Bright Era

Chapter 2007: Swire Scrolls and visits (2)

To be precise, this volume should be something similar to the ‘Captain’s Voyage Log’. It is the record of the little and little things that happened during the long journey when the gods came from a long way in the gods and came to this world to launch crazy attacks on mankind.

At that time, there were no contradictions among the major Protoss. It was the strongest and most respected leader of the Gods that was elected by the major Protoss to take turns to control the power of all parties in the Gods. And these divine master-level leaders, on this scroll, recorded all kinds of strange things.

The record that Lin Qi is reading is exactly what the ‘Guangming Sovereign’, one of the great leaders of the Light God System of the Azhul protoss, thought.

——Today is safe, which is a good sign. Thinking of the enemy we are about to face, I hope such a peaceful day can be a little more! Is it really crazy, take the initiative to attack those terrifying existence? Which lunatic's idea was this?

——It's so magnificent and incredible! We witnessed the whole process of the birth of an original life form from the nebula! It's really a vibrant universe. The light emitted at the moment of the final disintegration of that nebula made my soul intoxicated! That great and miraculous life is really so beautiful, so incredible, it is beyond description!

—— Lost some manpower, but God's Domain is God's Domain, and we successfully killed that tyrannical original life form. It deserves to be a tyrannical existence bred by the power of the origin of the universe. Although we were just born, we also paid the casualties of three leaders, and thousands of people were killed and wounded before finally killing the terrible guy. His blood, his flesh, and his scales are really too difficult to distribute. Who doesn't want a drop of his flesh and blood?

Those terrifying existences are right. The ultimate goal of life existence is to plunder, plunder other life resources, and make one's own race stronger and stronger. Plunder all the resources of a universe age, and then safely transition to the next universe age.

——Well, my rotation time is up, here is the woman from Alsdell. I hope she also has my good luck. After all, not everyone can control God's Domain to kill an original life form while on duty. I have gained a lot. I hope she can do the same.

After reading dozens of valuable records, here is the record of the goddess named Alsdair. Judging from the emerald green ink and the fancy letters she used, she must be a member of the elven protoss.

——The luck of the light is really good, isn’t it? But my luck is not bad either! This is a meteor belt made up of ‘soul eater source spirit crystal’. Praise the great source of power, this is a source spirit crystal, the main material for casting Yujun-level arms! This is my luck. According to the rotation rules, I have an extra three-ten thousand quota!

——A top-level general-level armour is available, and I can obtain such an armor before the fierce battle. This proves that I will definitely survive! Do you think so? I will survive! After all, what we have to face is that terrible species! The place we are going may even be the origin of their first appearance in this universe age!

——I haven’t gained anything for many days in a row. Of course this is not bad. After all, who knows what will be discovered during the voyage? The only thing that is worth recording is that Lord Ashitdell has awakened! She awakened in an ordinary child! Who can think of this? It’s great that Master Ashtedel, one of the seven most original rulers of the great elven gods, awakened in the realm of God!

There are many fragmentary records, which record all kinds of weird things that happened during the long journey in God's Domain. Just from these records, Lin Qi can see the intrigue and various frictions of the major Protoss in the voyage.

These records are not only a considerable record of all the things that happened along the way, but also from their wording, it can be seen that these god-level leaders, they deliberately left some provocations on this record. , Even slanderous words. There is no doubt that this logbook was written by the big people behind the races, so this record contains all things, and even some trivial fights between two different protoss children were written on it.

Lin Qi was very curious, this kind of thing can be called the most important and core part of God's Domain, how dare those black-clothed **** servants take it out and give it to himself? In other words, are these things no longer important to the gods?

——The big spider Speyer and Screaming Fire Centipede fought again. Very well, the guys who were once used as pets by them are very powerful, but their position is very unstable. And those **** guys who haven't evolved completely, they are really annoying. Let them fight to death, at least God's Domain can be quieter.

——It's really something to celebrate. Speyer and the Screaming Fire Centipede fought, they knocked down a can of mother liquor that was being debugged. It was so pleasantly surprised that the mother liquor mixed with the'extremely cold profound crystal liquid' actually restored the mother of deep blue to reproduce. We very much look forward to her product, which can increase combat effectiveness before reaching the goal. How can it be a good thing?

——The first Deep Blue Devil is born! What a surprising existence, he has the strength of a four-star royal since he was born! Too powerful, too perfect! Although this guy is a bit anxious in terms of IQ, isn't it great? What we need are tools for killing, nothing more. By the way, the first deep blue demon conceived by the mother of deep blue actually possesses the heart of the zombies of the warrior-class armed deep blue? Is this reasonable?

Lin Qi flicked the page with his fingers, and Lin Qi shook his head gently. The Deep Blue Devil is a **** born from the Mother of Deep Blue, and the Mother of Deep Blue was injected with some kind of "mother liquor" by these gods before regaining her fertility. So, where does the mother of deep blue come from? Why does she lose the power to reproduce? All this is not recorded in this logbook, which makes Lin Qi very depressed.

However, after quickly flipping through most of the front records, some information before the Primordial God War finally appeared.

——The great origin is above! What a terrible world this is! Those powerful, powerful creatures who have enslaved our ancestors and our elders for countless years, how can their people live in such a terrible world?

Their bodies are so weak, their souls are so weak, they, they can't even handle an ordinary beast! They completely gave up the strengthening of their body and soul, they seem to have embarked on a completely wrong sidetrack?

Do they use magical devices made of metal as vehicles? Of course, can such crude metal products really be regarded as magical devices? They live in houses made of rocks and iron bars, which do not have any beauty!

They pollute the rivers, lakes and seas, and the water they drink every day is simply poison! Is this why they have become so powerful? We found a few members of the elven clan and quoted the raw water in a river of them. The diarrhea of ​​a few elves all fell out of shape! They actually drink this kind of water and they seem to be living a healthy life. Is this possible?

As for their air, well, except for the air in a few larger forests, the air in other places is like a nightmare! It is hard to imagine that their rain and snowflakes are all black! Everyone who saw our log, can you believe it? The rain here is strong acid, and their snow flakes have a stench.

What is even more incredible is that they are constantly launching wars! The same family, they kill each other continuously. We have hidden here and monitored them for a whole hundred years. We have monitored them for a whole hundred years since they used a primitive steam machine until they could leave the ground and enter outer space.

Every day for a hundred years, they are constantly fighting and killing each other! The magic is that the uninterrupted war has not reduced their population. Their total population is constantly increasing? Their fertility is simply a nightmare, an indescribable nightmare! In just one hundred years, their total population has doubled several times!

At this rate, if they are given 100 million years, their descendants can spread throughout the universe!

Think about those terrifying existences, each of them has to spend an entire area of ​​star resources to support their extravagant enjoyment and cultivation. And these terrifying existences of the same blood of their clan, in this tiny world, right under our noses, they have five billion people!

The great origin is above, this terrifying group has 5 billion people! And those who have ruled our ancestors and elders for countless years, they are only 50,000 people! If these five billion people are allowed to grow up and become as powerful as those fifty thousand terrifying existences, all the resources of this universe will be wasted by them in just tens of thousands of years, right?

——The Meteorite plan started today. According to the calendar they use today, this is the early morning of December 26.

——Meteor Project officially started. In order to reduce the casualties of our people as much as possible, and to kill these terrifying groups as soon as possible, we have gathered countless free stars from outer space, and plan to throw these stars into this tiny world in the next nine years. .

Lin Qi was silent, he frowned, then shook his head gently. Lin Qi has seen similar records in certain fragments of the ancient fragments collected by the Black Tiger family. For nine consecutive years, there have been countless meteors falling from the sky day and night, the sea boiled, the land collapsed, countless creatures struggled in the fire and tsunami, and more than half of humanity perished in an instant.

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