Bright Era

Chapter 2017: The evil fetus of all souls (4)

The furious Bagger suddenly fell silent. He smiled and looked at the gods around him: "Then, if I kill all of you, there will be no psychological burden at all. Although the undead are unwilling to owe favors, it is true. When you are forced to be helpless, what kind of thing is humanity... Mu Wei, I will keep you and let you replace Shiva!"

Taking a deep breath, Bagel glanced at Mu Wei up and down with a wicked look: "It must be admitted that although you are a little bit younger, you are much younger than Shiva. Although you are younger, you passed me. Slowly adjust, you will become more and more charming! Become my wife, and then we will control mankind, we will become the true only god!"

Mu Wei's face turned pale green. She looked at Bagel, who was constantly squirming and squirming all over her body, and hurriedly scratched her itchy face. She yelled angrily: "Go to death, Bagger, you disgusting old fellow, you can only be with the bugs for a lifetime! Kill him, take advantage of this evil fetus is not yet mature, kill him! "

Bagger quickly ran towards the blood pool. He backed away and laughed: "It's not good to pull the seedlings to encourage growth, but there is no way to be forced! Although not mature yet, as long as there is enough Nutrition, wake up my dear child in advance, it will not leave him with any bad consequences."

‘Chuck’ laughing, Bagger quickly jumped to the side of the blood pool, and then plunged into the huge ball of flesh.

The gods were horrified, and the elven goddess who recognized the evil fetus of the undead screamed hoarsely: "Don't let him wake up that evil thing, kill all the undead gods, and then destroy this thing that shouldn't exist! Fetus, this is an evil existence that is classified as a forbidden technique among the undead gods. It is an existence that can destroy everything in the world once it appears in the legend!"

The Temple of Hades suddenly laughed, and he slowly yawned: "Destroy the existence of all things in time? Really a group of ignorant little guys. The evil fetus is just an embryo, and it is an embryo processed by the day. If this embryo can be If he grows up completely and can get enough power, he should have the potential to evolve into something like hell."

"Even if he evolves to the limit, he will only exist on an equal footing with me. In other words, he can harm one party at most, but he wants to destroy everything in the world? This is the work of the Metaverse, and I have no such qualifications!" Naughty spit out.

Lin Qi clicked his mouth, Underworld Temple said lightly, but Lin Qi was not willing to let his people face this unfathomable monster. He coughed softly, and the blood that had stopped spraying was pouring out of his seven orifices again. He rolled his eyes and passed into a heavy coma. So with Mu Wei's consent, Mr. Mo waited for Lin Qi's subordinates, and hurriedly protected Lin Qi to retreat.

Before leaving, Lin Qi murmured a few words to Longcheng and the others. After a while, both Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu returned with their subordinates. They are very magical with a few more serious wounds that look very hideous and scary. Judging from these wounds anyway, no one can say that they escaped right away?

After Mu Wei received Hu Xinzhu’s suggestion, she stood quietly behind the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment, and whispered to the two main gods about all the spirits in the heart of the mother of evil spirits. How the yuan should be allocated. All the gods of the God of War group gathered behind her under Mu Wei's instruction, putting on a posture of guarding strictly and not allowing anyone to approach Mu Wei.

And including the Goddess of Victory who claims to'never retreat on the battlefield', all the gods of the God of War are fully prepared. As long as Mu Wei gives an order, all the gods of the God of War system will run backwards at the fastest speed.

Lin Qi's subordinates have furtively arranged behind a small hill a divine formation sufficient for all the gods of the God of War system to escape back to the Western Continent in an instant. As long as Mu Wei energizes his spirit, all the gods of the God of War system will flee back to safety for the first time. As for the life and death of other gods, does this have any relationship with Lin Qi?

If it weren't for Mu Wei being fooled by Hu Xinzhu into his woman, Lin Qi would not even bother to care about Mu Wei's life and death.

Under the auspices of that fairy goddess, the gods launched a tide-like offensive against the undead gods, and the mighty divine arts fell like raindrops. Many main gods personally joined the attack on the undead gods. Many of them don't know what the evil fetus is, but this is said to be a horrible existence that can destroy all things in the world. Who dares to neglect the slightest?

One after another undead gods turned into ashes in the strong light of the magical explosion. Even the existence of several undead gods of the main **** level was also under the joint attack of the **** of dawn and other main gods, but only one He was beaten to death at a young age. The fall of these undead gods has triggered a frantic scramble for many gods. Their artifacts, their souls, spirits, blood, and essence are all priceless treasures.

Even if it is an undead deity of the upper **** level, his blood essence is extremely significant to the lower gods of other gods. A drop of **** blood essence can make a subordinate **** undergo earth-shaking changes. In a short period of time in the future, he will be able to quickly promote to a middle god, and even have the potential to be promoted to a higher god.

Therefore, every undead **** is killed, there will be a large group of gods flocking to madly compete for their inheritance.

In such a noisy battle, there were even gods of different gods fighting each other, and some weak gods were attacked and killed tragically. As soon as their blood came out, they were sucked by the floor of the Temple of the Undead. .

After all the undead gods were completely killed, the gods divided up their heritage, and countless gods surrounded the blood pool in the middle of the hall, staring at the constantly squirming flesh ball. Bagger’s voice faintly came from the meatball: "Are all of them dead? Are all of these subordinates who have followed me for so many years died? Thank you, this is a necessary sacrifice for my child’s complete incubation. Ah, my child can hatch only if they are all dead."

With a deep sigh, Bagel said quietly: "But I always can't bear to attack them, so I sent some of them to the Western Continent to participate in the God War, hoping that they can be in the God War. Fall to complete this vital sacrifice. But you are here and you killed them. This is good, so that I won’t feel any guilt. It’s very good!"

The God of Dawn snorted coldly. He looked down at the meat ball and asked slowly: "But, your subordinates, their soul, fire and blood are all taken away by us, how much can your child get? benefit?"

Bagel sneered a few times, and he sighed softly, "So, this is the misunderstanding caused by your incomprehension of our undead gods! Spirits, souls, fire, or essence and blood are actually not It is not important. What is important is the brand of existence and the corresponding law of death. They are alive, my children cannot hatch smoothly, and when they die, my children can grow smoothly."

"He doesn't need your so-called spirit, soul, fire, essence and blood. What he needs is only the rule change caused by the fall of the undead. Of course, this kind of too advanced rule control is for you at this distance from the gods. There is also a long journey for the little things, it is too advanced. But it does not matter, you have no chance to understand this anyway."

"Of course, except for Mu Wei!" Bagel smiled: "Mu Wei, and, leave a few more goddesses of the elven gods! I will choose a few elven goddesses that satisfy me and let them live. Coming down."

Mu Wei sullenly scolded, "Shameless old thing, get out of here!"

"As you wish, dear Mu Wei, my little wife!" Bagel giggled, and then the meat ball suddenly exploded.

The sound of ‘puff chuff’ was endless, and tens of thousands of black tentacles with the thickness of thumbs shot out from the disintegrating meat ball. Tens of thousands of middle and lower gods were caught off guard, and these shots pierced their eyebrows. Their spirits were swallowed in an instant, and their blood was continuously drawn by the wriggling black tentacles. Accompanied by the horrible howling of hoarseness, the bodies of these gods twitched for a while, and then turned into a mummy.

Those black tentacles waved slowly, and one was about a kilometer tall, covered in blue-black armor, and was thin, with fine bone spurs everywhere on the body, and the weird humanoid with the tentacles constantly extending in and out stood slowly. stand up.

The face of this man was completely dark, and the gods looked over and could only see a group of slowly creeping black whirlpools, from time to time there were waves of palpitating negative energy. Bagger was suspended in the middle of this black vortex, looking down at the gods with a grinning face.

"My child has not matured yet, so his face has not yet grown. But if he can kill you all, he should be able to grow into a handsome young man! Ah, after all, although you are weaker, at least You have enough."

Gently shook his head, Bagel giggled and said, "Shiva, what a pity, Shiva, if it were not for me and her to spend more than half of our energy to conceive our children, Shiva would not be so It’s easy to be killed by you. We are at the bottom of our strength, and you are here, which is really regrettable."

Sweeping his gaze over the ugly-faced gods, Bagel hummed softly: "So, who should I do it now? Who should I do it? Let me think about it! Aha, these beautiful elves, if you If you don't want to die, if you want to be my woman, just kneel on the ground and take off your clothes! You haven't done this kind of thing before, have you?"

The faces of the elves and gods were hard to see the extreme, especially the male elves, they roared in anger.

Bagger laughed loudly, he arrogantly flew up slowly. He pointed to the gods, and was about to announce his first goal of destruction. Suddenly dozens of black tentacles pierced silently from behind him. Lost his body.

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