Bright Era

Chapter 2170: Traitor of the race (2)

Alsino blinked his eyes and looked at Lin Qi for a while, and then he sneered sneerly: "I know what you are thinking, but your idea is wrong! These believers? Our Secret Demon Saints never treat Believers treat them as one thing! They are just tools, food, medicine, entertainment to relieve our boredom, and consumables for us to use in war!"

Holding tightly the various odd-shaped weapons in his hand, Ashinu said coldly and ruthlessly: "I have faith in my people, the gods of the temple... Hey, at least 90% of them are arrogant. The clansmen are still asleep, and we are ready. If my battle plan can be realized perfectly, then it will be..."

"What is it?" Lin Qi looked at Arsino curiously.

The Arsino, who wanted to say nothing, smiled weirdly, and shook his head gently: "Too much nonsense! No matter what your origin, no matter which protoss member you are, in short, you killed My child, you must die! There is no reason, no reason, because I am the holy king who avoids the Secret Demon Saint Clan. My glory and dignity must be perfect!"

His body shook, and the body of the tens of thousands of meters in height suddenly compressed inwards. His body was compressed to a height of no more than ten meters. His body brought a few afterimages to Lin Qi's face instantly, three black snake patterns. The sword and a scimitar had already slashed in front of Lin Qi. Behind Lin Qi, one of Arsino's arms abruptly grew more than ten times longer, holding a ghost head cone and piercing Lin Qi's heart fiercely. On the left and right sides of Lin Qi, dozens of arms clenched various weapons and struck Lin Qi.

Even above Lin Qi's head and feet, there were Arsino arms holding various weapons and blasting over. And Arsino also had dozens of empty arms pinching the various runes, and successive negative curse attacks poured down on Lin Qi. Agedness, slowness, fear and other offensive curses made Lin Qi's body dizzy, his eyes turned black, and his strength was quickly drawn away.

The horror of the multi-armed Secret Demon family is here. They inherited the negative energy law of the universe when they were opened up. They are a natural fighting race, and their physiological structure makes them the strongest fighters by nature. Although Arsino is not the ancestor of the multi-armed secret demons family, not the original creature of this cosmic age, his blood is very pure, and he is the seventh generation descendant of a certain ancestor of the multi-armed secret demons family!

The pure and pure bloodline brought the strength and potential of Ashinu far beyond the ordinary people. He immediately launched a stormy attack on Lin Qi, his attack frequency was dozens of times faster than Lin Qi's maximum speed. ——He has more than a thousand arms, but Lin Qi only has two hands! Even if the strength of the two sides is equal, the attack frequency of the Arsino is hundreds of times that of Lin Qi!

Lin Qi waved his fists embarrassedly to resist Alsino's attack, but he just shook back a few of Alsino's arms, and the remaining arms had been heavily smashed on his body with various weapons. Every blow is heavier than the impact of a star on the earth, and every blow contains infinite evil power. The black and strange weapons are extremely sharp. They cut Lin Qi's skin and tore him open. His muscles slashed and slashed on Lin Qi's bones with a clanging roar.

With just one blow, Lin Qi flew back embarrassedly with more than 30 bone-deep wounds.

Arsino didn't have a tail attack, he just hovered in the place where Lin Qi was just now, staring coldly at Lin Qi who was shot by himself. He murmured to himself in a low voice, and more than a hundred faces were filled with incredible expressions: "His skin and muscles, I used 70% of the strength to tear his skin. And his bones can actually resist me. This set of armed attacks?"

Lin Qi vomited blood and flew back. He withdrew dozens of miles, and finally stopped his figure. His bones were shocked to the point of severe pain, but his body was at the peak strength of the imperial general after all. His bones were only violently shaken, and they collided with those weapons and splashed a lot of sparks, but his bones did not Suffer substantial harm.

The muscles and skin were cut open, and a trace of evil power invaded the vicinity of the wound, constantly devouring Lin Qi's flesh and blood. If other gods encounter such injuries, they will definitely have a headache. But Lin Qi only circulated the source power in his body for a few times, and all the evil power was swallowed up and quickly transformed into a gray source power. The blue light of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree circled Lin Qi's wound a few times, and Lin Qi's injury completely recovered.

A drop of quiet Yuchan's jade-colored plasma dissolves directly in Lin Qi's body, and a refreshing fragrance spreads through the internal organs. Lin Qi's slightly embarrassed spirit suddenly shook, and he became spirited again. A faint jade-colored luster on the surface of the skin was rippling. After two attacks from Alsino, after taking the jade-colored plasma that was condensed by Qingjing Yuchan and didn’t know how many elixir he swallowed, Lin Qi’s physical strength increased again. A bit.

Fighting is the best practice method, and Lin Qi deeply understood the true meaning of this sentence.

"It's not fair! You have so many arms!" Lin Qi looked at Arsino angrily. With more than a thousand arms, and having practiced the secret method of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan, each arm of the Alsino can suddenly soar like brown sugar. The arm that was originally a hundred meters long may suddenly become Ten thousand meters up and down! In the battle, this is really unfair to Lin Qi!

"Fairness?" Alsino spit on the ground again: "What is fairness?"

Looking up to the sky with a grinning smile, Alsino cursed in a low voice filled with spiteful words: "Fairness is that I was just born, I was selected as a'bait man', and was thrown into the star bursting star to trap the star beast Huh? A rotten elves, because she wanted a star beast cub as a pet, the one she was fond of...that...that tyrant, he took me just born as a bait! "

"It's not fair! Boy!" Arsino raised his weapon and looked at Lin Qi viciously: "It's like you killed my ineffective children! I don't feel heartache, because the incompetent them provoke you, then live. Should be killed! I'm just angry, because you defiled my glory! So I came to you for revenge, so I want to kill you!"

Lin Qi looked at the Arsino, this guy had a black evil spirit visible to the naked eye from all over his body, countless twisted souls howled and groaned in the black evil spirit, and an evil breath of death and predation swept all around. All the creatures in the desert within thousands of miles were extinct, and even the poisonous snakes and scorpions hidden in the depths of the sand suddenly turned to ashes.

Except for Alda and Bilibili, they huddled hard and shivered in the magic shield, and all the creatures within a radius of thousands of miles were completely destroyed.

"There is no fairness!" Arsino emphasized his words again. He looked at Lin Qi deeply and sneered word by word: "There is only violence, only power, only strength! With power, you can trample on everything, Destroy everything and destroy everything! Without power, you deserve to be killed! Men without power should be killed, women without power should be raped-violently!"

Before Lin Qi could speak, Alsino rushed towards Lin Qi again, and this time Alsino opened her mouth and let out a sharp ghost howl. Waves of black sound roared towards Lin Qi, like a group of crazy hungry wolves blasting on Lin Qi's head. Lin Qi just frowned. The scream was so unpleasant, it made Lin Qi's eardrum a little bit painful.

But that's it! This ghost howl attack from Alsino did not cause any substantial damage to Lin Qi! This blow was specifically aimed at the souls of creatures, but Lin Qi's soul had condensed into a strong light with all his powers and the original power of life. Lin Qi's soul had undergone a wonderful transformation, and his soul was no longer Then there is the soul in the conventional sense!

It can even be said that there is no soul at all in Lin Qi now. What he possesses is just the purest essence of the spirit and spirit, his power, life, spirit, soul, including all the marks he has existed, are condensed into a ball of light, which is constantly emitting infinite in his body. Endless light and heat!

This is the unique metamorphosis after human evolution has reached a certain level, just like the transformation from a pupa to a butterfly, which is a metamorphosis in nature. Soul attack? This attack mode that has made countless creatures feel terrified by countless races is just a joke for humans at this stage!

So Lin Qi just frowned, this is the horrible cry of the Ashinu! And Arsino apparently took his ghost howl, which contained extremely powerful soul damage, as his main attack method. His attack also consumed a lot of his strength, so his next attack was just A simple arm took a machete and lightly slashed towards Lin Qi's neck.

In Arsino's thoughts, his magic sound was enough to tear Lin Qi's soul apart, and enough to damage Lin Qi's soul, so that he could no longer resist. Next, his scimitar was enough to cut Lin Qi's neck, thus obtaining a perfect victory.

Lin Qi's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle, facing the Arsino who was only slashing at him with an arm, Lin Qi's mouth sneered. The **** tiger soul armor was silently draped on Lin Qi's body, and the huge source power was injected into this set of murderous armor. Along with a dull tiger howl, Lin Qi swung out the Tu Jun axe, took nine arcs and slashed it on the arm of the Arsino.

"Damn... Brutal Killing Technique!" Ashinu grunted angrily. Lin Qi's shot speed was not slower than him. He could only watch Lin Qi's axe slashing his arm nine times in a row. There was a low and miserable howl, and Arsino's arm sprayed out a large amount of sticky black plasma. His other arm grabbed his broken arm, and then his body flickered and moved back out.

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