Bright Era

Chapter 2002: Targeted by everyone (2)

Lin Qi squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised a smirk: "If they have such courage, then I have the confidence to kill any **** under the two main gods!"

Several goddesses who stood beside Mu Wei, including the goddess of victory, the goddess of war, the goddess of war, and the goddess of the fog of war, Mu Wei's main deputy gods looked at Lin Qi. Some of them looked worried, while others stared at Lin Qi unceremoniously and disdainfully-in their opinion, this lucky person who had just inherited the priesthood and was lucky enough to become a **** is still a Humble humans.

Lin Qi obediently turned aside and sat beside Longcheng. Looking at the more and more gods of all races and families around him, Lin Qi lowered his voice: "How is the Eastern Great Plain? Is the war still going on?"

Longcheng took out a small pot of spirits and handed it to Lin Qi: "The war is truce! Ordinary soldiers have no intention and power to fight. A major **** is killed, and the divine power fluctuations caused by the death of a main **** are too shocking for mortals, unless it breaks out directly. The war between the gods and spirits could not be fought otherwise. So we held the line of defense. The **** Qin Empire and the coalition forces of several other forces have retreated 300 miles."

Quickly sweeping to the sides, Longcheng's voice suddenly became extremely subtle: "The news just received, the Lord of Screaming has escaped! The **** of war Mudel has been killed, the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment He didn't even bother to fight with him, and led the people back to God's Domain. I heard that it was an extremely cruel archaic poisonous insect. Just a quarter of an hour ago, seven large cities in the world of Emore were completely destroyed by him."

Reaching out his hand and wiping his neck, Longcheng pulled his mouth a little awe-inspiringly: "It's really cruel, seven large cities, more than 200 million people, not a single one is alive. All of them are eaten alive, those priesthoods The personnel were treated a little bit preferentially. Their brains were sucked dry, and their bodies were hung on the wall to air dry."

Lin Qi licked his lips, grabbed the jug handed by Longcheng, and took a few sips of wine. He didn't say a word. For those who were killed, these people who have been the most pious and faithful followers of the Azhul Protoss for generations over the past countless years, die, and die!

Just as they said in Heaven Mountain, these have forsaken their own blood, forgotten the glory of their own race, and are willing to sacrifice their souls and lives of faith to foreign races. What qualifications do they have for Metaverse to protect and shelter them?

Gradually, the huge venue was filled with gods from everywhere and their projection clones. A white light flashed in the sky, and the **** of dawn appeared before the gods with a gloomy expression. He fell to the ground lightly, and then a high platform in the middle of the meeting place stood up silently. He stood on a high platform that was a kilometer high, and cast a cold glance at the surrounding gods.

"Mudell has fallen!" The **** of dawn took a deep breath: "Who did it?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word. Although it was a good thing he did, he had no reason to surrender. The other gods closed their mouths tightly one by one, and didn't make any sound. The **** of war, Mudel, has fallen. At this moment, the gods of the God of War system are ready to attack the crazy tiger who has been stabbed in the ass. The Axul Protoss is like a pack of hungry wolves after being kicked. of.

According to the traditional style of the Axul Protoss, if there are enemies, they will definitely not suffer; if there are no enemies and they have suffered, then they will create an enemy and they will also have to get back. It is conceivable that a terrifying and **** battle is in front of you. Who wants to be the first bird to become the first target of the Axul Protoss?

"No one admits it!" The **** of dawn sneered a few times, and the scepter in his hand heavily slammed on the ground: "No one wants to admit it! But I'm sure the murderer is among you! And who did it, I You can even guess it! Despicable thing, you killed Mudel, but don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Two angry white firelights appeared in the eyes, and the **** of dawn screamed: "You have launched a war, and you have gathered an army to attack us. Then we will do according to the agreement of the gods. The believers will kill each other and let the gods Reap the power and soul of faith according to the agreement. We did not violate the rules, but you directly assassinated our Lord God!"

The avatar of the Empress Green Moon stood up from among the elven gods, and she sneered: "It's not just us who break the rules! The seven gods of Erushis, and the seven upper gods have been killed. Isn’t Azer Protoss willing to give an explanation?"

The God of Dawn is like a bull that has taken a hundred times the amount of aphrodisiac and is being burned by the flames of passion. He suddenly found a heifer. He turned around with a grim face, and looked at Green viciously. Empress Moon: "It's you? The Elf Protoss lost seven high-ranking gods? Swear by my father's soul, that was not made by my people!"

The God of Retribution flashed out from behind the God of Dawn silently. He looked at the Empress Green Moon coldly and said calmly: "Swear by my father, mother, and the glory of my family, I did not send anyone to assassinate your elves. The gods of the Protoss. All the actions of the Azer Protoss are following the agreement of the gods back then."

Mu Wei slowly stood up, she glared at the Empress Green Moon fiercely, and sternly said: "The gods of the war gods will only defeat and kill enemies on the frontal battlefield. We have never bothered to use assassinations and assassinations. !"

The Empress Green Moon chuckled. She glanced at Mu Wei and nodded gently: "The gods of the war gods are not disdainful of assassinations and assassinations, but you don't have the brain and the ability to perform such things. I believe what Mu Wei said, but you two. The sinister and shameless Lord of Dawn, the cruel Lord of Retribution, what you two said, is anyone here willing to believe you?"

The gods from Odin Icefield didn't say a word, the gods of the Elven Land just sneered again and again, the gods of the Goblin Land rolled their eyes and looked at the sky, occasionally a few people took out a few large cigars and sprayed clouds in their mouths. Non-stop. The gods enshrined in the Tianmiao of the Eastern Continent, and the gods enshrined in the Myra Sect even laughed loudly.

Among the gods of the Tianmiao, a three-eyed man with a height of 100 meters and a black-golden body, with a faintly transparent body, can see the crystal-clear bones in his body, slowly standing up. He made a lotus-shaped handprint with his hands on his chest, and smiled slowly: "Mu Wei is a well-behaved child. Although her temper is a little worse, she never tells any hypocritical lies. But two people..."

The three-eyed man sighed and shook his head gently: "After the Primordial War, the Axul Protoss had the most serious injuries. You took advantage of the opportunity of countless tribes to recuperate within the Gods Realm, and attacked other people stationed in the Gods Realm. The clansmen forcibly occupied the entire God's Domain. I heard that this plan was made by the two themselves! With such a glorious history, can we still believe what the two said?"

The **** of dawn roared in anger, "Stop talking nonsense! We are discussing the assassination of Mudel!"

The Empress Green Moon smiled charmingly, and she yelled charmingly: "Who knows if Mudel did you kill him yourself? You control God's Realm. It is extremely difficult for the gods of other Protoss to sneak into God's Realm! As far as we know, before Mudel was assassinated and fell, he seemed to have just been seriously injured? How did his injury come from?"

Three eyes loudly laughed loudly in Chinese: "Didn’t the three of you confront the Lord of Screaming at the same time? The old immortal, he launched an attack on you, why are you all safe? Mudel was the one who suffered. Harmful? Then, within an hour at most, he was killed! What a coincidence, so efficient, so smooth!"

He slapped his chest vigorously, and the three-eyed man laughed: "I am the power of the middle main god, but even if I entangled with ten companions of the same strength, it is impossible to kill Mudel silently! Except for people he trusts, people close to him, people he doesn't doubt, who can kill Mudel in such a short period of time without making any sound?"

A strange crocodile head, a black human body, a beast **** from Odin Icefield slowly stood up, his shuttle-shaped pupils were shining with a vicious and fierce light, staring at the dawn. The **** sneered: "My brother, the Storm Lord Ironclad Ain, who is ten times stronger than me, how did he die?"

Raising his hands high, the crocodile head beast **** screamed: "My brother Iron Armor Ain, he trusts the two guys in front of me too much! Lord of the dawn, you despicable fellow, my Brother got three times for you, and you poisoned him with a potion for falling gods on the hospital bed!"

With a ‘boom’, at least thousands of gods in all directions jumped up, pointed at the **** of dawn and began to curse. They used all kinds of vicious words to roar out the shameful things that the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment had done. If these things are known to the believers in the Western Building, I am afraid that the belief foundation of the Temple of Dawn and the Temple of Retribution will collapse in half, right?

Lin Qi calmly took out a small crystal ball and saved the spectacular scene.

The God of Dawn and the God of Retribution became extremely embarrassed. They waved their hands feebly and wanted to shout something, but in the face of so many accusations from the gods and the conclusive evidence, they really couldn't say anything. In order to conquer the realm of the gods, they did too many shameful things, and the Axul protoss and too many protoss forged a sea of ​​blood and deep feud, which can't be distinguished clearly with one or two sentences.

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