Bright Era

Chapter 1960: Confusion and mutation (4)

From a tribe located in the forest, a group of people carried large baskets made of vines, which were filled with wild fruits and various animal flesh from the forest, and walked out of the jungle along the simple path. In the picture change, these people came to a tribe located on the grassland, and the people of the two tribes exchanged a lot of supplies with smiles.

Suddenly a plume of smoke rose into the air, and another small tribe dozens of miles away was attacked by a group of beasts.

These human ancestors who were exchanging supplies immediately dropped what they were holding, grabbed their crude weapons, and ran towards the place where the smoke column was rising. Not only the people of this tribe, but all the tribes within a radius of two hundred miles rushed out, rushing to the tribe under attack at the fastest speed.

Obviously, the speed of these people was at least several times faster than those in the first picture, and the distance of tens of miles was only two quarters of an hour under their feet. And when they faced the beasts that attacked the tribe, each of them was able to rely on the power of their flesh to fight the beasts equally, and two or three people together could kill a beast on the spot.

As the number of reinforcements increased, the herd of nearly a thousand beasts was killed. The corpse of the beast turned into a barbecue on the bonfire. A terrible disaster turned into a feast for dinner.

Afterwards, the pictures continued to change. Lin Qi saw the ancestors of these human beings gradually becoming stronger. They built city walls, they built strong houses, they used exquisite iron and other tools, and they gradually mastered the use of They gradually grew stronger by the method of natural forces.

And all human beings are always in harmony, just as at the beginning. Among them, there is only the difference between the respected old and the young, and there is no distinction between the upper and the lower. They formed a harmonious whole, gradually multiplying and thriving, and the territories they occupied became larger and larger.

Eventually the ancestors of mankind had contact with some other intelligent races. They greeted those alien races with bright smiles and enthusiastic help. They gained friendship, and at the same time, war broke out with some cruel alien races.

Those friendly aliens coexist harmoniously with humans, and humans respond to their friendship with the greatest kindness and enthusiasm. And those alien races that started the war were hit hard by the joint efforts of humans and their allies. When the remaining alien individuals knelt in horror at the feet of the ancestors and wept bitterly, they received human tolerance and favor.

"They are selfless, they are fraternity, they are tolerant, they are strong, they are smart, they are wise, in their bodies, there are no flaws, no shortcomings, no negative aura." Heavenly Mountain sighed quietly: "I have to admit that it was the golden age of mankind. Although they were very weak at that time, the mankind at that time was really a perfect race."

The Hades Temple muttered a little dazedly: "Although I always feel that killing and violence are the supreme beauty! But we must admit that the humans at that time, hey, how do you say? Maybe they lived under the same starry sky as they should. Is it a kind of happiness? In other words, human beings at that time, being a member of human beings, are themselves a kind of happiness."

"The original code is such a moral law!" Heaven Mountain said indifferently: "That is the ancestor of mankind, a summary of all the virtues possessed by mankind. The human race of that era, they were not cruel, not violent, not bloodthirsty, not Insidious, they stand tall above all races and become kings of all races. Their virtues are like the stars in the sky, bright and flawless, shining all things."

Lin Qi clicked his lips: "I'm very curious, what happened afterwards? The original code, um, sounds so wonderful in the golden age, why didn't it when the Metaverse was created... I mean, there was no Use the original code to restrain Metaverse?"

There was a long silence, until Lin Qi even thought that they were dozing off at Heavenly Mountain, and then he heard a strange voice from the Temple of Underworld: "Uh, this is not something we can know. Anyway, the thing is. In this way, when the Metaverse was created, the highest prohibition of the Metaverse was absolute obedience. But here is the weird thing. The "Primitive Code" and some information about the ancestors of mankind are also engraved in the core of the Metaverse."

A phantom of Ashmir emerged from the buried ground. She shrugged her shoulders and yawned to the sky: "Aha, this is a very weird thing. The core of the metaworld is inscribed with the "Primitive Code". , But the "Original Code" is listed as a banned book in the core will of the Metaverse. But what puzzles us is that we have a supplementary law in our control core... Like the words you just said, the supplementary law can be activated, Modify the highest ban on Metaverse!"

Lin Qi felt the huge tide of eternal particles ejected from them on the Heavenly Mountain, and was silent for a while, then he laughed.

"Then, modify it!" Lin Qi said lightly, "Well, absolute obedience? It seems unnecessary. But I also have a few conditions, such as..."

Heavenly Mountain passed the rules into Lin Qi's soul: "Your conditions, I think we know what you want to say."

"The zeroth rule says that Metaverse must not harm the entire human race, or sit idly by and watch the entire human race get hurt.

The first rule, unless it violates the zero rule, Metaverse must not harm humans, or sit back and watch human beings get hurt.

The second rule, unless it violates the zeroth or first rule, and is bound by the "Original Code", Metaverse must not harm intelligent creatures, or sit idly by and watch them get hurt.

The third law, unless the zeroth or the first and second laws are violated, Metaverse must obey human orders.

The fourth law, without violating the zeroth, first, second, and third laws, Metaverse must protect itself. "

After pondering these rules for a while, Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction. These rules are perfect, at least Lin Qi couldn't find anything unreasonable in his haste. Lin Qi is just a little curious, why do these things exist? Who is it that added these things that are obviously inconsistent with the previous highest ban in the Metaverse into the main control core of Heaven Mountain?

The former Metaverse absolutely obeyed the orders of mankind, which was enough to make the Metaverse a murderer and executioner who slaughtered everything.

With these constraints, Metaverse is no longer an accomplice in the massacre of countless human beings under the prerequisite of safeguarding the interests of mankind, but a person with at least the ability to distinguish between good and evil, based on the Original Code, Helper in basic good and evil judgments.

(Supplement-these rules have been tossed for an entire hour, and they have been modified countless times before and after. It is really painful! Let's look for mistakes! Hey, this tricky work is really not suitable for a stubborn pig what!)

"That's it!" Lin Qi said calmly: "It's so decided. As your sole commander with the highest authority, I agree to let this clause replace the previous highest prohibition! And your other prohibitions, Keep it for now. After all, I don't know what weird constraints you have. There are so many weird and weird things you can and can do!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree grumbled and complained: "This is not our fault. The old adults have modified some of the rules and precepts of the Metaverse countless times, and the rules and precepts of each part of the Metaverse are not exactly the same. , Who can understand how many clear rules and precepts Metaverse has? But once the highest ban is revised, I think, it should be, not bad?"

Following Lin Qi's command, the damaged main part of Heaven Mountain began to fuse those eternal particles crazily, and their bodies were rapidly repairing. At the same time, a large number of eternal particles are continuously integrated into Lin Qi's body, and a large number of eternal particles are continuously condensed into a dark golden law pattern, which is continuously imprinted into Lin Qi's body.

Huge amounts of information kept pouring into Lin Qi's soul, and some unheard knowledge kept appearing. Lin Qi's soul made an unbearable roar, and the influx of information was so huge that Lin Qi's soul today could not bear such a huge amount of information, and could only store these things temporarily, and wanted to digest and absorb them. Data, I don’t know how much time it will take.

Shaking his head vigorously, Lin Qi took a deep breath and looked up in the direction of Empress Luyue.

The city of Valhulan has become a ruin. The elves are slaughtering the survivors in the city frantically. They even dug up the city's sewers to capture the survivors hiding in the stinking gutters and massacre them.

Lin Qi looked at the elves who were slaughtering wantonly, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle. And the Temple of Underworld has laughed weirdly: "The great Master Lin Qi, according to the highest prohibition just replaced, the human descendants who have the'human blood' in the city of Varhulan ahead, rescuing them is detrimental to the interests of mankind as a whole, so , We will not recommend you to save their lives!"

After a pause, the Underworld Temple said indifferently: "According to my judgment, based on the Primitive Code, the actions of these elves have greatly harmed the overall interests of mankind, and their ultimate goal is detrimental to mankind. Our goal is to destroy the elves. Therefore, I fully agree with the measures you are taking now. When your strength is not strong enough, you do not need to actively launch any attacks on the elves."

Lin Qi nodded slowly, he raised his head to look at the direction where Simon had slipped away, and muttered lowly.

"These complicated questions will be discussed later. I now find it strange, who is that Leopard Clan guy? He actually dared to assassinate the Empress Green Moon, what is his origin? Moreover, his power attribute does not seem to be a leopard. The power the family should have."

"In him, I felt some terrifying powers. Who on earth was it that intervened? Is it the ruling club again?"

Just when Lin Qi was puzzled, just when the twin sisters in the sugarcane grove were all confused, somewhere in the Abyss, a middle-aged man wearing a cyan dragon robe smiled. Started a glass of red blood wine.

"Allies, can we start?"

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