Bright Era

Chapter 2016: The evil fetus of all souls (3)

"Dead!" The mother of evil spirits suddenly came to Lin Qi. Her ugly face was almost close to Lin Qi's face, and she spit out a cold and merciless'death' from deep in her throat. Lin Qi's body suddenly stiffened, a force of death gushing out of nothingness, instantly flooding his body and soul.

This is the most original death power of the undead gods, and the concrete manifestation of the death source power of this universe. That icy force of death is like countless cold poisonous snakes invading Lin Qi's body, constantly injecting vicious venom into Lin Qi's body.

Taking a deep breath, the original element crystal nucleus in Lin Qi's body suddenly spun up, and the gray hues of the original element whizzed into the crystal nucleus, and then turned into four-color original element whizzes. Out. The four-color spectacle light turned into pieces of light curtains that slapped and rolled in Lin Qi's body. The power of death was quickly assimilated and melted wherever it passed, and it could no longer cause any harm to Lin Qi!

"Go to hell!" Lin Qi's pupils suddenly turned into a gray and weird color. Tu Junaxe let out a howling sound. The gods around him didn't even see how Lin Qi was acting. Tu Junaxe had already caused an arc of light. Slashed across the waist of the mother of evil spirits. Silently, the body of the mother of the evil spirits was cut into two parts, and Lin Qi's left fist blasted into the mother of the evil spirits heavily and grasped her heart.

The soul fire of the mother of evil spirits is not in the head, but stored in the heart. Lin Qi squeezed her heart that has never beaten once since ancient times, and violently tugged, and then tore off the heart that contained the god-master-level tyrannical life divine blood and the soul of the mother of evil spirits.

"You, it's impossible..." An incredible and desperate light flashed in the vicious and vicious eyes of the Mother of Evil Spirits. She opened her mouth to shout something, but Lin Qi didn't give her a chance to speak, instead An axe cut her into two pieces.

After biting his tongue fiercely, Longya and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree quickly became busy. With the help of abundant inventory resources, Longya breeds a large amount of divine blood, which sprays out like a fountain along the small blood vessels that were bitten off Lin Qi's tongue. Tens of meters away. Lin Qi spouted blood frantically, and groaned loudly: "What a vicious mother of evil spirits, I, I, Lord Mu Wei, I can't keep fighting!"

Taking a deep breath, blood was constantly spouting from the seven orifices, Lin Qi swallowed the soul fire of the mother of evil spirits into his stomach, and then groaned loudly: "Fortunately, Master Mu Wei, I, I Killed this vicious old woman! Me, me..."

After spraying several mouthfuls of blood, Lin Qi clasped the heart of the mother of evil spirits, and strode back. Mr. Mo, Arda and many other confidants hurriedly moved in to protect Lin Qi. There were already thousands of high-level gods and middle-level gods around them looking over like hungry wolves, and they stared at the heart of the mother of evil spirits in Lin Qi's hand.

The gods all saw Lin Qi swallow the soul fire of the mother of evil spirits, and it was bound to be impossible for Lin Qi to spit out the soul fire. Unless they want to go to war with the Temple of War completely, no one can cut Lin Qi's body and separate this group of priceless treasures again.

But the heart of the mother of evil spirits contains the blood essence of the mother of evil spirits as a master-level powerhouse. Although the mother of evil spirits has not recovered from the serious injury, this kind of natal god's blood essence, as long as a trivial drop, can substantially strengthen the body of a middle-level **** and upper-level god.

To be precise, as long as a drop of the blood of the mother of evil spirits, these middle gods and upper gods can open the door to the upper gods, and their gods will be essentially strengthened. This is a kind of crawling The worm suddenly strengthened to the essential evolution of the orangutan level.

A worm is a worm, and it is extremely difficult to evolve into an adult. As for the orangutans, the gap between orangutans and humans is no longer large. As long as you work a little bit and have a little chance, the probability of evolving into humans is at least trillion times stronger than that of worms!

And how many drops of natal blood and essence can be in the heart of the mother of evil spirits? Look at the full and moist heart of the mother of evil spirits, which is the size of a large ocean bowl, and you know that there are at least a thousand drops of natal blood in it! This is the life and blood of the **** master class, this is a priceless treasure!

Shengxianchi has purified the negative death power in the soul fire of the mother of evil spirits, transforming her soul fire into the purest original soul power that Lin Qi can swallow. Lin Qi's soul frantically extracted the original soul power of the mother of evil spirits, his soul was becoming stronger and stronger, and his understanding of the original power was getting deeper and deeper.

The boundless universe tumbling over in Lin Qi’s soul, Lin Qi tightly controlled the trembling spirit, not letting himself make any strange noises or make any weird behaviors. Under the protection of his many subordinates, He lifted the heart of the Mother of Evil Spirits high: "I only need to reserve enough shares for my confidantes!"

With a single finger, dozens of drops of the blood essence of the mother of evil spirits shot out, and they landed on the heads of Alda, Bilibili, Mr. Mo, Estre, Etreis and others, quickly blending into them. Their bodies. Lin Qi secretly deducted more than a hundred drops of his life, blood and essence, leaving enough shares for Enzo and others who were not present.

Then Lin Qi held up his still full heart and yelled to Mu Wei: "Master Mu Wei, you are my Lord God, this heart will be assigned to you. However, my old friends, they must have a drop first! "

The finger flicked again, and each drop emitted a dark golden light, and each drop was shot out with a heavy blood essence like a stretch of mountains. Longcheng, Hu Xinzhu and the generals around them did not use Lin Qi at all. Greetings, they opened their mouths with laughter and swallowed this precious drop of blood essence into their abdomen.

The heat was tumbling up, and everyone who had swallowed their blood and essence was sweating like syrup, and their bodies quickly changed upside down. A mere drop of natal blood essence is not enough for them to be completely strengthened immediately, but this drop of blood essence is a key that completely opens the door for everyone to a higher level, allowing them to follow the most relaxed The road becomes stronger.

Shaking his hands and threw the heart of the mother of evil spirits to Mu Wei, Lin Qi yelled: "Master Mu Wei, no matter how you allocate it, I don’t want any benefit if it is used by the family of the Temple of War. If it’s another **** The people of the line want to share, I want half of the benefits! Every drop of the blood essence of the mother of evil spirits is at least worth a high-grade peak-level artifact, right?"

Mu Wei grabbed the heart of the mother of evil spirits, and then yelled at Lin Qi: "Well done, Lin Qi! Don't worry, no one will want to take the benefits from me in vain! Lord of Dawn, of Retribution Lord, this heart belongs to the Azerite clan, do you agree?"

The gods of dawn and the gods of punishment turned into gods and fled to Mu Wei's side. They showed cold light and glanced at the eager gods, and shouted coldly: "This is the trophy of our Azerite clan. Want to benefit. Go and kill Bagger yourself!"

Lin Qi vomited blood and moaned weakly, "Isn't it? The old guy Bagger is there. He should be stronger than the mother of evil spirits, and his heart should be more valuable, right? "

The gods were taken aback for a moment, and then at the same time turned their heads to look at Bagel who was leading many undead gods in front of the temple of the undead.

Bagger was staring blankly at the divine body of the mother of evil spirits that was constantly disintegrating in the void. His body trembled violently, and then screamed hoarsely: "You killed Shiva! You, you kill. Damn her! Damn, damn, you, you... If it wasn't for us, and it wasn't that we wanted to complete this undead sacrifice, how could we lose to you?"

Looking up to the sky, Bagel wailed hysterically: "I don’t care so much, you all have to die, you have to die! Shiva, I don’t care, you are all dead, I, I, I want Kill them, anyway, in the final analysis, we still have to kill them!"

Glancing at Mu Wei fiercely, Bagel sternly shouted: "Don’t blame me, Mu Wei, I owe your grandfather’s favor, but you must die today! You little guys who don’t know good or bad, I want you all to die here. Humans, it is enough to have me become the master of humans! This is enough!"

With a loud noise, the Temple of the Undead was crashed into the sky, and countless huge bones scattered, revealing the scene of the Temple of the Undead. Nearly a thousand black and lacquered coffins are placed in a mess in the hall. At the core of the hall is a blood pool with a diameter of several hundred meters. At this moment, there are countless distorted faces of undead, human beings and other races roaring in the blood pool.

A meat ball shaped like a child-gong is beating gently in the blood pool, and black and gold light continuously flashes from the meat ball. Through the black and gold light, you can see the core of the meat ball. Curled up, there was an extremely strange and hideous figure draped in scales.

"Evil fetus!" An elven goddess screamed in anger and horror: "Damn Bagel, you and the mother of evil spirits, Shiva, you..."

Bagger laughed ‘squeaky’, his laughter sounded like countless insects screaming, and that laughter made all the gods present feel a sharp pain in the eardrums, and his entire body’s hair was erected. He screamed and danced, countless squirming corpses fell from his body, and then flew quickly with flapping wings.

"The evil fetus of all spirits, yes! Shiva and I separately absorbed all the blood and soul fire of all the fallen companions, and then combined the evil fetus that was conceived! He is not yet mature, my dear child is not yet mature, he needs Countless soul, fire and flesh and blood sacrifices can be completely hatched!"

"He is the child of Shiva and I. When he is born, he will be our strongest weapon and our best helper in destroying you little guys! Originally, I wanted to have a good talk with you little guys, but You killed Shiva, you swallowed her soul fire, and you still swallowed her blood and essence, you killed my lover, my wife, then..."

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