Bright Era

Chapter 2171: Traitor of the race (3)

"Are you from the Temple of Odin?" Arsino stared at Lin Qi angrily: "Only the gods whom the barbarians believe in, will they be able to turn their killing skills into such a fancy in battle. And complicated! Our Secret Demon Saint Race pays attention to the combination of simple power and speed. Only the barbarians believe in the barbaric gods, they can deduce their fighting skills to this level!"

Lin Qi held Tu Jun's axe and looked at Ashinu without saying a word. Lin Qi is calculating the possibility of killing Alsino himself! At the same time, he was also calculating whether or not to kill the Ashinu! If the stars of Zhou Tian in the five islands of Penglai are released now, it should be able to trap Alsino for just a few breaths. During this time, will Lin Qi have the opportunity to kill him?

If you kill the Arabs, will the Tianmiao take too much advantage? Let the gods fight each other desperately, isn't this what Lin Qi wants to achieve?

With all kinds of thoughts rushing through his mind, Lin Qi did not answer Alsino's question. Which protoss do I belong to, what identity do I have, and what is the meaning of these things? This is a war, and it is not an older man and a blind date. It is necessary to figure out the identity of each other.

"Damn thing! It must be! Only they can have such powerful combat skills and physical body!" Arsino grunted angrily, then he suddenly turned around, an axe directed at the void thousands of meters away behind him Chopped over. He heard a miserable howl. The whole body was pitch black like a shadow, and the **** covered in black smoke was smashed out of the air with an axe, and the whole body was split into two pieces from the center.

"I hate you group of shadow monsters from the depths of the black hole!" Alsino said coldly and ruthlessly, looking at the black shadow that was continuously disintegrating, "It was Demu who made you come? Want to see me ugly, Then let all the people know about my scandal? But stupid guy, how can you hide the eyes and ears of the great Holy King Arsino?"

With a cold snort, Ashinu squeezed his severed arm and connected it to the wound. With a piercing sound of flesh and bone rubbing, his severed arm had been reconnected. After moving the broken arm, Alsino nodded in satisfaction. He glanced at Lin Qi and said in a low voice: "Today is not the time to kill you, **** it, I'm going to sit on the front line and attack Tianmiao! I don't worry about entrusting this to them!"

With a helpless sigh, Ashinu's head bit his tongue, and a black blood drop was secreted from the tip of the tongue. Squeezing the blood bead, Ashinu crushed him and smeared a weird blood rune in the air. He nodded to Lin Qi and sneered: "In the name of my **** father’s soul, I swear here that I will kill you and all the relatives and friends around you! Of course, not today, I did not Time wasted here!"

Pointing at Lin Qi fiercely, Al Shinu turned around resolutely and strode towards the east volley. He only took three or five steps, and his figure disappeared without a trace. A black desert with a radius of thousands of miles was left in place-this desert was invaded by the evil forces released by the Arabs, not only now, even in the next three to five hundred years, this desert will be a dead place. , Any mortal who dared to pass here will turn into a pool of pus and blood without a place to be buried.

"I can't wait to attack the Tianmiao!" Lin Qi looked at the back of Arsino, then spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "I am the barbarous **** worshipped by the barbarians in the Temple of Odin? Okay. , I hope you can keep this impression, this is the best."

Arda and Bilibili came out of the magic shield tremblingly. The brief encounter between Arsino and Lin Qi just now put them under tremendous pressure. Especially when the Arsinos released their evil aura in all directions, Alda and the others were almost like moths in the fire, even if they were tortured by a thick magic shield, their souls were quickly turned into one. There was a plume of smoke.

Now that Arsino went away helplessly, Arda and Bilibili and other demons rushed out, kneeling down on the ground. All kinds of flattery rolled in like tides, and Arda and the others simply boasted Lin Qi as the strongest among the gods, blowing him into the most powerful, greatest and wisest existence in this universe.

With a light kick, Lin Qi stopped the flattering of these guys. If these demons don't show them a little bit of color, they can walk around and beat the horse for three or five days without repeating a word. Looking at the direction of the Tianmiao, Lin Zile ordered Arda and the others to take Lan Ling and Lan Mei prisoners back to the Western Continent, and handed Lan Ling and Lan Mei to Mr. Mo for detention and interrogation.

As for the blue demon, Lin Qi picked up the blue demon saint, put on a black cloak, and after drastically changing his body and appearance, he turned into a gray-white undead and turned toward the temple. The direction escaped. At the same time, Lin Qi condensed the breath of the whole body and poured a large amount of source power into the small galaxy, the gray-white light cluster that represented the law of the dead.

The gray-white undead divine power sprayed out of Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi let out a deep laugh: "Okay, okay, Soglaa, the Bone Sword, reappears in the world! Well, I hope that the group of guys from the Azerite clan will The news that'Sogla' is not dead has spread. In this case, the effect should be better and more real, right?"

A few months ago, Lin Qi let the army of the abyss of the undead swept the Gaul Empire. In that battle, the **** of the hurricane of the ocean temple of the Azar Protoss was beheaded by Lin Qi with undead magic. Lin Qi pretended to be a notorious undead **** in the War of the Ancients. The name of Sogla, the bone carving knife, stunned many gods, including the **** of the sea, Osher. It must have been known by now.

Pretending to be among the undead gods is also a terrible name, and the bone carving knife Sogla, who is also stinking eight hundred miles against the wind, will be taken for granted by the gods no matter what Lin Qi does? The Secret Demon clan launched a counterattack against the Temple of Heaven. If Lin Qi didn't make waves in it, he would be a bit unwilling.

Tianmiao Shenshan remains quiet and holy as ever. Countless believers burn incense and bow down at the foot of the mountain. In the temples and pavilions of the sacred mountain, those clergy are practicing or planning various conspiracies. Due to the simultaneous two-line combat, the power disputes within the Tianmiao have been temporarily shelved. All the heads of the clergy of the Tianmiao have used their ingenuity under the oracles of the gods and worked hard for this. A war of gods made suggestions.

The divine warfare in the Western Continent has temporarily stopped. Before the hammer of Thor is found, no gods will dare to start the war again.

But in the southwest of the sacred mountain, the believers of the sect of Miró were constantly launching attacks like crazy dogs, and several times they almost broke into the sacred mountain. This is an intolerable thing for the Tianmiao, and many clergymen in the Tianmiao are gathering together to discuss how to teach Milua a terrible lesson.

Of course, this is something that ordinary clergymen are discussing. The real core high-level members of the Tianmiao are gathering under their gods to discuss how to join forces with the Axor Protoss to jointly attack the Mirage Sect and completely eliminate the multi-armed secret. The big plan of the demons and their allies.

Zitel and several other messengers of the Azer gods appeared at the meeting. They made various suggestions and supplements for the plans made by the gods of the temple from time to time. At the same time, they would also prepare the Azer gods to invest. The strength informed the Tianmiao people one by one, striving to make a foolproof plan with absolutely no mistakes.

Just when the metal palace of the secret demons was more than two thousand miles away from the Tianmiao, a small light door suddenly opened above the Tianmiao. One of them was born round and jade, and every move would bring the water in the air to vaporize. The girl who followed Yunyan walked out slowly. She landed directly in a temple on the top of a mountain, and dozens of believers in the temple, wearing light blue robes, knelt down in front of her piously, and gently called for her name.

The girl coldly glanced at the large-scale buildings on the top of the Tianmiao Shenshan, sneered sneer, and then clapped her hands gently: "Follow the plan. I will guarantee that no **** will find you within a quarter of an hour. Remember the mission of each of you, at least to capture half of the control hub of the defensive magic circle in the mountain. If you succeed, you will all enjoy endless blessings!"

The believers who kneeled in front of the girl agreed in unison. They did not hesitate, and left the temple in the form of white water lines. The faint dusk fell, and thick fog rose up in the mountains and valleys of the Tianmiao Mountain. Under the cover of the fog, these people gradually disappeared.

The girl sits in the deepest hall of the temple. She is chanting mantras in a low voice. The divine power in her body is continuously released, and it blends with the mist that gushes out of the mountains and valleys. With her help, these mists possessed extremely magical powers, and even the glance of the spirits of the gods couldn't penetrate these mists to find sneaky figures in the mist.

The Milo sect killers who intruded into the sacred mountain a few days ago walked out of their hiding place, and the sound of low insects and birds continued to sound in the forest. There were countless believers in the temple in light blue robes and The killers of the Meira sect gathered together, and under the leadership of the believers of the temple, the savvy sacred Mela sacred killers hurried to the sacred mountain under the cover of fog.

As the lair of the Tianmiao, there are restrictions on the tens of thousands of miles in the sacred mountain. From the time of the ancient gods war, the sacred mountain has been the base camp of the gods of the Tianmiao, and countless gods have been arranged since the beginning of the ancient gods war. In the sacred mountain. With the passage of time, the Tianmiao has strengthened and updated the defensive array in the sacred mountain year after year. It can be said that the current sacred mountain is a huge death trap.

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