Bright Era

Chapter 2008: Swire Scrolls and visits (3)

Is that an ancient chronicle poem? What is it called? "Song of Judgment", or another name?

After nine consecutive years of meteor bombardment, the original continent collapsed and the original ocean disappeared. But meteors bring huge amounts of rocks and water, larger land is being formed, and larger oceans are born out of thin air. Meteors also brought terrifying magic elements and various magic metals. These things promoted the first transformation of the original humans and other creatures in this world!

After calming his mind, Lin Qi continued to read, and then he saw the records related to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

--so horrible! They are really those tribesmen who exist in terror! We always thought it was an ordinary star. The star they called the "moon" was such a terrifying weapon! Yuanjie • Xianyu • Moon Palace, this **** thing has been used as a base for us for the past 100 years, and we have not discovered his true face!

The Moon Palace was unfolded, and he fully unfolded his body! What a terrible piece of war machine! With just one blow, all the strong men of the Demon Scorpion tribe were wiped out, and the three hundred commanders of Achugar who stayed at the base were killed without any resistance. Fortunately, he only delivered a blow, he didn't seem to be in perfect form, he just delivered a blow!

——No, no, no, I’m very sorry, Alsdell should have written today’s record because it was her rotation time. But she can't keep recording this log because she was killed ten minutes ago! The mighty Alsdair, the ‘whispering forest protector’ of the elves, a strong archery capable of shooting through the stars, was she killed by a rabbit?

I hope that the adults who see this day will not be angry, and don't think that I am talking nonsense, but she was indeed killed by a rabbit. It was just a blow, but what a shameless blow it was! Alsdair is attacking a weird green tree that exudes a fragrant fragrance. The tree seems to be good at defense and does not have the ability to actively attack, but when Alsdair is aggressively attacking, the rabbit suddenly jumps. Came out, and then attacked Alsdale.

Poor Alsdell, what a beautiful elven lady she is, but half of her body was beaten by the rabbit!

——Poor Alsdair, poor Alurhan! Dear adults, Lord Alsdair was killed in battle the day before yesterday, and Alurri, who succeeded her in writing this logbook, died a quarter of an hour ago. Perhaps to be precise, Aluerfu was only included in the list of missing persons. Yes, he is missing. We are not sure whether he was killed!

Of course, I would rather believe that he was killed.

Today we decided to launch a general offensive against the remaining ‘humans’, and Lord Alurian came to the front line as a ‘battlefield supervisor’. Just as an army of “orcs” was chasing down a group of frail fugitives, one of them was an old woman, yes, an old woman who could not even move a small stone with a diameter of one meter. After being hit by an axe, she had a terrifying change.

She became a terrifying serpent with nine heads, each of which could spray a different kind of forbidden spell! The great origin is above. In this cosmic age, such terrifying creatures have never appeared before! python? Of course, we have seen pythons! But nine-headed python? This is a nightmare-level creature that has never appeared in the most terrifying legend!

She swallowed Lord Alurran in one bite, but spit out his clothes, boots, headband and the logbook in her hand!

Since we did not find the body of Lord Alurfu, we can only include him on the list of missing persons. But according to my personal point of view, Lord Alurran is dead! That old lady really has a good appetite. Not only did she let Master Alurbi disappear alone, she also let 300,000 elites from the Orcs and Elves into the missing list at the same time!

Fortunately, the group of lifeless platoons. The old lady is not interested in stale meat steaks, so all the undead retreat, which is really unfair! Because according to my personal point of view, dried pork ribs actually taste even better-with a side note, this is a delicious way of making a 5,000-year-old race in this world. I like cured pork ribs!

——Let the guy who likes pork ribs die, of course, he is already dead! After recording the **** records before, Alan Pi, an idiot, was shot through the heart by an elf.

Things have become a little strange, respectable adults, I can't describe what happened. But in the enemy's resistance, it appeared. . . Elf! Of course, I didn't question the meaning of the adults of the Elf clan who came with me. When I wrote this log, they were actually standing next to me. But I must record this truthfully-there are elves among the enemies!

The whole body is golden and can freely control the power of metal. About twenty such elves appeared, and they controlled the metal elements to form powerful bows and arrows, and then launched a counterattack on us.

——We caught a metal elf, and we took his blood and bone marrow for research. Pure elf blood, but his natural magical power is to control metal. The great source is above. We have never heard that among the elves who love nature and are close to the forest, there is such a strange natural energy to control metal!

By the way, the adult who was in charge of the record had been killed yesterday. In the process of capturing this metal elf, he was hit by one hundred and seventy-five arrows at the same time. In addition to the metal elves, some dark elves and some shiny silver elves appeared among them! What shocked us was that among them there also appeared elves capable of controlling the power of sunlight!

——We captured some live mouths today, and we took out their blood and bone marrow for the most detailed research. The great source forgive us for our carelessness. We cut their blood factor in a tiny bit this time. We donated the strange magical instruments that we found out from those terrifying existence palaces. All our races Together, we finally figured out the terrible secret in their blood.

We only unlocked a small part of their bizarre double helix blood factor, but in this small part of blood factor, we were horrified to find that their blood contains the blood characteristics of almost all of our races! Just need some external energy stimulation, only need some violent mental fluctuations, they are likely to activate the specific factors in the bloodline, and transform into a fighter of a certain race?

But what we unravel is only a tiny part of their complex bloodline!

Reminiscing that they have gone through countless tribulations, we have to desperately guess, do they have the ability to transform into all the tyrannical creatures in all cosmic disasters in the past? We have to doubt this way-after all, the concept of Zhou Jie is also passed on to us by those powerful and terrifying existences!

There was a large amount of cold sweat on Lin Qi's forehead. The more he read these things backwards, the more he felt that there were too many things that shocked his heart. Grabbing the ring that the black-clothed **** servant handed him and glanced at it, Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head. There were still mountains of ancient books in it. Compared with those ancient books, this logbook is the roughest one. this.

But this logbook, which can only be described roughly, has already made Lin Qi sweat profusely, making him gasp again and again.

——Something not so good happened. Today we received a strange soul fluctuation, an existence claiming to be the core of the metaworld, actually forcing all of us to lay down our weapons, give up resistance, and surrender to those weak guys? Are you kidding me? Although those frail humans have shown terrifying potential, we are about to wipe them all out!

Surrender to those humans? impossible! Our mission here is to eliminate them and eliminate the final hidden dangers for all the original races of this universe age. How can we surrender to them? Moreover, where are they now qualified to let us surrender?

--what is this? What the **** is this? The core of Metaverse? He got out of the sun, and he has been hiding in that sun! And, besides, he looked so tattered, like a ceramic jar that had been broken and reattached!

He is right in front of us, he claims to be the ultimate defense system of mankind, he is the ultimate protector of mankind! He ordered us to surrender, otherwise he would launch a devastating attack on us? Well, I really look forward to how much damage this tattered guy can do to us!

——The **** Metaverse caused terrible damage to us! The adult on my previous rotation was killed in battle, and now it is me, the Awan slave of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan to record what happened just now to the adults of all races!

The core of the Metaverse fired once and killed more than 90% of our commander-level powerhouses! I can't describe what kind of terrifying force it is, but it is definitely the most powerful destructive force I have ever seen in my life. I even saw the collapse of the universe and finally annihilated in that force. That’s why I left my name Akiji in this volume of ‘Book of Eternity’, and I hope you adults can remember my name!

In addition to the core of Metaverse, some strange things have appeared! The other adults are leading the children of various races to fight against them, but those things are really weird and terrifying. They have very powerful power.

What I can remember is Heaven Mountain, Penglai, and Hall of Heroes. They are besieging the great boys of the giants, hoping that their big guys can carry a few more. From here, I can just see the ‘Thunder Tyrant’ of the giants, he is fighting against a group of guys called the archangels. The thunder tyrant is two kilometers tall, but the archangels are only twenty meters tall!

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