Bright Era

Chapter 1993: Impossible peace (3)

The black-gray mist contained various paralyzing and dizzy toxins. As the soldiers in the Temple of Dawn continued to inhale these poisonous gases, their movements became slower and slower, and their heads became more and more drowsy. Moreover, these mists can also block their sight, making them unable to see what is in front of them. Even the undead soldiers had rushed in front of them, and they couldn't see the movements of the undead.

The screams continued to sound, and the undead began a feast of killing under the gray-black fog.

More than three hundred teleportation formations spread across the three abyssal worlds. The three forces of the Blood Qin Empire Alliance, together with the nomadic army who were captured by them and demoted to the slave cannon fodder regiment, were forcibly teleported over. The major temples of the church discovered these invading heretics for the first time, and they also mobilized the Templar Knights stationed everywhere at the fastest speed to attack these heretics.

However, those who were sent into the Abyssal World by Lin Qi and Yingzheng were all the elite troops among the Blood Qin Empire's "Allies". The unprepared temple was beaten and turned around, and they had no time to mobilize enough troops. Annihilate these heretics. Hundreds of cities in the three abyssal worlds were destroyed almost at the same time, and countless believers were killed and taken into captivity.

Fortunately, the Tianmiao, Penglai God Soldiers, and the alien coalition forces are just killing those who dare to resist. For ordinary people, they are more of looting slaves and turning them into cannon fodder soldiers.

But the city that was conquered by the nomad army is a bit tragic. These nomads who are crazy, just now even the temple of faith were wiped out, and at the same time forced to become slave cannon fodder, what they did on the ground, In the church's base camp, it has been intensified. Burning, killing, looting, rape-fornication and plundering, the screams of the victims resounded everywhere.

But compared with those things done by the undead, what the nomad army did was nothing. Where the undead flew, all living beings were transformed into undead, grabbing various weapons and joining the undead's growing army.

After defeating the weak defensive forces of dozens of cities, the undead transformed hundreds of millions of temple followers in dozens of large and small cities into their own kind. The overwhelming wave of undead rage spread to the west, and the three abyssal worlds are filled with a faint breath of the dead. Even some places have built sacrificial altars for the dead, and began to cast a wide range of undead curses. Surgery.

The fertile soil is transformed into a barren land of bones, and the breath of death is like a gray spider web in the air. Even where the undead army's fronts did not touch, creatures began to be transformed into zombies by the breath of the undead.

Within a few hours, the worlds of the three great abysses began to complain to the kingdom of God on earth everywhere, but the kingdom of God on earth was also in a mess. Even the gods of the Azerite tribe didn’t know how to deal with the matter at hand. .

Originally it was only more than a hundred, and then every ten breaths, there was a wave jumping out of the summoning formation. When the army from all sides forcibly transmitted from the ground world began to stir up randomly, there were already more than three thousand. The Fallen God began to destroy the kingdom of God on earth frantically.

Among these fallen gods, there was a tyrannical existence whose strength absolutely reached the level of the main god.

It was a man who gave birth to a huge and extremely large human head. The huge head exudes radiance and seems to be a strange creature made of metal. His body is a large black-red millipede that is more than thirty miles long and coiled on the ground. Above each of his centipede's legs, there is a red light spot with a diameter of more than ten meters, and from time to time dazzling flames are ejected from that light spot.

At the very beginning, thousands of lower-level servants who didn't know which **** they belonged to descended directly from the sky. They formed a battle formation and launched an attack on these fallen gods who were jumping around the ground. But that centipede-shaped fallen **** just gave a weird grin, and then thousands of red light spots on his body spewed out a hot red beam at the same time.

Each beam of light hits a lower servant, and those lower servants didn't even let out a miserable howl, but disappeared in the beam of light. By the way, these beams of light blasted through the magnificent temples, turning everything in the temple to naught. In just one attack, the church spent countless years of effort to build the kingdom of God on earth, and more than half of the buildings were completely destroyed by this tyrannical fallen god.

Lin Qi stood far away, his body clinging to a thick rock wall, staring at this powerful and abnormal fallen **** in shock. The fallen **** of the main **** level is actually a fallen **** of the main **** level. No wonder the strong men of the Axul protoss have not appeared for a long time. They are probably discussing who will deal with this difficult big guy?

Lin Qi never dreamed that some of the Fallen God Summoning Arrays he randomly arranged could actually attract such a terrifying existence.

There are nearly a hundred fallen gods of the upper **** level, and the weakest of the other fallen gods all have the strength of the lower upper gods. More than three thousand fallen gods smashed and killed the gods on the earth. The magical skills they released razed the gods on the earth to the ground in just half an hour, crushing countless clergy here into meatloaf.

Lin Qi felt waves of strong divine power fluctuations continuously falling from high altitude, and high-ranking clergymen were constantly wrapped in divine light and dissipated out of thin air. Obviously those high gods have begun to save the most important group of their believers, but even if they rescued the highest-ranking clergy and lost the backbone of the clergy responsible for specific affairs, the church will be in the future. It doesn’t work for a while, right?

Even if it only delays the church for three to five months, the sacred mountain of the earth world will be in big trouble, right? Lin Qi is happy to comment on such a scene. The Axul protoss who have mastered God's Domain have too much advantage. If they can lose a little more, let's lose a little more!

The fallen gods are destroying crazily, and they unscrupulously display all kinds of powerful and weird magic arts to completely turn the kingdom of the gods on the earth into a large sunken pit. Sticky black plasma and lava raged on the ground, and many fallen gods had already rushed out of the kingdom of God on the ground and marched towards the three abyssal worlds.

The violent soul fluctuations rolled in the void. The soul fluctuations of these fallen gods were filled with thoughts of'killing','destruction', and'complete destruction'. Lin Qi only slightly touched the soul fluctuations that they emitted, the heart He jumped violently, his blood was rolling frantically, as if he wanted to slaughter wildly with them and destroy everything in front of him frantically.

After a long period of time, all the fallen gods left the kingdom of God on earth, and only the most powerful human-face centipede still occupies the core of the ruins of the kingdom of God on the earth, and the metal eyes gleaming coldly looking at the sky. A divine formation circling slowly.

A trace of golden light flashed, wearing a white robe, with a silver-white olive crown on his head, and holding a white wooden staff, the **** of dawn slowly emerged from the golden light. He condescendingly looked down at the human head centipede, and suddenly sighed quietly: "It's been a long time, Lord of Screaming, I really didn't expect you to be able to escape from such a seal."

The Lord of Howl snorted indifferently: "You have betrayed our original intention to come here! Destroy, or destroy along with it! Lord of Dawn, if you can fulfill your original promise, we can forgive you for betrayal Our crime!"

Mudel, the **** of war, broke through the void from the **** of dawn and walked out. He folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the Lord of Screaming with a mocking smile: "A bunch of idiots who haven't evolved completely, you only kill and destroy , What else? Don’t you know the benefits we have gained? You have to destroy everything? Even our chance of standing on the highest peak will be destroyed?"

The Screaming Lord looked at the two Lord Gods with cold eyes: "Are we stupid? We only know that mankind must be completely destroyed! Leave no seeds to them, no blood for them! You have never experienced that You haven’t experienced this terrible age! You stupid naives, you don’t even know what you did!"

Taking a deep breath, the huge body slowly swelled in a circle, and the Lord of Screaming shook his head gently: "You think you can control mankind, you can control the destiny of mankind, and you can use mankind. The soul of, accelerates the evolution, keeps evolving, and quickly possesses a stronger power than your elders, and a stronger power than other races, so as to control everything?"

The **** of dawn snorted coldly, "Isn't it? We have perfectly controlled the destiny of mankind!"

The **** of dawn waved the staff in his hand vigorously, and sternly yelled: "They believe in us, they worship us, and they fight for us with their bodies. The power of their faith has become the driving force for our rapid evolution. When they die, they His soul has become a tonic for our souls! They are our puppets, they are our cannon fodder, they are our pawns, and they let us play!"

Taking a deep breath, the **** of dawn raised his hands high: "We control everything, we control everything, from their souls to their bodies, we rule everything! You insect-like creatures with simple brain structures, you These incomplete evolutionary life forms with a tense way of thinking, you lowly people who are still in the primitive society, why do you have to fight us?"

The Lord of Howl snorted coldly, and he moved his body slowly, slowly erecting the upper half of his body.

"I only know that our only purpose here is to destroy mankind! We can almost completely destroy this terrible race, we can almost destroy them! This universe, the common origin of all the origin races in this universe age enemy!"

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