Bright Era

Chapter 1998: Hunting (3)

But Mudel's body suddenly shook, and with a loud noise, a series of terrifying golden and red thunders spurted from him, and Alda and Bilibili, who were standing beside Mudel, were illuminated by the thickness of a water tank. On the hit, the two of them vomited blood and were blown out, their chests were blown into blood, and several black and gold ribs were blown out.

Dozens of lightning rays of the same intensity hit Lin Qi's body at the same time. Lin Qi just snorted. For Lin Qi, this level of divine thunder attack was just a little suffocating in his heart, and he felt a little tingling and tingling. Trivial pain. His body trembled slightly, and then slammed Mudel with an axe.

The golden red **** thunder continued to spray out of Mudel's body, and Mudel's lost limbs grew out in the blink of an eye. The shattered bones on his body healed one after another, Lin Qi's axe had not yet landed on him, and Mudel's injuries, including those injured by the Screaming Lord, had healed about 70%. Except for some hideous wounds on his body, and a layer of flesh on the surface, Mudel had recovered 70% of his combat power.

There was a loud bang, and Mudel had two more jagged golden epees out of thin air. The two heavy swords crossed together, just blocking the heavy chopping of Lin Qi's Tu Jun axe. The two golden epees are of extremely high rank, obviously reaching the level of the main god-level artifact, and Lin Qi's Tu Junaxe is far less powerful than them. Tu Junaxe touched them a little, and immediately made a painful roar.

But Lin Qi’s physical brute force is stronger than today’s Mudel. His attack contained extremely terrifying power. The original crystal core in Lin Qi’s body simultaneously ejected four-color light, and Lin Qi’s arm With a faint light, Mudel's arm sank suddenly, and two sawtooth epees fell uncontrollably, violently pressing two **** wounds on his chest.

With a ‘bang’, Lin Qi swung the axe, and his lower body suddenly hurt. When Mudel's arms sank, he flew up and kicked Lin Qi's crotch fiercely. Lin Qi's body flew up to a height of several thousand meters uncontrollably, then rolled around in the air, staggered to the ground, and repeatedly withdrew hundreds of steps backward.

Mudel spouted a blood arrow and quickly jumped from the ground. He moved his body a bit, and his shoulders made a crisp sound of bone rubbing. Obviously, although he caught Lin Qi's heavy blow just now, his shoulder joints were also extremely heavy. hurt. After completing this transformation and possessing the physical strength of the five-star imperial general's peak level, Lin Qi's physical power has formed a crushing advantage over Mu Derong, who has the upper Lord God level.

In terms of physical strength and physical strength, if Mudel is a tough warrior who has undergone arduous training and possesses great strength, then Lin Qi is a clan of rock titans, with hundreds of thousands of kilograms of power. , A freak who can withstand a knife and axe.

Being kicked by Mudel, it was Lin Qi's body that was too ‘light’, not that Lin Qi’s body was not strong enough!

At least being kicked so high by Mudel, Lin Qi only felt a little bit of insignificant pain in his lower body. He just moved his body a little, and this insignificant pain disappeared without a trace. And Mudel, who took the initiative to injure his foot, was very happy. Although he jumped up to his feet, his right foot trembled slightly and did not dare to land, and his ankle was dislocated by the force of the counter shock. .

Especially when Mudel hit Lin Qi's lower body with one kick, he felt that he was kicking not from flesh and blood, but an anvil made of diamonds. His toes and metacarpal bones were so painful that Mudel almost started to cry.

"How can your physical strength reach this level?" Mudel looked at Lin Qi with an ugly expression: "Although I haven't recovered to my peak strength, I only suffered from this kind of suffering from my father. Damn, are you a human being, your physical strength will be stronger than my father? My father, but the physical strength of the entire Axul Protoss is ranked in the top 100 strongest!"

Lin Qi's face suddenly became gloomy. How could Mudel's father be so tough? In other words, Mudel's father, his physical strength is the same as Lin Qi, reaching the level of a five-star general?

Looking at Mudel coldly, Lin Qi said in a deep tone: "Mudel, you can't be my opponent right now. Die, or become my servant, you can choose one of them! This place has been completely sealed off, and you can’t be with you. Contact your subordinates, there is only you and me!"

Arda and Bilibili stood up while vomiting blood. The wounds on their chests were healing rapidly. They were rapidly digesting Mudel's two thighs, and the huge vitality and origin contained in those two thighs. Divine power is constantly strengthening their bodies, making their physical strength stronger and stronger, and making their resilience stronger.

The demons were originally a race with almost abnormal physical recovery capabilities. With the help of Mudel's two thighs, Alda and Bilibili are constantly evolving towards the realm of undead cockroaches.

While standing upright, Alda laughed happily: "The great and wise master, not only you, but also me, your most humble and most loyal servant, the great Uncle Alda is here. I’m here to accompany you! Aha, whoever wants to hurt one of your hair must step over me!"

Bilibili didn't say a word. He tilted his head and stared at a pair of big thief eyes, sneaking around Mudel's back, his eyes fixed on Mudel's bare buttocks. . The two daggers brought a large halo on his hands. He squinted his eyes and carefully calculated the possibility of plotting Mudel's **** from behind and pulling two pieces of flesh from his ass.

As far as Bilibili is concerned, Mudel is not a god, not a living creature, he is a moving treasure house, a human-shaped perfect pill! Any piece of meat and any drop of blood in Mudel is a polymer of huge energy. For a demon, it is a priceless treasure! To be able to draw an extra piece of meat from Mudel is a great success!

Lingwen was busy everywhere, constantly superimposing the seals of the various divine formations he had just thought of on the original divine formations. She hummed the ballad lightly, quickly arranged various divine formations and sealed enchantments, and turned around from time to time to wave a small fist to Lin Qi: "Master Lin Qi, come on, get rid of this unclothed man. Dead hooligan!"

Mudel's eyes widened and stared at Lin Qi frantically: "Do you dare to let me surrender to something humble? How dare you say, let me be your servant? Who gave you such courage to let Did you say something like this?"

Lin Qi smiled and took the Tu Jun axe back. There is no doubt that Tu Jun axe is not the opponent of Mudel's two sawtooth epees. If Lin Qi forcibly urges Tu Jun axe to confront Mudel's epee, the only thing that will eventually be damaged is Tu Jun axe. . While laughing, Lin Qi shook his head gently: "Who else do you think can help me have such a powerful force? Master Mu Wei used all the faith crystals she had stored to help me increase my physical strength. It is a reward from Master Mu Wei!"

Mudel was stunned, and he shook his head frantically at a loss: "Nonsense, how could it be Mu Wei, it could not be her! Why did you target me? Why? Although we acted tit-for-tat and intolerant outside, But this is what we did deliberately. This is a suggestion made by one of Mu Wei's men. Let us behave like this deliberately!"

"I'm her aunt's elder brother! I have deliberately offended and violated her several times, which is also acting for outsiders! How could she hate me? There is no reason, no reason! Lin Qi, you are talking nonsense, you Are you talking nonsense?"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned into a weird, gray color that allowed the Buddha to embrace the infinite emptiness. Behind him there were several apocalyptic knights entwined with four-color strange lights, and a **** knight who was wrapped in sticky black underworld. With a sway of his body, Lin Qi brought an afterimage and rushed directly in front of Mudel.

"Are you lying to me? Are you?" Mudel roared angrily, he didn't even notice the people pouring out behind Lin Qi.

Lin Qi avoided the heavy sword chopped down by Mudel, who was extremely angry, and the barbarian martial arts inherited from those barbarians' heritage treasures unfolded. Lin Qi's body showed three clear and vivid afterimages. Then the three figures rushed to Mudel's body like a hurricane on the Odin Icefield. The three elbows hit Mudel's heart and left and right underbelly at the same time.

The heavy as a mountain, like the impact of stars, burst out, the source force in Lin Qi's body turned into a dazzling scarlet at the same time, the source force transformed into the most original fire element blasted into Mudel's body, and instantly detonated Mudel's body. All the fire elements inside.

Unless they have the power to transcend everything, even if they are gods, their bodies are, in the final analysis, composed of the four major source elements and various elements derived from them. Lin Qi's blow detonated Mudel's body, and the fire element in his body and all the elements derived from it were annihilated at the same time, turning into a grey, devastating torrent rushing wildly in his body.

It's like being thrown into a frantically erupting volcano in an endless sea of ​​fuel, and everything just happened naturally. Mudel's body shook violently, and his ears were banging incessantly. Terrible wounds broke out all over his body, and large patches of blood continued to burst out.

If so, Mudel is worthy of being one of the three existing main gods of the Azer Protoss. He endured the pain of his whole body, and with a fierce sword tore through the void and directly penetrated the barriers of space and time. It hit Lin Qi's chest fiercely.

There was a loud ‘Dang Cang’, and Lin Qi’s chest was sunken with a two-foot long and three-inch deep dent. Lin Qi's skin and muscles about half an inch deep were pierced by Mu Derong's all-out effort. Although he didn't cut through his muscles and directly injured his bones, Lin Qi still let out a painful cry and vomit. He took a bit of blood and retreated wildly several steps.

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