Bright Era

Chapter 2006: Swire Scrolls and visits (1)

The battle of the gods continues. After three days, concentrate the power of all the gods of the major gods to attack the undead continent and destroy the undead gods!

After a discussion in God's Domain, this result was finally obtained. Lin Qi didn't comment on this very vague conclusion, and Mu Wei just barely agreed with the final decision made by the gods. Anyway, all she needs is an object to vent. As for who assassinated Mudel, Mu Wei naturally has her own thoughts!

After the General Assembly of the Gods dismissed, Lin Qi came to the most secret hall of ancient books in God's Domain, read the initial records from the Primordial God War, and finally found the biggest reason why the Undead Gods were not treated by the Gods.

At the very beginning, the undead of the undead gods, when many of their original races were enslaved by the ancestors of mankind, their role is now the job of the **** of punishment. They are executioners, they are discipliners, they are the most demanding thugs of the ancestors of mankind, and they use the most cruel means to ravage those unlucky ones who are held in their hands.

Many of the great protoss made mistakes. They were taken down by the perverts of the undead gods, tortured to a horrible level by them, and then forcibly transformed into undead puppets without any intelligence and completely controlled by humans.

These undead and other origin races are completely opposite to each other. The other origin races are derived from the spirit of the universe. As for the undead, they were born out of thin air because of the most fundamental annihilation law of this universe. The two sides are always opposed to each other in endless roles, so it is only strange that the relationship between them can be good.

But before the war of the ancient gods, before the gods descended on this world, the ancestors of mankind, those tyrannical kings and emperors suddenly fell, and the undead gods raised the banner of rebellion for the first time. Therefore, the major Protoss joined forces to attack, and set off a war of ancient gods that lasted for many years in this world.

A fierce war did not improve the relationship between other gods and undead gods. On the contrary, at the end of the war, the ‘first apostles’ who took refuge in the gods suggested that the gods establish a system of belief rules, and the contradiction between the two sides became more intense.

The power of faith of the undead can only be enjoyed by the undead gods. There is no vitality in the power of their faith, only the power of pure death and destruction. This kind of power is completely opposed to the gods, just like water and fire, without any room for mediation. The power of death and extinguishment of the undead is also best at devouring the breath of living beings, and likes to flood the world with disaster.

Therefore, at the end of the war of gods, at the moment when the belief rule system was first established, the **** of war Mudel brought a vote of fierce war gods and brazenly killed the undead gods. After a crazy slaughter, Mudel returned triumphantly. Although his injuries were extremely serious, the price Mudel paid was nothing compared to the undead gods who were almost beheaded.

That is to say, in this abrupt attack, Mudel and the undead gods have forged a **** vengeance. If the undead gods are coming back, the first target of revenge is the war **** Mudel. This is something that no one can question. And many gods take it for granted.

Standing in the dimly lit hall of classics, put the thick dark golden volume back on the bookshelf, Lin Qi nodded to a lower servant standing in the corner, and then walked slowly to the outside of the hall. Go. When he was about to reach the entrance of the hall, Lin Qi was stunned, then he turned and walked towards the depths of the hall. He walked through the door of the library densely covered with enchantment seals of various colors, and finally came to the door of the deepest part of the hall.

Pointing to the door that exudes an ancient aura, Lin Qi curiously asked several black-clothed **** servants standing aside: "What are the classics stored in it? Can I go in and see?"

Several black-clothed **** servants glanced at each other, a **** servant with a dark golden divine inscription engraved on the brow and a faint light on the head carefully stepped forward: "Respected lord, there are the highest gods stored in it. Confidential. Unless you have the consent of all the main gods, you cannot get one step closer to this door."

After a pause, the **** servant added carefully: "In this hall, the only materials you can read are the classics in the public hall outside. All other materials in the gates blocked by the gods and seals, Only the corresponding gods can read."

Lin Qi's eyes widened in amazement, and he fiercely stuck a finger on the shoulder of the **** servant. Several bones were broken on the shoulder of this **** servant with a ‘click’, and his face was distorted by the pain. Lin Qi lowered his voice and roared in a low voice: "You can see clearly, I am a high-level god, I can only read public information?"

The **** servant turned blue with fright, and the companions behind him backed back again and again without loyalty. No one dared to come forward and talk to Lin Qi. The hapless man, whose shoulders were almost crushed, was crying and almost kneeling in front of Lin Qi: "However, you, you are not a natural **** of the Azerite clan. You are a **** who later inherited the priesthood. There are so many materials that you cannot read!"

"That's it? I understand!" With a bright smile on his grin, Lin Qi threw ten faith crystals to the hapless person, and then turned around and left this dimly lit and musty hall. .

The black-clothed **** servant looked at the faith spar in his hand, shaking with excitement. He is a **** servant who has survived since the time of the Taikoo God War. Although he participated in the Taikoo God War, people like them who have no combat power are simply responsible for some small matters of logistics management, so they are in the Taigu God War. In, did not suffer any harm.

It is precisely because of this that after the battle of Gods, their status in God's Domain has not improved. The power of faith, the souls of believers, such luxury goods, are absolutely irrelevant to them. They carefully maintained the operation of the various departments of God's Domain, but none of the middle or upper gods noticed their existence.

For them, ten faith spars? That is a huge amount of wealth! Like them, there are more than hundreds of millions of **** servants living in various places in God's Domain like ants on the roadside. But those high gods, even if they are human beings who later inherited the priesthood, who would regard their fighting power not as good as human demigods, but the weak existence that barely possesses a **** position in their eyes?

Holding these faith spars tightly, the black-clothed **** servant exchanged glances with several companions behind him, and then one of the thin and swift-legged lower **** servants nodded quickly, and rushed to Lin with a quick smoke. Qi behind. Carefully glanced around, the little **** servant lowered his voice, and followed Lin Qi in a low voice.

"Dear sir, we have some fragments of classics that have been damaged due to too long time and poor preservation. These items will be sent to be destroyed soon, if you are interested... Of course, we mean, These fragments are absolutely confidential, even ordinary upper gods cannot touch them, but..."

Lin Qi glanced around, very naturally, handing a storage ring to the little **** servant.

The little servant nodded to Lin Qi, and then he quickly sank into the shadow of a nearby bookshelf. Lin Qi walked slowly to the side of the bookshelf, and casually picked up a book that recorded the origin of the spirits of the elven clan and the division of internal factions and ethnic groups, and flipped lazily. After about a quarter of an hour, the short divine servant walked by Lin Qi silently, and a dim ordinary storage ring slipped into the cuff of Lin Qi's robe silently.

Smiling and throwing the classics on the bookshelf, Lin Qi walked out of this gloomy hall slowly with his hands on his back.

The sun was shining outside the temple, the golden divine light shone into the void, and the golden clouds rolled in the air. Hundreds of halls around were empty, and there was not a single deity in sight. For the gods of the Axul Protoss, the temples behind Lin Qi are of no value-who would be interested in reading these old antique books and scrolls?

Bilibili and Arda squatted on the ground, having a great time throwing dice, two small piles of gold coins shining with a faint golden glow beside them. Lingwen squatted down beside the two guys curiously, and carefully took advantage of the opportunity of the two chattering about winning or losing, and calmly took away one or two from the two piles of gold coins.

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched, Lingwen followed these guys, and he broke his studies! Lin Qi really didn't understand. Lingwen is just a magical artifact. Even if she has a body, she doesn't need to eat or dress. What does she want gold coins for? If she wants gold coins, Lin Qi will give it to her. Is it necessary for her to steal gold coins from the bad hands of Alda and Bilibili?

"Really bad!" With a crooked mouth, Lin Qi walked over and kicked Alda's **** fiercely. Regardless of the grinning Alda, he left it cleanly and said'Go' , The group left God's Domain with their heads upright.

Three days later, there will be an expedition to the Undead Continent, and the gods will deal with the gods, but those believers under the undead gods must use their own believers to deal with it. Therefore, Lin Qi returned to the Longshan Empire to dispatch troops and generals, and no one could fault him.

A quarter of an hour later, on the terrace of the Emperor Longshan Empire’s bedroom, Lin Qi raised his legs, sipping his fragrant tea, and flipping through the ‘fragments of classics’ given to him by the servants in black. A two-foot-thick scroll with a faint divine light on each page was spread out on his legs. This volume contains many secrets about the various gods.

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