Bright Era

Chapter 2185: The eternal ‘observer’? (3)

Slowly lowering his head, a large amount of thick black plasma suddenly appeared from the root of the black unicorn's unicorn. He was ready to rule himself out and attack Lin Qi with his most powerful race forbidden curse. This blow will consume half of his life source and burn half of his soul power. After he has the power of a high-level mid-level god, after he blasts this blow, his strength will decline to a middle-level low-level **** in the next ten thousand years. Level.

However, before the black unicorn had time to blast out this powerful racial forbidden curse that was enough to leapfrog the enemy, Lin Qi had penetrated the void like a ghost and appeared in front of the black unicorn out of thin air. Lin Qi's face was pale, a cloud of ghost fire in his eyes spewed out more than a meter away, and his thin right hand lightly pressed the black unicorn with a palm.

The flow of time suddenly accelerated by a million times, and the law of death was suddenly mixed in with the passage of time. Lin Qi's palm shot out, and it fell in the eyes of the Yaoguang goddess, that is, a splendid blooming flower suddenly appeared from the branch. Falling, and then gently kissed the black unicorn. But this gorgeous and beautiful flower suddenly turned into a hideous and ugly poisonous snake, injecting a poisonous curse into the body of the black unicorn.

With a ‘bang’, the black unicorn’s body turned into black quicksand, and only a black heart and a unicorn remained in the air, releasing a faint light. Lin Qi smiled coldly and nodded gently: "It is said that the heart of a unicorn can turn an evil sinner into the purest saint in the world, and can eliminate all his sins?"

As soon as he grasped the black unicorn's heart, Lin Qi turned his head and smiled at the Yaoguang Deity, then he forcibly broke the Yaoguang Deity's chin, and stuffed the dark, still wriggling heart into it. Yaoguang Tianmai's mouth. The Yaoguangtian girl howled with exhaustion, her body twitched violently, and then her body collapsed and turned into a pool of black venom overflowing.

Lin Qi spread his hands: "Sorry, I don't know the legend is false!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree coughed softly: "The legendary unicorn that can purify all sins and eliminate all poisonous unicorns is a sacred unicorn, which is what we call a white-haired unicorn! You killed this unicorn. , It’s Black Hair, which is the Hell Nightmare. Uh, his heart is the source of all poisons. Even if it is a god-level existence, they are not in the mood to taste whether the Hell Nightmare’s heart is delicious."

Lin Qi helplessly spread his hands to the earthy-faced subordinates of the Yaoguang Tiannv: "This is the fault of the legend, not my fault! I kindly washed the Yaoguang Tiann's sins, but... who knows. Is the heart of this black-skinned unicorn very poisonous?"

Holding tightly the shining black unicorn in the air, Lin Qi smiled and gave these beautiful goddesses a blow. The unicorn with Michelle pierced deeply into the hearts of these goddesses, and the evil poison wreaked havoc in their bodies. Their complexions quickly turned dark, accompanied by a few miserable howls. They lay on the ground, no breath at all.

It was the palm-sized tuning fork that just appeared out of nowhere, and the high-frequency oscillations were accompanied by a piercing and sharp howling, which suddenly shattered the dual fusion domain of Lin Qi's time and death. It was as if a heavy sledgehammer hit a piece of crystal glass, and Lin Qi clearly heard the loud noise of the smashing of the domain. A swift and sharp impact hit the face, Lin Qi's body shook for a while, and he stepped backwards in a very embarrassing manner, and then he spouted a heavy breath of blood.

The Frozen Demon Realm created by the thirty-six divine art scrolls was also shattered by this tuning fork, but the frozen space of the Frozen Demon Realm was created by the scroll, so Lin Qi was not backlashed. But this time Lin Qi was blasted by the power of the tuning fork, and Lin Qi learned what magical power this humble little tuning fork contained.

This seems to be an extraordinary treasure that has extremely powerful destructive power to all kinds of magic shields, divine power barriers and domains. At least he can easily shatter the dual fusion domains under Lin Qi's cloth, which proves this tuning fork. The extraordinary. Lin Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then stared at the black blood beads.

Dark Blood and the others reunited their bodies. They hovered in the air, staring at Lin Qi, the expression on their faces was already extremely angry. Dark Blood sneered word by word: "You killed our two clansmen, you killed our two most senior scouts, and you also killed one of our capable outsiders! No matter who you are, I swear, you Already a dead person!"

Lin Qi looked at the dark blood as he went along without any movement. He didn't know how many threats and curses he received. If every curse and threat he was taken seriously, he would have been stirred into meat sauce. He turned a deaf ear and continued to rush towards the sealed coffin in the corner of the secret vault.

Dark Blood and the four other clansmen of the Dark Blood clan looked in the direction of Lin Qi's charge. They saw the coffin that had been repeatedly sealed, their eyes lit up suddenly, and they roared at the same time. Dark Blood didn't even look at Lin Qi, and turned into a ball of black lightning, quickly passing Lin Qi and rushing towards the altar.

The four people of the Dark Blood clan turned into a cloud of thick black plasma and soared into the air, then turned into a large black net, and slapped Lin Qi's hood with a whistling sound. Lin Qi's body shook, barely avoiding the chase of the four Dark Blood clansmen, but Dark Blood had already surpassed his body and came to the altar smoothly.

It was only a snap of the time, and Dark Blood rushed into the seal on the altar with a grinning smile. The palm-sized odd-shaped tuning fork was held tightly by Dark Blood, and then accompanied by a sharp cry. The seal composed of dozens of artifacts caused countless layers of small ripples, and then a trace of white cracks appeared on the seal, followed by a loud noise, the seal smashed, and several artifacts of the seal were shaken into pieces. powder.

The black coffin was grabbed by Dark Blood, and then the lid of the coffin was lifted fiercely. With a tone of excitement that could not be contained, Dark Blood yelled towards the existence in the coffin: "Holy Lord Arushiman, you..."

A huge black fist slammed out of the coffin fiercely, and slammed the dark blood front door. The black metal fist was entangled with a layer of black flames. This fist drove the dark blood far away, and also caused a wild explosion on his body. Dark Blood let out a miserable howl, his body shook, a piece of blood was stripped from him with a large flame, and then the remaining plasma recondensed into Dark Blood's body tens of meters away.

Seeing such a sudden change, Lin Qi and the other four members of the Dark Blood clan stopped all their movements at the same time. They all looked at the small coffin in amazement, and watched a dark metal puppet slowly crawl out of the coffin. The shape of this metal puppet resembles a thickened version of a wine barrel. It is clearly the shape of a dwarf king, and the beard on his face is thicker and longer.

The whole body of this metal puppet was covered with a layer of black flame that was half a foot thick. The temperature of the raging flame was not high, but it exuded a breath of danger that made people palpitation. Of course, Lin Qi glanced at this layer of black flame with great dread, while the only five remaining members of the Darkblood clan used flies to see the expressions that were mixed with poisonous shit, and their faces were extremely ugly. Winked.

After Lin Qi's thoughts turned, Hell laughed in a low voice: "Oh? The blood flame of the evil spirits can be extracted with 10,000 kinds of the most filthy blood essence and the most cruel blood sacrifice method! This is the natural enemy of the blood clan. ! Who prepared such a vicious thing here?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree waved its rhizome: "Isn't it you? Among us, except you, we don't have the ability and interest to prepare such a vicious and filthy flame. The blood flame of Wanxie, this thing kills normal life forms If the force is one hundred, then the damage to the Dark Blood clan is more than 10,000. Lin Qi, be careful not to let this flame touch your body, it is too dirty."

Lin Qi's energy was shocked, his muscles tightened. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree faintly commented on the advantages and disadvantages of the blood flame of Wanxie. Even if Lin Qi is invaded by the flame, **** can swallow the flame, and the sweet-scented osmanthus tree can also repair the damage Lin Qi suffered. But the flame was too dirty and filthy. Lin Qi's body was like a vast expanse of snow, sprayed all over by a bucket of foul-smelling ink, and there was no way to see the snow.

Taking a step back subconsciously, Lin Qi laughed mockingly: "Five, are you looking for this metal lump? The respected Darkblood clan encountered the evil blood flames of the evil spirits. I should congratulate you. , Or should I pity you?"

Dark Blood quickly retreated a long distance, and he screamed in disbelief, "The intelligence can't be wrong, Master Arushman should be in this secret vault! Why is this guy? Why? Could it be this **** puppet? We have searched for more than a hundred thousand years, and our intelligence can never be wrong."

The faces of the other Darkblood tribes were also hard to see the extreme. They could only subconsciously retreat step by step as they watched the metal puppet approaching step by step. The strength of this metal puppet is not strong, it is better than the nine metal puppets killed by Lin Qi outside, and probably has the lethality equivalent to the lower level of the upper god. But his material is excellent, and his own defensive power should be equivalent to a high-level **** wearing a main god-level armor. It is not so simple to break through his defense.

If it was Lin Qi, head-to-head with him could still annihilate him, but he was burning with the flames of the evil blood, and the people of the Dark Blood clan wanted to break through his defenses, they would have to take their own lives to fill it. The Dark Blood was sneak attacked just now, and it has consumed a lot of life origin. If such an attack is hit more than ten times, Dark Blood and the others will flee here crying and find a safe place to fall asleep.

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