Bright Era

Chapter 1997: Hunting (2)

After blinking his small eyes, Mudel stared at Lin Qi firmly: "What are you doing here? Huh? Humble stuff, what are you doing here? Do you want to see me making a fool of yourself? Or did Mu Wei know something? She asked you to come here to laugh at me? laugh at me being teased by the **** of dawn again? laugh at me being hurt by my stupidity again?"

Lin Qi looked at Mudel with a smile, and nodded gently. Being able to understand that he is stupid, Mudel is still saved.

There was a large afterimage in the surrounding area, and the Lingwen had circled this small dimensional void for a few times in the effort of just a few words, and quickly laid down all the Sealed Divine Arrays she controlled. Part of the seal sacred formation came from her own memory, and part of it was the miraculous seal that she had learned from the world when she absorbed the void source power in Lin Qi and condensed her divine body.

Countless golden lights, like silk threads, rose into the sky with the sound of ‘sweet’, and soon weaved into an airtight snare. Mudel’s sleeping place and all communication channels with the outside world were completely sealed. Mudel's face changed suddenly, his only remaining arm gripped a large knife and pointed at Lin Qi viciously: "What are you doing? Damn it!"

Lin Qi stepped forward and lowered his voice in an unusually secretive tone: "Dear Lord of War, you don't have to worry about my malicious intent against you! My loyalty to Master Mu Wei is beyond doubt, I will not Do anything harmful to you."

Looking cautiously to the left and right, Lin Qi took a few steps closer to Mudel: "I am here, but I have an extremely surprising discovery to report to you! I dare not tell Master Mu Wei about this matter, she I’m overseeing the battle in the Eastern Great Plains. It’s too unsafe. Even in your sleeping place, I must lay enough seals of the Divine Array to open that mouth!"

Mudel, who was furious and wanted to shoot Lin Qi, was stunned. He frowned and felt the rich blood of the Axor protoss on Lin Qi, and then he nodded slowly. With the strict rule of the upper and lower classes of the Azer Protoss, as long as Lin Qi inherited the priesthood of Mu Wei, he could not do anything unfavorable to Mudel.

So Mudel relaxed again, and raised his head proudly: "Let’s talk, what's the matter? Well, I was a little gagged just now, just because the **** of dawn they deceived me again. As for you guys , I don’t have any worries or worries at all. I don’t have to worry about what Mu Wei’s **** will do to me, right?”

Grimming his face burnt by the fire, Mudel snorted and looked down at Lin Qi condescendingly: "Say, what's the matter?"

Lin Qi stepped forward again, and he had already leaned in front of Mudel: "Honorable Lord of War, I found something terrifying. There are many gods in the Light God System, and there are not Fallen! They are still alive, even the main **** who has the same status as the **** of dawn, many of them are still alive! They haven't fallen!"

Mudel's face suddenly twitched, his body shivered, and he jumped subconsciously.

At this time, Lin Qi grabbed Mudel's two calves, then squeezed Mudel's body severely, and slammed it heavily on the ground. There was a loud noise, and the sleeping place trembled violently. Mudel's body heard the explosion of large fragments of bones. When every piece of his bones shattered, the sound was as terrifying as the sky and the earth.

"Lin Qi!" Mudel was smashed into the dark by this heavy fall, his chin stuck to the ground, his entire chin was completely shattered, and his mouth full of teeth hit each other and exploded into countless crystal-like fragments. He subconsciously supported his arm on the ground and wanted to jump up, but he was destroyed by the attack of the Screaming Lord. With such a strong support, his body lost his balance and fell in embarrassment. On the ground.

Lin Qi let go of his hands, a tiger slammed heavily on Mudel's body, his hands were like shooting stars, and Lin Qi hit Mudel's head and cervical vertebrae for several consecutive punches. The first punch fell, the back of Mudel's head shattered, the second punch fell, the neck bone shattered, and the third punch fell, Mudel's spine was broken into thousands of pieces.

Grabbing Mudel's head, Lin Qi slammed his hands together and heard a "click". He had already rotated Mudel's head three hundred and sixty degrees. Then Lin Qi dropped his hands heavily on his eye sockets, Mudel's eyes exploded, the golden juice splashed all over, and Mudel finally let out a miserable howl.

Arda rushed up quickly, and his whole body was devilishly high, waves of evil, filthy, and depraved spirit shocks were like black poison pouring into Mudel's eyebrows. Mudel's dark golden soul was disturbed by the impact of Arda's soul. He immediately lost the last trace of clarity and fell into a state of chaos.

Bilibili rushed to Mudel desperately, and the two daggers brought a cold light that was hundreds of millions of times smaller than a hair, and fell on Mudel's body like a meteor shower. The sound of "chichichi" was endless, and Bilibili pierced Mudel's body with hundreds of millions of knives at that moment.

Mudel's divine body is unusually strong, and Bilibili's strength is far worse than Mudel's. Bilibili’s dagger slashed at Mudel’s joints and tendons, as if a blunt knife slashed on the skin of a beast, spattering a large number of sparks, and even aroused a'bang.' The loud noise.

But Bilibili’s attack frequency was too high. Mudel’s hamstrings and hamstrings received hundreds of millions of slashing blows at that moment. Although Mudel’s body was strong, under such a terrifying frequency of attacks, he The important tendons finally couldn't bear the intensive puncture, and they exploded with the cracking sound like thunder.

Tu Junaxe gushed out of Lin Qi's palm with a mad whistling sound. Lin Qi's face was gloomy, and he slammed the axe against Mudel's head. The spirit is immortal, the spirit is immortal, and even a hundred ordinary people will die if Mudel suffers damage, but for the existence of the gods, especially the main **** level, even if there is a trace of the wandering soul, they are not counted. Fallen.

Already injured like this, the bones of the upper body were almost completely shattered, Mudel still twisted his body stubbornly, and Lin Qi's axe fell, which happened to hit his right shoulder. With a ‘pouch,’ Mudel’s shoulder and arm were chopped off by Lin Qi with an axe. A large amount of golden blood spurted out, and the hot blood spilled over Alda and Bilibili’s faces.

Two greedy demons opened their mouths and devoured Mudel's blood madly. For the demons, devouring the blood was really an impulse equivalent to ordinary humans swallowing coal. But as long as they swallow the blood of the gods without dying, they can plunder the power in the blood of the gods and bring infinite benefits to themselves.

"My believer, give your strength!" The badly wounded Mudel yelled frantically.

Lin Qi smashed Mudel’s head with an axe again, but this guy wriggled crazily on the ground like a loach. Lin Qi’s axe just smashed down his pelvic bones and smashed his two thighs. Qi Gen cut off. Mudel let out a miserable howl, even in the Primordial God War, he was not hurt like this!

Two **** thighs flew out with large swaths of madly burning blood, Bilibili and Arda's eyes lit up, their mouths opened like large snakes devouring prey, and they each grabbed one of Mudel’s thigh plugs. Into the mouth! At the same time, the two of them uttered extremely painful but extremely refreshing howls mixed with weird sounds of groans.

For these two greedy guys, swallowing Mudel's two thighs is like a small grass snake swallowing a giant whale. Pain, there is no doubt that it is very painful, and the bodies of both of them will be burst. But a big tonic, a big tonic that makes people jealous. As long as they digest Mudel's two thighs thoroughly, they can have a quarter of Mudel's body strength!

You must know that Mudel is one of the three existing main gods of the Azerite clan, and is the fierce war **** with the first melee combat, the first strength, and the first defense among the three major gods. His physical strength is a hundred times stronger than the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment. Mudel is not good at all kinds of magical arts and all kinds of weird magical powers, but he only relies on brute force and tyrannical flesh to secure the throne of one of the three main gods.

Even the high-grade artifact-level dagger in the hands of Bilibili has to chop a tendon tens of millions of times to cut one of Mudel’s hamstrings. This shows how strong Mudel’s body is. degree. As long as these two guys can possess a quarter of Mudel's physical strength, they can run rampant among the upper gods with physical strength alone.

Lin Qi stepped on the back of Mudel's heart, then swung his axe again and slashed it down: "Your believer? This void has been sealed off, how do you contact your believer? Die obediently, Mudel, you I will use it well!"

Mudel laughed triumphantly, and he laughed almost hysterically. Accompanied by his laughter, a crystal light flew out of his throne like the Yangtze River, and tens of millions of faith crystals whizzed out of the sky, constantly shooting into Mudel's wide open mouth. Go in. Lin Qi, who was caught off guard, had no time to stop these faith crystals. In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of faith crystals flew into Mudel's hands.

With a wave of the big sleeve, all the other faith spars were formed by Lin Qi halfway through. These faith spars, which contained the enormous power of faith and the aura of infinite life, were forcibly stuffed into the void in the body by Lin Qi, and then they were forced by heaven. They use violence to suppress the mountain.

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