Bright Era

Chapter 1992: Impossible peace (2)

Poor this morning knight with nearly a thousand people and strength above the sky. They only wear close-fitting underwear and carry boulders on their backs for daily training. They never dreamed that they would be on their own territory. The place of faith of the **** of dawn, in the land where the glory of the **** of dawn shines, just less than ten meters away in front of them, suddenly thousands of pigheads wearing heavy armor and holding knives appeared!

If it is an ordinary pig-headed man, that's all, the ordinary pig-headed man only exists as a cannon fodder in the orc clan.

But Leon’s main battle regiment could not have cannon fodder. These pig-headed orc tribes have their own names. Other tribes call them "raging blood pigs". They have a mad bloodline that is similar to barbarians, and they have the habit of violent wild boars. Their height averages three. Around meters, his body was covered with blood-colored mane like steel needles, and his body was sturdy and courageous and easy to kill. The fighting power was much stronger than those of the werewolf and leopard orc warriors.

If it weren't for the fact that these **** pigheads had a problem with their IQ, relying on their powerful combat effectiveness and terrifying reproduction speed, they might actually become a powerful competitor to the three royal families of the orcs.

This group of unlucky morning knights encountered such a group of scarlet pigheads who were wearing heavy armor and holding a magical shield in their left hand, covered in blood and pieces of meat, and just launched a crazy attack on the enemy's defense line. I heard a series of screaming pig howls. Thousands of blood-colored pigheads lowered their heads. The fangs in their mouths suddenly popped out more than three feet long, madly launching the most feared pig rush of their clan. attack.

These violent pigheads instantly transformed into Scarlet Cyclonus. Their bodies ran faster than the speed of sound. They smashed into the air, causing a burst of white gas visible to the naked eye. The fangs in their mouths pierced the dawn warriors. Their necks frantically picked up their bodies, and the Dawn Warriors were torn into pieces.

With blood spraying, these blood-colored pigheads in a frenzied state broke into the camp of the army of the Temple of Dawn, setting off a **** storm. The army of the Temple of Dawn, which was caught off guard, completely lost its effective command in the first quarter of an hour. Tens of thousands of powerful Dawn soldiers were torn to pieces and stepped into meat sauce in this sudden pig raid.

Leon and Yin Qingyue also couldn't figure out where they were. They immediately issued an order to attack with all strength.

Over a million tyrannical orcs and barbarians launched an attack on this large corps of the Temple of Dawn at the same time from a battle line spanning dozens of miles. The wizards among the orcs released all kinds of voodoo one after another. Large swaths of voodoo spread in the camp of the Temple of Dawn, and large groups of Dawn Warriors screamed and died.

But just half an hour later, Leon and Yin Qingyue almost cried in pain. The opposing team is a single-soldier combat ability comparable to their subordinates, and the number is five times as many as theirs. What's more terrible is that the large corps in the Temple of Dawn, their equipment is much better than the orc and barbarian coalition led by Leon and Yin Qingyue.

The most desperate thing is that the army of the Temple of Dawn has at least three legions of magicians. Three hundred thousand magicians poured magic at the same time within a radius of tens of miles, it was simply a nightmare scene. Large swaths of orcs and barbarians were turned into ashes in the white divine light flying across the sky, while those warriors who were seriously injured stood up alive in the same white light.

There is no way to the sky, or to say that Bilibili is a very kind person. He has arranged another super-large teleportation array less than a hundred miles away from here. In just half an hour, enough soldiers from the Teleportation Divine Array to discover the movement here.

More than a dozen undead powerhouses with various crowns made of magic crystals on their heads, cursing and bringing a large group of undead soldiers to this side, they cursed the unknown **** behind them and climbed slowly. After reaching a small hill, they suddenly saw the orc army that was beating flesh and blood, surrounded by the elite of the Temple of Dawn several times at its core.

"Fuck me!" A Skeleton King with wings on his back and holding a dark flame demi-artifact wand made of tungsten as the main material of the black flame magic spirit, his huge head pressed his neck bone to "click" suddenly cursed. Get up: "This group of green-skinned orcs is really kind, and the human force is five times theirs. They actually did it too?"

The other was a beautiful woman who was slender and charming, but her lower body was a cloud of ghost fog. She spread her hands helplessly: "It doesn't seem that they were willing! You see, the place where they were teleported is far away from these Axor gods The lackeys are less than five miles away. The great death dominates, and the people who set up this teleportation formation are so wicked! But I like this approach!"

The other gave birth to a jackal head. The jackal mummy with its shriveled body wrapped in countless black bandages climbed onto his mount silently-a nightmare skeleton horse wrapped in black flames, and then waved two huge handles. The sawtooth machete snarled frantically: "Don't talk nonsense! Children, kill them! What fresh flesh and bones! Kill, kill, kill!"

Accompanied by various messy ghost calls, over a million undead screamed and rushed out from behind the hills at the same time. They flooded the hills like a gray-white torrent, waving all kinds of weapons crazily towards the rear of the Temple of Dawn Legion. Plugged in.

There were a large number of Necromancers among these undead. They chanted their spells at the same time, and the earth trembled suddenly, and countless cracks continued to emerge. Large swaths of low-level undead rushed out of the cracked ground like a tide. The undead army, which was originally less than a million, suddenly multiplied dozens of times, and the gray-white undead army, which was originally a torrent, suddenly turned into an endless gray sea of ​​anger.

"Erupt, the resentment of the war dead, erupt!" There are even more tyrannical demi-god necromancers urging more vicious necromantic spells. The corpses of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Temple of Dawn and the Orc Alliance who died in the battle in just half an hour suddenly burst into a dazzling black and red light in the sound of their spells.

Accompanied by a dull loud noise, one body after another violently exploded. Each of the exploded corpses could cover a radius of tens of meters. Soldiers who were closer to the corpse were killed directly, while the distance was farther away. Of soldiers were also hit by the poisonous plasma sprayed from the body. Once the highly toxic plasma containing hundreds of undead toxins and curses touches fresh flesh and blood, it is like pouring ultra-high concentration of strong acid into the water. Those fresh flesh and blood will explode and rot quickly and quickly. The soldiers corroded into a stench of poisonous corpses.

The sound of ‘bang bang’ was endless, and the bodies of the soldiers who were killed exploded again, whether in the army of the Temple of Dawn, or in the formation of the orc coalition forces, they all set off a chain of explosions. Large swaths of soldiers wailed and fell to the ground. The armies of the two sides suddenly broke away from contact. In the open space between the two camps, more than a million rotten, broken corpses with broken arms fell.

The abrupt, undifferentiated magical attack that did not distinguish between the enemy and me blindfolded the Temple of Dawn and the Orc Alliance. The soldiers of the Temple of Dawn had suffered heavy casualties, but the Orc Alliance, who had been beaten out of breath, lost even more in this continuous explosion. More than 300,000 soldiers!

With just a dozen breathing corpse explosion attacks, on the battlefield of this large-scale battle, the undead have achieved an unprecedented brilliant record!

"You **** skeletons!" Leon looked at his seriously injured subordinates, his eyes were red with anger, and then a mouthful of blood spurted far away. Fighting for half an hour with an army that had several times the advantage of the Temple of Dawn, his subordinates only suffered less than 100,000 casualties. But this group of undead who could barely be regarded as friendly forces rushed to kill him, and his men directly fell over 300,000!

This group of **** undead, do they want to kill themselves together?

"Ah oh!" A keel lich with a crown floating in the air, a little embarrassed to bow to Leon in the distance: "Sorry, this is a friendly accidental injury! We can't control the scope of the spell. And the goal, this is our fault. You can kill our subordinates ten times or more at will to vent your anger. We will never have any opinions!"

All the undead powerhouses showed a weird smile, and Leon was vomiting blood again for this dragonbone lich. What he lost was 300,000 elite soldiers with flesh and blood, and those undead, those skeleton monsters, what if he killed 30 million skeleton monsters? As long as a forbidden curse-level undead is summoned, the smashed skeleton will stand up again!

This loss ratio is simply incomparable! But really care about these undead? Looking at the torrent of undead surging across the sky, Leon, trembling with anger, drew out his weapon fiercely, and then pointed to the weakest part of the army of the Temple of Dawn: "Break through, kill these **** gods. We break through!"

The corners of the mouths of several of the most powerful undead masters slightly twitched, revealing a sneer of sneers. They waved forward calmly, and the larger and larger undead legion launched a desperate attack on the soldiers of the Temple of Dawn. An undead strong man who had reached the half-step divine realm silently took out a black crystal ball, and then fell heavily to the ground and smashed to pieces.

A large black-gray mist rushed out from the broken crystal ball and instantly covered the land in a radius of thousands of miles. The wizards of the Temple of Dawn had recovered, and they began to use the magic of Dawn to attack the undead soldiers. But under the black-gray fog, the Dawn Shenshu, which was originally powerful against undead soldiers, suddenly became limp. Even the weakest skeleton soldier could withstand several attacks before it became a pile of bone meal.

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