Bright Era

Chapter 1996: Hunting (1)

The blood of the gods is like rain, and it is like worthless sewage, falling from the sky overwhelmingly.

Tens of thousands of lower servants in groups of four, surrounded by pyramid-shaped lower artifacts, suspended in the air in the form of a regular tetrahedron. Tens of thousands of pyramid-shaped lower-level artifacts are connected together, forming a huge dark golden pyramid in the void.

Thousands of red beams of light were ejected from the body of the Screaming Lord, violently hitting the giant pyramid that was more than two hundred miles high. The bodies of the next **** servants trembled violently, and every attack of the Lord of Screaming would make their defensive array violently shake. Every time they shook, they would vomit blood, and a large swath of pale golden blood was like rain. Falling from high altitude.

Although it is only the blood of the lower gods, the hidden power is not as great as the upper gods, but tens of thousands of **** servants sprayed blood at the same time, and the falling plasma also melted a large lake with a diameter of hundreds of miles on the ground. Mixing with the blood of the gods, he was constantly boiling in the big lake.

The **** of dawn and the **** of punishment hid behind the huge pyramid, and the two of them looked with pride at the Lord of Screaming who spewed large beams of light at a steady frequency. A fallen **** with a tense in his head but with master-level combat power, the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment are not stupid enough to fight the Lord of Screaming.

Using these divine servants to consume a little of the strength of the Screaming Lord, wait until he exhausts his strength, and then hit him hard, how pleasing is this? Moreover, a fallen **** like the Screaming Lord is full of treasures, his carapace is the best artifact material, and his flesh and blood is a great tonic! If the gods of dawn and the gods of punishment can swallow the body of the Lord of Screaming, the injuries on their gods will surely recover within three to five years.

The gods who once belonged to the ‘insect’ line of the Azer protoss and the Lord of Screaming were also fighting each other endlessly.

Long, long ago, in the era when the ancestors of mankind ruled everything, the tribe to which the Lord of the Screaming belonged was the'food' that was raised, and the ancestors of the ancestors of the Azer tribe were the'breeders' and'butchers' ! They are responsible for hunting down the clansmen of the Screaming Lord, and slaughtering them to make a variety of delicacies for the ancestors of mankind!

Therefore, the Screaming Lords are full of resentment towards humans, and the contradictions between them and humans are irreconcilable.

"I actually wanted to taste their flesh and blood a long time ago!" The **** of dawn suddenly laughed: "Master of Screaming, you are our elder, but when we kill you, we will definitely cut it down. Your head, take off your carapace, and then make your flesh and blood into a barbecue to taste! Not only you, but also your people, we will take care of it!"

The Lord of Screaming took a deep breath, his body suddenly swelled and became thicker several times, and circles of red fire visible to the naked eye continued to pour into his body from the void, and the concentration of the fire element in the air suddenly soared. Ten thousand times, the cave where the kingdom of God is located on the earth has completely turned into a terrible disaster. The viscous flames raging like magma raged around, burning the gods and servants one by one, and many of them were burned to the point that their flesh and skin gave off the smell of barbecue.

Lin Qi looked at the Lord of Screaming coldly, and then looked up at the God of Dawn and the God of Sorrow. After a while, his body shook, and he tore apart the void silently and followed the God of Dawn. The trace of breath they left in the air escaped into the realm of God.

The Proposal of Sharp Howl opened his mouth, and a thick black and red fire wave whizzed towards the lower servants who formed the defensive array. There are countless miraculous red laws in the void flickering, the law of flame dissipates all other laws at this moment, and the Lord of Screaming releases his own realm of gods to cover this void.

The attention of the God of Dawn, the God of Retribution, and other war-watching gods were all attracted by the blow of the Screaming Lord, and no one noticed that Lin Qi had entered the realm of God. Even if someone pays attention to the realm of God, as a member of Lin Qi who inherited the priesthood of the Azar Protoss, as long as he releases a trace of the unique aura of the Azar Protoss, he can also step into God’s Realm peacefully without being affected. Any obstacles.

The golden clouds rolled over the God Realm, and there were horrible thunders in the void. Unlike Lin Qi's previous visits to God's Domain, today's God's Domain is filled with a pungent smell of blood. Following the smell of blood, Lin Qi came to the Temple of War, which belonged to the **** of war, Thord in God's Domain. A little viscous and slightly dark golden blood dripped on the ground, and a violent spirit will roared frantically in this magnificent temple.

One after another, the archbishops of the Temple of the Gods of War vomited blood and was shocked by the crazy will. These clergymen who were caught in panic did not even notice that Lin Qi just walked into the temple with three people imposingly. The other sub-gods and gods of the Temple of War were all huddled in their sleeping temple, and no one dared to speak, let alone project their own souls here to accept Mudel's abuse.

So Lin Qi easily came to the statue of Mudel, the **** of war, where a golden streamer was spinning crazily, and a spatial channel leading to the sleeping place of the **** of war Mudel was slowly closing.

Sniffing the **** smell coming out of that space, Lin Qi smiled and nodded to Lingwen: "We will rely on you later! Lingwen. The law and power you master should have something to do with the Divine Formation? So, Later, you will completely block the dimensional space and don't let any movement leak out. Do you have confidence?"

Lingwen nodded hurriedly, and then quickly touched the space ring that Lin Qi had just handed her. It is full of magic gems and magic spars of all colors, and there are tens of thousands of faith spars given by Mu Wei. With these materials, Lingwen can deploy a large seal formation at the fastest speed, and completely seal the sleeping place of the war **** Mudel.

Rubbing his hands vigorously, Lin Qi glanced at Bilibili and Alda with a smile: "Then, let's do a big deal! Do you feel excited to kill a master god? Excited? Excited? "

Arda smiled shamelessly: "Unfortunately a man! Great and invincible master, next time you take us to kill a goddess! Of course, before I kill her, I can'do' something a little bit," I will be happier!"

With a face of purity and innocence, Arda rubbed his hands vigorously, and showed two rows of white and miserable big teeth like a donkey: "I swear that the physical relationship between me and them is pure and innocent. Good, pure kind! Because my physical relationship with them will not be mixed with any emotions, there will be no love, family affection, friendship, etc.! Therefore, my physical relationship with them is absolutely It is pure, pure, pure and flawless!"

Lin Qi's facial muscles trembled. Is a physical relationship without any emotions a pure physical relationship? Damn Alda, only the devil can say such a thing! Lin Qi is too lazy to make any comments on this guy's moral bottom line! But what does it matter? If such a pure physical relationship only happened between Arda and those goddesses, Lin Qi wouldn't bother to care about it!

With a wave of the big sleeve, tens of thousands of clergymen in the temple vomited blood and fell to the ground at the same time. Lin Qi brought up a gray rainbow, rolled up the three of them and rushed into the rapidly shrinking space corridor. Suddenly huge pressure surged around, the void was creeping and shaking, and a suffocating and terrifying pressure came down out of thin air.

With a cold snort, Lin Qi just gently pushed his hands to the sides, a giant force of no casting that was a hundred times greater than the pressure of space whizzed out, the squeezed void from all around collapsed, and after a while, the world revolved. Lin Qi and the others have come to a small dimensional space filled with golden mist and less than a hundred miles long and wide.

Mudel, the **** of war, sat on a blood-colored throne, sweating, his left shoulder and half of his chest were blown to pieces, a large black and red flame wrapped around his body, burning his body'squeaky Squeak. Sweat constantly gushed from the body of the **** of war, and his body was trembling violently. The black hair that had originally covered his body had been burned clean, and even the flesh was burned to a thick layer.

Now Mudel, sitting on the throne, looks like a toad with a peeled skin, and then was coated with a thick layer of smelly plasma. The terrible appearance and the unpleasant smell on the body are really inaccessible. .

Mulder's furious thoughts rushed in the void, like a tsunami, the spirits raged around in waves, constantly venting Mudel's anger. Suddenly seeing Lin Qi and others break into his sleeping space, Mudleton roared furiously: "What are you? How dare to break into the sleeping place of the great war **** Mudel? you guys..."

Lin Qi stepped forward and took off his hood, revealing his face.

Mudel's face looked a lot better at once, he snorted carelessly, and raised his head arrogantly: "It's Mu Wei's god, you are the one who inherited the two priests of Scarlet Fury and Roaring Thunder. , The Emperor Lin Qi of the Longshan Empire? Why are you here? Don’t you fear my anger? Don’t you fear that I will kill you and everyone around you?"

With an extremely hideous smile on his face, Mudel thought he had said a very funny joke, and suddenly grinned. Yang Tian laughed a few times, and then Mudel finally recovered. It seems that Lin Qi is not his god, Lin Qi is not qualified to enter his sleeping place! Even if it is his god, Mudel's gods all know his temper, they will never step into this place when he is angry!

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