Bright Era

Chapter 1987: Invasion (2)

This ability does not have much effect on the gods, but for mortals, and for non-human beings like Lin Qi, who has an unforgettable and intense pursuit of money, the value of the ring of wealth is too great! Even if you give Lin Qi three main god-level artifacts, don't let him throw out the ring of wealth.

The fighting power is really not very powerful. The gods of the Wealth Gods suffered heavy deaths and injuries. The Goddess of Wealth herself was severely wounded and cried by Lin Qi. She didn’t even see Lin Qi’s face, so Lin Qi took her palace to her All natal artifacts were looted. Without the ring of wealth, the goddess of wealth lost the confidence to build a residence with gold as she pleased; her Solomon Palace was robbed, and her fortune shrank by more than 90%.

In addition, her temple of the Goddess of Wealth was looted by Lin Qi, and the Goddess of Wealth suddenly changed from the richest among the gods to the poorest among the gods. Even her powerful deputy gods, such as the business goddess, are now much richer than her.

"My money, my money!" Standing on the ruins of a messy temple, the goddess of wealth cried bitterly: "My money, my money! Who can take my wealth ring and Solomon's palace back, I Just marry him! I swear by the honor of the Axul Protoss, whoever can **** my wealth back, I will marry him! Oh, I will marry him along with all my deputy gods!"

Lin Qi had already escaped far away with Bilibili, Arda and Lingwen, but his attention remained on the goddess of wealth.

When the Goddess of Fortune gritted her teeth and uttered the oath, the sky above her suddenly burst into pieces, and a chariot surrounded by flames with golden light burst out of the shattered void under the pull of dozens of dragons. With his sword and mace, the **** of war Mudel rushed out of the void with nearly ten thousand gods and servants.

"Dear, my little rich woman! I told you a long time ago that a woman needs a strong shoulder to rely on! Hahaha, I will help you take back your wealth! Then you will be clean Go to my bed! Aha, I can't wait to fight you and your **** for three days and three nights!"

The **** of war rushed out like a hyena that smelled of carrion, and then the void shook again. Dozens of other gods who were only weaker than the **** of war brought a large number of subordinates. Rushed out. They were like bulls in the spring, panting and provoking each other with their eyes, and then rushed out frantically.

The believers in Emore's world are happy. Today, they have seen countless gods whom they believe in and worship. Although the shapes of certain gods and their statues are very surprised, for example, the **** of war, who is shaped like a wild boar, is not a handsome boy with a white face, but how can believers who are full of happiness take care of this?

They knelt to the ground one after another, screaming frantically the names of the gods they believed in. The powerful power of faith continued to fly high in the sky, and then they were collected by the gladly gods, and directly condensed into pure faith spars in their palms.

Lin Qi and several people have returned to the territory of the Soul God. This time, Lin Qi didn't go to a big city, but in an agricultural town with a population of less than 100,000, but who had driven out millions of Abyssal Cavemen as slaves. This town enslaved millions of cave people and planted a large number of fields. They were responsible for delivering food, fruits and vegetables to several large cities nearby.

The power of the gods is indeed formidable. In this abyssal world that does not know how many miles deep underground, above the town, on the endless field, there is actually a bright sun shining. It is precisely because of this sunlight that all the crops on the ground can be planted here, including some rare herbs, which are also produced here.

Lin Qi was standing in a dense dragon's blood purple-cored white flowers and plants. Large thumb-sized white flowers exuded a strong **** fragrance. These white flowers and plants are the best materials for the preparation of various wound medicines. If the effective ingredients of white flowers and grass are added to the medicine for external use, the recovery speed of the injured can be increased by more than half; if the medicine used internally is the extract of the white flowers and grass, the effect of the medicinal power can be doubled.

Nearly 200,000 acres of dragon's blood and purple stamen white flowers and grasses are planted here. The warm sun shines on this gorgeous white flower. Lin Qi even saw a large group of bees hovering and flying among the flowers, collecting nectar to brew. honey.

"The honey from the dragon's blood and purple stamens and white flowers and plants is a first-class elixir to replenish blood qi and vitality." Lin Qi tore off a small white flower, he laughed: "In the ground world, can you see it? Wherever there is such a large white flower and grass, it needs to be watered with the blood of the dragon clan to smoothly multiply and grow the strange spirit grass."

The church has been operating for countless years, and the whole thing can be seen from a glimpse. From a flower field in this small agricultural town, Lin Qi can see how terrible the church has the potential for war. And these days, Lin Qi took Arda and Bilibili around to inquire about news, and they finally learned that the three underground abyss worlds of the church and the ground world have very different systems.

The church is on the ground, and the three popes are the masters of the highest power. However, in the abyssal world, the bishops’ joint conference composed of the god-born archbishops of the major temples forms the highest authority. Everything in the three worlds is determined by the bishops’ joint conference. The three popes of the earth world are in In this supreme authority, it is just an ordinary member.

The well-organized and large-scale joint conference of bishops controls the three abyssal worlds, controls trillions of people, controls huge resources, and controls the mobilization of an incalculable number of temple knights. Everything in the world of the three abysses is controlled by the members of the joint council of bishops with a total of 600 people. Even if the main **** loses the assistance of these six hundred bishops, they cannot effectively master the three abysses.

After all, the gods are only spiritual leaders above the top, and the members of the bishops’ joint conference are the ones who are actually responsible for all affairs. This is like a large-scale chamber of commerce. It doesn’t matter whether the chamber’s back-end boss has it or not, but once the shopkeepers with actual business operation experience quit, the chamber will be ruined.

"These bishops are the souls of the three abyssal worlds. Without them, these three abyssal worlds will truly be in chaos."

"But if they stay alive well, all the resources of these three abyssal worlds will be mobilized in an orderly manner, and will eventually turn into a terrifying war force, giving a ruthless blow to the enemies of the church on the ground. An orderly one. , The church as a whole, they will eventually be able to defeat the allied forces of other great Protoss."

Lin Qi gently shook his head while stroking the white flowers in front of him. If you look at this town and the various crops grown here, you will know how terrible the forces of the three abyssal worlds will erupt if they can unite in an orderly manner.

Killing one or two gods is not enough to pose any threat to the war potential of the Three Abyssal Worlds. Only by destroying the archbishops who have mastered the real power, as well as the bishops and priests under them who are in charge of all aspects of affairs, can truly hit the three abysses.

There was silence for a while, and Lin Qi laughed. A gray mist gushing around him covered the people around him, and a violent lightning screamed in the sky. It was a **** who mastered the power of lightning in the Thunder Temple just passing by. There is no doubt that the goddess of wealth. With a promise, all the gods in the church who are still playing single will stir up.

"So, follow everyone's rules!" Lin Qi smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a line: "Follow the rules of the War of the Gods!"

Those gods who were waiting to pass by high in the sky left, Lin Qi put away the gray mist on his body and took out a piece of monster skin. A large number of magic symbols are densely engraved on this long and wide-meter beast skin. This is a super long-distance giant teleportation array.

"Lingwen, Bilibili, Arda, I'll give you one month to arrange as many teleportation formations as possible in the three abyssal worlds!" Lin Qi looked up at the rock dome above his head, he calmly Said: "At this time in a month, I will tear open the divine power barriers arranged by the gods on the periphery of these three abyssal worlds, communicate the outer space, and let the army we control teleport to this abyssal world!"

"The ground is already in full swing, and the church is constantly mobilizing troops to reinforce the church troops on the ground. I will make their nests mess up, and then, they will definitely gather to discuss countermeasures, right?" With a hint of viciousness With a grinning smile, Lin Qi told Lingwen and others all of his plans.

The three Lingwen left quickly, and they will be responsible for the work of an abyssal world, and set up a giant teleportation array in those deserted wilderness. The efficiency of these teleportation formations is extremely high. Each teleportation formation can transport more than half a million soldiers at a time, enough to cause a flood of destruction in a very short time.

After Lingwen and the others left, Lin Qi walked out of the white flowers and plants slowly. He waved his hand in all directions, and suddenly a fiery flame rose on the ground, quickly covering the field of nearly a thousand miles in a flame. All the crops were burned clean in just a few breaths, but the farmers and slaves who were working in the fields did not suffer any harm.

Silently escaped into the air, Lin Qi smiled and walked towards the highest power center of the church in the abyssal world.

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