Bright Era

Chapter 1999: Hunting (4)

The most tyrannical **** warrior ever produced by the Underworld Temple rushed behind Mudel like a ghost, his body turned into a black ghost and rushed directly on Mudel's body. Mudel's body suddenly became pitch black, and strange evil negative energy ran wildly in Mudel's body, and he completely lost control of his body at that moment.

Eight commander-level apocalypse knights created by the palace of the doomsday apocalypse, including eight apocalypse commanders including Cologne XVIII formed a strange formation. All the strengths of the eight of them were combined and turned into a four-color strange light into the body of Cologne XVIII, and then Cologne XVIII waved a long sword, a moon-shaped sword rainbow containing four colors in a silent direction. The front hacked over.

This blow was inscribed with the Doomsday Judgment Law mastered by the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, and all those who are guilty and stunned are not immune to the damage of this blow. No matter how far apart, how many years apart, as long as it is locked by this blow, no matter how many defensive artifacts are used to block, this blow will definitely hit the target, and it will exert its due lethality!

The Legion of Angels is just the standing, cannon fodder type combat power of Heaven Mountain. The core combat power of Heavenly Mountain is the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse!

Mudel was born in the Axul protoss, they inherited the blood of the most powerful batch of original life in this universe age, they are the most peak existence in this universe. However, the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse represents the strongest power of the Angel family, who had also stood at the pinnacle of the universe before countless tribulations, and had a much deeper and more powerful civilization than the Azar gods.

Even if their strength in Cologne 18 is not strong, even if the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse is not fully restored now, it is enough to deal with Mudel!

Mudel looked blankly at the four-color arc of light that was only a palm wide and three meters high. Although his brain was not very useful, at that moment, he clearly felt the death of the general. He frantically struggled to control his body to evade, but his body was controlled by the **** warrior with the evil underworld mystery. Even if he was the **** of war, the **** warrior could control his body for three seconds. !

For three seconds, for a mortal, three seconds can't do much. But for the gods, three seconds can destroy a country, overthrow a continent, destroy a race, and naturally kill a god!

"Mu Wei! Don't believe Lin Qi! Don't believe Lin Qi!!! Don't believe him and everyone he knows!!!"

Mudel suddenly roared hoarse, two lines of golden red blood and tears streaming down his eyes: "They deceived you, they deceived me, they deceived us! They..."

The four-color arc of light quietly slashed along the middle line of Mudel's artifact. Mudel's body and his soul were cut apart by a blow at the same time, his body suddenly stiffened, and his small eyes Suddenly, it was filled with extremely rich feelings.

Lin Qi saw that before Mudel was dying, he was missing a lot of things, he was missing a lot of people, he was missing Mu Wei; at the same time, he was full of fear for the coming death, and his heart was full of despair and Unwilling. Originally, Mudel's eyes were filled with only **** and tyrannical desires, but at this moment, Mudel's eyes were as pure as an innocent child.

A golden-red flame spouted from the wound in the middle of Mudel's body. The soul was cut into two pieces. Mudel, who was wailing and struggling, smiled bitterly and unwillingly: "Before we came here, I actually, I It’s not an adult yet. In fact, it shouldn’t be us minors who came here, but the teleporter who crosses the void cannot withstand the power fluctuations emitted by the strong in the clan. Only us minors and those strengths The weakest elders are here."

A lot of blood rolled down from the wound, and Mudel sighed in a low voice: "You really shouldn't have left you! Humans, really terrifying race, you have always been a heresy, right? But you actually got it. Our trust!"

Shaking his head bitterly, Mudel spoke bitterly, "I curse those **** humans, those who take refuge in us, those humble ones who crawl under our feet and lick our feet like a dog. Yes. Their suggestion is that they suggested that we try and let us know the benefits of leaving you behind, so we... We did not follow the elder's order to destroy mankind!"

Lin Qi stepped forward and looked at Mudel curiously: "Oh? After the War of the Ancient Gods, the humans who took refuge in you, suggested to you not to destroy humans?"

Mudel grinned: "We have been fooled, haven't we? Among human beings, strong men like you have emerged. We should be. If we are not mistaken, we should be fooled?"

With a click of his mouth, Lin Qi was silent for a while, and then smiled happily: "If I'm doing a good job, you are really deceived! There is no doubt that we have lost the Primordial God War. After all, there have been traitors among humans. They cooperated with you and killed too many human powerhouses!"

In front of the body of Heavenly Mountain, the figures of the fallen human experts flashed past Lin Qi one by one. Such human powerhouses, if they were not sneaked and killed by the most trusted comrades behind them, maybe they would not die in battle? Swire wars, perhaps mankind will not fail?

However, although there are those traitors who really took refuge in the gods, there are still those tribesmen who have left mankind a respite in despair. Lin Qi raised his head, dreaming of the war that destroyed the world in his mind, and couldn't help laughing.

"Greed, really shouldn't be!" Lin Qi smiled at Mudel: "Actually, I want to say, including the gods you built, those heretics, if you catch them, you will all be put to death! But you still want to use them. Power, imprison them all! Didn't this give them a chance to comeback?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi laughed and covered his stomach: "If you didn't send me to the Black Abyss God Prison, but instead sent me directly to the torture frame and burned to death, you wouldn't be killed by me today. Mudel, the **** of war, actually, you have a chance to destroy me!"

Mudel's mouth grew in horror, he looked at Lin Qi dullly, then his weak knees softened, and he knelt down heavily.

After a few bitter smiles, Mudel suddenly burst into tears: "Establishing the gods, that is also the suggestion of the human bishops! Why should we believe their words? Why should we build these gods to imprison the heretics? Why? Why? If those bishops are also heretics, why are they so religious in our faith?"

With a soft cough, Lin Qi said dryly: "Establishing a system of faith, establishing a hierarchy of clergy, including methods of purifying the power of faith and harvesting the power of souls, are all the suggestions given to you by those humans who take refuge in you. Right?"

Mudel rolled his eyes and nodded weakly: "Of course! At that time we won, we won! Although we have suffered heavy losses, we have lost all the leaders of the gods, and we have lost 99% of the total. Lord God, but we are victorious! And the most powerful existence left by mankind is nothing but a demigod!"

Looking at the depressed Mudel, Lin Qi walked up to him with a smile, reached out and took off a sawtooth epee from his hand.

After squeezing the heavy sword that could hold tens of millions of catties in his hand, Lin Qi smiled and shook his head: "There is an ancient proverb in the Eastern Continent. Have you never heard of it? Chopping grass does not remove the roots. The spring breeze is blowing again!"

With a swing of the epee, Mudel's head flew high, and a golden-red steaming blood arrow rushed hundreds of meters high. Bilibili and Arda rushed over, half of them rushing towards Mu. Del's body was snatched.

With a grin, Lin Qi didn't bother to appreciate the cruel scene of the devil devouring the human body. He carried Mudel's head and hit with dozens of source powers, marking a confinement seal on Mudel's divided spirit. Then he brought in Lingwen and densely applied thousands of divine power seals on Mudel's head, and there would never be any aura leaked out.

After searching Mudel's sleeping place for a long time, and after plundering the countless wealth that Mudel had collected over the years, Lin Qi and others quickly left his sleeping place. Before leaving the realm of God, Bilibili had also given full play to the professional ethics of a demon thief, and scoured all the sacrificial artifacts and all the treasures in the Temple of War.

In the land of the gods on earth, the war between the Lord of Screaming and the gods is still going on. The God of Dawn and the God of Retribution still refuse to take risks and confront the Lord of Screaming head-on, so this battle didn’t have many months of effort, basically There can be no results.

With the fastest speed from the chaotic abyssal world, Lin Qi and others returned to the ground world.

Subsequently, in a secret room densely covered with numerous seals somewhere in the abyss of the undead, Lin Qi let King Scorpion and Dragon Witch King perform their own swords, and jointly annihilated the soul of the **** of war, and completely shattered all his existence.

Just like the moment when several elven goddesses died in battle, the hearts of all the followers of the God of War were suddenly cramped, and they knelt to the ground and wept bitterly at the same time.

On the eastern plain, Mu Wei walked out of the tent blankly and looked at the sky at a loss. Her body was trembling slightly, and she knelt on the ground weakly, sobbing in a low voice.

All the churches and temples of the Temple of War, the statues of Mudel, the **** of war, became dim at the same time. Mudel’s sub-gods and gods felt a sharp pain, their spirits were hit hard, and all the priesthoods Was forcibly knocked down a step position.

The gods shook, and the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment also froze in the void at a loss.

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