Bright Era

Chapter 1978: The church in distress (3)

Ying Zheng raised his head slightly: "Twenty million sets of blood-Qin-style magic armor and corresponding crossbows, weapons, arrows, as well as supporting mounts, food and grass, first-aid wound medicine, etc., will be delivered to you tomorrow. In return, your alien army must act as a vanguard for us. If your battle situation can satisfy us, you will be able to deliver one million sets of ordnance every month!"

Leon was silly there, and the messengers of the alien races, the leaders of the major tribes, stood up subconsciously. They looked at Ying Zheng in horror, and couldn't believe their ears. A pig-headed man with a demigod peak strength took out a dagger, cut out his ear hole fiercely, and shaved off a thick layer of earwax and mane, then he shivered and screamed: "How many did you say?"

Ying Zheng repeated his price, and then waved his hand impatiently: "A mere tens of millions of armor sets are nothing for my Blood Qin Empire? If you are willing, you can sign the covenant. If you don't, I will first Eliminate the alien races like Er, and fight to the death with the Western Continent again!"

The Daxiong Dharma King of Tianmiao smiled deeply: "Your Majesty, they will have the wisest choice!"

Leon quickly greeted the old mother of Ying Zheng and Daxiong Karen in his heart. It was nothing but nonsense. He was only going to ask for two million sets of sophisticated magic armor, and he was going to roll up his sleeves and act as the forward to fight with the Western mainland coalition forces. But Ying Zheng actually gave such generous conditions, Leon and the other orcs could not refuse such conditions.

The alien races of Odin Icefield have been robbing houses in the Western Continent for countless years. Can they have a million sets of magic equipment hoarded? And over the years, those magic equipment have been constantly worn and worn out. Nowadays, the total number of intact magic equipment in the alien army can be up to 300,000 sets. Of these 300,000 sets of magic equipment, more than half are armed with Odin. The holy guard of the temple.

Ying Zheng gave out 20 million sets of magic armor and matching ordnance in a light sentence, and one million sets of magic armor will be given away every month in the future! For foreign races like Odin Icefield who never engage in any production, but only know how to rob homes, this big pie really smashed them to the ground, making them dizzy, even if Ying Zheng asked them to be cannon fodder, they I don't care so much anymore!

Leon almost couldn't wait to rush to Ying Zheng's face. His body quickly turned into a beast. Under all eyes, he transformed into a golden lion with a full body of golden hair and a height of about eight meters. He snarled loudly: "Where is the covenant? Get it quickly, as long as the terms are right, we will sign it! Isn't it just the idiots of the Western Continent? We strangled them with our fingers!"

Among the orcs and barbarian messengers, a few wore light green cloaks and shrank their heads and tails not to be noticed by Ying Zheng, but the gorgeous and gorgeous patterns on their cloaks had long betrayed their identities. Shook his head. This group of aliens is really a group of rude, greedy, backward, and inferior creatures that have not fully evolved!

Can a mere 20 million sets of magic equipment make them desperate? Their lives are really worthless!

The elves talked silently in their own secret words, laughing at the foreign races who saw the money. For the elves, although the armor of the Blood Qin Empire is sturdy, but the shape is too ugly, the uniform armor, the armor without the slightest decorative pattern is strong, but for the elves, these armors are simply a nightmare existence!

The elves won't work hard for some trivial extraneous things! Seeing Leon and other foreign leaders who couldn't wait to sign the covenant with Ying Zheng, the elves suddenly felt an indescribable sense of superiority. They held their heads up slightly, almost starting to despise these alien races.

Three days later, on the battlefield on the eastern plains of the Western Continent, accompanied by a thunderous sound from the Imperial Palace of the Blood Qin Empire, the Blood Qin Empire, the undead and alien races simultaneously moved from the front line of thousands of miles to the Western Continent. A crazy attack was launched.

Yingzheng used materials and various promises to feed the undead and alien races. They played 12 points of fighting power. In just one day, the defense lines of the Temple of War, the Temple of Souls, the Temple of Retribution, and the Temple of Dawn were broken one after another. , The most violent offensive Orc Pighead Legion has already used the momentum of a'wild boar charge', forcibly breaking through a 300-mile battle zone, almost piercing through the defense line of the Western Continental Allied Forces.

The undead army swept the past steadily and steadily. Their attack speed was not fast, but there was no more creature wherever they passed. In the attack area of ​​the alien race, there were still remnants and defeated soldiers who fled everywhere, but within the range of the undead's attack, no one was left.

The allied forces of the Blood Qin Empire, Tianmiao, and Penglai also launched an unprecedented onslaught. In just one day, the temple knights of the twenty legions of the church were either annihilated, maimed, or interspersed with siege. The five elite legions of the Great Yan Dynasty were under the fierce attack of the Tianmiao fanatics, under the crazy attack of the dragon legion under the command of Diogo, and under the desperate attack of the captured nomad slave legion, the five elite legions of the Great Yan Dynasty It collapsed completely in just a few hours.

Even Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu were unable to stabilize their positions. Fortunately, the **** Qin Empire’s army seemed to have deliberately avoided the defense zone of the Longshan Empire. Only then can Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu take advantage of the Longshan Empire’s defense line to converge the remnants of the defeated generals, and then quickly lead them. All the troops retreated to the rear.

The dead Daoist does not die the poor Dao, Hu Xinzhu brought this almost shameless Oriental life-saving philosophy to the fullest. Under his strong suggestion-of course, also under Lin Qi's instruction and Ying Zheng's collusion, Longcheng led the two countries' coalition forces to retreat quickly, and the western mainland coalition forces that had been beaten to the ground were suddenly exposed. A huge vacancy.

Countless orcs, half-orcs, dwarves, titans, nomads, and undead followed this gap and swarmed in. Except for the Temple of War, which was informed in advance, the Templar Knights, which were affiliated to the Temple of War, successfully withdrew to the rear, and other Western Continental Allied forces. Was completely surrounded by the tripartite coalition forces.

Tianmiao and Penglai exposed hideous minions. There was originally only one floating castle in Tianmiao, but in this battle, twelve floating castles suddenly appeared at the same time. The terrifying Primordial Magic Weapon can flatten the ground in a radius of more than a dozen miles with every blow. Under the frantic bombardment of the floating castle, large swaths of Western Continental soldiers were blown to pieces.

Penglai’s army of gods drove endless chariots, swooping down from high altitudes under strong wind and lightning. Defeating death and fighting bravely, the divine army swept across the battlefield. Even the nightmare leader Yaziqi, the son of Aziz, the nightmare god, was besieged by several gods and blew himself up, exploding one of his arms to force him. He reluctantly fled the battlefield.

The battle in the Eastern Great Plains took a turn for the worse, and the church’s holy mountain was shocked for several days. Grisgau Chenxi, who had been possessed by unknown gods, and the other two popes rushed back to God’s realm in embarrassment, crying crying for help from the gods. .

Without waiting for the church gods to dispatch troops, suddenly the crazy elves and the black spirit allied forces gave the church army a fierce knife.

The large-scale reinforcements organized by the Longshan Empire had not yet entered the territory of the original Haran Empire. Just as they assembled on the border, an army of Black Spirits suddenly rushed in. With the help of the war halo blessed by unknown gods, the black spirits' army has exerted a terrifying combat effectiveness, and the huge number of reinforcements surrendered in less than half a day!

This cluster includes all the villains and scum in all the prisons and temporary detention centers of the Longshan Empire. There are nearly twenty legions of scum. They promised to allow them to robbery and arrogantly all the way from the leader of the black spirits and the elves alliance. Under the motivation, like a beast taking aphrodisiac drugs, he willingly acted as a vanguard and launched a fierce attack on the holy mountain.

The originally small number of Nightmare Legions along the way collapsed, and within a few days, the allied forces of elves and black spirits had already attacked the vicinity of the holy mountain.

If it was just a coalition of elves and black spirits, for the church, they did not pay attention to the extremely weak elves and undisciplined black spirits. But what is terrible is that a large number of abyssal creatures appeared in the army of elves and black spirits!

Of course, there are a large number of low-level abyssal creatures that act as cannon fodder and slaves, such as mixed-blood kobolds, hyenas, jackals, etc., as well as bloodlines such as black goblins, bear goblins, and gray goblins that have not strong combat power. There are even some small evil demons and other demonic creatures mixed in. Their strength is not strong, but their number is too terrifying.

Around every elf, there can be more than a dozen slave cannon fodder running around chattering around, and every black spirit can gather a squad of nearly a hundred slave soldiers at all times. The combined force of elves and black spirits suddenly expanded by at least thirty times!

What made the church's senior leaders puzzled was that these cannon fodder regiments from the abyss, they wore sophisticated runes and equipment, and they brought their own baggage and grain supplies. They even formed a very strict command system, and it can be seen that they have at least received more than one year of formal military training!

Such a large-scale cannon fodder regiment, it really cannot be described as cannon fodder!

When this huge army of abyssal creatures, elves, and black spirits appeared near the holy mountain, all the high bishops were moved, and the holy mountain became nervous.

The Eastern Great Plains and the two war zones within the original Haran Empire were in distress at the same time, and the church gods suddenly became a little confused. Should we continue to use the Temple Legion like consumables to counterattack, or should we use real elites to stabilize the front? The gods quarreled endlessly in God's Domain, and they didn't have the mood to pay attention to the battles in the two war zones. Everything was left to the bishops to deal with.

At this terrible moment, the terrible news of Emore's world came back!

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