Bright Era

Chapter 2184: The eternal ‘observer’? (2)

Lin Qi grabbed the hilt of the Black Sun Magic Blade, and then Lin Qi's palm directly penetrated the hilt. This knife was really no different from the Phantom. The place Lin Qi grasped was an empty shadow. Immediately after the knife handle suddenly lit up, a silent high-frequency, extremely high-temperature high-frequency oscillation radiated from the knife handle. Lin Qi's palm was suddenly hot, and a layer of flesh was burned into a ball. The blue smoke drifted away, and even the bones of Lin Qi's palm were exposed.

The severe pain made Lin Qi snorted, but hell's reaction was almost at its extreme. Seeing that Lin Qi didn't have enough power to subdue this royal-class weapon, the huge body of the **** shook for a while, and an extremely viscous and extremely filthy black plasma was suddenly ejected from the blood pool deep in the hell. The black plasma that had gathered all the negative energy essences of **** sprayed out of Lin Qi's palm, spraying the black sun magic blade all over his head and face.

The Black Sun Magic Blade let out a sharp and stern wailing, and Lin Qi could clearly feel the scream of the Black Sun Magic Blade. This bizarre giant scimitar, nearly a hundred meters long, wailed pitifully, as if a little girl with a cleanliness was suddenly kicked into the cesspool, and the emotions of pitiful, wronged, frightened, and desperate were like that It spread out clearly.

"Hahaha!" Lin Qi laughed three times triumphantly, and then a few chains made of black plasma spewed out from the depths of the hell, one of them buckled the Black Sun Magic Blade and forcibly dragged him into the hell. Deep down, he was directly buried in the blood prison and was firmly suppressed. Even if the **** has been severely injured, he can still easily crush this ‘insignificant’ Emperor-class weapon in rank.

Taking a deep breath, the flesh of Lin Qi's palm was quickly reborn in a glazed glow. Two gray divine lights spurted from his eyes, and he looked around quickly thinking about it. This underground cave has a radius of nearly a thousand miles, and it is full of strange things that pile up like a mountain of jewels. Among them, there are thousands of powerful equipment that has been suppressed like the Black Sun Magic Blade, and each one is exuding a chill!

Lin Qi can feel the suffocating and terrifying pressure from these powerful equipment. There is no doubt that these are all weapons of the fallen strong men of the Spirit God clan! Some of them are the personal equipment of the main god-level leader, and most of them are the equipment of the powerful pinnacle main **** or upper main god. Nightmare keeps them suppressed and stored here, not that Nightmare doesn't want to own them, but that Nightmare does not have enough power to deter them!

There is no doubt about the spirit of the artifact! Their master has fallen, and Nightmare wants to obtain the allegiance of these grumpy artifacts with a badly wounded body, which is basically impossible. Waiting for the strength of Nightmare to recover, and all kinds of troubles have come to the door again, where can Nightmare have time to use that water mill to conquer these powerful equipment?

Moreover, a monarch-level weapon like the Black Sun Magic Blade can't be conquered by Nightmare with violence! He was able to store the Black Sun Magic Blade in the secret library, which was a great thing. Want to do something to the Black Sun Magic Blade, that is completely impossible.

Now Lin Qi wants to search all the items here, but Lin Qi also knows that there is not much time left for him, and he cannot have enough time to do this. Therefore, he must find the most precious treasure in this secret vault while he still has a tiny amount of time, and then take him as his own.

His gaze swept across the entire secret vault. Nineteen corpses of high-level battle puppets from the five islands of Penglai were retrieved by Lin Qi with a wave of his hand. Twenty-five corpses of the high-level dragon emperor on the Candle Dragon Mountain, Longya was very excited to collect these corpses. Swallowed in; Thirty-four fairy cores of Kunlun fairy spirits, Kunlun Mountain smiled lowly, and took back these vital energy cores of eternal power.

All the corpses of the fallen top war puppets related to the Metaverse, those broken armor and weapons, including those energy cores that contain eternal infinite power, these things can be recovered extremely fast. Lin Qi just waved his hand, everything was swallowed.

But Yaoguang Tiannv and Dark Blood came here, and they certainly wouldn't come for these raw materials from the Metaverse. These things have no value to the gods and the ancient alien races. They must have come here for something else. Lin Qi's gaze shifted, and then he stared firmly at a dark-lacquered altar in the corner of the secret library. On it, dozens of black-lacquered chains were **** and down, together with a seal composed of dozens of artifacts. A coffin was firmly sealed.

Then, the secret lies in that coffin. Lin Qi yelled, his body rushed towards the coffin with an afterimage. At this moment, countless small blood beads shot out from the position where he had just entered the secret vault, and dozens of divine art scrolls arranged by Lin Qi exploded at the same time. Thirty-six divine curses were forbidden in the ice demon realm. The curse magic was activated at the same time, and countless black blood beads were simultaneously frozen in a space with a radius of 100 meters.

Lin Qi blessed a trace of source power in those divine art scrolls, and the power of these divine art scrolls at least increased by a hundredfold. That piece of space was frozen, and even the flow of time inside the space and the fluctuation of all magic elements were reduced to the limit. Lin Qi looked back at the void, he sneered, and the long needle in his hand shot out suddenly.

With a ‘click’, the long needle pierced the frozen void, accurately piercing a black blood drop. A miserable howl sounded, a clan member of the Dark Blood suddenly appeared in the frozen space, he looked at Lin Qi incredulously, and then his body suddenly dispersed. Lin Qi couldn't help laughing: "It seems that the weapon you gave to Yaoguang Tianmai is the best way to deal with you!"

Recalling the long needle with one hand, Lin Qi lased the long needle again. Another black blood bead was broken, and another Netherblood tribe was killed on the spot. In the frozen space, a sharp cry of dark blood screamed into anger and anger: "No matter who you are, you have killed our two incomparable clansmen. You must die! Damn thing, you have dug your grave!"

The rapid and sharp high-frequency chirp sounded continuously, and a strange weapon in the blood bead transformed by the dark blood shot out. This is a small tuning fork, he was shaking violently, and the invisible high-frequency shock wave blasted out, the frozen space and time collapsed, and the dark blood and the other four tribesmen sprinkled ice flakes from the sky at the same time. Zhong flew out and shot Lin Qi face to face with a strange howl.

Countless black blood beads rushed towards Lin Qi, and each of these blood beads was the size of a mung bean, and was harder than diamonds thousands of times. Under the high-speed impact of almost teleportation, even a star would be sifted into sieve eyes by these tiny blood beads.

The Lixue Tiger Soul Armor made a low moan, countless blood beads hit on the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor, and large patches of sparks continued to sputter out. Accompanied by the harsh impact, the surface of the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor continued to appear tiny cracks , But quickly but quickly repaired. With continuous evolution, as Lin Qi continued to swallow a large number of artifacts and other precious materials for him, the **** tiger soul armor has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he can barely withstand this violent attack that can destroy a continent.

Lin Qi clenched fists with both hands, took a deep breath, and then suddenly waved his hands to the sides of his body. Waves of gray and crystal clear time ripples quickly spread to the surroundings, and the flow of time around his body suddenly slowed by more than a thousand times. The flying speed of the blood beads transformed by Dark Blood is also a thousand times slower, and the naked eye can already see the trajectory of their flying in the air, through the air ripples.

Yaoguang Tiannv brought a few surviving subordinates, along with the dark golden crow and black unicorn, into the secret vault at the same time. They suddenly saw the time ripples released by Lin Qi, and the Yaoguang Tianmai suddenly exclaimed: "The law of time! How is this possible? Only the **** of time can master the mystery of time, but he, he, He never participated in our war!"

The Yaoguang Tianmai just yelled, and the time ripple spread to the entire secret library. The movements of the Yaoguang Tianmai and the two strange beasts have also become extremely slow, they slowly stepped forward step by step, while still roaring loudly with mixed fright. Time slowed down a thousand times, and it was even possible to see that the faint voice lines on their lips were spreading around.

Lin Qi grabbed a black blood bead close at hand, and then flew him out with a flick of his finger. The black blood bead made a piercing scream, and the limitation of the law of time he was subjected to suddenly disappeared, his speed became more than ten times faster than when he was flying at full strength, and he lased in front of the dark golden crow , And then pierced his head with one blow.

The dark golden crow head exploded, and the death power hidden in the black blood beads invaded his body one after another. Before his soul had time to escape, the death power had swallowed his soul and invaded After removing his body, he turned all his flesh and soul into a pool of cheap ashes and slowly scattered around.

The black unicorn watched in shock at the scene where his old partner was easily killed by Lin Qi, his body trembled violently, and he hissed. He looked at Lin Qi angrily, and he suddenly realized an unprecedented strange emotion-sadness and heartbreak! Although he had laughed at this unreliable old crow countless times, but when the old bird was completely killed by someone, he suddenly realized that the sadness and heartbreak that the adults said were the same. What kind of emotions.

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