Bright Era

Chapter 2003: Targeted by everyone (3)

In the end, the **** of dawn was a little angry and slapped out with a palm. A white palm with a radius of nearly a kilometer in the sky gave off a strong glare and whizzed down, and a palm called the projection clones of the hundreds of gods who were the most violent. Shattered to pieces. Those gods are from the line of beast gods worshipped by the orcs. They are sturdy and fierce by nature, and their curses are vulgar and marketable. The **** of dawn can't bear their insults.

The so-called thief bites three points into the bone, these beast gods can almost kill the dead or the living. Compared with these vulgar beast gods, they were also shouting curses, and the curses of the goddesses of the elven gods were much better. Their cursing sounds are like music, crisp and sweet, tactfully and elegantly, and the **** of dawn is even a little bit sorrowful.

Therefore, the **** of dawn killed a large number of projection clones of those beast gods with a single palm.

"I'm so embarrassed!" The three-eyed man sneered, "Lord of Dawn, everyone knows all these things. If you want to annihilate the evidence, it is completely impossible! You just killed a few projection clones, what's the matter? Use it? Can you destroy the body of so many gods?"

The corner of Dawn's mouth twitched, he drooped his eyelids, and snorted sadly.

Lin Qi thought of the empty inheritance cabins of the Light God System, and couldn't help but twitch. The Lord of Dawn really can't exterminate so many gods, but if the gods of the Light God system and a larger number of gods suddenly appear, who knows what will happen?

Mu Wei stared blankly at the cursing gods around her, as well as the embarrassed **** of dawn and the **** of punishment. She took a deep breath, and suddenly burst out with an earth-shattering roar: "Shut up all to me! No one admits. Who killed Mudel's idiot? Lord of Dawn, Lord of Retribution, does Mudel's death have anything to do with you?"

With a sound of'clang, Mu Wei's body was draped with a thick layer of divine armor. She held the shining iron wall shield in her left hand and the war killing spear in her right hand. The whole body spewed a golden red light like plasma. , The huge fluctuation of divine power shook God's Domain faintly.

Seeing Mu Wei's madness, Lin Qi shook his body, and the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor was directly draped on him, and then he grabbed the Tu Junaxe. With an axe in his hand, he slashed at him indiscriminately, and Lin Qi yelled: "Master Mu Wei, who do you want to hack?"

Hu Xinzhu, Longcheng, and a group of generals and subordinates around them, including the brothers who cramped skin, knocked the bones and sucked the marrow, and several fierce gods such as Long Tiebi, Long Tiehe, etc., they all grew up, entwined with pure and powerful wars. The divine light of the breath, one by one staring at the surrounding gods like a mad dog.

The goddess of the goddess of victory and other gods of the temple of war are not to be outdone. They put on the armor and grabbed the weapon. Then the goddess of victory grabbed the horn and blew the summoning of all the gods, servants of the temple of war and all soldiers of the army of the **** of war. Trumpet.

Before Mu Wei could speak, Hu Xinzhu yelled in a cold voice: "Who did it, no matter who it is, give us an explanation for the Temple of War! Otherwise, the full-scale war of God will break out today and at this moment! Attacked the elven continent for the first time, killing all the gods of the elven protoss at any cost, and completely wiped out the elves from this world."

The Empress Luyue was trembling with anger, and she screamed angrily: "What does this have to do with us?"

Lin Qi immediately followed the words of the Empress Green Moon: "Your elves are the most bullying and fearful, and the most hypocritical and timid. You'd better bully, so don't bully who you bully! The gods of the Odin Temple will fight to the end, the gods of the temple. The strength is the strongest. The power of the gods of Milo Sect is extremely weird. The war fortress built by the goblin gods is even comparable to the power of God's Domain! Don't bully you, who do we bully?

The laughter of "Ka Ka" came from all directions, and all the gods who heard Lin Qi's words burst into gleeful laughter at the same time. If the Axul Protoss has attracted the hostility of all the gods because of their occupation of the Gods, then if there is any Protoss who is not seen by others, then there is only the Elf Protoss!

Even if they treat their allies, the goddesses of the Elven Protoss all have comments such as "vulgar idiots", "unseen buns", "rascals with no artistic accomplishment", and they are good. Whenever you are in danger, move forward, leave your allies and turn around when you encounter danger, and you never want to deal with them fairly, they always want to get the most benefits at the least cost!

This kind of elven protoss, apart from the ghostly, equally insidious and treacherous undead clan, there are really not many people who can deal with them normally. The elves and goddesses hate the breath of death on the undead gods the most, but they can only hook up with the undead, so this thing becomes extremely strange.

When Lin Qi threatened the Elf Protoss nakedly, the other gods all laughed and leaned forward and backward, and even the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment laughed happily. Only the Empress Green Moon and the other elves and gods looked so ugly that they really wanted to choke Lin Qi to death on the spot.

In terms of high-end power, the elven gods are not afraid of attacks from the Temple of War. But the Axul protoss controls the realm of the gods, no matter how many gods the Temple of War loses, they can use the fastest speed to promote a group of devout believers to the new gods to supplement consumption. On the other hand, the elven protoss was killed and injured by one. In the face of the desperate attack of the Temple of War, even if the elven gods finally defeated it, it would be a great injury and could no longer compete for any benefit.

Mu Wei yelled up to the sky: "Stop long-winded, yes, that's it. If you don't give me an explanation, I will start a formal and thorough battle! Give me an explanation, give me an explanation! Who killed it? Mudel!"

The **** of dawn and the **** of punishment closed their mouths tightly without saying a word, they just gloated at the earth-faced elves and gods.

Empress Green Moon’s eyes rolled around a few times, and she suddenly yelled: “Mu Wei, it’s not just us who can kill Mudel! Don’t forget, it was the Lord of Dawn and the Lord of Retribution that caused him to be seriously injured. , They also have great suspicions!"

The face of the **** of dawn suddenly changed, and he hurriedly turned around and shouted, "Mu Wei!"

Mu Wei's war-killing spear brought a glare of dazzling light to tear open the air, and pierced straight into the heart of the **** of dawn. The God of Dawn screamed in fright, and he embarrassedly stopped the Staff of Dawn, which was the artifact of his life, in front of his chest. There was a loud noise, and the rod of dawn uttered an overwhelmed cry of pain, and the **** of dawn vomited a mouthful of blood, and went back hundreds of steps in embarrassment.

It is not that the power of the **** of dawn is inferior to Mu Wei, but that Mu Wei is good at close combat. Once she is close, even the main **** with the power of her will be directly suppressed by her violence. The God of Dawn has never fought close to people. He is more like a magician. What he is best at is to use various powerful magic techniques to kill enemies at a long distance.

In the face of Mu Wei's nearly sneak attack, the God of Dawn could barely escape without being injured, which was already the reason for his super level performance.

Dozens of the upper ranks of the Temple of Dawn rose up in anger, and they quickly turned into streams of light and shot towards here, quickly surrounding the gods of Dawn in the center. A young man who has reached the pinnacle of upper rank and exudes brilliant silver light holding a silver long sword pointed at Mu Wei angrily: "Master Mu Wei, do you really have no discrimination at all?"

Lin Qi Tuan rushed out, and he struck the young man with an axe. With the dull sound of Tu Junaxe breaking through the air, Lin Qi sneered: "Do we war gods need discrimination? We only need to have enough power to kill the enemy!"

Lin Qi didn't use his own power with this axe, he used the auroral power of Mu Wei, the deputy **** Scarlet Wrath, inherited from the Temple of Inheritance. Lin Qi's body was shot out like an aurora. The young man only felt the colorful glow in front of him. He twisted his waist subconsciously, and a sudden, sudden pain made him suddenly utter a miserable howl.

The surrounding gods gasped at the same time, and Lin Qi's axe swept over the young man's weakness, and tore a one-and-a-half-foot deep wound on his waist. If it weren't for the young man's defensive power, Lin Qi's axe was enough to cut him off.

As the guard leader with the most amazing fighting power in Mu Wei's seat, Scarlet Fury's actual fighting power is among the top five powerhouses among the upper gods of the Axul protoss. And Lin Qi's axe not only used Scarlet Wrath's abnormal aurora speed, but also added a little strength to his arms, which made his slashing damage several times more powerful.

The young man was seriously injured, backwards again and again in embarrassment! The battle between the gods is different from the battle between mortals. Once the gods are wounded by the divine power of the same level, the divine power will wrap around the wound, which will greatly hinder the healing of the wound. So once the gods are wounded, if there are a lot of elixir made from the sap of the tree of life, or the power of faith and human souls repair themselves, and only rely on self-cultivation, it will take a long time to heal the injury.

Lin Qi's axe is extremely heavy. If the young man cut by him wants to rely on sleep to recover from the injury, it will not be possible to heal within thousands of years. So after backing out of Lin Qi's attack range, the young man immediately took out a lot of faith crystals and incorporated it into his body.

The injury was being repaired at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the luminous young man all over looked at Lin Qi as if he had seen his father and enemy murdered. Lin Qi provocatively hooked his finger at the young man, and muttered very ‘loyally’: “No one can desecrate the majesty of the Temple of War, no one can fool the wise Lord Mu Wei!”

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