Bright Era

Chapter 1979: The church in distress (4)

After the soul **** awakened, the **** son Soster, who was born with a sacred bloodline, combined with a human woman, was beaten to death. Millions of soul knights and nightmare knights and a small number of other temple knights, Was destroyed by extremely brutal means.

The enemy actually invaded the world of Emore, the enemy has actually invaded the world of Emore, the true base camp of the church! What an unforgivable thing this is! In what way did they avoid the dense barriers of divine power on the periphery of the three abyssal worlds, and sneak into the true nest of the church?

All kinds of bad news continue to come from everywhere. The gods of the church are really messed up, and the believers of the church are also a little bit pampered. They all felt faintly that the battle of God this time seemed not so simple.

Emore World, Soldad City. This is the absolute core of the place of faith of the soul god. If the place of faith of the soul **** is an empire, then Soldad is the imperial capital of this empire. This is a majestic city that has spent tens of thousands of years of meticulous crafting. It is a majestic castle made by the **** of soul according to the most beautiful impression in his heart.

This is a city built with gray sandstone as the main material. There are towering towers everywhere, and on the top of all the towers are suspended a gray soul spar of varying sizes. These soul spars absorb the power of the believers' faith at any time, transforming it into a huge power and store them in the spar.

These soul powers can be absorbed at will by the upper levels of the soul temple to increase their strength, and can also be used as the energy core of the entire city's defense enchantment. For countless years, millions of soul spars have stored huge and inestimable energy. Once the power of all soul spars in this city has all exploded, according to the boast of the soul god-the explosive power is enough to kill A master god!

After killing the **** son Soster, Lin Qi sneaked into Soldad with Bilibili and Alda, leaving behind the almost destroyed city for the Temple of Souls to wipe his butt. With Lin Qi's strength, no one found any of his deeds at all.

Standing in the tower of a mansion in the central area of ​​Soldad, looking down on the city of Soldad, which is nearly a thousand miles in radius, through floor-to-ceiling windows inlaid with large magic crystal glass, Lin Qi couldn't help sighing heavily: " The church is really amazing! Very amazing! Such a huge city, I really can't imagine how this city can function freely!"

Bilibili and Alda stood there blankly, not understanding what Lin Qi was talking about.

Lin Qi looked at the two guys who were full of murder and evil desires, and shook his head helplessly. Soldad, a city with a radius of nearly a thousand miles, has more than 100 million residents. How does he function well in such a huge city? Not to mention other things, this city consumes huge amounts of fuel, food and clean water every day, which is an extremely complex logistics system.

The most magnificent city in the world on the western continent, Berrily, is only a mere million people. However, Berrily has reached the peak level of a ground city. With the productivity level of the western continent, it cannot afford a population of more than one million. Normal consumption of the city.

But underground, in the three abyssal worlds controlled by the church, there can be such a huge city with a population of more than 100 million, and there is no trace of mess on the market, and there is no scene of a large-scale transportation team coming and going. Obviously this city has adopted some very unique methods. Even Lin Qi suspected that the transportation of all daily consumables in this city was done through the magic circle.

This level is comparable to that of the Blood Qin Empire. In the giant cities of the Blood Qin Empire, magical teleportation arrays of all sizes were densely scattered everywhere, which allowed those cities to function well.

"The strength of the church, this is the true strength of the church!" Lin Qi looked at this glorious city shrouded by the gray light of the soul, and sighed leisurely: "Fortunately, we came here in person and saw the people here. Spectacular and majestic, I have personally felt the true strength of the church, otherwise, we might lose miserably and miserably!"

Just as Lin Qi sighed, on the street neatly planned like a chessboard, a large group of soul knights in gray armor suddenly appeared. Soldad is divided into square blocks five miles long and wide. Nowadays, there are a large number of soul knights in the streets and alleys of each block. On average, nearly 20,000 soul knights control each block. Large and small streets.

A young man with a bare head appeared silently in the air with a transparent head that could see his purple-gold brain. This strange-looking youth was suspended in the air, waves of strong soul fluctuations instantly covered the entire Soldad.

"Pious believers, pay attention to whether there are strangers around you! Enemies with gods have sneaked into the world of Emor. They are dangerous enemies. They are murderous executioners. There are already millions of the most pious believers. Yours Brothers and sisters were mercilessly killed by him."

"If you find any stranger, report to the Soul Temple immediately, and you will receive God's blessing!"

Lin Qi looked at the young man coldly through the thick magic glass. An upper god, an upper middle god. The divine power fluctuations in his body are even stronger than the Soul God himself. If the Soul God is not hiding, the young man in front of him should be some hidden **** of the Soul God System?

The Azhul Protoss is indeed a behemoth that cannot be taken lightly. The young man in front of him had a full body aura, without the obscure, restless divine power fluctuations of those gods who had just awakened after being hit hard. Obviously, this young man did not suffer much damage in the Primordial God War.

A high-ranking mid-level **** who maintains perfect combat power! Lin Qi looked at him and couldn't help licking his lips.

Suddenly Lin Qi’s pupils shrank to the size of a needle. He quickly grabbed Alda and Bilibili, and then jointly released a thin gray mask from the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, covering all three of them. inside.

There were countless subtle and faint soul fluctuations in the air. More than 100 million followers of the Soul God connected their souls together, and formed a huge soul network with the bald young man as the core. An invisible big net spread across the city, leaving no corners even an inch.

What shocked Lin Qi was that after those frail mortal souls were connected with the soul of this young man, even the most debilitated souls of the dying old man suddenly became like moonlight from the dim light of the fireflies in the summer night. Just as bright.

There is no doubt that this is a unique magical technique of the Soul Temple, a magical technique that people cannot defend against. With the help of so many suddenly strengthened souls, the bald youth's soul fluctuations became even more like ten suns shining in the sky. His soul fluctuations suddenly became stronger by a thousand times, even far exceeding the existence of the Lord God level. Lin Qi's pressure.

A wave of dense soul fluctuations swept across the four directions. When these soul fluctuations swept across the bodies of Lin Qi and others, the branches of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree continuously spewed out a faint smoke. This is because the body of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree has been directly injured. . Heavenly Mountain and their energies are transformed into a mask that shields Lin Qi and the others through the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and is blessed on Lin Qi and others.

Therefore, in the face of the search consisting of hundreds of millions of souls in Soldad City, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree bears the most direct pressure.

At the same time as this intensive all-pervasive search, the soul knights divided into teams of several people, and entered the blocks they were responsible for in sequence. They grandly pushed open the doors of those houses, entered various houses, and carefully searched every corner of those houses.

All the citizens of Soldad, whether they are relatives of the high priests or the most humble slaves, all stood quietly in place. Their souls became so clear that they didn't even have any distracting thoughts. The soul knights passed by them, but no one made any noise.

Soldad, the lair of the Soul Temple, this is a city without inns, restaurants, brothels, and entertainment facilities. All blocks have only one kind of building-private houses. Either the houses of the clergy, or the houses of the common people, nothing more.

All neighbors are familiar with each other, all buildings have exactly the same specifications, and even the furnishings in the rooms are the same. These soul knights quickly searched the houses everywhere, and soon two teams of soul knights came to the tower where Lin Qi and others were located.

But how could these ordinary soul knights discover the existence of Lin Qi and others?

Most of the day has passed, and the soul knights have searched every corner of the entire Soldad city, and even the sewers have the tamed beasts of the soul temple go in and search again.

The bald man floating in the air frowned and sneered a few times: "Smart guy, he knows he shouldn’t come to Soldad to die! So, where did he go? But it’s nothing to do with me. I’m in charge of searching in other places. I!"

The ubiquitous soul web in the air suddenly disappeared, and the bald man broke away from the soul connection with the believers. He took a deep breath and grabbed a soul spar beside him. Even the upper god, maintaining the consumption of the powerful divine art for such a long time, his divine power has also consumed a lot, and he must replenish the lost power as soon as possible.

After all, just now in order to guard against that unknown enemy, he used the highest level of search ability. He was afraid of the invasion of the enemy's camp gods, so he regarded the enemy as an existence with the same power as himself, and he naturally did not dare to be slack or careless.

Now that the search was completed, no signs of the enemy were found, and the bald youth's heart was let go, and his vigilance suddenly disappeared.

At that moment, Bilibili appeared behind the bald young man like a ghost. Two daggers pierced his body silently for nearly a hundred times, and every blow hit him.

Then Lin Qi brought a large afterimage, smashed the thick magic glass in front of him, and appeared in front of the dumbfounded bald youth with a large afterimage. Tu Junaxe brought a dazzling black cold light, and whizzed directly from the top of the bald youth to his crotch.

"Assassination, really is the best way to kill!" Lin Qi smiled and punched the young man's transparent skull.

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