooperation, kindness, compassion, justice, fairness..."

Along with the majestic voice of Heavenly Mountain, countless rapidly changing lights and shadows appeared in Lin Qi's spirit sea. The pictures that flashed rapidly made Lin Qi's mind swaying, and even his soul rippled. An unprecedented shock was like waves of thunder smashing his body, making him pores all over his body. Numerous hairs are standing up.

Huge mountain peaks are floating high in the sky, and heavy rain is pouring on the vast grasslands. The huge scarlet thunder madly smashed the huge mountain peaks in the sky, and the boulders and thunder fire continued to fall from the high altitude, and fell heavily on the grassland. A raging fire ignited in the dense jungle, and the giant tree ignited by the thunderfire was burning like torches in the downpour.

Huge animal herds and millions of herds ran in panic on the grassland. The boulders were smashed down. Those huge beasts were smashed to pieces and died on the spot. A lot of blood was washed by the rain on the grassland. There was a **** haze.

The ancestors of the human beings, who were wrapped in crude animal skins, with exuberant hair like gorillas, holding wooden sticks and other crude tools, gritted their teeth and trudged hard in the torrential rain. They cautiously avoided the beasts that were several times stronger than them and dozens of times stronger than them, and cautiously approached the dead beasts.

The rough stone axe cut the remains of the huge beasts with difficulty. These humans carried pieces of hot flesh and blood, and quickly retreated in the direction they had come. The boulder fell down beside them, and the thunder fell down beside them. They gritted their teeth, squinted their eyes, and ran wildly in the storm with their last bit of strength.

A big tree was suddenly broken by a huge boulder, and a huge tree with a height of one hundred meters fell suddenly and smashed against several humans carrying animal flesh. Two big men holding wooden sticks rushed up without saying a word. They used their shoulders to knock those tribesmen carrying animal flesh into flight, but they were hit by the giant wood and crushed into a pile of **** flesh. sauce.

Running wildly, running wildly, hordes of human ancestors fled in embarrassment in the storm. They can't do anything about natural disasters. Their simple tools can't deal with the huge boulders that fall from the sky, nor can they resist the huge trees that suddenly fall.

Suddenly the rain picked up and the clouds dispersed, the sky cleared, and the fleeing beasts on the grassland suddenly stopped. A group of ferocious beasts with hideous faces and hungry wolves sprang out from the grass. The carnivorous beasts who had just recovered from thunder and falling rocks immediately regained their predatory nature.

Seeing these animals with weak bodies and **** fleshy legs on their backs, the ferocious beasts immediately pounced on with a huge roar.

The ancestors of the human beings carrying the beast meat still bowed their heads and rushed forward, while other people in the vicinity greeted the beasts that were several times larger than themselves with a stunned roar. They smashed their crude wooden sticks on the beasts' heads. They threw stone axes and spears on the beasts from a distance. Someone even tripped the beasts that were rushing forward with long ropes made of animal skins. .

The beasts rushed up, and dozens of humans were knocked down by the beasts. Their blood and flesh became the prey of the beasts, while other humans took advantage of the chance to feast on the beasts and disappeared at the fastest speed. On the grassland.

Lights and shadows flickered, Lin Qi saw a huge cave in which thousands of humans lived. Large chunks of **** beast meat were piled on the ground. Several elderly humans were holding stone knives, cutting the beast meat piece by piece, and distributing the meat to the people in the cave.

Whether it is a strong young man or a weak and weak child, everyone follows the rules to accept the meat they deserve. They were roasting animal meat by the campfire, and they all smiled and looked friendly.

In the changing light and shadow, Lin Qi saw a simple thatched hut standing in a clearing. Seen from a high altitude, the tribes composed of such simple thatched huts are scattered sparsely on dense forests and vast grasslands. These tribes are large and small, and the simple muddy trails are like silk threads that connect these sparse tribes.

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