Bright Era

Chapter 1986: Invasion (1)

The void oscillated, and then the space collapsed, and a golden space channel with a diameter of one kilometer emerged out of thin air. A beautiful woman wearing a purple robe and full of jewels danced out of the space channel, clamoring like a mournful concubine on the site of the original temple of the goddess of wealth.

Among the gods enshrined in the church, one of the most pleasing gods in the world is the goddess of wealth who has mastered commerce, wealth, winemaking, and various other skills. Her divine power is not strong, and she is still a long way away from the existence of a main **** like Mudel, the **** of war, but compared to ordinary upper gods, she is more than one.

Thousands of gods followed her, most of them were servant-level lower-level and lower-level middle-level gods. These gods were dressed up as merchants one by one, and many of them were big-bellied and obese. These people were famous merchants in the history of the Western mainland. After their deaths, they were transformed into their own gods by the goddess of wealth.

The strength of these guys is weak, but their costumes are the same as the goddess of wealth, they are all golden and brilliant. They are like a flock of wild boars, roaring around the city, madly cursing the sinner who boldly swept away all the wealth donated by the believers of the past.

Lin Qi smiled and looked at these gods who were spitting and roaring, then he raised his right hand.

The entire city shook suddenly, and the defensive array that the goddess of wealth placed under the city was crushed like an eggshell under a huge rock. Countless buildings collapsed, and countless people struggled and screamed in the ruins of the collapse. A rock formation with a radius of nearly 10,000 li flew up suddenly, and then it squirmed into a large black hand and quickly compressed inward, and finally collapsed into a palm with a diameter of more than a dozen li, and then slapped it fiercely.

Thousands of gods of the wealth gods were slapped on the ground by Lin Qi, and when the bodies of those gods exploded, they made a intensive explosion, and large patches of pale golden plasma spilled all over the sky. A series of incomplete spirits soared up into the sky, Lin Qi just grabbed them, thousands of spirits with the lowest level, the highest middle level, and the highest peak strength flew towards Lin Qi's palm.

The Goddess of Wealth was also slapped on the ground by that slap. She was beaten with a beautiful face and hot body, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, her bumpy figure was almost flattened, and her mouth full of silver teeth was sprayed out. Accompanied by a scream of pain, the goddess of wealth struggled to transform into a storm of gold coins and rushed into the sky, and then she stared at Lin Qi firmly and pointed at Lin Qi casually.

A huge palace made of gold slammed down on Lin Qi. In this palace, there are countless mad believers of the wealth gods who have formed after death under the blessing of divine power, which are between the soul and the body. The strange existence between them, they chanted poems praising the goddess of wealth one after another, their huge spiritual power gathered into a golden hurricane covering the entire palace.

The majestic golden palace with a radius of nearly a thousand miles slammed Lin Qi down, all the magical elements in the void were wiped out, and the rich golden atmosphere enveloped everything. The earth and rocks around Lin Qi turned into a huge golden ingot, and the golden breath that contained endless greed and desire continued to infect Lin Qi's body.

The goddess of wealth is known for her endless wealth, but the essence of the law of wealth she controls is the endless desires in people's hearts. Greed, ambition, the endless pursuit of wealth, all kinds of cruel and tyrannical methods, all kinds of ruthless conspiracies and tricks, all kinds of traps and the blood of mutual harm, and the resulting such as lewdness. , Betrayal, betrayal, treachery and other sins, this is the true power controlled by the goddess of wealth!

The Goddess of Wealth is the protector of merchants, the guide of creators, and the innovators of secret techniques such as winemakers, foundries, bakers, and blacksmiths who can make money. But all this is her superficial power, her real power is the kind of sin and depravity caused by money and wealth just mentioned.

When the golden air current invaded Lin Qi's body, waves of violent negative emotions continuously attacked Lin Qi's soul. Lin Qi's dark golden soul is suspended in the vast and endless source force void, constantly vomiting the gray void source force that contains all the laws of time. Feeling the attack of these strong and terrifying negative emotions, Lin Qi just smiled quietly.

A dark golden soul shocked and spread out from Lin Qi's soul. This shocking and primitive soul was full of the purest and most original aura of life in the world. The mighty, magnificent and simple vitality was just like that of a newborn baby. The first cry, shattered all negative emotions, turned all the negative forces into patches of flames and burned them away.

The golden palace in the sky trembled violently, and tens of millions of apostles' spirits turned into blue smoke in the dark golden flames. The body of the goddess of wealth shook, she looked at Lin Qi incredulously, and then a large amount of golden blood was sprayed from the seven orifices at the same time.

"Strength!" Lin Qi laughed and rushed towards the goddess of wealth, and a clean blow hit the goddess of wealth in her belly.

Pieces of golden divine power shields continued to emerge in front of Lin Qi's fist. Lin Qi's heavy fists smashed 3,897 divine power shields continuously, and fell heavily on the body of the goddess of wealth. A golden armor inlaid with countless precious stones and rare spars appeared on the body of the goddess of wealth, but Lin Qi's fist was like the first star formed in the void when the world was opened, with a long flame. The tail directly smashed this piece of armor.

The armor shattered, and Lin Qi's fist hit the lower abdomen of the goddess of wealth, and a clear fist mark appeared on the back of the goddess of wealth. The invisible fist strength penetrated through her body, and brought a terrifying whistling sound to smash the golden empty channel in the sky. Thousands of gods belonging to the Wealth God system who had not had time to rush out of the passage were instantly wiped out in the blow, and they all ran away, but Lin Qi grabbed them all.

Longya happily harvested these spirits. After being refined by the ascension pond, these spirits will become the souls of their powerful fighters. Let them create a powerful soul out of thin air, this is a matter of consuming a lot of energy and materials. But with these spirits as raw materials, their loss is minimal.

The goddess of wealth opened her mouth, a burst of blood spurted hundreds of meters away, she let out a painful groan, and she weakened weakly on the ground and convulsed. Even in the Primordial God War, the Goddess of Wealth was not hurt so badly-she was the logistics manager of the Azer Protoss, she was only the logistics chief responsible for all the logistics and military expenditures of the Azer Protoss!

She was not the main battle god, the most serious damage she suffered was just a sneak attack on her logistics headquarters by the enemies of the gods, and then she was shocked by the aftermath of several powerful magic arts. Direct and rudely attacking her divine body with heavy punches like Lin Qi, this is the cruel treatment that the goddess of wealth has not received since her birth.

"No, don't fight!" The pain caused the goddess of wealth to beg for mercy regardless of her face.

Lin Qi looked at the goddess of wealth. He suddenly remembered that when he was in the university city of Berrely, on the dark streets with no lights at night, he and Vic and other brothers squatted in the corner and counted the few things on their bodies. A copper child, whispered to the goddess of wealth to grant them endless wealth, enough to eat meat and drink alcohol.

"It's an honor to see you, the director of wealth!" Lin Qi looked down at the goddess of wealth who was kneeling at his feet and crying for mercy, and then gently shook his head: "As your former devout believer, I will not kill this time. Damn you! But as a devout believer you used to be, I am very sorry, I want to fulfill my duty as a believer in the goddess of wealth-use all means to plunder wealth!"

Grabbing the long hair of the goddess of wealth, Lin Qi unbridled hands stretched into her clothes, swept away nearly a hundred pieces of precious artifact-class accessories on her body, and then removed her The famous "ring of wealth" on the finger snatched it off, forcing the goddess of wealth to cancel her soul imprint on the ring of wealth, and then imprinted a trace of his own soul imprint.

Throwing the goddess of wealth hundreds of miles away, Lin Qi grabbed the huge golden palace in the sky. The apostle spirits of the hundreds of millions of wealth gods in the palace group howled miserably and were swallowed by Dragon Cliff. Then the golden palace with a radius of nearly a thousand miles obediently turned into a golden light into Lin Qi's palm.

This is the palace of Solomon, the palace of the goddess of wealth. Lin Qi didn't know why the goddess of wealth named this palace Solomon, but this did not prevent Lin Qi from loving this palace. The golden palace with a radius of thousands of miles, this is the existence that Lin Qi once dreamed of. Isn't Lin Qi's meager wish to live in a house made of gold?

As for the ring of wealth, it was an extraordinary treasure that made Lin Qi's heart full. This is the natal artifact of the goddess of wealth. In addition to having a huge storage space, he also has the ability to make countless misers crazy-turning stones into gold!

The real stone becomes gold, the sand and stones become gold, or ordinary crystals become precious red sapphires! This is an extremely heaven-defying divine power. Some believers who are favored by the goddess of wealth often receive huge wealth from the goddess of wealth. These wealth are obtained by turning stones into gold through the ring of wealth.

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